Friday, October 17, 2008

Heal our land oh God

"I exhort therefore, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (1 Tim. 2:1,2)

Abba, our most holy Father, thank You for our leaders. We pray for all those in authority in the body of Christ, for those in authority in this nation and the world. That Your people may live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in Your sight, as You, LORD, have said "when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked rule, the people mourn." We pray, LORD, that Your people, throughout this whole nation, who are called by Your name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek Your face, and turn from any wicked ways. And we pray for Your forgiveness of our sins and the sin of our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

We pray knowing You will hear from heaven, and will forgive sins, and heal our land. Blessed, loving Father, we pray that You will heal our land. We pray that You will pour Your mercy and grace upon us. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in this nation, and in all the earth, as it is in heaven.


TexanForChrist said...

Keeping you all in my prayers..



Jen said...

Amen to your post, Mike,
and amen to your prayers.


Jen said...

Evening all,
I have a quick (and maybe too late) request....

My parents are visiting this weekend and my mom was just telling me about all her aches/pains and how all the meds she's been taking aren't working or are causing other problems. I listened quietly and then offered to pray with her in the morning. I told her that many of my own 'conditions' were being reversed or had already been removed and that prayer is a powerful tool given to overcome these things. She gave me the "oh, yes I pray about them" but everything coming out of her mouth said she really isn't expecting results. My mom's saved and does walk closely with Jesus, but I'm realizing more and more than it's an immature relationship and she hasn't made any strides into deeper waters in a long time. I also think that she "enjoys" (not the right word) her weaknesses because it makes her feel like she's suffering for the Lord and persevering in spite of these troubles and trials. It's a bit of a martyr mentality and I don't know if she'd willingly give it up. But I offered to pray and I want to represent well! I'll go with the Holy Spirit's words, but I thought I'd ask for any helpful input on the subject before I head to bed.

If nothing else, would you join me in prayer as I try to reach her with a new Scriptural perspective on the authority of the believer and what that can "look like" in the here and now?

Thank you all....I love and appreciate you so much :-)


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, I am agreeing with you in that prayer and passing it on to others who don't blog here. This prayer needs to be shared with a whole lot of people.

Grace, praying for your momma and you. Cannot help but feel deeply about her medical conditions and the terrible diagnosis and prognosis.

Jen, let the Holy Spirit lead you totally and I would say, pray in the Holy Spirit prior to praying with her. You already know this but I feel influenced to remind you, the Holy Spirit knows the tender spots in your Mother's heart and he knows how to speak to her there. A gentle word and a kindness that comes from him always is a blessing to the hearer and receiver of God's Good Word.

Grany (I will be praying for you both)

Marge said...

Remember Jesus often asked, Will you be made whole/healed?

Sometimes a person really should think about it, before they pray.

Well, will they be made whole/healed?

Just a thought that popped into my spirit.

Often people pray without thinking thru to the desired result. It's kinda like, it sure would be nice.

But, also consider, another thing Jesus is recorded saying. According to your faith, be it done unto you.

Has your Mother been properly taught to receive healing? Is she backing up her prayers with the promises of God? Is she standing in faith to believe that she receives healing?

Just a few questions people should go over, and consider, before they pray.

Jen said...

Hi Marge & Grany,
Thanks so much for your advice...I will spend time today on these matters. Hopefully I can gather some Scripture to send home with her that directly addresses these health/healing topics.
My parents are both long-time Christians, but they haven't moved into the deeper layers of faith. I hadn't either, until I started fellowshipping here and at Joels. There is an overriding belief that Christians bear the weights of the fallen world, trust God to help them daily and wait for the perfection and wholeness to arrive once we enter Heaven. So telling her that she can have much of that wholeness here and now will be like me telling her I'm from the planet Mars. She's not going to believe it but hopefully I can get her thinking more deeply about what the Word has to say on the subject and not just me.
When I read Hagin's book on tongues and he explained how he had to make that shift from the denominational way of thinking, I can totally relate. It's scary to leave those ideas behind because they've been with you so long. But I always knew there was something "more" to faith, I just didn't know where to find it. I hope to get my mom searching that out as well. I've prayed for months now that my parents have teachable spirits because that's what I see lacking. They think they've reached the most there is to know about our walk this side of Heaven.

My planned prayer time with her this morning didn't happen because of a family tragedy....sigh.
Our cat Zeke got sick Thurs. afternoon and I took him to the vet yesterday morning. He checked out fine, just a virus the dr. said. I went to check on him this morning and he had died overnight. So my morning was spent getting things done to take care of him so the kids weren't aware (we want them to enjoy the weekend with their grandparents). Now we have to watch the brother cat to see if he gets something. We adopted them after our last cat died (at 2 years old!) of a stroke. Now they're 6, so he wasn't elderly at all and it's quite a shock to us. But part of me has peace about it as well because I've had this concern about our pets after the rapture. Now I know at least 1 won't be left here without us.

OK - gotta run. We're going to sneak out to the vets to take Zeke for burial. I'll try to check in later, but might not have time til early next week.

Love to all,

Jen said...

Hello friends,
Well, the saga continues. We had a nice day yesterday in spite of the loss of Zeke (kids don't know yet...probably later this week we'll have a family talk when things are back into routine.) Any advice on how to frame the discussion? I don't want them to have worries about going to the dr. or about God "taking" people and animals to Heaven (at age 3, I think that sounds like being taken against your will...not sure they'd process that clearly.)

We always have a big brunch on Sunday before my parents head home, but this morning I woke to find that my mom had been attacked by a stomach bug and had been in the bathroom since 5AM. So I spent the morning taking care of her and trying to keep the kids away (very sad when they were already aware that Grammy was going home and then couldn't get close to her...) They left around 10AM so I'll spend the day cleaning up the house and Lysoling everything, too!

I did get a chance to search for a website with healing and authority Scriptures so I can continue the conversation with Mom later. I found a really good one at I'm going to print it and keep it handy, maybe keep a copy in my purse for quick reference, too.

How is everyone else doing? Mike, how's Shannon? I think of her often.

Gotta run while the kids are occupied.
Love you all!


Jen said...

Morning friends :-)

I was reading Habakkuk today and wanted to dig into it more...seems so full of prophetic messages, but I'm not sure if the application is for our time. Any suggestions?

Hoping everyone's week is off to a good and Godly start :-) Quiet here for a change! My parents got home fine and mom is feeling much better. Praise Father for that answered prayer.

I'll stop by later,

Marge said...

Good morning, back at you :)

Habakkuk, huh? That sounds like Grany, or John, to me :) Although I enjoy the study of Bible prophecy, I have only read Daniel, Revelation, for the most part. To get into the minor prophets takes more insight into a lot deeper study of prophecy. (which isn't my dept, LOL!) Interesting studies, though. However, along with hearing (or reading) teaching on the subject, you're going to hear different slants as to what the scripture means, and where it applies to God's timing, etc. That's when my eyeballs begin to roll, and I go back to hearing teaching about Faith and Healing :)

Praise God about your Mom's health being better!
Good news, indeed!

Have a great day, everyone, and keep in a spirit of prayer for this upcoming election, and for our land being healed.

campsmore said...

Praying for you all....

I'm thinking about giving up my blue blogging.... any thoughts?

campsmore said...

Are you ready for something beautiful?

Impacting prayer

He loves us

Great Grany 5 said...

LORI, thank you for the special links. I really enjoyed them greatly and I so appreciate you sharing them with us. You asked about stop doing the blue links and I know how much work is involved with it. It is a blessing to just click on them but that just means I am lazy and do it the easy way. You have to use your own judgment on it Twinkle Toes. I know that everyone really uses them but if it is eating up your time and energy to the point that it is becoming a chore instead of a joy, then I say take a vacation for awhile or even retire. They are greatly appreciated and so are you but if there are things that you need to do that will bless and allow you to share the gospel, well you know the answer.

I did a bunch of digging today in trying to run down a report that I have had on my desk for some time and I came into contact with all kinds of people and in visiting checking things, the topic of the upcoming elections ALWAYS came up. I was really surprised that so many of the generic class of people are not buying into the Obama drama. I wasn't dealing with just Christians but from all over the spectrum of people. They are all concerned about the money situation, the dangers of the Islamist group and also, the dead beats in Congress. They are not pointing the fingers at the State Government but it is all Federal. One lady said she was ready to send everyone of them packing and bring in a whole new bunch and none over the age of 50. She is my age and it about floored me. She is a very well respected person in the State and is also a Democrat. She said that as far as she was concerned she would never watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC OR NBC again. That their true mission for this country was made clear and they would be the ones responsible for it's destruction when it comes. I don't know what her church affiliation is but the subject didn't come up in her conversation. As I was getting ready to say good bye, I said, we need to be praying for our nation and she said "Most assuredly". I was really surprised at her response. This lady has never had a tender heart toward Christian witnesses and has fought tooth and toenail over the manager scene at the Public Library every year.

So, people, don't get discouraged. God is using all of this climate to woo the hearts of those people who have turned a deaf ear to his message in the past. Maybe Obama is the USA's King Saul in disguise. The Jews demanded a king so they could be like the other nations and tribes. God was their source and they wanted something different. So, God sent Samuel to anoint Saul who was taller than most Jewish people and very handsome. It wasn't because Saul was God's choice, it was because the people had rebelled against God and wouldn't have it any other way.

For the past 8 years, we have heard and some have even participated in the character assassination of President Bush. Even though he has provided the leadership to keep the terrorist out of this nation and protected us from the threats, the liberal media and politicians and everyone who ran with that crowd have attacked him and demanded something different. Now are prayers are going to play a big part in deciding what the outcome of this election is going to be. Either we repent for our hateful ways and destroying an honest man or good will be a thing we will long for everyday of our remaining lives.

The choice is ours so let's make the most of it and get on the Lord's side.


Jen said...

Hi Lori & Grany,

Lori - I love having the blue links so easily accessible, and like Grany said, it's laziness on my side that would say 'keep going!' but I do know how too many irons in the fire can create unwanted burdens so if it's too time-consuming, by all means, please let it go by the wayside.
I would, however, love to hear what websites we all visit on a regular basis to gather these items....I am always looking for new sources where I can find trustworthy and "3rd lense" perspectives, to quote from our Joel.

Grany, good words of encouragement...thanks for sharing! I had 2 similar proofs in my own family this past week. My dad said to hubby that he's disgusted with the whole bunch (meaning politicians) and they're all driving us down the path to socialism. Now we aren't sure if he was criticizing the Dems outright or lumping them all together. If he was speaking in disgust of the Dems, that would be a major shift for him because my family on both parents' sides are longtime Dems and I was raised that way until I start to shift in my mid 20s. It's small-town Dem thinking which I've come to understand is MUCH different than urban or federal Dem thinking, but when you never leave the confines of that small town, you don't realize how far your beliefs are from what the real power people believe. In my small town, being a Dem simply meant you were either a teacher or farmer. The Reps were those in business or banking. Simple as that. It had nothing to do with faith or moral issues. Those were a given as most families (until the last decade or so) were churchgoing people. Anyway, if my dad was casting dispersions against his party it would be a real surprise. I've been praying fervently for them to 'see the light' and get outside that rural way of thinking as they get ready to vote. My mom had an Obama/Biden button on her purse that I was thinking of covertly replacing with a McCain/Palin button and hoping she'd take it as a sign from God! LOL! I know they think I've committed high treason since I married into a Rep family, but things are so different now in terms of political affiliation that I can't imagine ever going back. I have to remember that I have the benefit of living outside 2 major cities in the past 12 years while they've still lived in the same small town for the past 35 years. Truly a world of difference.

Also, today Bob and I were talking about something to do with the kids being teenagers. He said, "I'll worry about that later, unless the Lord comes for us first." I nearly fell off my chair! To this point, he has poo-pooed my talk about the Rapture happening in our lifetime and although he's started to humor me when I talk more about it, he has given no indication that he agreed with me in any way. So for him to say that was quite a leap. Another answer to prayer appearing as I've been praying for unity in our marriage on that very crucial topic. I hear others talking about sharing the rapture ready view with their spouse and I wonder at how reassuring that must feel! I have to choose my battles on the subject, but perhaps it won't be long til we can be of the same spirit on that matter.

In other news, no one in our house has caught that awful virus that my mom had Sunday morning...I put up a strong wall of Scripture that day and am so thankful we were kept...don't want to even think about stomach bugs with 3 3-year olds :-) And we explained to the kids tonight about our kitty Zeke going to live now in Heaven where he is completely healthy and happy. They took it really well and so far haven't shown any indication of being worried about going to the doctor or God "taking" the cat from us, which were 2 things I thought they might be confused about. So that is another blessing we praise our Father for.

Well, we've got a long day tomorrow...going to Great-Grany's apartment at the retirement center to trick-or-treat the folks there. She always gets 50 or more people gathered to see the kids, so we'll probably come away with some loot! I'll post some pix at my blog in the coming days.

Love to all and goodnight!

TexanForChrist said...


Might want to make some warm milk (or xanex) for Jim, the market is suppose to free fall this afternoon. European and Asia markets were all down nearly 10%.

I pray everyone is well, Shannon is coming home this evening from school and plans to do her very first voting.

Maranatha <><


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, we just barely survived but God was merciful to us, as always. I got up praying, stayed praying and then about 2 p.m. our time, the Lord reminded me that Praise was really what he wanted. He already knew the needs but his needs are Praise and Worship. So, I started recounting all of the blessings that Jim has been to me and my family over the years. SUDDENLY! The fear left (well not really fear, more like dread) and I started getting into the whole atmosphere of Thank you Father and Praise Your Name. All of sudden it didn't really matter what the market was doing because I know that we are sheltered in the shadow of the Almighty and though we will see a thousand on the right hand side and 10 thousand on the left be destroyed, it will not come close to us. We are Sheltered and no lying, thieving, killing demon from Hell can near us. We are the righteousness of Christ and His Blood is covering us. If the door to the Wall Street Market is closed then God will open up a whole new survival camp and we will dwell in the presence of the Lord forever.

What more can anyone ask for? If I get hungry, my Father owns the cattle on thousands of hills and he will provide me with good food and I shall not be suffered to beg. I know that my Father also loves his people to have Fat Bones and I got 'em.

Love you all and thank you for your prayers


Marge said...

Ps. 23: 5 comes to mind :)

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."

And let's, surely, not forget verse 6, which says:

"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."


I like what one Revivalist said once. He likened "goodness and mercy" to angels, for an illustration. He said, "Goodness and Mercy" followed him every where he went :)
I liked that, and have thought about it often. Especially in times of uncertainity.

Praise is the highest form of prayer!
(Kenneth E. Hagin brought that out)
When we begin to praise, it breaks the power of the evil one over our lifes. It puts the angels of God to work on our behalf, and brings faith alive in our hearts and also the situation we're experiencing.

Ps. 107: 8 says,

"Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"


Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

God IS good, and good all the time!

And remember, to praise the Lord! (TBN doesn't have a "lock" on that one, LOL!)

boatman909 said...

Amen Grany,

God is SO Good!!

For the last while (since last winter...) we have been talking to Father about getting another car.

During the summer, I set my sights on a Pontiac Montana minivan....I was thinking a 2004-5 model with low mileage (<50K miles).... I liked the look of the extended wheelbase model (EWB), with 7 seats...

Our present car was getting very long in the tooth (c 150K miles on the clock), and there was so much needing doing to it it wasn't really worth anything - the critical factor was not having any air conditioning or heating working, and going into winter I was not too excited about going to work in a freezing car, especially since I couldn't even get it to de-mist the windscreen....

Anyway, just after I started my new job a month ago (its great!!! - thank you Father!!), someone at work was advertising for someone to take over the lease of their father-in-law's car (he passed away unexpectedly in September). They were so desperate to get rid of the vehicle, they were willing to pay C$4000 cash to the person assuming the lease payments.

Guess what? It was a 2008 Pontiac Montana EWB - with less than 1800 miles on the clock. The owner had been a GM employee, so had benefited from all the employee discounts, resulting in a very low lease payment.

We have now had the car for a week - it's gorgeous, and drives beautifully, and has heating!!! Talk about getting something above and beyond what I could ask for!! (Note: I did, during the summer, wistfully ask Father if we might have a nearly new car, say 1 - 2 years old - I really didn't expect an almost new one!)

Again, God is GOOD!! - He knows what we need, and seems to take delight in giving us the desires of our hearts....

Hope this blesses someone...


boatman909 said...


Your last comment made me laugh - our Bible School Dean told us that when he was a young boy, he thought that this meant he could have Shirley, Goodness and Mercy chasing after him!! And then proceeded to run round the auditorium where he was teaching, pretending three ladies were after him!!


Great Grany 5 said...

Thank you my precious friends! I needed all of your comments. My goodness, God has really been showing out for all hasn't he. I am so very thankful for the blessings that we have everyday and then to hear of your wonderful prayers and fruit of your prayers brings great joy to me. John, what a wonderful answer to prayer but also to your faith in a very gracious and loving Father who hears and provides. I just have to say it out for the whole world can see it! No one can do me like Jesus Can and no one knows me like Abba does.

God is working in our household big time and all of this is truly bringing my hubby closer and closer to a real relationship with our Savior! Oh, the joy that floods my soul just thinking about what the last 2 days have produced. I will share later on because I do not want to give the enemy any grounds to sow discord. But just trust me, it is all so very good.

I can feel the joy and laughter building up in my heart and even to the very depths of my being. I keep getting this urge to "Shout to the Lord, All the earth. I sing for joy at the works of your hands, forever I will love you and forever I will stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in You! My Jesus, my saviour , lord there is none like you, all of my days, I want to say, the wonders of your mighty love. You are my comfort, shepherd, tower of comfort and strenth, forever I will love you and forever I'll stand.

I have decided this

Marge said...

What a wonderful praise report! God IS GOOD!!!

Even though God knows what we need? Because of the curse, and satan being the present god of this world, we need to ask God for what we need. Otherwise God would be unfair, answering, without us asking. (satan stole the earth lease from Adam, in the Garden.) That's why Jesus said, to come to the Father and ask, in His (Jesus) name.

Also asking for what we need, in terms of being specific, is a huge plus, too. Because if you pray for nothing in general, how would you know if you ever received it?

Kinda like the saying, that goes something like this:

Blessed is he/she who asks for nothing in general,
Because they will never be disapointed.

Pretty silly. And yet, oftentimes we (me, included!) go to the Lord, and ask Him to bless us. I wonder if God ever asks Jesus, "what do they need, anyway?" (not that He wouldn't know) Jesus may smile, and say, "that the angels are waiting to minister to/for us, but we haven't given them an assignment yet. And that they (our angels) are getting pretty bored waiting around, with their arms folded." Both the Father and Jesus sigh. "Well, we told them to ask."
Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit is on earth, with our angels, waiting for us to ask, the Father, in Jesus name, for what we need.

Angels respond to God's Word. So, it's equally important to confess God's Word, while we're waiting for an answer to prayer, after we've prayed. Also, (as Grany mentioned) offering the sacrifice of praise, to God, before we "see" the answer manifest into the material world is essential.

Anyway, a few thoughts today, on prayer.

Love to all! Pray for me, I need it! What for? Grace at work.
Thanks! (my Manager is getting cranky again :(

"As for you, and your house, both you and Jim, Will serve the Lord!"
Call it a done deal, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Jen said...

Hi friends :-)
So good to see everyone posting today. And great encouragement, too.
John, that's great news about the car! Isn't it amazing to see (after the fact) how God was going about with the details to arrange the answer to prayer? Makes we excited to think about what He's working on right now for us :-)

I really needed to read your words as it was one of those straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back kind of days. Nothing major in itself, just lots of stuff piling on without any relief or refreshment. The final blow was a cracked tooth, my second since August. And I've used up all my insurance coverage til January, so getting it fixed would be over $1000 out of pocket. After a 15 minute pity party, I turned to prayer and asked God to provide either a healed tooth or the needed funds to cover the cost of repair. Just after that I read your praise reports and I went back and spent some time thanking God for all the wonderful things about teeth and the blessings that He has given us in regards to our dental health, insurance, etc. Bob came into the room expecting to see me in tears or ready to jump down his throat, but instead I was grinning and giggling.

Speaking of hubby, he and I had yet another really good conversation about the state of our country/the world/the church, etc. and he's really coming around to having an open heart about the nearness of the rapture and other related subjects. He admitted he's in that stage of not wanting to miss out on the things that he's had in mind to experience...milestones with the kids, plans for his career and our later years. I shared with him our discussion on the 10 virgins and he really paid attention to it. I asked him to promise me that when we hear the shout and trumpet, he'll answer the call affirmatively! Pastor Skip Heitzig had a sermon a few months ago about why citizens of a country should be excited to see and greet their president/king/leader and as Christians we should be excited about the thought of meeting Jesus, not worried about things that are of this temporary home. I mentioned that as well and it gave him lots to chew on til we talk again.

One last thing...anyone notice the latest Scripture being discussed at the cave? Habakkuk...Hmmmmmm...


Jen said...

PS. Forgot to mention an article I read today about Sarah Palin...
I think it was on FOxNews site. It basically said that "inside sources" were starting to say that she is going more and more 'rogue' - not following the party lines, not getting along with her 'handlers' and becoming a diva, focused more on her aspirations in 2012 than winning now. I have no idea if any of the report is true, but it occurred to me that perhaps if Satan isn't having success undermining her from across the isle and within the media, maybe he's starting to attack her from within her own party. More than ever, pray pray pray. Going to do that right now.


Marge said...

It is good to see more comments, isn't it? I love it!

However, we do need to pray for Sarah Palin. Maybe not the way you think, too. Because I have the sense that she says, what people want to hear her say :( I'm not at all convinced that she would stand up under a crisis/persecution.
I hope I'm wrong. But whatever the truth is, we need to be in a spirit of prayer for the woman, along with the upcoming elections.

Great Grany 5 said...

Just got this from Fox News and decided to post it here after Anne posted something similar at the Cave.
Report: U.S. Troops Attack Syrian Town on Iraqi Border

Sunday , October 26, 2008

DEVELOPING: U.S. military helicopters attacked an area along Syria's border with Iraq Sunday, causing casualties, Syrian state TV and witnesses said.

The television report quoted unnamed Syrian officials and said the area is near the Syrian border town of Abu Kamal. It gave no other details.

Local residents told The Associated Press by telephone that two helicopters carrying U.S. soldiers raided a farm in Hwijeh village, 10 miles inside Syria's border, killing seven people and wounding five others. One of the witnesses said five of the dead were from a single family.

The residents refused to allow their names to be given because they feared they would be harassed by authorities.

The U.S. military in Baghdad had no immediate comment.

The area is near the Iraqi border city of Qaim, which had been a major crossing point for fighters, weapons and money coming into Iraq to fuel the Sunni insurgency.

Iraqi insurgents seized Qaim in April 2005, forcing U.S. Marines to recapture the town the following month in heavy fighting. The area became secure only after Sunni tribes in Anbar turned against Al Qaeda in late 2006 and joined forces with the Americans."

Marge said...

No doubt about it.
We're living in the end, of the end, of the Day of Grace.

boatman909 said...

For all of those who would like to see what a conservative (with a little 'c') journalist from England says about the US elections, see here

She has some very alarming observations (at least they seem that way). My personal take is that she is, unfortunately, correct.

Food for thought and prayer - that God's man would get the job.


LisaShaw said...


I located your blog via a comment you left for a woman who was threatning to leave the church due to the conflict with Christians in this election on the Frontline blog. I will have to return and read more of your blog but I agree with your prayer listed here and we have been praying diligently in the same manner for many years -- TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY and God bless you.

Lisa Shaw

Marge said...

Welcome! Come and join us, please :)

This is one blog, that was set up, when Joel Rosenberg closed the comment section of his blog. So, I hope you're also interested in the study of the end times, news, and the rapture of the church :)

Thanks for visiting us, and come again soon!

Love in Jesus,

LisaShaw said...

Marge, thank you for the welcome and I also received your comment on my blog and responded to you there.

I have seen Joel R. books but have not read them. We have read the series of the Left Behind Books and many other Christian books. I believe people need to be prepared for the End Times while also being taught how to live out the Christian life on earth while sharing the Gospel of our Lord with others so that they too can BELIEVE so I look forward to revisiting your blog as well. I googled and read Joel's website. Last Days looks interesting so I'll have to purchase that.

I'll revisit soon. The Lord bless and keep you and your readers in Jesus Name. Amen!


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Quick prayer request...
We got hit with a computer virus tonight and it scrambled all kinds of stuff on the harddrive. So far nothing of major importance has been detected as gone, but I did lose my email address book and saved email folders. I'm going to call comcast tomorrow and see if those can be retrieved. Also, all my hundreds of favorited websites were moved to another location so I have to go back and click on each one individually to re-save them as favorites. Again, nothing major lost, but lots of tedious reorganizing ahead. Just praying that things got cleaned up quickly and nothing else is lurking.
I consider our computer and internet hookup a blessing and one I'm not about to let go of for enemy consumption. I get so much food and fellowship across these lines and I'm not too fond of starving so I'll be laying hands on the machine tonight, too! LOL!


LisaShaw said...

Good morning,

Wilma I thank you very much for the comment you left on my blog. I wrote a response to you there.

I pray that all of you have a day filled with the presence, peace, protection and provision of our LORD and may we each submit ourselves to the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT so that our lives are continously used to bring honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. Good day.

Thank you for the opportunity to share.

Great Grany 5 said...

Good God's morning everyone! I am still in the process of processing everything through my still sleepy body this morning. This cool weather really makes me a lazy bones and once my quivering has stopped I'll get with the plans of God for me today. We had our first heavy frost Monday night and last night was a little colder. But it was so beautiful outside this morning and looked like someone had sprinkled diamonds all over everything. The sun shining on them at the lowest horizon sent the most glorious sparkles over everything. It was breath taking, to say the least.

Marge invited a very precious Child of God to our gathering and I got really curious because I haven't seen Marge this excited in a long time. So, I visited Lisa A. Shaw's blog also and WOW! now I know why Lil Marge was so affected.

LISA A.SHAW a great big WELCOME to the group! I want to tell you that your blog did more to bolster my joy, peace and commitment than anything I have done except studying the Word of God. You are a delight and your delight comes from the very bosom of God. Thank you so very much for putting all of your foundation out there. I felt like I was at the Golden Buffet of Heaven just reading your material and it is a very rich blessing.

Welcome to the group, again and stay awhile or for that matter, until Jesus calls us home. We have things we are supposed to be doing until then and we need each other in order to accomplish all that God has ordained us to do.

Now JEN, I would like to suggest something that might help you avoid that same kind of thing in the future. Google has Firefox as a browser and instead of all your info being stored on your hard drive, it is all kept online at Google. You could have all of your email on Gmail and it would be saved. Your Bookmarks (Favorites on IE), History and special links would be saved on Google also. But you can be a lot safer on Firefox than IE all of the time. I have had some problems with how I was connected by SBC Global that caused our email problems just a few days ago but now that I have that all worked out, no more problems.

I know it is a real pain to get used to another browser but I just got tired of all the attacks on my computer.

Have a great day and I'll be praying that the restructuring will be full of blessings also.


Jen said...

Thanks for the info, Grany.
I'll pass it along to Bob. He handles our computer stuff.
I had a wonderful surprise tonight when I finally made it to the keyboard....every single thing that was missing/scrambled from last night has been restored. Can't explain it, but I know where I'm directing my thank-yous!

Now that the tech stress is over, we can move on to the World Series. Poor Bob has been waiting since 1980 for a championship team in the city. I'm a transplant so I don't feel it like the natives do, but you can sense the tension around here tonight!


LisaShaw said...

Greetings Wilma,

Thank you again for the beautiful welcome. May God be glorified in all that we each say and do.

I pray a wonderful, peaceful and productive day for everyone. May our day(s) be led by the LORD.(Psalm 25:4-5)

God bless.

Grace said...

I would like to ask you to all pray for my mom. Her liver is failing and she is bedridden at this point.

She is not doing well. She was back in the hospital with pneumonia.

When she was there her regular doctor was finally able to come talk with her. She told her concretely that she only had a matter of months to live. I am trusting that she will be here until God says so.

She is home now and I talk with her on the phone everyday. It is really hard for her to talk. It seems like we just have very surface conversations.

We have planned a trip down there (She lives in California and I live in Wa State) leaving Nov 22nd. That is the first opportunity all 5 of our family have to get time off at the same time.

I really need discernment to know if I need to bag the plans and go earlier. She does not know the Lord and has been resistant to any talk about Jesus being the way to eternal life.

...Lord, please work a spiritual miracle in her heart! Please give her physical comfort as she goes through this. Oh how I need Your guidance, direction and anointing...

Thank you!


PS: Jen, those tech things can be so stressful. I really freaked when that happened to me and I could not find my friends in Christ online! So glad to hear it is resolved.

Lisa, a warm welcome to you! I have been to your website and it is wonderful!


Thank you for the articles you have been sending me!


How is Jim doing with the roller coaster ride? How are you? Thanks always for your encouraging faith.

LisaShaw said...

Heavenly Father,

We love and adore You and we are humbled by the opportunity to pray for Grace's mother. We lift her up to You and ask that You would touch her heart through the power of Your Holy Spirit that she would confess with her mouth and believe in her heart that Jesus Christ is HER Lord.

In JESUS name, we come against every distraction of the enemy in her life. Every confusion and lie that he has spoken to keep her from believing -- we stand against it in the name of JESUS our LORD and Savior!

We pray for her spiritual healing as we also pray for her physical healing. Heal her Lord and she shall be healed. Save her Lord and she shall be saved. Praise the Lord!

We pray for comfort and peace for the entire family. We ask for wisdom for Grace to make decisions based on the leading of Your Holy Spirit. When she sees her Mother or speaks with her on the phone we pray for the boldness and power of the Holy Spirit that Grace can speak exactly what You would have her to say to her precious Mother and that her Mother would be receptive in the Name of Jesus.

As Your children Father we all stand as a prayer shawl around her Mother and we believe You Father for Your will to be done. We ask for her salvation and healing unto Your glory Father for You alone are worthy to receive it! We thank You Father for hearing our prayers. We love you so much our hearts are full. Our tears flow as we are constantly reminded of Your faithfulness. We bow our heads, hearts and homes before You as we stand in awe of Your unconditional love and mercy. We love you and we pray together in the Name of our precious and mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Praise the LORD!
God bless you all.

campsmore said...

Wow! Lisa, you can pray for me anytime!

Praise the Lord!

We need to lift my friend Lisa up in prayer. She called me from the hospital this morning. She's been admitted.

They told her she has a bladder infection and a twisted bowel. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I don't know what course of action is necessary, but I do know one thing, prayer changes everything...

Christ is KING!!!!!!

LisaShaw said...

Precious Father,

In Jesus Name we come again before Your throne lifting up Lisa for healing from the bladder infection and the twisted bowels. We pray for Your hand and wisdom to guide the doctors in her care. We pray for Your Holy Spirit to minister to the needs of her body. We pray for comfort and strength for her and where she may be afraid or anxious we speak the PEACE OF GOD WHICH TRANCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING to guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Please have Your way Father and we thank You that by the stripes of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Lisa was healed! Glory to Your Name. We love you with our whole hearts and thank You for hearing our prayers for Lisa in Jesus Name. Amen! Amen!

***We stand together for your friends needs and we know that NOTHING is impossible with our GOD! Nothing!

Marge said...

In total agreement, according to Matt. 18:19, with Lisa's prayers.

God bless you, my sister!

Thank you, Jesus, for sending Lisa to our blog, and to our lifes!

God is good, and good all the time!

You are so very welcome.

Have a wonderful day, and keep praising the Lord!

LisaShaw said...

Greetings Marge,

I too thank our Lord for joining our hearts (all of us) as one in Him. God bless you too and I pray your day is peaceful and productive as we keep Jesus first.

On my bathroom mirror are the words I wrote: Keep JESUS first. It's a daily reminder and every time I wash the mirror I re-write the words. When we seek FIRST His Kingdom and His rigtheousness he adds everything else to our lives that we stand in need of. Praise the LORD!

campsmore said...

Lisa called me and the doctors told her she needs surgery tomorrow am.

I told her not to worry because everyone was praying for her.

Her husband was against her even going to the hospital. He's still mad knowing she's going to have surgery. They don't have the best relationship.

She's a believer and he's not. They have a 15 year old son. AJ is the their son. He's the one who had a near drowning last year that God healed.

Thanks again for all your prayers.

Grace said...


Thank you so much for the beautiful, eloquent prayer! It was so beautiful that I had to read it to my best friend and prayer partner. Thank you all for joining me in prayer for my mom's salvation. I am asking the Lord for it in hopeful expectation.

They are admitting my mom back to the hospital today. I called her doctor yesterday (and he was kind enough to give me his cell phone number if I need to call)and he said that she needs to be in the hospital long enough to get stabilized.

The hospital down there has failed to do that. Her doctor works out of the Bay area and wants her to come down there to be hospitalized. We are hoping that after he gets her blood work they transport her by ambulance.

I am very encouraged because her doctor said that although she is a very sick woman that she is not at the critical stage yet which means I have time to get down there.

The love between my mom and I right now is fuller than it has been since I first met her when I was 16 years old (long story). I thank Jesus for that. I claim her for the Kingdom of God and thank Him that nothing can prevail over His plan for her.


Grace said...


I am praying for Lisa. I remember all that with AJ and what a miracle that was!


Great way to remind yourself to put Jesus first.


Where are you freind? Sure love you!


LisaShaw said...

Grace - I continue to stand with you and everyone in faith-filled prayer for your precious Mother. You mentioned that you and your Mother have become closer then ever before since you were reunited - at times, as I'm sure you know, the Lord permits certain situations for SPECIFIC reasons. You may not know just how vital your love, prayers and care toward your Mother at this time is DOING in her life as well as your own. We often view illness as something awful but in the midst our LORD can do some amazing 'healing' and 'reconciling' of our hearts one with another. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.

Lori - I continue to stand with you and everyone praying for your friend Lisa and the surgery she is having. I will now pray for the salvation of her husband as well and the restoring of their marriage the way GOD has designed it to be.

May GOD have His way!

As I write to all of you precious children of God a Scripture has come to my heart that I'd like to leave with you to encourage you and myself as we go forth with courage in serving the LORD:

Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

God bless you all and have a peaceful and productive day/weekend.

Great Grany 5 said...

Good God's Morning everyone! It is absolutely toe tingling beautiful here in Okieland and oh, my! You can see Abba's handiwork everywhere. I love Fall/Autumn and this one is 1st place in God showing off his workmanship.

I added a whole bunch of special RSS feeds last night after dinner and didn't realize there was a limit on how many I could have on my homepage. Well, it crowded off my link here and about 3 of my other favorite ones. So, I enlarged my tent pegs and just now taking a break from all of it.

Hubby has to make an emergency dentist call in a few minutes and then we go vote at the court house which is really great. His eye surgery is election day and we won't be able to cast our ballots at the regular precinct. My friend at the court house said that the line to vote early wrapped around 2 full city blocks and everyone was priming their pumps with strong coffee. But this group of people are unique in that most of them are related and they have had so much fun visiting that everyone is in a great mood. Relieved to be getting their ballots cast and shedding the stress of one more decision. I wish the TV cameras would record the scene because these people are great. Cowboys and cowgirls, lawyers, dentists, policemen, waitresses, cooks, moms and dads, college students and 1st time voters who attend school elsewhere. They are all in unity to vote! How they vote is private and should be. What they believe in they share and laugh and hold each other high over it. But, they really do love one another and it is good! So Good! I wonder if Abba is smiling over this one?

Love you all and Lisa Shaw, I too loved your prayer and join you in it. God is great, wonderful and Holy and I can never thank Him enough for sharing his son with me too.

Everyone have a great day! We are off to the dentist.


Marge said...

In agreement, with all requested prayers :)

Keep confessing the Word of God!

I keep thanking the Lord for you, and your input here!

This IS the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
(even though it's raining and gloomy, here in western WA. :)
I know that above those clouds and rain, it's sunny! (somwewhere :)

Let's all keep in a spirit of prayer for our National/State elections.
May God continue to have mercy upon America.

John and Mike,
You guys have been pretty quiet for some time :) Come and join us more often, okay?

Be sure to let us know about the operation, okay?

Love to all!
Have a wonderful day, and enjoy the presense of the Holy Spirit.

LisaShaw said...

Greetings Marge,

Thank you for making me feel welcome. I'm praying for all of you. I was checking back to see if there was any update on Lisa's surgery or Grace's Mother. I won't be online as much this weekend but I will check back.

God bless all of you and keep you in His care.


Grace said...

Thank you Lisa for following up and thank you all so much for your prayers.

Well, the news was not what I wanted to hear this afternoon.

They admitted my mom to a hospital in Ukiah Ca and her blood work came back much worse than her reg. doctor thought it would.

I talked with the ER doctor this afternoon and he said she is really failing and she may not even go home.

As soon as my husband gets home tonite we are going to decide what to do.

We have a trip planned for November 22nd but that is off the board for now.

We may fly down tomorrow and stay for as long as we can.

My husband's work schedule does not allow for much time away, but I can take as much as I need to.

I really covet your prayers that God guide us as to what we are to do as far as timing and travel.

Mostly, please pray for a supernatural intervention of the Lord on her behalf and that she accept salvation provided for her through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Much love,


Marge said...

Thank you for your prayers, for all of us.

Please include my 38 year old son, Bob, in prayer. He has had two back surgeries, and is having more back pain. Today he went into urgent care, and they gave him a shot in his hip for the pain.

Thank you all so very much for your prayers!

You know, I was led to take Holy Communion this evening.

Perhaps along with prayers of intercession for your Mother, you may be led to also take Communion?
And continue to praise the Lord for your Mother's salvation.

Let's all stay in a spirit of prayer, for our needs, and for our nation, amen? Amen.

campsmore said...

I spoke with Lisa's husband tonight. Lisa might be coming home tomorrow. Her husband said the doctors were able to straighten her intestines out during the colonoscopy! How rare is that?

I'll go visit her tomorrow if possible.

praying for Graces' mom and Bob.


Marge said...

Praise God!

Prayer changes things, amen? Amen.

Grace said...


That is beautiful! I will do that if I can work that out.


Today when I prayed for Lisa, I could see that thing untwisting!!!!!! I kid you not! I am not surprised a bit! I am wondering if it was associated with stress?

We are renting a car and leaving at 5AM and I may be down there all week. We are doing that so my oldest daughter can go too. Sooooo expensive to fly and then we still would have to rent a car.

Thank you for all of your prayers and I pray that my mom comes into the kingdom.

I cherish you all so much!
I will talk with you next week.


Marge said...

Go with God.

And may God bless your trip. Give you traveling mercies. And soften your Mother's heart, to receive His precious gift of salvation.

LisaShaw said...

Good Morning Family in Christ,

Lori - I am rejoicing in the LORD that all is worked out for Lisa. God is so faithful!

Grace - You are probably already on your way with your family to your precious Mother. I continue, and have involved my husband in praying with all of you for her SALVATION IN JESUS NAME. May your trip be safe and may this be a new beginning for your Mother. I believe something great is going to happen on this trip. Amen!

Marge - I join in with all of you in praying for your son Bob. My family understands about back situations.

Heavenly Father,

Great and Mighty are You and awesome are all Your ways. We come before You Father and ask in Jesus Name for Your touch upon Bob's back. You know His need. You know His pain and we know that You are Jehovah Rapha our Healer so we ask by faith and with hearts of praise for Your will to be done not only with Bob's physical healing but in all areas of His life.

We again thank You for what You've done for Lisa's body and we praise You continously for what we know You are doing in Grace's Mother's heart and body. May Your love, peace, wisdom, comfort and strength go with her and her family as they travel to her Mother and we thank You that the Holy Spirit is ministering even now to her Mother's heart in preparation to receive Jesus Christ as HER LORD AND SAVIOR.Hallelujah!! Thank you LORD! We bless Your Name and are humbled by Your love and mercy in our lives.

I speak a special blessing and divine favor over Marge, Wilma, Lori and Grace, their families and all the men and women that read this blog. May Your Divine Presence be manifested into every area of their lives and may You receive the glory for it. We love You and we ask all these things by faith in the Name of our Precious Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Praise the LORD!

May all of you have an incredibly favored weekend. I will try to touch back before Monday but if not I will certainly be lifting all of you in prayer.


Lovingly in Christ,

Jen said...

Good morning friends,
Quick question to those who are familiar with Kenneth Hagin's reading materials. I want to order some more books to read but don't know which ones would be best to start with next. I read "Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room" which of course was life-changing for me in my spiritual walk. What are your favorites? Is there a topic that is best to pursue now that I'm Spirit-filled?

More computer trouble last night but I don't have the usual sense of anxiety or dread about it. Trusting God to remove whatever has seeped in.

Lisa, I haven't welcomed you yet but I've been so blessed by your amazing prayers. I find myself smiling while I read them and giving God due praise! They are spot on! Welcome to our little nook :-)


Marge said...

Amen! And Amen!

And thank you for your prayers, and your family's prayers, too.

My suggestion about Kenneth E. Hagin books/teaching materials is to get their product catalog. Then, pray and go from there. Everyone's walk with God is a bit different, but I was first drawn to the subjects of faith/healing. They also offer a Bible study book, on prayer, and one on faith. I have the study on prayer, underneath my Dake Bible.

If you've never read, I Believe In Visions, by Kenneth E. Hagin, I would encourage you to read it. I haven't read it in years, and I plan to re-read it again, very soon.

May everyone have a blessed weekend!

And remember to keep praying about the upcoming elections for our country.

Marge said...

I had to come back, to mention the book/teaching series by Kenneth E. Hagin, called,
Plans, Purposes and Pursuits.

It's excellent! I thought about mentionng it in my first post. I've got it in cass., and I was just listening to it. I felt led to jump back On Line, and mention it, too :) I've also had the book, but I've given it away.

Jen said...

Thanks, Marge :-)
I got the idea to go on Ebay and see if any Hagin stuff is up for auction...plenty, so I might just buy alot of the titles I find there. I do have a general sense of the topics I feel like I'm hungry for more study in. Good advice to see where I'm lead.
Also, there's a healing Scripture/music CD that I might get for my mom. She has a real defeatist approach to dealing with her many aches/pains but I'm going to start sharing another perspective with her on that soon. No need to wallow and be limited in how we serve when all restoration is offered up for us freely!

We're praying for the elections constantly here and will be at the polls early on Tues. morning.


boatman909 said...


More by Kenneth Hagin...

* The Believer's Authority
* The Healing Anointing
* ZOE: the God Kind of Life
* Understanding The Anointing - very helpful
* Growing Up Spiritually
* He Gave Gifts Unto Men
* Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

I have found the first 3 exceptionally helpful. It really helps to understand some of the things Jesus promised - such as:

"I have come that they may have life," (zoe - the life of God,or the God kind of life), "and that they may have it more abundantly" [John 10:10].

There is no poverty, sickness, lack or any bad or negative thing in that life!!

Paul also says in Ephesians 3:10 that this power is inside of us...

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us

Notice that God is able to do all things through the power that works in us.

This is the same power that raised Jesus form the dead - which according to the word, is MUCH more than all the power God used to create the whole universe (His breathe) and all of mankind (His hands) - think about this!!


Marge said...

Some excellent points and thoughts!

Also, we need to realize that we are citizens of heaven, now! (faith is also in the, now!)
We are in the world, but not of the world. So, therefore we have privledges (authority) because we are under heaven's laws. Kenenth E. Hagin teaches this truth, better than just about anyone that I've ever heard, too! The closest I've heard as of late? Joseph Prince, from Singapore. (and he studied Kenneth Hagin's ministry a lot!) His wife even attended Kenneth Hagin's home going celebration.
It's just good to soak up good Bible teaching :)

Good to hear from you!
How is everything going on in your neck of the woods?

I'll soon be off to work this evening.

God bless all!

Jen said...

Thanks, John. I have definite interest in the Anointing book as it's a topic I'm not fully grasping yet. And also, the authority of the believer. Sometimes I think I might get carried away with my authority (hubby would just call it me being bossy ;-) so that's probably another good subject to get grounded in.


Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, I hope you are having a great Sunday and it isn't nasty up there. Sun is shining here and is supposed to reach the 80's by afternoon. That is a lot different 80's than summer time.

I have a suggestion to add to the excellent ones that John and Marge have noted. Kenneth Hagin's book "The Name of Jesus" is a wonderful book also and one that I have both the cassette tapes and book just because I loved it so. Along with the one I have suggested before on the Anointing this combination gives a very well balanced teaching on the who and why of Jesus, Spirit and Son. But there is another writer that I think highly of also and his name is Andrew Murray and he served as a pastor and author in South Africa. He was born in 1828 and departed this life in 1917. I have found his writings to be very trustworthy and I love the one that he did on Prayer. I wish you lived closer, I would gladly loan you all of the books you would have time to read before we hear our Savior call us up.

Everyone, have a wonderful day and give the glory and praise to the Father for all of his wonderful work and provisions to all.


Marge said...

Do you have the book, by Kenneth Hagin, I believe In Miracles?
Because as I was re-reading it yesterday, there is a vision described that Kenenth Hagin had (in 1950, it's on page 46) that sounds a lot like the dream you had over a year ago now. Pretty interesting.

Have a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, I know somewhere I might have read it but in all probability I have loaned it out like I did so many others. I will check for it though and see what I find. If I can find it on the internet I could read it there.

I do know that Kenneth Hagin had many visions and dreams with Jesus attending and it always amazed me that people just couldn't wait to discredit him. However, as far as I know, his vision have all become fact and the nay sayers have moved on to someone else.

Perry stone has a new study on Revelation out on DVD and Syllabubs that I would love to get. He is advertising it now on his Manna-Fest. Perry said that he has gotten so he just ignores the Super Critics of the day and I don't blame him. It does seem funny though that some people who call their selves a Preacher have no other vocation or calling than to be a critic of other ministers and churches. I believe the word is very clear on anyone doing that and I got reminded of it not long ago. Those preachers, teachers, pastors and evangelist belong to God and he doesn't need our help bringing correction to them. My bible still says to touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.

I will check now and see what I find and get back with you in a few minutes.


Marge said...

No worries :)

If I don't understand something, or if it doesn't witness to my spirit, I shelf it. I have all kinds of things, along with people, on my proverbial shelf :)

I can remember when I used to tell my Mom about what my brother, Ron, had done wrong, etc. (smile) Ron is almost 5 years older than me, so this was pretty fun stuff, LOL!) My Mother would tell me that she didn't need, or want my input, and that she would settle things. I learned, eventually, to "keep my own nose on my own face." (my father's saying, as I'm told. he passed away the same month I turned 4 years old) So, that's why my Mother (who never re-married) was correcting us.

Anyhow, I said all that, to say this. Our Father doesn't need, or want us to correct any of his family. Much less a Leader of the church. As a friend of mine, from AZ. would say, enough said :)

After heavy rain this morning, it's sunny out this afternoon. It's a typical day in western WA. If you don't like the weather, stick around, and it'll be different (as a rule) in a couple of hours. Unless it's the rainy season. (which could be any season, LOL!) We ain't known as the Evergreen State, for nothing!

Love to all! And enjoy your Sunday afternoon/evening!

Jen said...

Thanks everyone for the additional recommendations. I hope to get an order done this week so I have some new reading material for the fall/winter. I used to plow through books with it takes me weeks/months to finish them so I really try to focus on good, edifying materials.

A quick prayer request...
my grandfather (let's call him the soon-to-be-saved one) is declining more rapidly in health now, according to my mom who visited him this past weekend. He's lost alot of weight and doesn't move around much in the house now because of various pains he has. We're planning to visit him the Sat. after Thanksgiving after we get to my parents' house (they live 4 hours away; Grandpa is 2 more hours past them so we're never close to him except when we're visiting my parents.) He's only seen the kids twice and they really have no concept of him as their great-grandfather, but I want to make the effort to see him since we'll be in the area. I plan to reinforce my message again, the one I sent in the letter last spring, about knowing Jesus as Lord and understanding how much God loves him. I'm believing that God's word won't return void and that Grandpa has been softening to this message as Holy Spirit works in his heart.
I'm praying for Grandpa's health to improve, for him to be comfortable and cared for as he's now living alone and for good weather so that we can visit in Nov.

I'm praying for the situation with your mom. My mom spent the last month with her mother on hospice care last summer and it was during that time that she was reassured that Grandma did indeed know Jesus. Grandma was raised Catholic, but just the C&E type. Grandma used to tell us to make sure we did a good deed each day so we stayed covered with God. The last few years of her life, she was ministered to by the local Presby church a lot and she actually changed her membership to Presby a few months before she died! My mom spent over 20 years sharing the Truth with her parents and it wasn't until the very end that we knew Grandma knew Jesus. Now we're expecting with great hope and faith that Grandpa will be next! Stay in the Word as you spend these days with your mom and know that God has made many promises to you that He is faithful to keep. We're all here to support you and keep you before the Lord so let us know what the specific prayer needs are.

Gotta move toward bed....

Great Grany 5 said...

OK, Marge here it is!

Marge has requested this passage from one of Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr's book entitled “I Believe In Visions”, first printed in 1984. I finally found the book that had managed to get lost in the shuffle from many moves and I am only going to try to give you a brief outline of what lead up to this vision of Pastor/Teacher, Daddy Hagin, as he was fondly called.

I don't remember having read this book probably but it could have been during the time of my mother and brother's struggles with health problems. I don't remember it but that isn't too strange considering all that was taking place during that time period.
He starts out with Joel 2:28-32
28.And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters, your young men shall see visions.
29.And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
30. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.'
31. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.
32. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.
Peter compared that manifestation in the upper room at Pentecost to this passage and the new dispensation which had just begun – a new day of God's grace – and the beginning of the Last Days.
Pastor Hagin was conducting a tent revival in Rockwall, Texas in 1950. It was during the late August and early September and that can also be the rainy season in this part of the country. He was at ease in this setting because the people in attendance were all Full Gospel and believe the whole Bible is still pertinent and alive for us all today. He had delivered a bible lesson and then invited the people to come to the front and pray, which is customary. He said he entered that time of pray right along with the others and really wasn't expecting anything unusual to be done. He hadn't been fasting or doing a lot of intercessory praying. He hadn't even thought about it.
He knelt on the platform beside a folding chair which was near the pulpit and began praying in the Holy Spirit language. Then he heard a voice say “Come up hither”. At first he didn't realize the voice was speaking to him but he thought everyone had heard it too. “Come up hither,” the voice called him again. Then when he looked he saw Jesus standing about where the top of the tent beam would be. As he looked again, the tent disappeared and the folding chairs and every tent pole had also disappeared. The pulpit also. Then God permitted him to see into the Spirit realm.
“Jesus was standing there and I stood in His presences. He was holding a crown in His hands. This crown was so extraordinarily beautiful that human language cannot begin to describe it. Jesus told him
“This is a soul winner's crown. My people are so careless and indifferent. This crown is for every one of my children. I speak and say, 'Go speak to this one or pray for that one', but my people are too busy. They put it off, and souls are lost because they will not obey Me.”
Now I am going to skip part of that section and pick up right after he is released from that vision and returned to the present time he was in.
About the time he became aware of where he was and the people around him, the Holy Spirit came upon him again.
“It seemed as if a wind were blowing on me and I fell flat on my face on the platform. As I lay under the power of the God, it seemed as if I were standing high on a plain somewhere in space and I could see for miles and miles around me, just as one can stand on the great plains of the USA and gaze off into the distance for miles.
I looked in every direction, but I couldn't see a sign of life anywhere. There were no trees or grass, no flowers or vegetation of any kind. There were no birds or animals and I felt so lonely. I was not conscious of my earthly surroundings.
As I looked to the west, I saw what appeared to be a tiny dot on the horizon. It was the only moving thing I could see. As I watched, it grew large and came toward me, taking on shape and form.
Soon I could see it was a horse. As it came closer, I could see a man upon it. He was riding toward me at full speed. As he approached, I could see he held the reins of the horse's bridle in his right hand and in his left hand, high above his head, he held a scroll of paper.
When the horseman came to me, he pulled on the reins and stopped. I stood on his right, He passed the scroll from his left hand to his right hand and handed it to me.
As I unrolled the scroll, which was a roll of paper 12 or 14 inches long, he said,”Take and read”. At the top of the page in big, bold, black print were the words “WAR AND DESTRUCTION,”. I was struck dumb. He laid his right hand on my head and said, “Read, in the Name of Jesus Christ!”.
I began to read what was written on the paper, and as the words instructed me, I looked and saw what I had just read about.
First, I read about thousands upon thousands of men in uniform. Then I looked and saw these men marching, wave after wave of soldiers marching as to war. I looked in the direction they were going, and as far as I could see there were thousands of men marching.
I turned to read the scroll again, and then looked and saw what I had just read about. I saw many women, old women with snowy white hair, middle-aged women, young women, and teenagers. Some of the younger ones held babies in their arms. All of the women were bowed together in sorrow and were weeping profusely. Those who did not carry babies held their hands on their stomachs as they bowed over and wept. Tears flowed from their eyes like water.
I looked at the scroll again, and again I looked to see what I had read about. I saw the skyline of a large city. Looking closer, I saw the skyscrapers were burned-out hulls, Portions of the city lay in ruins. It was not written that just one city would be destroyed, burned, and in ruins, but that there would be many such cities.


The scroll was written in the first person, and seemed as if Jesus Himself was speaking. I read, “America is receiving her last call. Some nations already have received their last call and never will receive another”.
Then, in larger print it said, “The time of the end of all things is at hand.” This statement was repeated four or five times. Jesus also said this was the last great revival.
He went on to say, “All the gifts of the Spirit will be in operation in the Church in these last days, and the Church will do greater things than even the Early Church did. It will have greater power, signs, and wonders than were recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.” He said that we have seen and experienced many healings but we will now behold amazing miracles that have not been seen before.
Jesus continued, “More and more miracles will be performed in the last days which are just ahead, for it is time for the gift of the Working of Miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the era of the miraculous.
“Many of my own people will not accept the moving of my Spirit, and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of satanic origin. But follow the Word of God, the Spirit of God and Me and you will not be deceived. I am gathering my own together and am preparing them, for the time is short.”

“Warn this generation, as did Noah his generation, for judgment is about to fall. And these sayings shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon.” Jesus repeated, “This is the last revival. I am preparing my people for my coming. Judgment is coming but I will call my people away, even unto Myself, before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful, watch and pray, for the time of the end of all things is at hand.”
Brother Hagin goes on to say that at the time he had that vision, I naturally interpreted the scenes to mean that America would experience the devastation of war. However, when I saw television and newspaper photographs of destruction wrought by student rebellion and race riots in the 1960's, I realized that these scenes partially fulfilled this vision. (This is why it is so important not to place your own interpretation on things God shows you.)
Those who were present that night under the tent with Bro. Hagin said that he read the scroll out loud for about 30 minutes. He couldn't remember all of it. He handed the scroll back to the rider and he rode away in the direction from which he had come.

I realize this is a long post but I really and truly believe it was necessary because God has a reason for all things under the sun and we can't begin to reason and think on the same plane as God. It is utterly foolish for man to believe he can attain to the knowledge that God is. When all else fails, just simply reach out and touch the hem of his garment.

Part of that vision that Pastor Hagin shared really spoke to me big time. In May of 2007, while visiting my daughter and son-in-law for Mother's Day, I took a nap while the young ones went driving around looking at the beauty of Bella Vista, Arkansas. I had a very similar dream to what Pastor Hagin shared about there being no form of vegetation, animals, humans, or anything else other than unreal swallowing of the earth that moved from the West to the East and devoured everything in its path. I too stood on a very high bluff or out cropping that really was removed from it all. The ground swirled into itself, became all one dull color that didn't have anything of beauty in it. As it moved it destroyed. I knew that I was looking way down on it and could not do anything to stop what was happening. I was visibly shaken and yet not fearful. I knew that I had been given an alarm to warn but I didn't have all of the puzzle pieces. I tried to understand it with my own intellect ~~ that failed! Big time. I wasn't aware of a earthquake and no volcano either. I have prayed about this vision many hours and until I know for sure what the meaning is, I will speculate.
Jim C. thought it could be related to the New Madrid Fault line weakness but I have never had that agreement in my spirit. Then when I read this passage that Marge asked me to search out, it started clicking together. He saw burned out hulls of buildings and I saw nothing but soil without character or color. He was told destruction and judgment but I knew it was total destruction and justice delivered.

Time will tell but God is trying to get His people in a safe and blessing relationship with His kingdom.


Marge said...

Sorry about me goofing the title up, as I Believe in Miracles. But, you know, I'm a foil frosted blonde, so I can chalk that one up to too much bleach, LOL! Because it is, I Believe in Visions.

Also, I've had that book sitting on my Dining Room table for weeks now, meaning to read it. When Jen asked about Kenneth E. Hagin books, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying, you need to re-read that book, and now, the sooner the better! When I came to that page, and the couple of paragraphs about America's judgement, it almost jumped up from the page. And Wilma's dream flashed into my mind. This was it! Also, this vision was in 1950, from Brother Hagin.

Thanks Wilma! We have much to pray about, these next few days, don't we?

Love to all, and keep in a spirit of prayer for this election, and America.

God bless!

TexanForChrist said...

Hi, every one and welcome Lisa, I wish I could produce a pray as eloquent as yours..but like my singing I know the Holy Spirit's their to translate my meager prayers and less than heavenly singing to the Lord.

(Actually I think I sound pretty good when I'm in the car by myself and the radio is turned up loud enough that I can't hear myself!)

I've been trying to keep up with everything but am having a hard time just keeping up with my blog and bible readings.

Tommorow is the election but I know that God's will will be done and yes Grany it was a releif to have already voted. Only stood in line for an hour and 40 minutes, my son who voted last Thursday waited nearly 3 hours. I hate to see how long the lines will be tommorow.. I hope everyone votes..

Wilma, that vision sounds very, very familiar, did we discuss this before some years ago?

I am still praying for all the prayer requests. Thankfully this blog emails me (and my blackberry) which is the only way I can stay up to date.

Have a blessed and relaxed evening. I love you all, may the Lord keep you and pour his blessings upon you...

Maranatha soon I pray

Mike <><

campsmore said...

It's 9pm and I just got home from the hospital. My neighbor and I sat in her truck and waiting for Lisa's husband to leave the hospital. When he exited, got in his truck and left the parking lot, I got up from my crouching position and we went into the hospital. (He told me not to visit her)

We went into the hospital, walked right by security without stopping, it was as if we were invisible. We got into the elevator and went directly to her room with no questions asked.

Lisa was glad to see us. She's running a fever over 101. She's got oxygen tubes and IV fluids and nutrition, and some weird tube coming out of her nose with green fluid in it. I have no idea what that was! Lisa strained to speak. she asked me what she did to deserve this. What she is going thru is not a result of anything she did or did not do.

I told Lisa I was going to pray for her and that there were people all over agreeing with me. I laid my hands on her and spoke the prayer of faith. I had annointing oil with me and forgot to use it. I'm sure God honors my naturally oily skin.

thanks for praying for my friend.


Marge said...

I'm with you, in not having a great singing voice.
In heaven, we'll be able to sing along with the best of them, though :)

And yes, that was Wilma's vision she had, well over 18 monthes ago now, I believe. (she can answer that when she's not so busy, as she is today)

In fact, let's all keep Wilma's husband, Jim, lifted up in prayer today. He has an eye surgery scheduled, on election day, of all days.

I'm glad that Joyce answered the question of the green fluid coming out of your friend, Lisa's nose. (bile)
Please keep us updated on her condition, as we continue to lift her up to our Father in prayer.
My heart goes out to her.
May God meeet her, in all of her anxieties, with His great love/comfort. And may her body be healed, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, right away. And give her great Shalom.

This is it. Election Day. I'll be at work most of the afternoon and until 10 P.M. Let's continue to keep in a spirit of prayer for our country.

Also, as a good friend from So. CA. (Angie) mentioned, let's keep a good testimony during all of this, (supposid good) "change." And not become upset if all the candidates we voted for, don't become elected. (in both Federal and State elections)
I know, I've been guilty of it in the past :(

Love to all, and be sure to vote! (if you haven't already :)

Jen said...

Hello friends,
We just watched McCain's concession speech and I am filled with such a heaviness. I prayed throughout the day and didn't feel any anxiety about things, but now that it's decided, I really feel things sinking in.
On the way home from the grocery store today, as I was sitting at a red light, I nearly burst into tears as I prayed over the outcome (I had been really upbeat and confident until that point) and the following scene came into my mind...
I was at home with the kids just before naptime. They always try to delay that process with pleas for "1 more book, Mommy." Sometimes I give in and we sit down again for more stories because I love to read to them and there's nothing harmful about books. But some days when I know they're really tired or I really need to get some chores done while they sleep, I resist and march them upstairs toward bed. As I was praying/on the verge of tears, that scene came to mind and I felt like God might be saying the same thing. Our prayers aren't asking for a bad thing and He'd love to sit awhile longer with us while we read more stories, but He knows that it's time to wind things up and He isn't going to relent on His schedule this time around.
Certainly a multitude of His children were praying and fasting and seeking His face these last few weeks...but...
I trust Him in all things, but I know there may be refining fire to pass through for our nation in the days ahead.
I could ramble for another half hour, but I'll close up for the night. Grany, when you get this message, would you mind sending me a little of that blessed assurance you felt my way? I think I'll be needing some in the days ahead

Still FSGTB,

campsmore said...

Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever; for wisdom and might belong to him;

And he changes seasons and times; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to them who know understanding;

He reveals the deep and secret things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light is with him. Daniel 2:20-22

Marge said...

A good scripture!

In my e-mail today, I received a message from Jan Markel, Olive Tree Ministries. She compared Israel wanting a King, (Saul) like the other nations. And she compared the atmosphere in America at the moment, with with atmosphere/attitude of ancient Israel. And how God went on to give them their king. (in rejection to God being their King)
Once again, she (Jan Markel) hit the proverbial nail on the head, IMO. It really and truly witnessed to my spirit. (Jan rejects Full Gospel teaching, but she is Jewish, and seems to have a God given insight into world events, etc.)

I was at work last night, and my son, Bob called to tell me that Obama was our President Elect, and had won by a "landslide." When I came home, and watched a bit of news, I saw where people were partying in WA., DC. In Seattle, they had shut down city streets, to party and celebrate. I suppose it happened all over the nation? I dunno. At that point, I gave it (the election) over to the Lord, and turned the T.V. off, and went to bed.

"The end of an era, and "history in the making?"

May God have mercy on America.

campsmore said...

Lisa had surgery this morning, all her husband will tell me is, "it's not good."

She is in ICU on a respirator. I will not be able to see her until 5pm or 8pm.

Great Grany 5 said...

Hi everyone! We will overcome all of this because Christ, in us, the Hope of Glory! Jen, you stir up the treasures of the Lord inside of you and everyone else also. You see, we prayed, God heard us and listened and then we know that He is not going to desert us but he will go with us through whatever is waiting in the days to come. Waiting it is and I know this without a doubt in my heart.l

We had to return for post-op care to the eye clinic this morning and then went to eat. Jim went in with the metal shield on his left eye and came back without anything on it. He sees perfectly from an eye less than 24 hours after surgery. Now, if you were not alive 20 years ago, you have no idea of the advancement of cataract surgery. At the time my mother had hers in 1991, it took a week to heal and she was to have bed rest with little sitting up and such. Now there is just taking it easy the rest of the day surgery is done and then no bending, running and trying not to sneeze for a week.

God has done marvelous and wonderful things for all of us and now we are moving on into history according to His Time Line. Just as Autumn comes after the summer, then winter and then spring, we are in the times of Change of Seasons. The signs are all there and the Church Age is almost finished, then God addresses His Wife and brings her back into His perfect will.

WE have to turn loose of all our What ifs and begin the journey of our Last Great Hurrah! It is time for the Harvest to begin in earnest dedication and we are just beginning. How long we will have depends on our dedication to do His will and fulfill his commandment.

I have to tell you that this morning when I awoke and knew I hadn't been dreaming about the election results, I had peace mixed with a strange emotion I don't ever recall having experienced before. As I drove us over to the clinic this morning, Jim was in the process of griping and negative thinking/talking. Gloom, despair, misery everywhere. I react very badly to all of that in most instances but this time I just let him rant and rave. I was overcome with the need to pray outloud in my Holy Spirit Language. I have never felt such a seriousness attached to my prayers and it lasted all the way to the clinic which is about 35 minutes from home and then all of the time I was waiting for Jim to come out to the reception area. We talked just a couple minutes about where to eat breakfast and then on the way to the restaurant, my need to continue praying in like manner continued. We decided to go to Denny's for breakfast because it was closer and hubby was so hungry. It was filled full of Obama people with their caps, jackets, and sweat shirts proclaiming "Change We Can Believe In". The atmosphere in there was celebratory but it seemed so heavy and all I wanted to do was eat and leave. I saw a few familiar faces and we exchanged greetings but Jim was really ill affected by it all and we should have just come on home instead of trying to find a comfort zone for us. We had a very good waitress that sensed our feelings and came over and said very quietly, "don't give up and don't despair because there is far more to come than we know about." Then she said, looking right at me, eyeballs to eyeballs, "the powers that be will never allow him to live very long because of the hate that has been turned loose into this country and into the world." Then, still looking only at me, she said "you have already been told this and you have been praying. Keep it up". I felt like crying and could hardly keep the tears back. I pray that is not the truth and I pray especially for the family of Barack to be kept safe and sound, away from harms way. Oh, God, please put up a shield of Holy Spirit protection over all of the parties involved.

I had not said anything to her and I have no earthly idea who she is except that her name is Mary. She just really touched my heart and even though she is a very busk person in voice and manners, there was something about her that really touched me.

After she said that and left our table, the need to pray was lifted. Then I was suddenly filled with a great sympathy for all of those proclaiming Obama. I then understood what I had been so burdened about. We cannot quit praying and this has never been about Democrats vs Republicans, Obama against McCain or for that matter Hillary vs Obama. It is about the kingdoms of darkness and evil being held back by the Church Body in prayers and submission to God's Word in order to overcome evil that has taken root in the earth.

WE are not the defeated and you all know that! We are the Body of Christ and we have a mission while there is still time for Real Change that only God brings. If you think about it, our biggest challenges are just beginning and it is not one that we will win with a mean spirit or anything less than God's love for all Mankind. I feel greatly impressed to tell you that is is the Anointing that Destroys the yoke or power of evil. Don't get heavy laden with the grief of the world, because Jesus said that his burden was light and all things work together for the good of those who are called according to God's purpose.

I would desire to encourage everyone to stop despairing and start rejoicing because God has promised that he is the one who appoints and places leaders of nations, kings, queens and all manner of civil servants. Let him handle the correction while we pray for them to be lead by the Holy Spirit.

Time to put your knee pads on, my children, and get everything squared away that would keep God's covering from being all over you. Don't let offense and other people get to you! Back off from responding to evil with anger or more words that will cause wickedness to flourish remembering it is not our place to condemn but rather to point out the pathway of righteousness.

What got me so this morning was Mary's telling me that I had been praying that evil be turned away and only God's perfect will would be the victor.

Now, on top of all that my main computer (desktop) has quit working and even though it will turn on there is no bootup going on with it. The power light comes on, the fans turn on but there is nothing connecting with the rest of it. I have called the Geek Squad and the man I spoke with said he thinks it is my Motherboard and if so, I will lose everything on my hard drive when they replace it. He also said it could be my power cord but it can't be that because my computer will turn on just nothing appears to be going on with anything else. The monitor notes that there is no input and then goes into standby. Please pray that it is not that desperate and I won't lose everything. It was working fine and then it stopped.

The material I have on my hard drive is too important to lose and he has said it would cost about $500.00 to get the thing restored. He did say that I could ask for a CD file copy and it would be less expensive to do.

I don't want to have to restore everything if I can help it. I have the backup CD that they made in Best Buy at the time of purchase but that was 2 1/2 years ago. Of course, I failed to back up as I went along and that is just stupid on my part. I know better and was lazy.

LORI, I am keeping Lisa in my prayers and by the way, if her husband tries giving you any trouble, you can ask her nurse to check with the patient for HER desires. If he is creating this stress for her, report him to the Domestic Abuse Agency there. Give him a taste of his own medicine. You could be saving her life in the long run.


TexanForChrist said...

OK, wow,
I too felt a "strange" feeling this morning, and haven't been able to shake it yet.

Praying for Lisa, and Praising for Jim.

Wilma, Did Mary know you or know that you served our Lord? Sounds to me like you were blessed with the gift of knowledge..

BTW Wilma, do you hear any beeps when you first power on the computer? Different beeps provide some diagnostic clues. Best I can remember 3 beeps is a video problem, 5 is a memory problem or the other way around..

I thank God for ya'll!! You inspire me.. I usually cringe when my blackberry goes off (generally work problems) but it's always replaced with a smile when I see the email is from here..

Maranatha soon.


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, my poor baby isn't beeping at all and it makes me very sad. I am using my laptop but I make so many mistakes with the keyboard not being anything like the desktop. I think the stores around here are getting completely away from the desktop computers in sales. I used to love my lap top but I am getting old and the keyboard isn't near as handy as I like.

I am going to take my cpu down to the local techs and see if they can make me CD file copy so I won't loose everything. I have all of my purchases from Ariel Ministries on my hard drive and that includes so many of the purchases that I made on line for PDF documents and series. If I lose those I am going to contact Ariel to see if they will resend them to me.

Thank God I kept my emails for the orders I submitted.

Now, as to the question of Mary knowing me: I didn't have any idea who she was or is and for that matter, we had never met her before. Denny's in Ft. Smith is difficult for my husband to be comfortable in because of the seating. He is very tall and the little wooden chairs have a low back on them and it hurts his kidneys to sit very long on one of them. They recently added booths in some of the areas and redid sections with booths instead of tables but he just doesn't like to go there.

Mary has quite a following of regular customers, so one of the hostesses said. I didn't wear a jacket this morning and was really cold when we got there and was in the process of putting Jim's jacket on just to quit shivering. So the only conversation I had with her prior to her statements was telling her I wanted black coffee.

But there was something very surreal in the whole morning thing. Mary is quite tall and I would say that she was probably a very frequent visitor of the bars when she was younger. Just something about her made me believe that she had been a drinker of sorts at one time but had been saved and delivered from that scene a while ago. Nothing she said but her voice, manners and the conversations that she had with everyone.

She was very outgoing but also very intelligent and knew how to handle people. Like my hubby when he complained about it being cold in there. But there was something about her that just was beyond normal. Like I said, I had been in really deep prayer prior to getting there and it seemed to have started back a period before the elections.

I can't help but wonder if this has anything to do with the dream? Yep, Mike! That dream was discussed at Joel's and even though I am not fearful concerning it, I am very mindful of it and yet I know that no power on earth will stop it. It will happen and the results will be felt and dealt with around the world.

That is one reason I don't want to lose my files on my hard drive. I put into detail all of the details involved with it and also, some interesting things that kept being added to it along the way. Not so much of what others were saying but things and details that seemed to be coming from the Holy Spirit.

By the way, everyone keep your ground cleared of stubble and weeds so God can use you without debris clogging up the works.

Love you all,

TexanForChrist said...


Wish I was there to help, If your motherboard is gone, it's generally cheaper to just buy a new PC, if you want to repair tell the tech's you want your current hard drive installed as a secondary drive and you will still be able to access your data.

As for backing up,even we professionals are bad about it,our network back's up critial stuff but it can't catch everything. For the home, maxtor makes an external USB drive with software that does a one-touch backup (or you can schedule it) Thats what we have at the house.

If your keyboard and mouse on your main computer are USB then you can plug in the keyboard, mouse and monitor to your laptop and just use your laptop as a cpu. I have a hard time with laptop's keyboard's and mice so I keep a small keyboard and mouse in the laptop case.

Maranatha really soon

Mike <><

Marge said...

Still in agreement for Lisa's total and complete healing.

A good word! God always has a remnant of true believers. Those who have upheld His name, and voted for Bible truths.

Remember, we're in the world, but not of the world. The Bible declares that we sit together with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. Our citizenship in (already) in heaven.

However, the majority of Americans screamed for a new Leader. They've thrown God out of the Schools, and out of just about every place you can think of, in the public arena. Will God continue to bless America, based on His mercy for His remaining remnant? Another reason to keep in a spirit of prayer. Along with the the people coming into the Kingdom of God, and giving their hearts and lifes over to the Lord, before the coming Tribulation, that is surely coming on the world.

I agree with Mike. It does sound like your waitress, Mary, had a word from God. It's best not to consider the demeanor of the speaker, as God can, and does use anyone yielded to the Holy Spirit. I believe that's one reason why we often don't accept words from the Lord. Because it's easy to consider the person that God choses to give a message thru, and then dismiss the message, because they're only a "handmaiden of the Lord."
And not a seemingly qualified Minister/Deacon that holds upteen degrees after their names :)
God's ways are not our ways.
And the world has conditioned people to look for qualifications before they accept much of anything. And they've missed much, IMO, because of it. Unfortunately, the ways of the world have often crept into the Church :(

Good for you, Wilma! And God bless your waitress, Mary, in OK., too!

God is good, and good all the time!

Also, God bless all our newly elected Leaders. And yes, may God keep them safe, and give them knowledge, understanding and discernment in the coming days ahead of us.

Again, may God have mercy on America.

Marge said...

* if anyone voted for Obama, I didn't mean to imply you weren't a true believer. Sorry about that.
However I do beleive it's important to vote, and stand by Bible truths.

LisaShaw said...

Good morning Family in Christ,

I have not been online your Blog for several days. I'm trying to catch up on everything. I receive up to 200 emails per day via ministry, etc. so I added this blog to receive updates in order to keep up with your prayer needs, etc.

Lori, how is Lisa? Has anyone heard from Grace regarding her Mother? Marge how is your son' back?

Mike and Jen, thank you for the welcome.

I hope that everyone is doing well. May the blessings of the LORD rest upon each one of you, your hearts and homes and I hope to speak with you again soon.

God bless you.
Lisa Shaw

campsmore said...


Lisa was not doing well yesterday. We called the ICU nurses station and they said she had finally stablized and that was pretty late in the day.

I'm going there today with or without Scott's permission as a deacon of the church. I am a deacon at our church so I have that authority. I already told one of the assoc. pastors, so I have their full support.

I'm also going to ask the nurses a ton of questions, I'm not sure what they are yet, but I'm praying for wisdom.

I appreciate all your prayers, when she pulls thru it will be nothing short of God's grace and His miraculous power. Glory!

LisaShaw said...


Thank you for the update on Lisa's condition. We of course stand in faith-filled prayer. The LORD's will shall be done!

You mentioned concerns with others in your church leadership. As an ordained pastor and long time servant in the Kingdom, I realize that at times we (body of Christ) have disagreements. While I do not know what the situation is that your referenceing I do pray for all to operate with the Spirit of Christ toward one another and to do what is in the best interest of your fellow Christian Lisa. May peace and unity be within the camp ground of God's people.

God bless you and take care my friend and remain strong in the LORD.

Lisa Shaw

campsmore said...


Scott is Lisa's husband. He is not a believer, he doesn't allow her or her son to go to church. Her son goes to a Christian fellowship at his highschool just to be with other Christians. He has asked us not to tell his dad.

Scott knows that Lisa wants a divorce. He has asked me twice not to come to the hospital. Each time I go, Lisa is extremely glad to see me. Scott has always tried to isolate Lisa from friends and family.

She expressed a desire to divorce him due to his continued, unrepentant adultery.

I'm sure that when she survives this and regains her strength, she will probably discontinue the relationship. She expressed that much to me. She wants him out of the house, but he won't go.

The hospital does not know about their failed relationship.

Besides Lisa's healing manifesting, we need to pray for her protection.

LisaShaw said...


Thank you for sharing the details. I'm of course very sorry to hear this. It's a very serious and tragic situation that is often going on within families. I will pray for her safety and for all other matters concerning her, her husband Scott, the family and their situation.

GOD is on the THRONE! Praise the LORD! Take care.
Lisa Shaw

Marge said...

Thank you so very much for being a part of our Holy Spirit blog! You were brought to us by God's Holy Spirit. No doubt about it.

Grace had planned on being out of town, for a week, to visit her Mother. (maybe more?) Still no word.

Bob is in better spirits. He's on pain pills, (again) and he's always been pretty closed mouthed about things, though. I'm believing he is better, and I'm speaking healing to his back/body.
(Wilma's suggestion, that witnessed to my spirit)

A little backgound, why I believe Bob may require a miracle, along with healing. His second back surgery was a fusion-back surgery. So he now has 'foreign materials" in his body. Also, in both back surgeries they removed a disc, (first surgery) and done, heaven knows what, to other parts of his back? I know God will heal Bob, and provide a miracle, if need be, too. Unfortunatelu, Bob doesn't believe in Divine healing, for himself....yet.

Many thanks for your prayers and Ministry!
God bless you, and continue to bless your work for the Kingdom of God.


Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, I am still agreeing with you in Bob's healing and restoration. I know it is a little wearing when the delays happen but don't lose heart in the meantime. Remember Daniel and his delayed response for his requests.

I am still having problems with my computer setup and on top of that Hubby has become cranky from his limited activity. The glaucoma pressure has returned and now he is fretting over having to do 4 different types of drops to put in his eye at 4 times a day, waiting 5 minutes inbetween administration of each. Then he has to space out the different drops for different time of the day and it seems to him that all he is doing is dropping something into his left eye all day long. I have turned off my hearing aid (no, I don't need one, just an expression) and not to be mean hearted but I have reminded him that at least he has the sight at 20/20 in both eyes now and that is something to be thankful for. He has to go back in this coming Wednesday for followup and pressure check. He did fine before and he is going to do fine this time. If not, he can wander around in the wilderness alone. I just don't need to go there. Abigail comes to mind in regards to this and I am trying to submitted but not to the point of committed to the complaints.

Oh, Jesus, please hurry up and get here!

By the way, Lisa, I am glad you are joining us also. I have to tell you that when I visited your blog site the first time, I saw your picture and I said, "yes, Lord, I see Your Joy on Lisa's face and it is shining bright in this world." Now when I am getting a little to much pressure and find it a little harder to keep the Joy, I click on your widget and feel refreshed again.

Everyone, keep the love flowing and the Joy going because we have a ton of work to do and we don't want to grow weary in well doing.

Love you all,

campsmore said...

You would not believe the turn-around in one day! I went to the hospital, walked right by everyone again, a janitor saw me with my Bible as I head to ICU and punched in a code to let me in... before visiting hours.

Lisa was just coming out of a drug induced state, they had just removed the respirator from her throat.

She was using one word to communicate, i.e. tube, pain, cough, husband.

I spoke with her as she really came to. She began to tell me things she remembered and asked me to stay as long as I was allowed.

Lisa had a bowel resection. Once her body starts using the colostomy, she can get the tube out of her stomach, be moved to a regular room and begin liquids.

I read to her, Ps 23, Ps 1-3 and the blessing from Num 6. She asked me to keep reading, so I did. I thought I brought some anointing oil, but realized I had forgotten it. So, without telling her, I used Ayr Saline Nasal Gel to anoint her. In a month or two, I'll tell what I did, but not yet. he he he

I stayed as long as they let me, I was there from 11:50 to 1:40. By the time I left, her bed was in the chair position and she was sitting up talking.

Thanks for your continued prayer for her recovery, it's absolutely amazing progress.


Marge said...

Sharing 101 :)

Just a bit of sharing from the last couple of days, from watching some Christian T.V. (Daystar and TBN) at Bob's house, while doing some housework (he's single :) and letting my dog, and one of his Boxers, run and play.

Also, if I seem like I'm repeating some information about myself? I am :) Because Lisa is new, and it's just for clarification.

Okay. The last few monthes (maybe longer) the Lord has brought to my mind/spirit, a lot about the reality/Bible truths of speaking/confession. (I could go into some great faith material here, but I won't..... for now, LOL!) Okay, I'm far from ever being a teacher, but this is sharing some good teaching.

Today, at Bob's house, I listened to Joseph Prince, and his teaching hit me right between the eyes, about the blood of Jesus. "Speaking" better things than that of Abel." (Heb. 11:24) And then he went to, (the law of first reference) Gen. 4:10b, "where the voice of Abel's blood crieth from the ground." So, when Abel's blood spoke about justice, Jesus's blood, cries out for healing, and everything that Jesus promised, after the cross/resurrection. Good teaching!

Also, I've always wondered why people "plead the blood of Jesus." Because the N.T. says, to ask, in the name of Jesus. Perhaps it's because the blood of Jesus is also "speaking" these same things? Besides reminding the Father of the blood covenant? I must admit, I dunno. Anyone have any ideas along these lines? It would be a good subject for a discussion, if anyone is interested.

Moving right along :) Yesterday (the day after the election) I changed channels to TBN, at noon time, to see what the 700 Club had to say about anything, etc. Well, come to find out it's another one of their T.B.N. Praise a thons. But, R. W. Schambach was ministering. oh, how I love and admire his ministry! He and my family go WAY BACK! My Mom used to always listen to him on Christian radio, years ago now. So did I. Also, in the 1970's, my family went to see him when he pitched his tent, in Puyallup, WA. What a blessing! My husband was a Shipyard Boilermaker, and the jobs in Tacoma had all but dryed up. Robert Schambach prayed that anyone without a job (we were in a recession, then) would get a BETTER job, within a very short time! It was only a few weeks and Mike was offered a really good job, at Lockheed Shipyard, in Seattle, which he had until they closed the plant, due to wages. (he then went to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, across the bridge, in Bremerton)

Okay, as you can imagine, (if you don't know anything about R.W, Schambach, that is) he's getting up there in years. And he's survived heart attacks, etc.

But, he was telling about his recent trip to Africa, in a Muslim Country. So, like T.L. Osborn, he "demonstrated the gospel, with signs and wonders." He said, he asked who wanted to be healed, delivered, etc. to raise their hands. He prayed one prayer, and then he asked for people to come up and testify, if they'd been healed, etc. For over an hour and a half they had testimonies. So many, he had to cut them off. He said, okay. Whose name were you prayed for in, and who healed you? They yelled out JESUS! And then he asked how many would like to know this Jesus and be saved/go to heaven, etc. Thousands upon thousands prayered the sinner's prayer. PRAISE GOD!!!

The following story is also great! He said, after they'd finished the meetings, he sent his crew back, (I never did catch where, in Africa) and the people wouldn't let them tear down the platform! There was such a heavy annointing of the Holy Spirit there, (still!)that anyone coming for healing, deliverance, were receiving from God! Just by being on that platform! Wow!

Anyhow, I thought I'd share these two messages, Readers Digest form :) Isn't God good? YES!

campsmore said...

How to Plead the Blood of Jesus for Deliverance and Protection

I don't know how accurate this site is, but you might look here for answers.

campsmore said...

FYI; the word plead, doesn't even appear in the New Testament.

Hbr 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

What can wash away my sins?
nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow
No other fount' I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Marge said...

Not exately what I was looking for, but thanks anyway :)

I agree, the blood of Jesus IS for the remission of sins.

If anyone has anything they'd like to offer, that would be great.

I'm just curious, as I'd never questioned the reason behind this, until a couple of years ago. My Pastor, at CFAN, asked the congregation, in fact. (no real answers) He wondered if it wasn't tradition? He didn't have a problem with it, and neither do I. However, I've never heard an explaination that witnessed to me.

Anyone else? Because there isn't any reference to pleading the blood, in Scripture, to my knowledge.

Just curious, is all.

Have a great evening, and God bless!

boatman909 said...

This gives some understanding....

Pleading the blood...

By the way the author believes in the baptism of Holy Spirit and the 9 manifestation of Holy Spirit as per 1 Cor 12.

Hope this helps (it helped me - and my wife and I regularly "plead the Blood" over our family and houses...).


boatman909 said...

Merriam-Webster gives a very good explanation of the word "to plead"..

to plead

It is a 13th C English legal term - to plead a case is to present arguments for a case, or to repute the opposing council's case - in this case it is the way we rebut satan's case against us - the Blood of Jesus protects us and pleads our case against him.


Marge said...

Thanks! I know, I have too.
I just wanted some understanding of the reasons behind doing it.

Marge said...

Especially because of Joseph Prince's sermon, on the blood of Jesus, speaking better things than that of Abel. (Heb. 12:24b)

So, we know that the blood of Jesus speaks.

Thanks again, Lori and John!

Marge said...

Oops, I got the Heb. Scripture reference wrong, in my original post. Because it is: Heb. 12, not Heb. 11.

My blonde hair does strange things to me, at times, LOL!

Grace said...

Hello my friends,

I wanted to let you know that I got back from California late lastnight.

Would you please continue to pray for my mom's salvation?

We had some great sharing times. My husband literally prayed the gospel over her. She was so very open to be prayed for. I do not know if in her heart she was wanting prayer for healing only or for a salvation.

She was in the hospital in Ukiah and they had basically finished telling her that there was nothing they could do for her. Then one of the doctors called UC San Francisco and got the ok to life flight her up there to do an evaluation for a liver transplant.

Long story short, she was there for 3 days and did not qualify for the transplant due to so many health factors.

They sent her back to Ukiah today and the doctor will talk with her tomorrow about going to a care facility and what life extending measures she wants if she is lucid enough.

The last thing I said to her was to ask her to open her heart and mind to Jesus.

I can pray and trust that my God is full of mercy and grace.


PS: Lori, so awesome about Lisa. She has been on my mind and in my prayers.

campsmore said...

John, thanks, you always come thru!

Jen said...

Hi friends,
Just wanted to share a little encouragement from my corner of the world this week....
After feeling quite glum about the elections Tues night and all day Wed., I was greatly encouraged Wed. evening during a coffee/dessert gathering I had with 2 friends. I wouldn't have thought that either one was paying much attention to the 'third lense' although I'd definitely say that both are solid Christians. I was pleasantly surprised that our 2hour visit was spent mostly on the subject of the election and what is coming to our nation and our world in the days ahead (it's usually about kid topics). One of the girls was so hungry to hear what I've been reading/learning in the last 18 months so I shared all about Joel's books, his website and the blogging I do on the various subjects we all discuss here. We could have talked for another 2 hours I'm sure! Then today, I invited a little girl to come over to play with Lauren. Her mom is a church acquaintance of mine. I've known her casually for the last year or so and again, didn't think she was too interested in topics involving eschatology, etc. However, while the girls played, we spent over an hour talking about the election and the feelings we both have about where the world is headed. It was so encouraging for me to FINALLY find people in my circle of interaction who I can share these things with. (Although I love sharing here on the blog, of course!) I've been thinking now that perhaps the days ahead, though difficult, may be full of opportunities to share these things as people begin to open their eyes to the reality of current events. I feel God moving in response to our petitions for His truth to be held up and His name to be glorified. It might not be coming through the election results, but perhaps He will allow it to start in the small corners of daily life and then create the wave of praise we are so anxious to be part of!?
The icing on my cake was Tuesday night after the results were being broadcast and I was feeling such sorrow. Bob and I talked about it and I was so encouraged to see that he was on the same page, taking things from the Biblical perspective more so now than any other time in our marriage (we've known each other for almost 15 years now, married for 12.) Although he's been a solid Christian as long as I've known him, the growth I see in him is amazing and an answer to prayer. He now recognizes that his faithwalk needs lots of attention and he's open to growth. He's even said he's thankful for me being ahead of him and bringing all these things to him repeatedly rather than keeping them to myself.
As I was on the verge of tears Tues. night, he reminded me that God could use what seemed like defeat to actually accomplish the very results we had been hoping for, if only we are faithful to heed His call and speak boldly as we see the opportunities come before us. He actually said, "It's exciting to live in a time like this and know that we can be used by God to reach others." I had to do a doubletake because that is the exact opposite of what he would typically say. I'm just so thankful and humbled and amazed and filled up with praise to our Father as I see His hands at work in these small but definitly significant ways.
So to all of us who may feel any gloom or weakening of resolve, know that hearts are being tenderized, eyes opened and spirits tuned in and we've been getting ready for such a time as this!


TexanForChrist said...


That is great, I really like to be able to have a face to fact talks about the things we discuss here..

I was doing a study on Faith and found this link very well written so I thought I'd share..

In one of the funks of "is my faith strong enough to please the Father" today..

Lost our dog of 10 years today, last night he started turning in circles, falling over, dazed and confused and appeared to be blind. Vet said it was a dog stroke and should be fine in a few days, so we left him to be monitored and get an IV for fluids but they called about 2pm and told us he'd died of a heart attack.

My wife Diann was crushed but I have to say the first thing that came to my mine was our dog sitting next to Jesus at the dining table and of course I saw Our Lord provide him a little something from the Lord's table. Made me smile...



Marge said...

I am sorry to hear about the passing of your good friend/pet.
It's hard to lose a pet.

But it also made me smile, about your "visualization" of seeing your dog, at the super table of Jesus. It always helps to "see" Jesus enter every situaiton of our lifes. Unfortunately, the New Age movement stole this Bible principle, and it has since made many believers uncomfortable with it. It's a Bible truth. God told Abraham to "see." (look, expect, etc.)

And good for you! Because you also believe that our pets go to heaven.
Why not? God said, that He wouldn't withhold any good thing, from those that love Him.

May everyone have a great weekend!

Jen said...

Hi Mike,
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog's passing. We just lost one of our cats last week after a sudden virus that took him in less than 2 days from the onset. He was only 6 years old. We lost our last cat at age 2 to cardio myopathy...he had a stroke and went beserk, just like you mentioned. It was horrible to go through and I truly grieved him for months (we didn't have kids at that time, so we had doted on him alot.)
I, too, felt peace after Zeke's death last week because in my mind, it was one pet that wouldn't have to suffer here without us should we be called home soon. And we talk about him running around in Heaven alot, too.
My mom has had dreams of our pets in Heaven and she is very sure that they are accurate pictures of what we'll find once we get there. I'm not sure how to support it Scripturally, but Adam had a good relationship with the animals in Eden before the fall and since all things wil be restored in our new Home, I don't find it contradictory to imagine pets will be one of the treats that God provides for us in the houses He is building for us. Anybody ever spend time thinking about what your house will be like there? I have all kinds of ideas, but I sure hope mine has a great big wrap-around front porch with a swing and lots of land for gardening and room for chickens to run about. Being raised on a farm, that's really my idea of home!


Marge said...

I want my home to be right by the water :)
I don't care if it's a lake, or the ocean. And I don't really care what style of home, it is, either.

P.S. With my pets there, too!

There is a verse that could be applied to our pets in heaven.

It's Rev. 4:11

"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for they pleasure they are and were created."

Jen said...

Hi friends,
Quick prayer request before word tonight from my mom that Grandpa isn't doing well at all. He's had a cold for over a week and seems to be weakening. He told her tonight that he hasn't eaten in 2 days. To make things worse, my uncle who lives nearby and checks on him daily is in Baltimore for the weekend so he's alone in the house til Monday. He's fallen several times in the past year and needed help to get up. Mom said that if he was still bad tonight when she called she was going to drive out tomorrow and take him to the hospital.
I was encouraged to hear that the hospice chaplain who spent alot of time with my grandmother before she died has continued to visit Grandpa these last 9 months so I'm hopeful that he has been getting a regular dose of Christ's love and truth in his life. I'm also standing firm on the promise that God's word doesn't return void and I've sent that word out to Grandpa as has my mom for many, many years.
We're still planning to visit Grandpa at Thanksgiving and I'll be prepared to scatter more seed and pray for him at that time. Hopefully it will be a time of rejoicing and praising God for His mighty work in Grandpa's life.

Thank you in advance :-)

campsmore said...

It might be a good idea to contact the chaplain or at the very least, senior services to check in on him daily.

There are many free community programs nationwide. Call the chamber of commerce in his town and ask. It'll give your family peace of mind until your uncle returns.

We're going stay with my husband's 93 year old granddad. He's a believer!

I pray he doesn't have any health issues while we're there, or me either. He plays a mean game of dominos....


Jen said...

Hi Lori,
Yes, we did let the chaplain know (Dorothy), but she is just getting over a very serious illness of her own so she's not able to visit him until she's fully well.
I think one of my uncle's friends was going to stop by, but he's not familiar with Grandpa and it would be awkward to ask him to do more than stop for a visit, although if I were in the same situation I'd certainly be happy to help in any way I could. I haven't heard from my mom today, so hopefully nothing major occured in the last 24hours. The whole situation with my mom's family is very volatile and unpredictable. I can't tell you how many times we've been 'disowned' in the last 20 years, usually because we didn't visit when expected or because we tried to be too involved (they view my mom as kinda the black sheep because she chose to move away after marriage and as a result she has been somewhat shunned.) The irony is that she has sacrificed more time and effort to care for her parents than all the other combined, but it's not viewed that way and always ends up twisted against her. We pretty much expect that once Grandpa is gone, we won't have much contact with them after that. That's not our choice, but unless they have major renovations in their hearts, it's the reality. Of course I have the whole family in my regular prayers and will continue to do that forever. But the restoration has to be desired by both sides and that just isn't there right now.

Until I hear differently, I'm going to focus on our visit at the end of the month and continue to pray for the immediate concerns with great expectation of healing and salvation.


Marge said...

You are so right!

Keep expecting salvation, healng and miracles!

And keep looking to the author of those expectations, too.

LisaShaw said...

Greetings Family in Christ,

I haven't been on the blog in several days and I'm attempting to catch up with several people online. I wanted to stop by here before dinner and greet each one of you and tell you that I was thinking of you and praying for you. I have not gone through every post that I've missed as time has not permitted but I will. However, I just wanted to reach out to you and say I pray your weekends were productive, peaceful and full of the presence of our LORD.

I pray that each one us keep our eyes upward toward the LORD. Remain watchful, alert and ready. PRAISE THE LORD!

I love you all and although we may not know each other personally our hearts are one in the faith; faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. What we must see more of is unity amongst followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. A time will come, and I believe we are seeing it more clearly now when our faith will be greatly tested in this world. There are some who will hear simon says and do what he says while others will wait to hear and respond to the voice of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

I stand with you in serious prayer and fellow Warriors in CHRIST!!

God bless you.
Lisa Shaw

P.S. Do you guys do new blog article postings? I just don't want to miss one because I am set up to receive this one "Heal our land oh God" via email. Thanks and love you all.

LisaShaw said...

Followup message: I just went through and saw that I have 23 posting since my last posting. I'm so sorry that I've missed so much. Again, I don't have the opportunity to read them all at this moment but I will.

God bless you.

Marge said...

Thank you so very much for being a part of this blog! And for all your well wishes and prayer, too! (Wilma and I agreed in prayer, several monthes ago, about the Lord bringing a minister to our blog!) You are our answer to prayer! God bless you for obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit!

Yes, this is only one, of a couple of blogs. Since I'm still on Dial Up, we go up to about 140-150 posts, and then Mike makes a new one. (you can click on my name and gain access to the entire blog)

I agree. The times are changing. Please feel free to write whatever the Holy Spirit lays upon your heart, okay? This is a Full Gospel blog, and we believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Many thanks again, Lisa. And may God continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry, richly.

P.S. Wilma's computer has been down for a few days, and the computer "geeks' won't be at her house until next Sat.

I'm working this evening, so I'll be back tomorrow :)

Jen said...

Hello friends,
Quick note before bed...
I talked with my mom and she said that Grandpa was doing a bit better and had eaten breakfast today. She mentioned the homehealth nurse option but he was resistant. I think his greatest fear is that he'll have to go into a nursing home. He insists that he'll die at home and, in fact, has been refusing treatment for a (cancerous?) mass in his abdomen for just that reason. His father, my great-grandfather, had a stroke and spent 7 years in a nursing home and that still haunts Grandpa. Very stubborn..."cut off your nose" type. But God is bigger than any of that and I'm praising Him for the small victory in today's news.

Lori, how's your friend doing? Any additional news?
Grace? How are things on your end?

Well, I'm off to catch up on some needed sleep. Only got 4 hours last night, but we still got to church and what a blessing it was to be there in a spirit of praise :-) I am so enjoying my time in church these days...not sure why, but I really am thankful that we can go freely and openly.

Oh, I have pix of the kids in their costumes at my blog if you're interested. So hard to believe this time 4 years ago we were just learning that we were expecting triplets!

Night night,

campsmore said...

I went to visit Lisa yesterday and she had just seen the results of the surgery for the first time. She is shocked at how "ugly" it is. I reminded her that the "ugly" thing was instrumental in saving her life. (She has to go for surgery in 9 mos.)

She's been walking the halls with her hoopla poles to keep her hooked up to the iv's and stuff. She was also able to begin clear fluids yesterday, she's very happy about that.

Her husband and son cleaned their house as instructed. I thought he'd hit me when I told him to get'er done, but AJ loves his mom very much and he's been working like a crazy kid to make everything just right.

He promised to start cleaning up after himself from now on.

Hopefully, she'll be able to come home in a few days.

campsmore said...

Jen, loved the pictures! Especially the pumpkin patch and then the little one asleep in the car seat with the giant cup! You have a lovely family.

Jen said...

Hi all,
Here's a question I'd love to get your thoughts on...

I was thinking of putting all my Bibles/study materials/books in a central place where they could easily be found after the rapture, but I then realized that the topics I have been reading and studying might not be helpful to those after the rapture. I don't mean the Bible itself, but rather specific stuff that relates to living out the Christian life on this side of time/age of grace. What studies do you think won't be helpful or in effect after we're called home?
One of the reasons I am thinking this over is because after our recent computer crash and my 'favorites' websites were erased, I kinda panicked because I have a whole bunch under "after the rapture" heading which I thought would be helpful to tag for those who might come along to our house seeking supplies, etc. I got those back, but the thought then occurred to me that they might not all be relevant. I don't want my efforts to leave something helpful behind to actually be a waste of time!
Also, do you think that with all the keystroke tracking that is being used already that websites/blogs like ours might be deleted as soon as the powers that be are in force? Another reason to have materials available in our homes and not just rely on the internet. I know RR site encourages people to download their site to CDs for that reason.
Anyway, just some rambling thoughts :-)

Grany, nice point about Noah, btw! I've been biting my tongue on the multiple rapture topic because I'm really not the person to address it. But I recall John saying long ago that just because something is recorded in the Bible doesn't make it true (if it's a human perspective that's recorded)...I think he used the story of Job as an example. Man's faulty interpretation can also be included and we need to rightly divide the Word to know the difference :-)

OK - off to finish the afternoon!

Jen said...

Oops...forgot to respond to Lori.

Yes, we have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams. I remember the days of praying for just 1 baby! That sleeping boy is Josh, the one who loves creatures of all sorts. He chose a trip to the aquarium for his potty training prize and that's him, asleep in the car, on the way home, with a bucket of plastic sea creatures that he got in the gift store. He was also the crocodile at Halloween this year. No surprise there :-)


TexanForChrist said...


We also have where we can leave links messages or whatever we want, remember we control the site.

I hope everyone had a God filled weekend.


Mike <><

Great Grany 5 said...

This has to be a short and sweet comment. I am still using my laptop and I have connected the keyboard (wireless) and mouse to it so I am not as strung out as I was. Now I am not able to do the email thing again. I am taking my laptop up to the IT in the morning to find out what the problem is. For some reason or other, Firefox downloaded Chrome for a test run and I hate it! I couldn't get anything done in my usual gait as it limits how many tabs you can have open.

The thing I want to say is simple, keep the faith, and don't get distracted by the noise or the crowd. We have one goal to complete before this all comes to a climax and that is the salvation message. People are very, very aware that their whole life is changing and we need to know what God's word is saying to those who are seeking.

Jen, when the ones who are left come searching, they will be like a starving nation, needing everything and wanting it all.

Love you all,

Marge said...

In agreement, in prayer, that your computer problems are resolved soon.

How about a little teaching/background on the basis for believing in two (maybe more?) raptures?
Or, Grany, when she gets her computer/technical difficulties straightened out?

Also, John, what about comparing today/the days of Noah/pre-flood?

When you get to it, that is :)

Anyone else?

Like Grany mentioned, keep the faith.
And keep fighting the good fight of faith!

Thanks for giving the correct "address," too :)

Marge said...

May God bless our Veterans!

I live near two military bases, with more a little further away.
We need to keep our Military Service people in prayer. And speak the blessings of God upon them all.

boatman909 said...

Re the Rapture,

here is something I wrote back in April 2007....

Further to this, there is the 1st Rapture when the Lord Jesus comes back as described by Paul in his letters to the Thessalonians, there is the 2nd rapture of the saints from out of the Great Tribulation (Revelation ch7) and there is the rapture of the 2 Witnesses (Revelation 11:3-12)

I believe there is also a 4th rapture of anyone who has died or is still living between the 2nd Rapture and the final return of Jesus as Lord of lords and King of Kings, who have become born-again in that period - I think these are predominately Jews.


campsmore said...

Amazing Grace

boatman909 said...



Thank you - this is beautiful!


campsmore said...

I needed it as much as anyone else. Really glad to oblige.

TexanForChrist said...

There is finally a new post, Faith of a Child.. a good study I hope..


LisaShaw said...

I will visit the new post. Thanks and God bless you all.