Friday, June 27, 2008

Can we show Abba a Tsunami or a Splash?

The Wave
Can we show Abba a Tsunami or a Splash?

What a Great Idea.

From El Shaddai Ministries

Greetings to everyone from around the world! You know how at sporting events they have “the wave” where one group starts it and then it cycles all the way around back to the beginning? Do you remember when at the year 2,000 they showed on television all the New Year celebrations going on around the world as the New Millennium began? Here is what I want to propose. Let’s have an around the world shofar assembly in every time zone on the Feast of Trumpets at sunset (the evening of September 29th) announcing to Messiah we are awake and anxiously anticipating His return. What a dress rehearsal! Won’t that stir His heart!!

We listed the 24 different time zones on a chart that you'll find at Join us by submitting the email form to get your information placed on the grid in your time zone segment. We will add your city to the list of cities and groups that are participating. Hopefully we can get people from every tongue, tribe and nation participating as we join together proclaiming Yeshua as our coming King of Kings!



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A time for Learning

We hope that this blog will assist other in their search for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Many struggled for months with this subject and we were graced by some extremely knowledgeable and experienced Christians that patiently helped us through our many questions. We hope that you can learn much about the Holy Spirit through this blogs posts and comments.