Psalms 12
1 Help, O LORD, for the godly are fast disappearing! The faithful have vanished from the earth! 2 Neighbors lie to each other, speaking with flattering lips and deceitful hearts.3 May the LORD cut off their flattering lips and silence their boastful tongues. 4 They say, "We will lie to our hearts' content. Our lips are our own—who can stop us?" 5 The LORD replies, "I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do." 6 The LORD's promises are pure,like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. 7 Therefore, LORD, we know you will protect the oppressed, preserving them forever from this lying generation, 8 even though the wicked strut about, and evil is praised throughout the land.
16 years ago
Guess, things weren't so different back then?
Yes, all too familiar when we look around us. I just listened to a Joseph Prince sermon yesterday about God's construction plans for the ark. He noted that it had 1 window and it was on the top of the boat, not along the side. God wanted Noah and his family to look out from their shelter and see only the light coming from above, and not be able to look out around them as the destruction of the earth took place. In His lovingkindness, He sheltered their view from all the terrible things that were happening to the world. Joseph encouraged us to do the same, to look upward and stay focused on our Lord because the discouragement and fear that comes from looking out the "side windows" can make us falter.
There were lots of other great insights of how the ark was a shadow of Christ, too. Very good message!
Mike, I thought of you today. A young single mom in our community is having an extra-hard time right now and many of her appliances are quitting, including a window AC unit. A note was put out to the church and within a few days, all the broken appliances have been replaced. I think that even in tough economic times, God's people are happy to help another in need. And I think He provides us with the extras at the right time so that we can do that. It was an encouraging story amongst all the other gloomy news that vies for our attention.
I'm taking the kids to MIL's house for a few hours while I shop for my isolation supplies. I have to find a few specialty items so hopefully the medical supply store will have what I need. I take shots W and Th and then swallow the radiation pill on Fri. I'm doing well on the low-iodine diet, but can get a little snippy at times because I can't eat whatever/whenever I want!
Have a great day, all!
Thank you for posting a new blog.
satan is a liar! Jesus won your victory over 2,000 years ago now. Healing is part of the atonement. It belongs to you. So continue to claim divine healing, in Jesus name. Amen.
God is a good God! Stand in victory for your healing.
Great passage and yes, it wasn't much different back in Jesus' day as it is in ours and they had the living, breathing Messiah right there with them and they still refused to obey God.
One of the reasons we are all going through this present time is because we were chosen to be here as witnesses to the actual goodness of God and the redeeming grace brought to us through Jesus Christ. One of the reasons a lot of religious people will find their selves facing the Tribulation is they refused to believe Jesus Christ and Him crucified, buried and then resurrected to the right hand of Abba Father. People would rather believe the lies and consider their selves "good" but knowing all of the time that they are without a true relationship with Him. I was one of those people and it took a wonderful and obedient servant of God to keep knocking at my kitchen door day after day, telling me about her savior. It isn't easy but oh, the rewards are wonderful.
JEN, there is no name of any thing, person or situation that the Name of Jesus is under. His name is above all names and every thing under his name has to bow, submit, desist, quit, knock it off and stop when we call on His Sacred Name. Remember, the scripture where it tells us that "The name of the Lord is a high tower and all that run into it are saved"? Well, that means us and this thyroid thing is another name under Jesus' jurisdiction. He brought us healing by his stripes that tore his body apart, to the place that you and I wouldn't have recognized him. I know that is horrible visual words but I have to get you to see the extreme extent that He was subjected to in order to bring you healing in all of your body and in all ways. I have been a partaker of His Divine healing for every ache, pain, attack and diagnosis under the sun. He has never failed me and I know that there have been many occasions that he has stopped the enemy of my soul during the start of a heart attack. Just remember, like Marge said, give him high praise and continually say that you are healed by the healer and his Holy Spirit. We are all praying for you and we don't intend to quit either.
We all have to get our armour on and keep it in perfect battle shape because children, things are not going to get easier as the days go by. We will not quit, be silenced, give up, become discouraged or stop praising our Heavenly Father for the work that he is doing to complete what he has begun in each of us.
A great word for today! Amen!
Confession is faith in action.
According to John 6:63b, confession/words are spirit and they are life! (or spoken in the negitive the reverse would also be true/refer to the books of Proverbs/James, etc.) So when we speak the promises of the Bible, we ARE speaking the words of Jesus. Words/spirit of life!
"...the words that I speak to you, are spirit and life." John 6:63b
On a much different note, one verse that flew (it seemed that way to me!) into my spirit/heart yesterday morning was concerning Samson. I was On Line, and reading a few comments from someone, and BOOM, this verse rocketed it's way into my being. I've been meditating on it (off and on) since then. And just this morning I sensed a release to share it. Okay, I have to tell you, this was a profound experience. Much like, "deep calling to deep." (Ps. 42:7a) Was this the Holy Spirit? Oh, yeah. So, here it is. See if the Holy spirit speaks to you about it.
"Judges 16:20b, (says about Samson after his continual sinning without repentance)..."and he wist not that the Lord was departed from him."
Okay, as I mentioned this verse blasted it's way into my spirit/heart. I first thought it was concerning Saul. But after some research, I remembered that Saul knew when the Holy Spirit had departed from him. (in the O.T. the Holy Spirit was upon people, as it was pre-cross/Jesus coming to earth the first time, etc.) In fact, it mentions an evil spirit came upon Saul. That's when David was called to come and play his harp for Saul, and the evil spirit would (temp.) leave Saul. Then it came to me that Saul was a King. Samson was a JUDGE. Like another rocket from heaven, I sensed in my spirit/heart that THAT is what is going on right about now in America. Another judge being selected. And as many Bible teachers tell us, it's the wicked rulings from the Judicial system that has brought/and will bring our land under judgement. May God continue to have mercy upon the United States of America for it's wicked Court decisions. As the body of Christ we can petition God for mercy. We (as the people) are not responsibe for electing the Supreme Court. So, continue to pray for our great nation. If for nothing else, for God to grant us mercy. But for much more, too. People need the Lord. Pure, plain and pretty simple.
And continue to stand against the enemy of our souls, as Grany mentioned. Because "greater is he that is in you, that he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4b. Amen. Amen!
Have a wonderful weekend! And if anyone has any feedback from Judges 16:20, please respond, too.
God bless,
There are many other sins/America. Not treating Israel right, etc., as well.
The strength that Samson knew and used, both for noble and ignoble purposes was a gift given to him by God. It wasn't because of Samson's greatness that he was able to carry out these feats of strength but only because of the Anointing that was bestowed on him and it all came from God through the Holy Spirit. It was given to him for his service to God. When Samson continually sinned in spite of his calling, in direct rebellion to his office, God allowed the wages of sin to take place. Samson lost his Anointing because of sin, rebellion and unrepentance. He only found out about it when he tried to use it again.
We are of a different dispensation and the Holy Spirit indwells us because of our salvation relationship with Jesus Christ. Know that the power of the Holy Spirit is the Authority of the Believer and is made manifest when we continue to abide in Him. Just as we have seen many, many born again believers breaking their covenant with Abba, we have seen the Holy Spirit depart from their life, not completely but they never have the same Anointing that they once had. I know there are lots of thoughts on what I have just stated but I will stick with the diminished capacity to do the works of God in the same power and Authority that they once had. There are far too many examples of this weakening to prove the point. They woke up one morning called those things which were not as though they were and nothing happened. It is a very sad, heart breaking awakening and it could all have been avoided. King David is a very good example of repentance and restoration but the difference today is beyond anything we have ever experienced before in this Christian walk. Time is short and I believe with all of my heart that you received a true word from the Holy Spirit.
There will be those who call their self Believers, denying the Holy Spirit's working in their life and by the fact of grieving Him, He will depart without a lot of fanfare. The scriptures tell us that Judgment will begin in the House of the Lord and the Priests will be the first to be judged. The teachers will receive an even greater evaluation as the scriptures tell us and God is the one doing the judging. So, if I have misrepresented the meaning and purpose of the Word, God will judge me more harshly than the person who is being taught. Leading the flock astray is a terrible sin and one that we will answer for at Jesus' throne. What we do to the Body has a tremendous accounting and it is with that warning that we should all be very careful and aware of what we are doing and saying. Now is not the time to be flippant about God's word or for that matter, about our conversations.
Samson lost his Anointing without bells ringing and songs being sung. We can become clanging cymbals and noisy voices trying to go on when the Glory has departed. Ichabod over the door posts of a church and over a persons life is a terrible thing to witness, let alone experience. The same as being vomit in the mouth of Jesus.
The distinction between Samson and King Saul was outstanding and true. Saul was Anointed by God to fill the role of King for the Israelite people but he abused his position and tried to lie to God's prophet. But after the Anointing left Saul became the abode of an evil spirit. In the story of Samson there isn't any mention of that happening so I am assuming it was all a matter of a heart condition regarding their sin that separates.
An addendum to the previous comments:
A judge and a king were judged and found wanting, now what about those that 2 Timothy 3 tells us about. Here in verses 5 through 9:
5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
HERE is a link that explains who Jannes and Jambres were. In brief, they were the magicians in the court of Pharaoh and resisted Moses with magical feats of their own. The link has some very interesting information in it.
Thanks for your great points!
Anyone else?
Have a great week!
God bless,
Got this from CBN emailing today,
Spiritual Gifts Webcast tonight
I won't be able to make it but maybe some of you can.
Have a great day since the Lord has made it for us..
BTW, how are you feeling Jen?
Good news from the cave Jim C was offered a job as was Lori's hubby! As our dear Marge say's God is good all the time.
Thanks for the link.
Answered prayer is awesome! I'm always glad to see when people come in with their praise reports!
Because,...God IS good, and good all the time :) AMEN!
Have a great evening!
God bless,
Hi all,
Quick note to let you know I'm doing well. Today was the last official day of isolation but kids will be home tomorrow. I'm celebrating tonight with a PizzaHut pizza. I can hardly wait! Drooling just thinking about it :-)
Here's a silly prayer, but one that God is happy to answer nonetheless. We have a persistent groundhog which has now dug holes under our deck. In addition to eating all my flowers (even up on the deck, the nerve!) he's getting into the garden and eating blossoms off before they can ripen into veggies. I'm hoping to trap him in the next day or two, but the next step will be the wildlife folks which means the literal end of him and a $200 bill for us. I'd like to avoid both, but can't have a family of groundhogs living right under our feet. Will you join me in prayer so that the problem is resolved happily for all?
Check in later,
Praying that the Groundhog gets tired of your menu plans and goes elsewhere to eat.
Mike, I will try to watch it too as I am literally worn to a frazzle today. Hot and trying to clean house is just a no brainer but it has to be done. Good news about Jim C's job. Did he say what it is connected with? I knew God would come through for him.
LORI, I know you get the emails so I am going to tell you how great your news was regarding hubby's job. I scanned the messages in my inbox but I am so tired. I am going to sign off and eat, go take a shower and beddy bye time.
Happy Friday everyone!
Keep smiling and keep praising the Lord! This IS the day that the Lord has made. We WILL rejoice and be glad in it. Amen!
God bless,
Is there anything too hard for Jesus?
Answer: Absoltely not, thru the promises in the Bible/God's Holy Word.
Resolve: Act on God's Word and see answers/victory in your life.
To God be the glory for the things He has (and will do!) done. Amen.
Amen, Marge!
I have to admit, after praying and asking God to redirect the groundhog, I kept going outside with the expectation of finding him in the garden or digging another hole under the deck. So I really wasn't praying in faith since my following actions weren't demonstrating that I believed God would actually answer me.
Well, it takes some reminding myself but I'm starting to walk outside with confidence in the fact that the groundhog won't be found and for the last 3 days we've had no sign of him.
It really is true that we act according to what we believe.
Heard a good sermon on fear today, too. The pastor said that fear is nothing more than:
Evidence that
A good reminder when we're faced with situations that tempt us to fear and lose sight of the unseen.
Have a great weekend ahead, everyone!
A good word!
Quantum faith: doesn't appear,...until you look for it. Now that Science is catching up to God's Word, we can even kinda sorta understand the things of the unseen (spirit) world. It's what the Bible has said, all along :)
God bless,
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
verse 2:
"For by it the elders obtained a good report."
verse 3:
"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Oh, and one of my all time favorite verses is verse 10:
"For he (Abraham) looked for a city which hath foundation, whose builder and maker is God."
I was pondering these verses this morning, and I began to wonder how many believers are being lured into the world's system, by going overboard concerning world events? After all, the Bible never said to get locked into this world/world systems, etc. The Bible's focus is towards prayer for leaders of nations, preaching/teaching the Gospel/doing good, etc. Because we're never going to defeat the enemy by meeting him/cohorts in this present world system. Our weapons are supernatural. By fighting the enemy, (who is currently the prince of the power of the air) on his own turf, we are (maybe unknowingly) opening the door for him into our lifes. Just a thought. But this came into my spirit this morning. Studying the news/current events is fine. But the news we need to really focus upon is the Good news of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Love to all, and enjoy a wonderful week in Jesus, too!
God bless,
"There's victory in Jesus,
My Savior forever,..."
This is the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.
It's a matter of "will/choice."
Western WA. is under a heat advisory until late Thursday evening. Temps could go over 100 degrees! EEK!
Have a wonderful (and cool :) day in the Lord Jesus Christ!
God bless,
A few thoughts on mustand seed faith. (Charles Capps T.V, program, on Daystar, Thursday A.M. once a week, only)
1. mustand seeds can not be cross pollinated/won't change
2. seed is planted by saying.
Matt. 17:20b:
"...if ye have faith as a grain of mustand seed, ye shall SAY to this mountain,..."
Words are important. Words are creative. Refer to Hebrews 11, the book of James, etc., etc. Do a word study on words/saying. Good Bible studies!
Have a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Remember faith worketh by love. Gal.5:6
"This is the day, that the Lord has made,
That the Lord has made,
I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it,
And be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made,
I will rejoice and be glad in it,
This is the day, This is the day,
That the Lord has made."
Enjoy the presence of the Lord today, and every day!
Rememeber, yesterday is gone.
And tomorrow isn't here yet :)
Ecclesiastes 3:1:
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
Gone Fishing,...
Did someone want to go fishing with me? LOL!
If anyone wants to go fishing, they can turn to Mathew 4:19,... which are Jesus orders for the Body of Christ, which say:
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Don't like fishing? How about harvesting? (smile)
Luke 10:2:
"The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest."
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! And let's pray for more labourers to go into the harvest, too.
Could it be you?
God bless,
John 10:10:
"The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
"Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea..."
..."a dragon lives forever, but not so little boy,
Jackie no longer went to play, along the Cherry Lane,
Without his life long friend,
Puff could not be brave,
So Puff, that mighty dragon, sadly went inside his cave..."
Let's have a brief re-cap:
1. Jackie is growing up, and no longer goes to play along the Cherry Lane,...check
2. Puff has gone into his cave to try and figure out the exact lyrics to the last verse, as he's quite sure it's been edited,...check
3. Me? I've gone fishing,...:)
God bless,
And goodnight Mrs. Calabash where ever you are!
I'm back from fishing :)
I am currently attempting to design a better mouse trap. Any ideas or suggestions can be slipped into the suggestion box on the left. Oh that's right. We don't have a suggestion box. Drat! Well, I try to stop by once a day, on my way to other blogs, etc. So, let me know if anyone can be of help, okay? Any and all suggestions are welcomed.
God bless,
I will go fishing with you Marge, because I have a big can of worms I want to turn loose on the aquatic life.
You're on! "A fishing we will go!"
But any suggestions/ideas for a better mouse trap? LOL!
Love you, you know!
God bless,
P.S. If anyone wants to reach me, for any reason, leave a line, or two, okay? I stop by and look for any suggestions to build a better mouse trap about once a day :)
Love, and God richest blessings,
Cheese usually works.
I sometimes check in here to read thoughts. It seems like everyone has moved on, though.
Hope all are well. Blessings to you today.
Homeward Bound,
Thanks for the suggestion, LOL!
You're correct.
Thanks for stopping by, though. Good to "see you!"
God bless!
Most of us still go to the cave, occassionally. See you there!
I stopped by twice today :)
P.S. We may pick this up again, too.
Ps.34: 1
"I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth."
verse 10b:
"...but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing."
I couldn't leave this morning, without posting verse 7:
"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."
Or verse 19:
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him (or her :) out of them all."
Homeward Bound,
I'm taking a sabbatical leave from the cave. (as of 9/11/09)
God bless,
It's important what you believe.
"Christianity is based on faith."
"We are saved thru faith, healed thru faith, and receive financial blessings thru faith. Faith is simple belief that God will do what He promises in His Word."
Craig Hagin, (Kenneth E. Hagin's grandson,) from the Sept. edition of the, Word of Faith magazine.
Also a little teaching from Kenneth E. Hagin today :)
It is important what you believe.
Matt.9:29b says:
"...according to your faith be it unto you."
To quote an old proverb:
"Blessed is he/she who expecteth nothing,
for they shall not be disappointed."
So, expect and receive from God today, and every day!
Jumping Off Line for today :)
If anyone wants to get in contact with me, I stop by once a day. Sometimes more :)
God bless!
The sounds of silence?
Oct. 1st. Where does the time go?
Hello,...anyone here?
Echo, echo, echo...:)
The devil is defeated, God is exalted, and Jesus is coming again!
(ripped off from: Charles Capps program, Concepts of Faith :)
True story!
Christian Science doesn't believe in disease, as I understand/interpret their doctrine.
Christian Bible faith denies disease the right to come/stay in redeemed bodies. Because healing/health is included in the Atonement. However, we need to act upon it, in the name of Jesus.
1 Peter 2:24, says:
"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: BY WHOSE STRIPES YE WERE HEALED."
"Ye were healed." That's present tense. It happened over 2,000 years ago. When as we, as believers, going to wake up to the fact, and begin to act, in obedience, and start believing and confessing these Bible truths?
It's up to me. It's up to you. To act in faith, believing.
2 Timothy 2:23:
"But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes."
2 Timothy 3:5:
"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Romans 10:8b:
"The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is the word of faith, which we preach."
Romans 10:10:
"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
You know, I believe I'd go fishing, if it weren't so blasted c-o-l-d :)
Merry Christmas!
echo, echo, echo :)
May God's richest blessings be yours, this Holy season.
Guess everyone has gone fishing :)
Happy New Year! 2010! Wow!
Since I don't maintain my own blog, I do stop by here, to check on things.
God's richest blessings to all,
As I said, I drop by once a day, to check on ?
It's time for all of us, to return to our first Love, and do our first works. Rev. 2:4 and 5.
Echo, echo, echo....:)
From the March newsletter, of Aquilla Nash:
"Beloved I have a feeling all hell is about to break loose around us and we better know how to grab hold and hang on. The devil knows our greatest days are ahead of us. The nations of the world are getting ready to rock with the power and glory of God and the devil does not like it! The gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all the world. It is in times of pressure that the Church shines the brightest."
Looks like someone should pull the plug on this blog :(
Would anyone care to say/pray a few words over this blog, before it's (officially) laid to rest? (smile)
I'll give the final benediction then :)
Numbers 6:24-26:
"The Lord bless thee and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
And all of God's peaople, said: Amen.
I still plan to stop by and check :)
I could write:
The End :)
However, in the "ways of the Holy Spirit," it's always:
The Beginning!
May God bless all true God seekers!
Wow, this post has lasted almost a full year!
I know :)
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