Monday, April 6, 2009

Enabled To Do

Faith is God's invitation to make the impossible possible. He is glorified when we are ENabled to do what we're UNable to do.
"I am Your dearly loved child. I am from You, Lord God, and have overcome the influences of the evil kingdom, because the One who is in me is greater than
the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4.)
You are the Lord, the God of all mankind. Nothing is too hard for you! (Jer. 32:27.)
Now unto You who are able to do immesasurably more than all I ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within me, to You be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen! (Eph. 3:20-21.)"
-from Beth Moore's devotional Praying God's Word Day by Day.


Jen said...

Thought I'd start a new post. Hope everyone is amenable to it :-)
If not, let me know! Something short and sweet to start the week with.


Marge said...

I think you did GREAT! Thanks!


Marge said...

Todays quotes: (smile)

"Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."

"We have amazing gifts in our lives all the time--even when we face huge challenges."

"Our attitude has the power to take everyone to a higher level."

How much more--when we look to our God.

Have a wonderful day in the Lord, everyone!

Great Grany 5 said...

JEN, great selection and very appropriate I might add.

I like Marge's "Today's Quotes" also and I really needed both of them this morning especially. Ate something last night that is not getting along too well with the rest of me. I know what it was and I also knew better but it just sounded so good. Now I am eating Papaya and trying to down some Aloe vera juice and that is the most disgusting thing on this planet. But if it works that is all that really matters.

I have been reading all of the links Twinkle Toes Lori posted at the cave and it doesn't take long to realize that our world is in a mess and the only one who is coming out of this unscathed is the Body of Christ. We win! If we die we go to be with the Lord and out of this Obamanation; if we live it gives us multiple opportunities to reach the unsaved. We win!

Gotta get with the household schedule now so will close and waddle off to the zoo.


TexanForChrist said...

Hi everyone. Got back home on Sunday but had to play a lot of catch up yesterday.

Thanks Jen for creating a new post and a good one at that!

Cruise was great and I was able to relax and had some time to listen to that still small voice.

DW was not quite as relaxed as she was the travel agent and had to deal with the group of friend and families she put together for this cruise.

Didn't really understand how much she had to do on those rough "business trips", but I was glad I got to tag along and it's been a long time since we've been able to take a week together without work, phones, email and well kids..

Lori's Omega Letter Briefing was spot on and I'd have to agree after only being absent for a week.

Haven't been to the cave yet but not likly to catch up there, guess I'll just go for the current post.

Happy to be back with you and I have kept you all in my prayers..



Great Grany 5 said...

MIKE, great news about your week of relaxin, cruisin, and snoozin! We all missed you though.

There is blog site named "American Thinker" and it was Mac that pointed me to it. It is well worth the read even the ones other than the linked one. I have added it to my RSS reader on my homepage. Anyway, the climate in the USA towards BOO is really getting nasty and for some reason the libs are being awfully quiet. I don't know about all of you but my whole being is like a raging sea over all of the things BOO set in motion during his EU trip and then he topped it all off by ignoring the Normandy visit.

So, I have decided that from this day on, he has to be a person non Grata in order for me to function in love and peace.

Just dropping by for a few seconds. Spring has sprung and much to do before hot weather hits here. Have to work while it is still cool enough to tolerate the movements.

Love you all,

Marge said...

I would have to agree with you, about letting "go" of some of the current news events. IMHO some of these things need to be happening. After all, if we were on earth, during the politics of Jesus time, what would (or should) we have been doing? Roman politics were a mess. However, Jesus didn't caught up in them. In fact, Jesus told Martha, that Mary had chosen the right thing to do, even when Martha was doing a good thing. Balance. That's what Jesus was telling Martha, also IMHO. Anyhow, just a thought for the day, kinda thing.

And may all have a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ!


Marge said...

A quote from Hilton Sutton's April magazine. It's excellent, and I wanted to share with everyone.

"Presently we are in the "Time of the End," which is the closing of the last days. The term, "Time of the End," is not meant to indicate doom or gloom, when kept in context it simply means "Thank God It's Friday." You and I are in the Friday of our earthly ministry work. We must not allow fear by any means, to have ill effect upon us. You and I as followers of Jesus have a huge assignment, which must be finished proir to our departure..."multitudes are in the valley of decision..." Joel 3: 12-14 and we have to reach them and point them to our Lord Jesus. We have a harvest to reap!"

Anyhow, the entire magazine is wonderful! He has a website, which is:, too.

Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, if we had been on earth during Jesus' days, I hope we would have been part of the party of supporters traveling with him. But more than likely, we would have been scrubbing floors, cooking meals and complaining like Martha. That is until SUDDENLY JESUS came into our atmosphere. I often wonder about this very same thing and OH, I would love to go back in time just for a second to be physically near him, touch the hem of his garment or hear his voice in the Galilee area of Israel. I think that is one of the reasons I loved going to Israel. It is where he walked, talked and breathed in his human form. But now, I am waiting on the King of kings and Lord of lords. Hoping it is very, very soon. Like this evening. Or at 4 p.m. today it will be midnight in Israel! Could come at anytime and I have to be ready.

Love to all of you,

Marge said...

I'd like to believe there is a little Mary,...along with Martha in most believers :) (for the men, Peter, and John?) Anyhow, it's all speculation, as God saw this place in time, and planted us here.

Although, I am looking forward to the rapture, I am content to wait awhile longer. There's a harvest to reap, and then the time of the End. We want all our family/friends, and people in general, to have another chance to come into the Fold. Every day brings another opportunity for the unsaved, to become saved.

Wishing everyone a most Happy Resurrection Sunday!

He is risen!
He has risen, indeed!

Keep the Faith!

Marge said...


He is risen.
He is risen, indeed.

Marge said...

No matter how you "slice it,"


Amen! Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Marge said...

another correction :)

We are presently in the time of The End. I meant to say, "and then the rapture of the Church."

boatman909 said...

Happy Easter, everyone.

God is Soooo Good!!

Have just got back from a weeks' vacation in Mexico - boy, did we need that - doing nothing for a week is sometimes a good thing..!!

Where can I find Lori's Omega Letter Briefing?


TexanForChrist said...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend.

John, forwarded the Omega letter from Lori to your email address..

Got to move our daughters furniture into an apartment this weekend. I'm thankful the God provided both the means and the physical ability to let this old man load a truck with possibly the heaviest furniture ever created, bounce in the trucks seat for 300 miles, unload and then bounce back home. Defiantly a job for the younger crowd.

I pray the God will as always richly bless everyone this week..



boatman909 said...



For everyone else..

You may be interested in the comments by Constance Cumbey, an active Michigan lawyer and born again believer, who has been following such areas of interest as the UN's Alliance of Civilizations (including OHB's recent attendance in Turkey - MUCH more significant than most people realize), the power shifts and struggles in the WEA and the EU, especially with regard to Javier Solana and his links to the AoC, the EU ENP, the Club of Rome (a significant power behind the scenes in Europe), and the intertwining of the New Agers in all of this.

Another blog you might like to visit is that of Rich of Medford.

The whole thrust of all these groups listed above has been towards a single economic world government, ideally with a single currency, and global free trade agreements - that will put most, if not all power into the hands of a few well placed individuals, almost overnight if they so wish.

I personally think that the huge spike in oil prices was manipulated in order for certain people to make a financial killing in advance of the banking crisis, to give them leverage over governments, and to cover their losses when the banking / stock market system failed - which, as far as I can determine, was seen coming a long time ago - I even found a book in my local bookstore published in 2007 predicting the current mess.

I do know that God has been warning our church for months that we have to get ready for a real roller coaster of a ride from now on, not just encouraging us to draw ever closer to Him, and rely on Him for ALL our needs, but also to get ready for an outpouring of His Spirit the likes of which the world has never before seen, nor will see again.

God bless you and keep you,

boatman909 said...

I wonder what is going to happen re the Somali pirates - see here for up to date info.

I have a strong suspicion that things are going to get worse - now we will see just how serious BHO is about his recent statements re the pirates.

I think he has, knowingly or not, just made life a LOT more difficult for the lives of sailors held in future hijackings - the pirates have nothing to loose by executing some or all of the crews on the spot - not to mention the risks that the existing 250+ hostages face from the pirates.

Either he has to launch some form of military action against the pirates' bases, or else see a lot more loss of life. Of course, his actions will somehow be excused - I expect little further action on his part - whatever he says.

Yet again we see his lack of experience...,putting other people at risk for his own purposes.


TexanForChrist said...

Bible in a Year

I currently get an email daily for my bible in a year reading but it's in NIV which I don't really like, Blue letter has one online but it doesn't email. Does anyone know of one that emails out?

I like the blue letter as you can see all english versions at once.



Great Grany 5 said...


You might check NETBible and this link will take you to the daily bible reading page. I really like this tool because of all the helps it has. It isn't NIV but it is in language we can all understand. The footnotes are fantastic and the added resources are great too. It doesn't seem to be available through Email but I did a RSS reader link, put it on my homepage for Firefox and it always there. I am wondering if you are wanting it for your blackberry. You might inquire if they have that available yet or if it is in the works.

I know how the bounces help while making major moves but you are a good daddy taking care of daughter. It means a whole lot to daughters to know that dad is there for them and every male they come in contact with is measured by your standards. I did it but it was my grandfather's character that I was looking for. My father died when I was 2 years old and my papa was a wonderful replacement. God provided him and it was an excellent choice too.

Does anyone here know what Kingdom Now is all about? A young man who seems to be in love with the Lord, is being proclaimed as our modern day Elijah, prophesying all over the world, said that he is Kingdom minded now and is not as interested in the rapture and the Book of Revelation as he once was. I am just trying to sort out how to deal with him on a personal basis and would appreciate your input and prayers.

I have no idea how I got involved with the youngman but I take it as being from God and I want to be totally aware of what is going on. I have been praying and I know that I am supposed to equip myself with not only the word of God but also, know where the youngman is coming from. What is he talking about and is this something new on the religious stage.

All comments can be addressed to my email if you prefer not to discuss it here. Click on my name, the comments on my blog are moderated and I get a message there is a new one waiting for me.

Love and blessings,

Marge said...

From what little I know about Kingdom Now theology, is that they believe the Church is suppose to become perfect, and then Jesus will come back. There are a few variations, from what I've read, but it's about as messed up as a nickel watch, when Scripture is compared to Scripture. At least in my humble opinion :)

Kinda like Pre-Wrath is another variation of mid-trib, with a few more "bells and whistles." Okay that's a "glittering generality," granted.

My suggestion would be to pray in the Holy Spirit, for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I didn't understand some of the explaination about him, either. Could you be a bit more specific about what is happening? Modern day Elijah? Hmmmm. Haven't heard about that one. Interesting.

Good to see Mike and John posting!

And the start of a few really good discussions, too. Anyone interested?

Love to all,
God bless,

Jen said...

Funny you mention that because I've been wondering exactly what the deal is with that
movement(?). I've heard some criticism linking Kingdom Now with Faith because of the belief that believers have spiritual authority to do great works for the Lord in this life. I haven't spent any time researching it myself, but please share what you find with us.

Some VERY GOOD news to share after our VERY GOOD FRIDAY/EASTER weekend wrapped up. My mom told me this weekend that my prodigal aunt is showing signs of a turn around, is reading the Bible and is much more open to discussions about God than ever before. Mom also told me that Aunt Regina was given a Bible by my uncle Bob who has attended church with his family over the years but isn't someone I would say is showing any fruit. Uncle Bob recently retired from GM and his pension is at risk. That combined with my grandfather's shocking death (Uncle Bob is the one who found him) might be 2 reasons for this interest in getting back to spiritual roots. My mom and her siblings were raised by a Catholic mother and agnostic father, so it's great news to hear that the other siblings are now moving toward the Word and seeking the Lord. Mom has been witnessing to/praying for her family for 26 years (she was saved herself when I was 9 years old.) We're finally seeing the seeds sprouting and it's wonderful! Almost incomprehensible because of the distance that's been between my aunt especially and the Lord. Still alot of healing to do, but I know God can crumble those walls faster than you can shout 'Victory!'
I also attended my brother's baptism on Easter which was very special and another great sign that his life is being turned toward God in a very visible way. He made the decision on his own and is attending 2 church services + Bible study each week. Can't tell you how amazing that is to me! It's becoming more and more evident that God is on the move and the fields will soon be full of the harvest.
Please continue to pray for my parents. They are both saved, but don't have any interest in digging into deeper understanding about the pieces that are now fitting together. They are starting to withdraw from the world because it's too big of a problem to overcome. There's also a sense of isolation because they live in a very small/rural town and I think they figure they can just live out their days going about usual business until they die naturally or the Lord comes. I've been praying that they have teachable spirits and am confident that the Lord is at work in them, but my concern is that they'll be so far behind in understanding that they won't be able to 'catch up' should life get turned on its head and I expect that it will, even in the far reaches of rural USA.
We live 4 hours away and as we were traveling home yesterday (most of the trip is through farm land/undeveloped stretches of land), it amazed me to think of how much power it will take to reign in that much territory for the coming usurper. I guess having spiritual forces working for you will help, but it was just such a vast expanse of land that will have to be conquered. Not sure really how to conceive of it right now...I'm seeing things with such a different view these days. Also a praise note...for the first time, hubby said something indicating he might be accepting that we're in the end times. We saw a lot of Winnebagos for sale and he said, 'If the Lord doesn't return soon like you think, I sure would like to buy a camper and do some traveling when the kids are a little older.' I was shocked that he qualified his thoughts with that statement since he's been so anti-endtimes talk. Another answer to prayer developing!

OK - speaking of hubby, got to make his lunch. His beloved Harry Kalas died yesterday (Phillies announcer) and he's in mourning so I want to make some comfort food for him today.

Check in later,

Great Grany 5 said...

The youngman is one that prophesied Katrina would decimate New Orleans about 6 to 8 months before the fact. He came here from Africa and is a friend of long standing with some of my fellow church members. He has a great personality generally but seems to really take on a very serious nature whenever he begins prophesying.

I have prayed and prayed about it but it just seems unreal to me in that combative nature he is displaying when stressed out by minute things. His microphone was acting up and he really got angry, then it was someone not coming in on the music cue that brought the same fire. Much of what he pronounces is all on an upbeat "glory is coming", etc. but he doesn't shy away from the negative things either.

My closest friend here is so involved with the ministry and I am more than a little concerned about her. He doesn't believe that the book of Revelation is going to be fulfilled because it has already been done. So, she doesn't think there is anything true about Ez. 38 and 39; The seals, the horsemen, the trumpets and/or the vials. To her, it has already happened and we are going out of here glorious and victorious but not in the same sense as most of us believe. She is convinced that this world will be won by all of us that are soldiers and claiming our rights as Kingdom citizens.

She gets really upset over any disputes regarding eschatology and to talk of End Times lights her fuse. This youngman and his family will be guests of her family the first week in May, so I have to really seek God's face on this one.

What I have discerned about the whole movement is they have taken a certain core out of the "Faith Movement", added a little of this and that to get it to agree with what they want and walla, Kingdom Now. The theme tends to me combative/military type of services and it just bounces off of me. This has been going on for about 20 years in this area. The first encounter that I had with it was in 1991 that ended with me walking out of the church we were in attendance. Not my local church but one that we visited in a nearby city. There seemed to be a lot of feet stomping, clinched fists being raised in the air, and a whole lot of marching songs. Then the youngman who was in charge started calling out battle grounds for the different groups to besiege and he was serious.

That's when I left! Called my good friend that lived in the city and she drove me back home. Last time I ever attended an church like that one. Now we have the situation coming right into the town.

I am beginning to believe that the deception is not going to be anything that we are thinking it will be. I believe it will be wrapped up in such sincere, seemingly right theology that we will be swept up into it if we are not prayed up, read up and snuggled up to our Father.

I am not really looking for a tag of any kind but I do believe that I have been brought to this place for a very definite reason. I just want to be able to minister in the power and authority of Jesus Christ without a bunch of hysterics. The friend involved is a very logical, honest and honorable believer. I am going to do some more searching to see what I can find out. Not gossip or those web sites where they try to destroy every body else' faith and care nothing about character assassinations. I am not interested in that. Just would like to really know where they have come up with the foundations of what they are saying.

I will keep you updated as I go along and no matter what the results are, we have to be faithful and true to what the Word says to the point of being considered a stuffed shirt (or in my case, a stuffed blouse).

JEN, your Resurrection week end sounds wonderful and God is moving in all of our families in a great way. I know that DH joining his comments to your discussion of ET is a real comfort and blessing to you. One step at a time Jen, one step at a time.

Love you all,

Marge said...

Thanks for your praise reports! Good things are happening in the Kingdom of God! Expect more and more to happen!

I've also heard the Faith Movement, and Kingdom Now, linked together. Just ain't so! Much like the, New Agers, took some of the confession and visualization concepts WAY out of context and ran with them. Bible based, but pretty whacko within the concepts of the New Age Movement. (Abraham saw things. Bible visualization)

I also heard some disturbing news this last Sunday about my soon to be X-daughter-in-law. (if she goes thru with the divorce, as it's her idea) Anyhow, come to find out she's getting super involved with the, New Age now. I knew she was using Yoga as a form of exercise, to get into shape. But I didn't figure she'd "bite" into the New Age Cult :( Another prayer request. Thanks!

Kingdom Now also goes WAY overboard. Meaning the Church (body of Christ) takes everything over. What they fail to understand is that we are the body of Christ, (Church) and Jesus is the head of the Church. And for the record, (as I've been a long time student of his) Kenneth E. Hagin is pretty much the founder of the Faith movement, and He believed in the rapture, and that Jesus was the head of the body of Christ. Even though Kenneth E. Hagin now resides with Jesus, he's given some pretty bad "rap," at times, which isn't accurate, or deserved.

Speaking of lunch, I need to jump Off Line, and make a kettle of spaghetti for Bob, and us. (for tomorrow) So, I'm getting off my soap box, and saying a big God bless you, to all! (smile)


Marge said...

Our water was turned off, so while I was discussing what was wrong (Management here in Mobile Court) you must have writen :)

I agree with what you said. These people, for the most part, haven't entered into the peace and rest that the Holy Spirit provides. And they're discounting that Jesus is the head of the Church, by their very actions. They need prayer. Spiritual warfare blown WAY OVER THE TOP! Taken out of context, IMHO.

Well, gotta go for now :)

Love again :)

Marge said...

Back On Line, because when I was walking down to get the mail just now, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to give you this verse. It's Psalm 127:1a

"Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it:"

Okay, funny enough I was listening to a Kenneth E. Hagin CD earlier today. (who knew? LOL!) And it was all about the glory of the Lord. He gave this verse, and went on to explain that the main Word is "labour." That if believers are "laboring," then something isn't right! And he was talking to (mainly) Ministers of the Gospel, too! He also mentions Jesus being the head of the Church on the CD (as he does on many of his teachings) Basically, the hand/foot/knee, etc. doesn't tell the head what to do. Nope. The head tells the rest of the body what to do. Pretty much, the Kingdom Now Movement's fatal flaw in their belief system.

Well, my water still isn't turned back on :( Drat, drat and double drat! Oh well, thank goodness for gal. of water on hand :)

Jumping Off Line again :)


Jen said...

I haven't spent much time in prayer on this, but after reading your comments, the story of Moses and the Israelites at the banks of the Red Sea came to mind. A key verse in that passage is when Moses tells the people to stop fretting and trying to figure out how to escape/deal with the approaching army of Pharoah.

13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."

I think the glory has to go to the Lord and not man's wit or wisdom. We know that's how it will be for Israel as they face their surrounding enemies in the days ahead. Just my quick thoughts.


Jen said...

Oops...Exodus 14 :-)

Great Grany 5 said...

I thank you both kindly for your input. My biggest concern is the group of people that get sucked into this thing and then when it all blows over, there is a tremendous cleanup involved. But the main thing is, these people are not listening to the Holy Spirit's witness within their selves. They tend to want to have an experience and also, to take on the forces of evil but they have no idea how or what with. In other words, touchy, feely things that go bump in the night.

Moses' admonishment is a great illustration of fruitless laboring and if these people, and I value them all greatly because they truly love the Lord, have spent their entire Christian life trying to clean out this little town, and most of them are related to everyone that lives here.

This young man's name is Kim if any of you know about him. His calling is of God but how in the world did he get so sidetracked. Makes my heart cry for him. What a waste and all of that. I do know that I am going to talk to my friend very soon and see just what involvement there is going on.

I am getting ready for bed as it has been a long day and hard work I need rest from.

Love and blessings to all,

Jen said...

I know something about your feelings concerning your daughter's potential move (from the daughter point of view.) We lived near Pittsburgh after we married which was 2 hours from my parents and very near my mom's parents, so we saw my side of the family every few weeks and it wasn't too far for my mom to drive down and see us if she wanted.
3 years later, we decided to move to eastern PA and closer to hubby's family. Lots of reasons and I was fully in support of it (turned out the Lord had MANY reasons for us to be in eastern PA so I can look back and see His hand in the move.) But the move caused alot of heartache for my parents, esp. my mom. We were always close and she considered me a sounding board and friend in many ways. To have me 4 hours away and very close to the in-laws brought alot of grief to her heart, even though she herself did the exact same thing when she married. I wasn't fully aware of the toll it took on her at the time and probably didn't do as much as I should have to make the transition easier for her. I never intended to "choose" my in-laws over my own family, but I think it was perceived that way. Almost a sense of abandonment, I later learned. Like I said, the Lord knew some of the things we would be facing later on and having the resources we do have here in eastern PA has been a HUGE blessing/Providence. But from my mom's perspective, she just misses our closeness and "pop-in" proximity.
I wanted to offer myself to you and your daughter should she and her hubby make the move. I'd be happy to share some of the things I've come to understand since we moved or just be a safe place to bounce off the emotions and thoughts that invariably come up. It's a sticky situation with 2 perspectives and reasons to want to let go and at the same time to stay put from both parties. Just makes me look so forward to the day when I can visit my parents - and everyone else who's in the Lord - at a moment's notice! Won't that be grand!?

Love you,

Great Grany 5 said...

I thank you both for your prayers and encouragement. I am still fighting this sinus crud and it makes my eyes water profusely. Buckets! On top of all that I have started to really dig into my neglected chores and I don't know where to go from here. It is a sin to accumulate so much stuff over the years and DH is not gungho on garage sales. My kids have not had good results from their house bidding in AZ so far and Becky is beginning to think it isn't supposed to be. I have not been praying against their move in any way but I did ask Abba to move in the way that would provide them the blessings and comfort they will need in the days to come. My son-in-law is the one who wants to move and get away from all the woodsy environment they now live in. Bella Vista is known for trees, woodland growth, hills, hills, and more hills along with all that entails. He hasn't been saved very long and loves the little church up close to them (AOG) so this could be part of the dry season for their attempted biddings.

I was at the cave and saw a link to a young Messianic musician, clicked on it (I think GT gave the link) and you guys might want to check it out. HEREI read his report of taking his daughter to college and it is very interesting. Along with what GT shared about The Gates of Grace being in the process of shutting. If any of you know or sense a strong witness, would you please share it? I know that as soon as I read the article at the cave, I was immediately brought to a sense of getting myself in right standing, or kneeling, with Abba. I am still praying about the whole thing and this is one that the Holy Spirit is going to have to give me discernment about. There is so much false stuff going on now that it would be very easy to get sucked into a false prophet's web.

JEN, I appreciate your kindest offer and you know how it feels. I feel there is a sense of family unity that exists among us here and I do cherish that relationship very much. Marge and I have discussed this at great lengths and if we are not secure then God is going to require a big time accounting of the ones who are practicing deception. I was going to give the address of our WOTHS to another person that I attend church with but didn't carry through with it. I got the feeling they were just playing games and would use the invitation as a means of connivance. Now I am very selective in who I extend this invitation to because this might be the only place we have to gather in safety. The world needs the Lord and Salvation, I know, but there are those whose only desire is to destroy the Believers and the works of God.

If this nation is now under the severe judgment of God as GT's posted comments indicate, we have to begin to really,really listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit within each of us. The scoffers will keep on getting worse and worse but we need to keep our prayers effectual and constant. I do feel a great alarm taking place inside of me to the degree I have never had before. I am no longer fearful because I know that God's Son has delivered us from Fear. I am never the less, mindful of the dangers that exist around us that would deceive and lead us astray.


Blessings everyone,

Marge said...

I read about the vision. Upon reading it I shelved it :) It didn't have any witness with my spirit/soul. Gates of Grace? There is a Day of Grace, (or dispensation) but I kinda doubt the entire vision. Okay. Maybe I'm wrong. It wouldn't be a first. But God has always has had a "remnant," that He's always taken care of, and I don't believe things have changed. Even in death, there is victory for the believer.
So, if large angels are swinging gates in the heavenlies, it really doesn't concern me. And I hope I don't come across as being arrogant, either. Nope. Just didn't make any impression with me, as being accurate.

God will extend His goodness to His creation, even during the Tribulation. I think there's altogether too much fear preached, instid of faith. But, then again, that is my opinion :)

Anyone else?

I gotta run and get my hair cut, and grocery shop.

God bless!

boatman909 said...

Hi, regarding this vision by Maurice Sklar...

My first question for all of these, since the vision has been made public, is:

Does it line up with the whole of the Word? We all need to check it out carefully.

My immediate first thought was of Revelation Ch 7.

John has been transported to the 3rd Heaven (God's realm). He is surprised by this very large number of people, from every tribe tongue and nation, standing before the Throne. They weren't there earlier!

He did not recognize who they were - strongly implying that this was not the Bride of Christ as he understood the Church of all born-again believers to be. If you consider that at the time of the vision which John had, as recorded in the Book of Revelation, the Church had a sound understanding, from Paul no less, that the Church would be taken away BEFORE the Wrath of God was poured out, and BEFORE the man of sin was revealed - the Rapture. The Great Tribulation comes about because of the man of sin, and occurs during the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th Week.

John had to ask an angel who these people were and was told that this very large group of people that he sees have arrived from out of the Great Tribulation (because it says so in the text).

This is in direct contradiction to the vision by Maurice Sklar, which seems to imply that this is Rapture occurring and that there are no more saved souls, unless what he saw was the last great harvest before the Wrath of God is poured out, which comes about because of the work of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists, which seems to occur at some point during the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th Week - known as the Great Tribulation.

Also, given the growing consensus that we are about see the last Great Awakening (the final fulfillment of Joel's prophecy, and that then the Rapture will take place, I think that Maurice Sklar's vision, because he is in fact Jewish - relates to the second Rapture as recorded in Rev 7, rather than the first Rapture that opens the way for the AC to manifest.

To me this just proves how merciful God is - He is going to give the world a second chance AFTER the Rapture of all the born again, faith filled, faith exercising believers - because without the God kind of faith, it is impossible to please God - anything that is not of this kind of faith is sin!

I means, if you don't have faith in the Rapture, and you don't believe you are eligible for it - i.e. you are expecting/believing to go through the Tribulation, how can God over-rule your choice. He HAS to abide by your expression of your faith - because it is your faith, expressed in words, that empowers Him (or not) to move on your behalf.

Simply put, according to Mark 11:22-24, you will get what YOU believe, and what comes out of your month indicates what you believe.

Food for thought - I think it is much more important to focus entirely on your relationship with God, building yourself up in your most holy faith, and only saying those things that line up with the Word of God - this is not the time to be detracted by visions or dreams of others, unless they clearly and unequivocally line up with the Word, rather to deal with any tiny tendrils of fear and unbelief that woulds steal your peace, joy and confidence in the Lord.

We are commanded not to be fearful or anxious for ANYTHING, but rather exercise our God given authority to defeat the devil and all his powers by the word of our testimony (what we say - which MUST line up with the Word) and the Blood of the Lamb - that's what makes us overcomers, and only overcomers get to inherit the Kingdom of God.


Marge said...

Right on, John!

Also, a little extra something on words, confession. It's extremely important to what we listen to, in the way of programs, and music. I recently bought a good (secular) DVD/CD concert, which was pop music of the 1980's and '90's. I hadn't bought any secualr music in quite a few years. Just today, I packaged it up to give to a young friend. Because the lyrics were coming up out of my soul/spirit. If you really, REALLY want to consecrate yourself as unto the Lord, you may want to think about what you're listening too. Just a thought is all.

And what you say (confess) comes from your heart/spirit. So be sure to feed your spirit person with good (God) things.

IMHO 99% of the visions, and such "out there," are just that. If they don't line up with the Bible, and they don't witness to my spirit, I shelf them. After all, as believers we have the Holy Spirit living within us.

God bless.


Jen said...

My Bible reading this morning included Hebrews 3. It really seemed to jump out at me as connected to our discussion and John's comments. Paul is explaining why Jesus is greater than Moses and uses illustrations from the Israelites' time in the desert/loss of the Promised Land. Verse 18 really stuck out:
"And to whom did God swear that they would never enter HIS REST if not to those who disobeyed." A footnote said 'disobeyed' can also be translated as 'disbelieved.' So basically, the Israelites didn't believe what God had promised so that generation couldn't enter the Promised Land. They were still covered because of the sacrificial atonement, but would have to wait to enjoy God's rest until after they finished their lives in the desert wandering, right?
A type or foreshadow for our present age?

OK - off to start the day. Check in later,

Marge said...

A Scripture that agrees with "rest" is, Ps. 127:1a, which says,

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it...

The key Word being labor.

I remember a sermon, from Kenneth E. Hagin, about Ps. 127:1a. He said, that believers that are laboring need to start believing the Bible. Especially Ministers. Also that it doesn't say, that the house doesn't get built, either. That there were plenty of good intentioned believers, doing lots of good things, that God had never told/called them to do, build, etc. The reason for them not entering into rest. They weren't believing God, and acting in faith."

Anyone else?

A great question, Jen!

How are you feeling today?

Marge said...

Where did everyone go? (smile)

Have a great weekend!


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Would you mind praying for my brother? He was permanently laid off from work a few months ago and just 2 weeks ago was hired for a job with a plumbing company. He was to do the accounting and they had never had an actual accountant before (family run business.)
Yesterday they let him go because he was "too nice." Apparently it was a rough bunch of people and he didn't join in with the vulgarity, etc.
So far he's taking the news well, but he has a history of emotional turmoil/self-worth issues, etc. and has been in some very dark places when things haven't gone smoothly for him. He and his wife just had their second baby 3 weeks ago so there is also that pressure to be gainfully employed.
He's growing in his faith right now and attending church, reading the Word. He was baptised last weekend, too, and I am confident the Lord will keep him safe during this disappointing time. I'm going to send him the book by Kenneth Hagin, Jr. "The untapped power of praise." There are alot of good explanations in there about God's plan for us to use praise as a weapon as we wait for His blessings to arrive. I'm hopeful that Jason will take that approach to this waiting period and not let the doubts/worries get a toehold. I'd really appreciate others' prayers for him to be kept safe and peaceful in the Lord as the plan for him unfolds.

Many thanks!

Marge said...

Let's all agree in prayer, right now, that Jason finds the best job he's ever had! The best pay, the best working conditions, and the best Boss/Manager that he's ever worked for EVER. Agreed? Agreed! Amen. Let's call it done, in the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Calling for things that be not, as though they were. Romans 4: 17b

As John Osteen's little booklet was titled, many years ago; "There is a Miracle in Your Mouth."

May God's perfect will be done in Jason's life, and family as well. May all the right doors open for them, and all the wrong doors close. And may it all be done, to the glory of God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Looking forward to hearing a good report!


Jen said...

Thanks, Marge!
Those are the best suggestions I've heard in a long time and I'm fully on board and in agreement. I'll share the good news when it arrives and will do alot of long-distance encouraging in the meantime. If you don't mind, I'm going to share your comments with my mom and brother. I think it would benefit greatly my mom to see how others are lifting Jason up and also will help her to understand what we can ask for and expect as children of our great and loving God! WAY too much 'settling for second best' in my family life.

Have a great Lord's day tomorrow!

Marge said...

Please go ahead and share.

I would also like to add another thought to the Romans 4:17b verse, "calling those things which be not as though they were."

Charles Capps used to say, when you call for things that you want, remember to do just that. He used an example that I have remembered along with that teaching that is kinda cute. He said, "don't call for the cat, if you want the dog to come :)"

Anyhow, we know we have this authority in Jesus name, because Jesus delegated it to the Church.

Remember there is victory in Jesus!


Jen said...

Hello all,
Just wanted to share some good news from church today...
Our pastor has been doing a series called The Story Unwrapped for several months now, touching on key people and events in the Scriptures that demonstrate the big picture of God's love and plan through the ages to bring us back to Him...the ultimate Love story.
Today's Scripture was the first chapter of Revelation and was a closer look at who Jesus is (apart from the 33 years of earthly time that we typically think of.)
He explained about John being on Patmos and having the vision and then went on to give 5 characteristics of Jesus that are revealed in the first 18 verses.

A few highlights....
Jesus is the author of history. It's foolish to live life in the middle while ignoring the end chapter. ALL people ever created are rushing toward kneeling at Jesus' feet.
Jesus is infinitely wise and all-knowing (the white hair = wisdom and flaming eyes = purifying insight, all seeing).
Jesus is unshakable/secure (image of bronze feet). He holds the 7 stars (churches) securely in his right hand, even though they are mostly messed up and out of synch with Him. (Interesting point for OSAS discussions.)
Jesus is unblemished and holy. John falls before Him, even though he knew Him from his time on earth, and quivers like jello. That's the usual reaction for those who see Jesus in His glory...Paul, Jeremiah, etc. We'll all have that reaction one day as well, when we come face to face with Him.
Jesus is the Savior. Although John quakes in His presence, Jesus calms him and reassures him that all is well. We'll have that same comforting encounter, too.
We are blessed with a very gifted pastor who really illustrates the Scriptures well and does a good job teaching, too. I was also pleased to hear him say that in future sermons he'll be digging into the specifics on the 7 churches of Revelation, so I'm very hopeful that there will be some good end-times teaching taking place soon. More answers to prayer!

One quick prayer request before I close for the night...
A little baby named Stellan is going to have heart surgery on Tues (unless there are major improvements in his situation). He wasn't supposed to be born alive due to heart problems, so the fact that he's 5 months old and didn't have ANY heart problems until 3 weeks ago is a miracle on a grand scale. He suddenly began to have the same trouble he was having in the womb and the only option left now is to do a very risky procedure called an ablation. It has to do with the electrical pathways that make the heart beat in rhythm. It's not something done on children very often and certainly not infants, but meds aren't working so this is where things stand. His mom has been blogging about their situation and she is giving a FANTASTIC witness about how their faith is keeping them lifted up. She's had nearly 8 MILLION visits to her blog and has become somewhat of an international sensation in the process. If you want to see Stellan, check out the blog at
It's well worth the time!

OK - off to get ready for bed.

Jen said...

Hey Grany,
Good idea to keep those books lying around...
My own hubby mentioned something the other day about praise being a great way to fight off worry and said he had been skimming the book I was reading on the subject (Hagin's praise book.) Then, he nearly bowled me off my feet yesterday when he sneezed and said, "Oh great...another allergy attack." Then he paused and said, "God, I'm not accepting that. It's not your best."
I was truly speechless! He has the Tongues book on his dresser, but I haven't seen him reading it yet. However, something (make that Someone) is definitely getting to him.
I tend to employ the big cow prod when trying to share things with him, but I think Holy Spirit's gentle nudge gets things done alot faster!

Keeping you and yours in prayer and waiting for good news soon!

Jen said...

Some good news to share:
Got my MRI report back today and nothing suspicious was found! Praise God for His everlasting mercy! I haven't felt any eye pressure/pain in about 2 weeks either, so I'm chalking it up to victory in the Lord. One mountain to go at the end of May.

Had a nice dinner tonight with some church friends (we're all in MOPS together). One girl, Judith, is moving to Israel with her husband and 2 young children. She is a Messianic believer and feels called to move back now. Her husband is in agreement (he's a believer with a heart for the Jewish people.) He has a job lined up working with a Messianic rabbi who has been working with Eastern Bloc Jews but now is being called to work in Israel itself. They'll be moving as soon as their house here sells, so we're in prayer for that to happen in a timely manner.
Also got to see a new mom who recently lost her mother suddenly to a heart attack. They were very close and Rachel is struggling with grief while dealing with a newborn plus 3 older boys. So much on her plate. I've been trying to get a meal to her or take her out for lunch, but our schedules haven't jived. I'm hoping to see her in the next week or so, but it was great to see her tonight (she hasn't been to any gatherings since Nov.)

Well, I'm off to bed now. Hope to hear from the rest of our merry band soon!


Jen said...

New post at Jerry Golden's site.
Lots of insider insight.

Marge said...

Praise God for your good report!

Lately the faith of Joshua and Caleb has been placed upon my heart/spirit by the Holy Spirit.
After I read your praise report, I thought of Caleb, in Joshua 14:12a when he said, "...give me this mountain...

God has always rewarded believers acting in Faith. God always has had a remnant of believers who act in Faith. So, IMHO it's always best to stand along with the Joshuas and the Calebs, and believe God, even when things look bleak in the world/circumstances. And continue to look to God for answers, and not the world/and news reports so much. After all, it's all in God's timing. Remember in 1999, all the prophecy teachers were going bananas with writing books about the havoc coming with 2000? Even Grant Jeffrey wrote a book :( Not to knock him, or his ministry. Because I respect him, and have listened to his teaching. (BTW a great book by him, on heaven. Called, Heaven-the last Frontier. 1990) Just to say, prophecy teachers can get as carried away with the news/circumstances as anyone :)

Looking forward to more praise reports from you, Jen! As with others!

God bless!
I haven't been on the computer the last couple of days. Beautiful weather here in western WA.! But, today it's raining, and grey. Still a great day to be alive and praise the Lord! Amen!

Jen said...

Hi all,
Was wondering if you minded if I invite a good friend (my college roommate, actually) to join us here?
She emailed me today and shared how much she and her husband have been growing in the Lord lately but that no one in their families or friends is moving in the same direction. She sounds very lonely and would love a spiritual friendship/gathering place to visit. I also get the idea that Holy Spirit is working on them as some of the things she said led me to believe that she is pursuing a deeper understanding of that relationship. I know they went to a Pentacostal church for awhile, some years ago, and prayed to receive the infilling, but didn't. I haven't delved into that subject with her much, but it seems that it might be time for me to share more with her on that subject.
Anyway, wanted to check with everyone else first.

Marge said...

I'm just checking in after my acupunture appt., so let me be the first to say, YES! Certainly, and by all means, invite anyone that the Holy Spirit has laid upon your heart here. I can't speak for the others, but it goes without saying, IMHO.


Marge said...

Sharing 101: (smile)

I have set a few days aside, to get closer to the Lord, and to know His calling for me, in the days/years ahead. And almost every question I've had, just got answered in Aquilla Nash's newsletter, that arrived in my mailbox today. OH MY GOODNESS! You all have heard the saying, they must have been reading my mail? Wow! I'm totally blown away by the insight of this woman of God!

For those not familiar with Aquilla Nash, I saw her on TBN years ago. And in the last year, or so, I signed up for her newsletter. (she doesn't send them out very often :) I dunno just what her views on end time prophecies are, but I can tell you, that she's been RIGHT ON with every prophecy I've heard her give, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So, if she's post trib, pre trib, or mid trib, I couldn't say. I just know that this woman has been a great blessing in my life, and I want to share her website with you today :)

It's:, and if click on "prophetic voice," you'll read a couple of prophecies she gave, that rang true with me. And how! Anyhow, when I have more time, I'll share some of her newsletter with everyone. It is extremely insightful into the present days we are living in.

May God's richest blessings/favor be upon you all!

Where is everyone else?

boatman909 said...

SO glad to see God using you to bring others deeper into knowing the Lord and Holy Spirit.

Have no problem with you inviting your friend to join us here.


Marge said...

...from Aquilla Nash's newsletter:
April 2009

"...let's gear up to fight the good fight of faith and get as many people saved as possible. Just suppose the Lord had listened to those saints of old who were praying for His soon return and you never had the opportunity to be saved. Multitudes are crying out for God. Revival is breaking out in the Middle East and China and other parts of the world...

Now I cannot tell you when Jesus is going to come. And I cannot tell you exactly how it is going to wind up. But there is one thing for sure, I can teach you to depend upon Jesus and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can overcome anything the devil throws your way!

You are stronger than you know. It does not matter how big the giants are. It matters not that they have walled cities. We can take the land. Glory! You can take the land today. You can defeat every enemy. You can see your victory. You are called to tread upon the devil. He is under your feet!"

She closes with Phil. 1:28

There is more, but I just wanted to share a few nuggets of truth this afternoon, from her newsletter.


Jen said...

Hi Marge,
I just looked over Aquila's site and read her prophesy page. It mentions how the Lord is going to provide greatly (she said a 'transfer of wealth') to His people, above and beyond all they could possibly think to even ask for.
That sent a shiver down my spine because JUST TODAY I got up the gumption to email Jerry Golden. I have been wanting to send him a donation but need to know how to manage that. In my prayers for him and his family/mission, I've been getting a sense that he's becoming too focused on gathering funds to purchase the larger boat he wants. In a recent post he mentioned that with the down economy, lots of boats are sitting idle and could be purchased for much less than just months ago. I know he desperately wants to buy a larger boat, but after reading that, I got a very clear impression that those idle boats could be made available to him by the dozens. An out-of-work boat captain would certainly love to get a rental fee rather than a day without any pay! So today I finally got the nerve to email him and made mention of this impression I have. I felt like I was really going out on a limb, giving 'advice' to a man who is obviously years into a calling from God. I even mentioned the transfer of wealth from the Egyptians to the Israelites after the 10th plague (as did Aquila.) I see God moving things in ways that we haven't even thought to ask Him to do. Rather than Jerry having one or two boats to work with, I just don't see why God won't sweep up all those boats with His mighty hand and put them to use to accomplish the task that He's given Jerry.
So long story short, reading Aquila's message today, the very day that I brought up a similar message to Jerry, seems much too coincidental to not have God written all over it! Thanks for sharing!


Marge said...

You are very welcome.

I just watched, Concepts of Faith, on TBN, with Charles Capps. As you may know, he is a Faith teacher.
And he just gave an illustration of planting faith, (thru confesion) He said, when he was a Farmer he used to go out and plant what he wanted in his fields. Cotton, corn, whatever he desired. The key is to get your desires from the Lord, and plant those crops, without doubt, and negitive words/confessions.
A great concept of Faith.

Have an ever abounding day of Faith in the Lord today!


Jen said...

I came across this article at FoxNews and initially was excited to see some 'positive' coverage of Christian activity in the news.
But after a careful reading, I realized that the sources they quote and people interviewed to give an opinion were, in fact, dragging the name of Christ into the mire with the current attempt to paint all Bible-beleiving Christians as radical and dangerous. Military words were the focus....'soldiers for Jesus', 'battlefield' and 'enemy'. All the words we use daily in our discussion about the spiritual warfare we're involved in. But the sources' take on those words isn't spiritual, but rather cultural and anti-establishment. They basically say that Christians who attend this concert and/or live this lifestyle are a national threat. I see this as one more BIG step toward painting us into a corner where we can be increasingly pressed to vacillate on our beliefs or suffer for holding to them. I can also see the focus of this article (being on teens attending a concert) being used to do more CYS investigations just as the homeschoolers are finding out as they fend off attacks and false accusations being made against them for teaching faith to their children.
Seatbelts on? Prayed up?

Acquire the Fire concert

Jen said...

The paragraphs I'm mostly citing:

Besides being loud, the event is also overtly militaristic. According to the vocabulary of the event, attendees are engaged in a spiritual "battle," and anyone who doesn’t believe in their values is the "enemy."

“The Bible calls believers soldiers for Christ," Luce says. "You must have a backbone about your faith because if you don’t, you will be blown over.”

Sharlet sees the militaristic tones of the event as dangerous. “What Luce is bringing to the table is militance, an emphasis on ‘holy war,’ the most violent reading of scripture possible, open emulation of terrorist recruitment methods, and, perhaps most disturbing of all, an emphasis on what he’s called ‘infiltration’ of non-fundamentalist institutions.”

One day a whole lot of people are going to get the surprise of their lives when they realize (perhaps too late) that there was indeed a battle raging on, a host of enemy agents were attacking and the soldiers they wanted to surpress were in fact infiltrating those attacks with the only sure hope of victory - Jesus. Talk about regrets!

Marge said...

Whoever wrote that article would have a hard time explaining the song lyrics, "stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross," wouldn't they? This song has been in how many Hymnals, for how many years? Just another sign that we are in the Time of the End.

Thanks for sharing!


TexanForChrist said...

Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ!

Work has kept me very busy of late and but thankfully Google has provided the email function, I at least get emails of all the posts, and I have to tell you that it brings a smile to my face every time I see a post from here.

I'd like to ask if anyone here has noticed something that has come upon me of late.

I'm having a very difficult time praying of late. It's not that I don't pray but my head seems to be in a fog when I am, and it seems like I'm "rushing" it. I actually prefer to just talk with God all the time, but the distractions seem to come more and more.

Additionally, work seem to be more of a challenge than usual. Spent nearly all day Monday and Tuesday running in crisis mode, servers down, programs that have worked for years throwing errors, etc.

Now I'm not complaining because the Lord my God brought me through it all not only giving me the wisdom and knowledge to fix the problems but most importantly peace throughout these days. It just seems that a lot of strange and unusual thing are happening of late! Is this an attack of the evil one? I'm firmly set in my belief that He that is in me is far more powerful than he that is in the world.

Perhaps I'm just rambling but I feel that "something" is about to drop?

On the good news size our pastor started a series on Spiritual Warfare this past Sunday. When I thanked him for it and implied that I didn't think I'd ever hear it from our church he seemed a bit taken aback, it was not my intention to hurt his feelings but I really wanted it known that the people of the church desperately need this type of instruction.

Jen, by all means invite your friend, it’s always a good thing when we add a brother or sister to our family. And I am thrilled that your MRI came out clean and that your feeling better, Praise the LORD!

John, so good to hear from you to.

Marge and Lori, I am keeping you in my prayers as well.

Miss you to Wilma, are those green aliens in your computer again?

Some youtube finds thought you might enjoy..

The battleMichael English - Midnight CryKeep strong in FAITH and remember to gird yourselves each day in the full armor of God!!

Maranatha soon I pray!!


Marge said...

Great to hear from you!

In answer to your question, I would have to say, yes. The enemy of our souls has indeed stepped up his attacks against all of us. Nothing new. Just moreso. Stress multiplied. You're entirely right, that the GREATER ONE lives in us! Amen! Because greater is He that is within us, than he that is in the world. I can still remember Kenneth E. Hagin's teachings about the Greater One that lives within us! 1 John 4:4 Some good teaching!

Also I've noticed more opportunities for offence coming up. Moreso than usual, also. Perry Stone was ministering along these lines recently. So, we need to be watchful, and alert to the devises of the enemy. And pass on those opportunities as well. Amen!

Thank you for your prayers, Mike!

May God be with you, and give you His great Shalom in the coming days ahead.

Anyone else?

Jen said...

Do you mean offense as in 'offending someone' or 'being offended' or as in 'offense, the opposite of defense' (opportunities instead of defending ourselves)? Just wondering!

Marge said...

Perry Stone was teaching about John the Baptist, when John sent his disciples to ask Jesus, if He were the Son of God.

John was in prison, and Jesus didn't come bail him out. Look up the reply that Jesus sent back for John.

The bottom line is that we have to believe God, even when it seems as though circumstances aren't changing. In the final analysis, when Jesus asked the 12 if they were planning on leaving Him, too. They replied, "where else would we go." (modern English :)

So no, don't take the opportunity to become offended :)


Great Grany 5 said...

Hellllooooo out there in cyberworld!
I just thought you all needed to hear a different greeting from me.

I couldn't take another NCIS hour and told DH that I would leave all of the Grizzlies to him. Oh, Marge how do you stand it. One episode is all I could do and then I have to go to the Ladies room three or four times before it was over. Not that I really needed to you understand but I could go in there an softly yell "Lord, Help".

MIKE, you aren't alone brother and all I can say is, and it is what I do, when that feeling of disconnect comes on you, start praising the Lord with all you have in you. Do you have CD's of praise and worship music? Turn them on full blast if you have to. Then declare your freedom from the attacks of the enemy, put up your defenses in the Holy Spirit's Language and kick the devil out of your atmosphere. Yours and the Holy Spirit's.

But yes, the attacks are getting worse, more often and attacking things that you have put to rest a long time ago. If you can, turn every negative situation around to brag on God, out loud! Fill the air with your worship and praise. But above all, ask the Father to keep you in his shadow and under his wings. Psalms 91 is a good place to begin.

Also, I think it was good that you gave your minister a shock with your statement. They get so used to everyone bow and scraping that being told the truth is very beneficial to them and you. My best friend is my pastor and believe me, he desires to be told the truth. It is when we gloss everything over and make them look like perfect men or women that we create the Jimmy Swaggarts of the church. Even the most recent one to fall because of his moral behavior with men is a good example. They are after all, just men and women like us. Give them the respect of the office they hold and love them because they are servants of God but don't roll out the Gold Carpets for them. Pride comes before a fall and the fall can kill the whole Body.

JEN, John Bevere has an excellent book on "The Bait of Satan" and it deals with Offenses. You would probably enjoy most of his writing and I know I have loved everything he has written. His wife has a great book also call, "Out of Control and Loving It". I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to purchase it for my pastor's wife back in 1998 for a special occasion our church was having for them. I had never read it so I really didn't know what the book was about but because I knew I was supposed to give it to Susie, I did.

Later, about 3 months or so, she came up to me very seriously, and for us, that was a switch. She asked me if there was a particular reason I had selected that book to give to her. I said yes, the Holy Spirit kept taking me back to the same corner where it was being displayed and I knew in my knower that I was supposed to give it to you. She said that she has a terrible time with trying to control everything and everybody. That the Holy Spirit had been dealing with her about it and she had decided it was the devil trying to distress her. Then I give this book out of the clear blue sky and what is it about? Controlling personalities. We went into her office and she shared the section that had really been working on her big time. As we sat there together I felt the Holy Spirit rising up inside of me and said, Susie, God loves you but he didn't put you in charge of other people because that is the beginning of rebellion against God's Free Will for everyone. It was out of my mouth and I knew it wasn't of me. She knew it wasn't of me also and we both were on our knees praying for all the needs it would take to bring her out of it.
My precious sister in Christ knew that God had selected the book and also that he had selected me to give it to her because I loved them both like my own children and would never do anything to hurt them.
God does things his way if we will let him but there is always that toothless lion trying to rob, steal, and destroy the whole thing.
Offense can rob us of our relationship with God and block our prayers.

Just me sticking my nose into your conversation with Marge.

I love you guys and gals and I hope my computer problems are over for a long, long time. I have a new security suite installed from Trend Micro and so far, so good.


Marge said...

Good advise! I also have, The Bait of Satan, by John Bevere and it is an excellent read! I would also recommend reading, Under Cover, also by John Bevere. (Your Secret Place of Freedom)

NCIS, and loving it, LOL! I held out for the three programs :) AND I'd seen all three of them beforehand. Ah, you gotta love how they tackle crime :) How do I do it? It's easy. It is an easy way to spend some time with Mike, and not hear a lot of negitive talk. But now, I'm going to go and read a little while. More to my liking, with subject matter.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend in the Lord!


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Before starting my busy day, I wanted to pop in and ask for a few prayer coverings. When you think of it, would you mind joining me in asking God to bless the following:
I'm sending my brother Kenneth Hagin's Praise book today, along with a letter encouraging him in his faithwalk and jobwait. He has an interview at the local jail (as a guard, not an inmate!) He has MP experience from the Air Force, so that's a plus. But my parents are anti-prison job because of the stress it will bring and he doesn't have a good history with stressful situations. I'm concerned, though, that they're blocking God from moving in his life because they are dwelling on all the things he can't/shouldn't do. I wouldn't pick prison guard for him myself, but more than that, I'm trusting God to pick the perfect job, or stepping stone to the perfect job. I spoke with my mom about believing in her heart that Jason can do anything in Christ, but I could tell she was tuning me out. I'm also dealing with her about The Shack. She's recommending it to others and some of the comments she made about it were unsettling.

I'm going to be sending a note to my neighbors soon inviting them to join me for a neighborhood prayer group. I don't know most of them well, so not sure even if they're church-goers, but I wrote in my note that all of us share the common thread of "needs" and that would be a great reason to come together in prayer support. I'm hoping that God will start up a group so we can be closer to each other and Him should the need arise in the future for us to band together.

I'll be praying for all of us, too, as we see where this flu outbreak goes. Hubby was actually OK with my request that he buy a pack of painter masks today. He usually poo-poos me on such things, but he said it was a good idea to be prepared. God is definitely working on him! (And me, too, of course :-)

Have a blessed week ahead!


Marge said...

I'm agreeing with you in prayer, about all your needs being met.

Also an additional thought about prison guards. My second oldest son, John, is a Corrections Officer, in WA. State. He's been one for about 12 years now. In fact he's on their alert team, as well. It's been a good job for him.

Have a great week, and God bless!


Marge said...

Re-reading a couple of books, by Norvel Hayes.

Know Your Enemy, and How To Live and Not Die.

Both are excellent reads.

A little sample :) About "saying" which is confession, obviously. Matt. 21:21 Let's use this verse, because who can take what Jesus said, and place it in with New Age theology? (well, I suppose someone could do that alright, but they'd be off track :)

Okay, from: How to Live and Not Die. (page 135)

"Face facts. You are going to have some responsibilty in getting healed or getting any mountain out of your life. This is where the mouth comes in and begins to work. Jesus said...if ye shall say unto this mountain. You're going to have to talk to it. Stop dreaming about it. Dreaming doesn't work."

You know this last Sunday I heard confession refered to as the doctrine of confession. I can't say that I've ever heard that before, but I believe the Pastor was correct. Also, the laying on of hands is a Church doctrine. When is the last time you heard a sermon on that preached? You know, it's time for some "old time religion!" Actually, re-establishing some Christian doctrines that aren't "politically correct" in many of today's Church world. Anyhow, I like what Norvel Hayes wrote about keeping your confession strong. (also in the book, page 135) "Jesus didn't stutter." Nope he certainly didn't, Norvel :) God bless this man of God! Oh how we need more men/women of Faith today! Amen.

Anyone else want to share what they've had Jesus speak to them, or thru them, as of late?

Keep the Faith! And keep God's Words in your "saying."


Jen said...

Hi Marge,
I guess the thing I have felt Jesus most clearly calling me to do over the past many months is to put away the things which fill my time and distract me from pursuing Him first. Many of these things aren't bad in and of themselves, but they were bottomless pits that I could get lost in for hours on end! The main one to be set aside was my passion for genealogy. I started when we got married and spent countless hours filling in the tree branches for the next 8 years, til the kids came along. Because a family tree goes endlessly back and endlessly forward, it was a project that could never be completed. I remember reading 1 Tim 1: 3-4
3As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. I was clear to me that Jesus was speaking about my near-obsession with my hobby. It was painful at first and I had many false starts, but today I really have no desire to open up the files again except to update with immediate family births/marriages/deaths. My heart's desire is now just as passionate about pursuing the Lord and getting to know Him more intimately. There are other examples, too, most having to do with activities that I do for nostalgia sake. I think it's really a process of letting go more and more of this world and pursuing the things of my true home that Jesus is preparing for me :-)


Jen said...

Morning, friends :-)
I had a random thought today on the subject of the breakdown of the family, esp. with the rise in single motherhood or lack of a strong male figure in the home.
I've always thought that the enemy wanted to destroy the family design so that he could interrupt God's directive that we go forth and multiply. Lots of problems when we don't follow that command.
But this morning it occured to me that without a father in the home or a father who is abusive/neglectful/emotionally distant, etc. Satan accomplishes something perhaps even greater...he skewers our understanding of what God is to us in his role of our Heavenly Father, or Abba. I know that might sound simple and maybe you're thinking, "Jeez,'s taken you 35 years to realize that?" But as I get to know more about God's fatherly love for me and His desire to have me snuggle in next to Him as Daddy, I realize that so many people can't accept God in that way because their earthly fathers have either been totally absent or severely lacking in their 'Daddy' role. In my case, I have a very faithful father who has always provided for us. But there's a definite lack of emotional connection and I have a lot of baggage because our relationship requires alot of "proving" or staying one step ahead in the mental chess match we play. Sometimes when I'm at home to visit, my heart just races because I'm worried about being caught off guard with a comment he might make that I'm not prepared to answer. There's always been an unspoken 'butting of heads' between us (we're both stubborn and strong-willed). Now as an adult, I still feel like a child that is always on the verge of letting him down, even though I have no idea about what! Anyway, my point is that if we struggle in relationship with our earthly fathers in these ways, even those of us who have fairly stable ones, how much greater then is our struggle to view God as Abba. Don't we subconciously project those fears and doubts onto God? Can we really draw the line between how we interact with our earthly fathers and how we should interact with God? I know in my case, I've spent most of my adult life viewing God as one who keeps score, one who doles out when He pleases, one who is so righteous and holy and above question that He's nearly unapproachable. All the Scripture that speaks about a personal walk with God, moments of contending with Him or running to Him like the prodigal made no sense to me so I couldn't deal with them. Now, as I spend time reading Scripture with eyes and heart open, I realize that I've missed out on an entire facet of my Father and I'm beginning to let my guard down a bit and accept the qualities about Him that I have never felt in my relationship with my earthly father. It's strange at times and I sometimes want to pull back to the familiar role as God being the administrator of the welfare department where I'm in line, hat in hand, waiting for my weekly alotment of blessing. But I know that my path doesn't take me in that direction anymore and I ask God to bring me back to Him and the fullness of His love again, which He does with great care and gentleness each time. He truly is a gentleman, isn't He?
Grany, in writing this, I'm especially thinking of you because I know you lost your dad before you ever knew Him. To hear you speak so lovingly of God as your Abba makes a great impression on me because I know you've not had your earthly dad to show you the way there. Anyone else feel a connection to this subject?

Have a blessed day in Abba!

Jen said...

One little revision...
re: Granny, I meant to write....

"I know you lost your dad before you ever knew him." not 'Him' ....
kinda makes a difference :-)

Marge said...

I believe that even in eternity we'll see more/or a different part/face of God's great and rich love to and for us all.

Another part of our Father's love is to always be there for us, even after we've not always been completely obedient. Forgiving us. And loving us. This is the part of God's unconditional love that has always melted my heart/spirit. And makes me thankful and give praise to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The greatness of God! And His great and rich love towards us!

Good thoughts, Jen.

Anyone else care to share? Come on in, the water's fine :)

God bless,

ByHISstripesIamhealed said...

Hi Marge,
I promised to let you know when Kayla had the baby and I am so excited to announce that God blessed us with a baby girl last night at 10:11pm central time! Her name has not been decided just yet but she is so PRETTY! Tons of dark hair! She weighs 7 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long! Kayla did such an awesome job and did it completely natural without drugs! I am sooooooo blessed and happy! GOD IS GOOD!!
Love Judy

Marge said...

I left a message on your blog. And congrats on the birth of your granddaughter! PRAISE GOD!

Thanks for letting me know, too!


boatman909 said...

I think we have just taken a HUGE step towards the Gog-Magog end time scenario - it's not just Obama's decision to "pressure" Israel, its Egypt's response as well (see end of article).

Report: Intelligence Warns Israel is now an ‘Obstacle to Obama'Remember, the Gog-Magog - Persian alliance does not involve Egypt, which seems to play an increasingly pacifistic role toward Israel in the very last days - see promises to Egypt in Isaiah 19:16-24.

Also, according to Ezekiel, a significant part of Assyria (Syria) will be part of the territory of Israel, including Damascus and the Bekaa Valley - now in Lebanon, currently a Hezbollah stronghold.


Great Grany 5 said...

Hi everyone, I am so sorry I have been absent too much but things got a little more than hectic this past week. First off: CONGRATULATIONS JUDY! Is that Grandma Judy or Nana Judy? Whatever, I am so happy for you and yours.

JEN, I can truthfully tell you that my love affair with Abba began when I was quite little. I was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was 9 years old and that was right after my oldest brother died of an unknown cause. Donald was 12 years old in 1943 and he was my very much loved and idolized brother. That was in September and in January of 1944 I as diagnosed and my Mother's world started to collapse. I had a younger brother Bobby, and although we weren't as close in dispositions we loved one another. Bobby started having serious bouts with Pneumonia when he was just a two years old and you can imagine the fear that resided in our home over death. During this time, my aunt that lived in Des Moines, Iowa asked some very precious people to visit us at our home in a nearby town and to pray for all of us. I was very sick, my grandmother had a serious heart condition, Congestive Heart Disease and needed prayers also. I don't remember much about the visit except what was told. These people not only prayed for my granny but also me. When it came time for me to make my follow-up visit to the Methodist Children's Hospital in Des Moines, my testing all came back clear. No leukemia cells were found and I was declared free from the disease. That was in less than 6 months. We lived with our grandparents and my grandfather was a wonderful man that I loved greatly and He loved God greatly. He shared his understanding of God's word with all of us and grandpa's heart was huge for all of us. During the war years, our home (huge home)became the home for all of his children. There were over 15 rooms in this house, 3 floors and a basement plus over an acre of land that went with it. We planted gardens, enough for everyone in the household, the neighborhood and the friends in our community. I had a little red wagon that my brothers and I would pull full of garden produce to give and share to all who wanted it. So, I grew up knowing a loving, kind and honorable man but God is more than that.

My love for Him is what He has instilled in me. I can remember when I was probably 4 years old, not wanting to do anything that would make Abba sad. I had a real awareness of him from as far back as I can remember. I know it isn't something that I did or didn't do. I know it was from Him and my opinion is this; God had to take my daddy home to heaven because of the lung disease and curse of TB that ran in his family. LONG STORY! So, Abba became my Daddy in so many ways that it would take a lot of space to tell it all. But I never thought of Abba as anything other than Love and Pureness. Holy was a word I didn't understand the full meaning of but Purity was something that we were taught from just a toddler. So, yes, I must confess that the thought of making my Abba sad or even angry has kept me from doing a lot of things other people think nothing of. I would rather see his smile and feel His love anyday. That is what I keep my focus on and yes, I don't always accomplish what I desire to do but God knows. I am a lot like David, the little shepherd boy and a whole lot like King David. I sin, I am quick to confess and repent. But as far as I am concerned, Who dares to voice any word against Abba! Cursing Israel is a sure step to destruction and yet God said that he would hold back judgment for the just. That's us folks!

Can you all imagine what it will be like when the Church is gone? I don't want to think about it but that is why we have to keep our focus and purpose on who we are in Christ Jesus. Why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing.

JOHN, Loved the appearance of your name here. Yes, Egypt has some fearful times coming and so does BHO. You know that equates to all of us in the process. But you also know that God promised to provide, protect and enlighten us each day and in every way.

Love you all and now I am going to Bed,

TexanForChrist said...


I hope I have to boldness to speak as you did.

Judy, congrats, is this the first grandbaby?

Things are really not as bad as the national media makes them out to be here in San Antonio, while a lot of schools have closed, there have only been about 30 cases of the swine flu here in the local area. Mexico is another story, yesterday we were ordered to close our two call centers in Mexico City and Monterry for 24 hours, but we can open them again on Saturday. Doesn't make much sense to me?

Heard on the Fox news the other day that 500-750 thousand people die of the flu worldwide every year, with nearly 30,000 deaths in the US. I can't seem to grasp why several hundred cases would mean a pandemic?

I pray that everyone has a wonderful day in the Lord.

Maranatha soon..


Marge said...

I believe the swine flu panic is a conspiracy created by Drug Companies, and Big Business. And God knows who else. Watch for them pushing more of their drugs.

I love wearing my tin hat! (smile)

Marge said...


Before I sign off to go to Tacoma, let me say, I do have some proof behind my conspiracy theory :)

If anyone wants to e-mail me, I'll send a recent newsletter from Dr. Donald Whitaker that explains a lot of news behind the news.

Gotta run.


Marge said...


And enjoy a wonderful day in the Lord!

Jen said...

I tried to post this earlier, but "bloggle" was giving me fits.
Mike, my hubby is saying the same thing and refuses to get riled up as a result. I'm praying that I make wise and prudent decisions, esp. since we have the little ones to care for.
I get the feeling it's a David Copperfield act. Watch the left hand while the right hand works unnoticed. Too many pieces fitting together too nicely for my taste. Has ANYONE even mentioned the Hate Crimes act going through at the very same time?

Marge, my MIL used to work at a pharmaceutical and she told me how the company would do their first human trials for new drugs in remote villages in 3rd world countries where bad press on bad outcomes would never get published. That always comes to mind when something like this appears out of nowhere.


Great Grany 5 said...

Jen and Marge,
The way the pharmaceuticals have always done. Look at the Cholesterol panic in the 70's and now almost everyone that is at least 5 pounds over weight has a cholesterol problem. Of course they do! DAH Eat fat, you get some added benefits, not! Cholesterol was blamed on eggs, butter, milk and cheese. No one said much about those delicious french fries, hamburgers, tacos, and the list goes on. No, it was the lobbying group that wanted the drug manufactures to reap a harvest to pay for their development of drugs to combat the horrible fat in our blood streams. Then the hue and cry was to cut out all dairy and poultry products that taste good and the game was on. Now all of the bad stuff about Crestor and Lipitor is taking over the headlines and people go around saying, "Well, what do we do now?" I grant you a steady diet of any of the aforementioned food stuffs are not healthy. I agree that the need for Crestor and other High Lipid counts and Triglycerides are needed but not on a massive scale like we have now. Common sense has to come into play somewhere. When I was a teenager, I was a life guard and active all of the time. I could easily down 3 massive Maid Rites in a setting and never gain an ounce and had nothing wiggling when I walked. But that was because I was burning it off faster than I was consuming it. The bad grease was harmful to my health and hasn't been a good basis for my senior years. But my point is, advertising and mass hysteria isn't building a strong anything. Except for a large bank account but that too can be wiped out in a second.

I don't know about the H1N1 virus but I do know that any contamination that involves a large group of people all over the country is cause for concern and caution. If the news media dummies are taking part in a razzle dazzle of the populance, then may God have mercy on them,because it will be their demise. That is one reason they would like to end the internet IMHO. We can get our real news faster than they can simply by conversing with people all over the world. Politicians don't like it one little bit and for sure, the deep empty pockets of the advertisers on cable news are not going to like it either.

So, up with the Republic and down with the lies and socialism.


P.S. If you don't hear from me for a while, BOO sent his trench coated henchman to silence my cheer leading for the USA.

ByHISstripesIamhealed said...

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to make announcement to all those who know me...and those that don't too, hehe, that I became a GRANDMA on Wed April 29th to a beautiful baby girl. My daughter Kayla and hubby Nathan named her Vera Mae and I call her my little "Sweet Vee". If you are interested in taking a peek, I have placed a few photos on my blog...but only going to leave them up for a few days. Just click on my blogger name and it should take you there. I know Marge will be racing to see! :)
Love Judy

Marge said...

Thank you for letting us all see your "Sweet Vee!"

I just saw the pictures, and she is beautiful! And all that hair!


Thanks Judy! And may God continue to bless your entire family!


boatman909 said...

If what is reported here, then we are in for a very interesting, and possibly very dangerous year...

Israeli leaders face Washington crunch on Palestinians, IranI think BOO is so far out of his depth now on foreign affair, he more likely to bring about a major conflict in the ME than strike a "peace deal" unless of course what he really wants is to join the Russia - Iran - Syria - Turkey alliance....Israel obviously has no place in his long term strategy - which means he has no long term future (and maybe not even a short term one either...


Jen said...

Hi friends,
You might remember me mentioning that I was going to plant heritage seeds this spring and share the seedlings with my neighbors, etc. Well, after one false start and some squirrel trouble, I have about 12 flats of healthy veggies growing. Since they're heritage seeds, they can be dried out and used next season, so I'm including a printout on how to preserve them for that purpose. I wanted to have a catchy name to go with them, something that would be an encouragement to the families I'll be sharing with and hopefully something that will point them toward the Lord as the source of their Providence. I searched for verses that include the word "seed" and came up with the following. Which is your favorite or which do you think would be best to include with the seedlings when I hand them out in a few weeks?

Psalm 126:6
He who goes out weeping, carrying seed for sowing, will certainly come again with joy, carrying his sheaves.

Isaiah 30:23
And he will give rain for your seed, so that you may put it in the earth; and you will have bread from the produce of the earth, good and more than enough for your needs

Isaiah 61:11
For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

Zechariah 8:12
For the seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things.

Matthew 13:23
But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it; which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some an hundred times, some sixty, some thirty.

2 Corinthians 9:10
Now he who supplies seed to the farmer and bread to eat will also supply you with seed and multiply it and enlarge the harvest that results from your righteousness.


Marge said...

Isaiah 61:11

Mainly because I really, REALLY LIKE the two verses before it :)

verse 9:

"And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are thy seed which the Lord has blessed."

verse 10:

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered my with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels."

Yeah, I'd deffinitely go with Isaiah 61:11, and believe for everyone that receives verses 9 and 10 :)

But hey, that's just me.

John, Mike, Grany, Lori, or anyone else want to chose? All the verses are great!

Marge said...

Anyhow, I stopped by to leave a website that is really pretty terrific!


It's the Foursquare church that Pastor Jack Hayford founded, in Van Nuys, CA. Pastor Jim Tolle is the Sr. Pastor there now (since 2004) Okay, I'm sure you're all aware of how great this Church is, and such. I saw their 30 min. Church broadcast this morning on Daystar T.V., and I was soooo blessed! Nothing really new, (I've heard this taught by Kenneth E. Hagin) but Pastor Tolle was bringing his point home with this sermon.

At any rate, the point I want to share with everyone, is that we need to be praying more "ordering" prayers. Because Pastor Tolle used the anology of The Scripture to a Menu, and the promises of God are the Menu. Everyone knows that a place of business doesn't place things (as a general rule of thumb, LOL!) on the Menu that it doesn't carry. If Pizza is offered, you wouldn't say, "wow, I'd really love to have some pizza. you say you have pizza, but it might not be your desire to serve me that pizza. would you, please give me some pizza, if you want me to have it?" Sounds kinda dumb, doesn't it?

If God has provided for it, and it's promised in the Bible, it's ours for the asking. Alright, I know there's a crowd out there, called; the "name it and claim it, and blab it and grab it crowd." But you have to ask yourself, are they just taking God's promises "out of context?" Because very often these people aren't motivated correctly. It doesn't mean that these things aren't provided for us, as believers, when we ask, and believe we receive them.

Anyhow, I just wanted to share with you all. Nothing less, nothing more :)

Have a great day in the Lord, and remember Jesus is coming back again oneday!
It may be today. It may be today.


Jen said...

Thanks for the vote, Marge! I love the preceding verses, too. They're great imagery of what is ahead for us :-)

Wanted to pass along this family prayer request. Hubby's cousin is married to a guy from China. He and his parents are Christian (about 20 years ago they accepted Christ) but the rest of the family in China are not believers. So prayers for healing and comfort but also for them to meet Jesus and know Him as their Lord and Savior, especially the grandfather.

(from Kelly) I am writing this email to ask for prayer for Will's Grandfather. He was living in a nursing home in China but has been very sick for quite a while. Will can not translate what his sickness is but it has been slowly taking away his ability to walk, talk, eat and so forth. Each year his condition gets worse. He loses weight and basically can not take care of himself. Will's mother found out yesterday that he was moved to a hospital. In talking with her brother, who also lives in China, she found out that he can't swallow anymore and wasn't getting any nutrients. He is currently getting nutrients through a feeding tube and is stable. We aren't sure which way his condition will go. There is always a chance that he is close to the end. Will's mother is hopefully going back to China to be with him but I am not sure on any definite plans. Will's parents were planning on a yearly visit to China in September but if his grandfathers condition worsens then she will leave as soon as possible. He is Will's only grandparent left. Please keep Will and his family in your prayers.

Jen said...

Morning, all!
Marge, my study in the Word this morning was James 1. Verses 6-8 stuck out, in relation to your comments yesterday about asking and receiving...

6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

Those seem like pretty strong terms for describing someone who asks but then doesn't believe (I like your pizza analogy better :-)
I'm guilty of this very thing, though. For me, it has been a defense mechanism...don't get your hopes up so you don't have to let them down. But I'm coming to see that that's actually not the Biblically accurate way to behave, especially when my requests have been in line with the Word.

OK - off to start the day. It's the kids' actual birthday and we're having a special breakfast. They're 4 today!


Jen said...

Hi friends,
It's been a busy day already and it's not even noon yet.
I can't share details, but I'm in the midst of a major battle right now....physical and mental and I'm leaning hard on the Word which I know God has been bringing to me in preparation for this day, but it's still hard to stay planted firm when the natural begins to overcome the spiritual. Would you join me in prayer for victory and for abundant life to triumph over that which would steal and destroy?


Marge said...

Matt. 18: 19:

"Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."

verse: 20:

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

I'm agreeing with you in prayer, in the name of Jesus, for victory in your life and circumstances.

There is no distance in prayer. Amen.

Be sure to give the enemy the "boot" in Jesus name, out of your life/circumstances, too!

TexanForChrist said...

You are in my Prayers Jen....

TexanForChrist said...


I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I pray the God's peace be upon you and yours.

Have to share a story...

Listen to Gods answer to prayer!

Saturday morning I slept in (till 730) and decided I'd get the two cars inspected and there oil changed as the inspections had expired on the previous day. Having burned up several hours doing this I decided that I would try to fix the air conditioning on my car. I had already bought a can of Freon but couldn't find the low pressure connection to put it in. So I sat on the back porch and prayed to God to direct me to a mechanic who was at least honest. I know that a repair on a cars air conditioning system can be very expensive, but it is something that is tough to live without here in San Antonio TX where the temp is in the 90's with very high humidity.

After some time I went to the my wife’s office(in the house) to look up an Auto A/C repair shop I had used in the past some 20 years ago, but when I searched for their locations I found them just too far (maybe 50 miles) so I ended up going to a Ford dealer who said they could look at the problem for `only` $79.95. Two hours later they told me that the compressor was leaking internally and they'd have to replace it and the drier and several other things for only $1800.00. Well I told them thanks but no thanks and went to meet my wife for lunch.

Afterwards I stopped by my office to run a few programs. Since I was now much closer to the repair shop I'd looked up earlier at home I decided I'd stop there on the way home.

When I walked in there was only one other customer there, and I asked if they had time to look at my car, as it was already 3pm and I knew they closed at 5pm. The young man happily took my keys and invited me to sit on the couch and watch Beverly hills’ cop on the TV while they looked at the car.

Just as the show ended he came and told me everything was working fine but there must be a small leak, and they added dye and recharged the system.. I drove away with a very cold air conditioner for only $53.25!! I thanked the tech and happily paid the bill.

As I left I thanked God for providing me an honest place and ask him to "Physically Gibbs me" the next time I don't listen to HIS answered prayer in the first place!!!!

I actually wish he'd "Gibbs" me allot here of late.

(For those that don't know the 'Gibbs` reference just check out any episode of the TV show NCIS)

I pray that everyone come closer to our LORD this week, remember He is with you always, even to the end of the age, we just have to listen!!



Marge said...

A wonderful praise report!

You're not the only one, who wished they'd followed their first "insticts." (smile) Actually, it is usually the first answer that is the correct answer to prayer/direction, I'm come to find out, thru out the years.

"Gibbs you one, eh?" LOL! Now I KNOW (ain't I a stinker, Wilma!) that Grany can truly relate to that Gibbs remark! (hee, hee) We both watch NCIS with our husbands. I've seen most every program, I believe, and Wilma has, too :)

I gotta tell you, though, if my air conditioner went out in my Cavalier? It wouldn't be high on my list to be fixed :) But I live in western WA., too, LOL!

Good to hear from you, Mike!

Anyone else have a Faith story? I love them, and I believe we all do, because they build faith up in all of us.

TexanForChrist said...

Got a this in an email, funny if it wasn't so scary.

Want to know how to order a pizza in 2011? Click the link and see. Turn up the volume listen closely and watch the pointer carefully!

Ordering a Pizza in 2011Marantha


Laura said...

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I am Jen's friend from college, who she mentioned a few weeks ago. I have been reading through many of the posts and comments trying to "catch up"!

As a brief background, I have much the same upbringing as Jen. I was raised in a Christian home and evangelical church, though something was missing. About 8 years ago, God called us (me and hubby + 3 boys) out of our dying church and began a (slow) process of tearing down what we had been "taught" by men (and not the Holy Spirit). That process included moving us to Florida for 5 yrs where He continually pealed off layers of "us". Almost a year ago exactly, God put the process into fast forward and our eyes were ripped open to many, many Truths. The Word became REAL and ALIVE for the first time in our lives and our world was turned on it's head! God has brought us (at least temporarily) back north to our "home" and is continuing to prepare us for....what, we are not sure.

For the first time, I actually "believe". I'm not even sure exactly what that means! =) It's like I am hearing everything for the first I have many questions. Much of what I have read here, to be completely honest, would sound crazy to most everyone I know and contradicts a lot of what I have been taught - either explicitly or implicitly. But I now realize that most of what I have previously "known" has been through the filter of another human and not straight from the teaching of the Holy Spirit. SO, I am here to learn! Thanks for letting me join! =)


Marge said...

Welcome, welcome! It's great to have you here!

When I read your post I couldn't help think of Col. 2: 8, which says, (basically) to not get caught up with the teaching of the tradition of men. And there's a lot of that being taught, unfortunately.

Glad to have you here! We're all a work in progress :) I like the lyrics of the song out now, that says; "He's not finished with me yet, He's not finished with me yet..."

Have a great day in the Lord!

How about a discussion of some sort? It's been kinda loney around here as of late :)

God bless,

Marge said...

LOL! I came back, and saw what should read, "lonely," not "loney :)"

TexanForChrist said...


Happy to see you here. I hope that you enjoy our company. I can attest from personel experience that I have learned a lot here.



Jen said...

Hi everyone and hey there, Laura!
Good to see you posting, though it's kinda seeing someone in the grocery store that you know from somewhere else and can't figure out where. I know you'll find the company here very welcoming and helpful, too!

I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been keeping me in prayer this week. After 2 very difficult days where I was near despair, I had a good day today and am resting in the Lord and in your prayers. I'll share details soon, once I know a little more myself and get this crazy upcoming weekend behind me. The kids are having their first 'friend' party on Saturday and we're also lumping in Mother's Day at dinner time; church on Sunday and then the last week of school with all that entails. Who knew 2-day preschool could be so time consuming? I've made the decision, though, not to go back as a teacher next year. I'm trusting that God will provide income to pay the tuition either through hubby or another source for me. It was just becoming too much to be there at school with the kids (their teachers had too much access to me, I felt...I heard about every little complaint and it was starting to affect the kids' attitude about school.) Plus, I never got a break from them and I think a few hours a week to myself might be a good thing! So just as God provided this job for this year, I know he'll do the same in the fall.

Anyway, I'll look forward to chatting with everyone soon...any new topics to throw out there? I have a few things I've been mulling over. Also, David Wilkerson has some really good posts at his blog lately. Anyone reading him? They were very appropriate for me this week.

Gotta run for now....will check in again soon,


Laura said...

Good Morning!

I might as well start through my list of questions! I'll start easy! =)

Jen pointed me to Joel Rosenberg's blog and book Epicenter, which I have not gotten yet (but I plan to soon) and I recently heard Joel on Focus on the Family discussing his latest book. My question is, where do I start to get caught up???!!!

I have a basic understanding of end times and understand the importance of what happens to Israel. But as far as details go, what we should be watching for right now, etc., I am not clear.

This is a major area of "undoing" for me and my husband. When we were first married we attended the church our families had attended forever. At the time, the pastor was....let's just say we've spent most of the years since trying to heal and "unlearn" a lot of things. That pastor was deep into prophecy - more from a fear/military perspective, not really what the scriptures taught.

That experience caused us to flee any teaching related to end times. Now that we are deep into the rebuilding of our faith, I have a desire to know what God says is coming, be prepared, etc. My husband is still more inclined to just let it all play out and not really worry so much about it, since he is sure of his salvation. Though, after discussing it this weekend, he agrees that we should know what is in the entire Bible and be aware of what is happening around us.

Any direction anyone can provide would be a tremendous help!


Marge said...

I couldn't agree more, with Jen's refering you to Joel's book, Epicenter. It's a well balanced look at what is happening, and will be happening in the end time. Prophecy study, IMHO, should be taken "down the middle of the road." Because it's easy to get into a ditch on either side. There's a lot of teaching on Bible prophecy, and some of it is pretty out there, unfortunately.

John, Mike, Grany, Lori. Anyone? (smile)

Just keep your eyes upon Jesus, because He is the author and finisher of our Faith.

Have a great day!


Marge said...

A few additional sources would be:

Perry Stone (Manna fest, on TBN/Daystar) also website. Voice of Evangelism
authored many books

Bill Cloud (website) Shoreshim Ministries
he is also an author/used to work for Perry Stone

Hilton Sutton has writen many books.

1. God's Master Performance
(verse by verse study of God's grand finale/book of Revelation

2. ABC's of Bible Prophecy

Charles Capps's book is also good.

End Time Events
(journey to the end of the age)

I hope this will be of some help.

boatman909 said...


Welcome to the group. I think we can all identify with your journey - sometimes it feels like you are having to throw away almost everything you thought you knew about God, the Bible, the Holy Spirit and now, the end times.

I wrote some stuff that you may find helpful, interesting, in 2007-2008, based on what I was learning at that time - I had the privilege of sitting under a pair of very gifted and anointed pastors / teachers of the Word for the past 4 years, and I have to say I learned more from them than in the previous 30 years of walking with God, and that's after having been filled with the Spirit and praying in tongues since 1972, and spending 2 years a Bible School in 2001 - 2003!!

I have posted my musings on my personal blog, which can reached by clicking on my blue blogger nametag (boatman909).

Unfortunately, I haven't had much time since May last year, having gone back to work full time after an extended semi retirement, to write more - I really want to write a commentary on Daniel and Revelation - I have 3 note books full of stuff that I got from my pastors that really helped me understand what is going on today, especially in Israel.

Again welcome, and if there is anything you need to ask about, feel free - I am sure one or more of us will have lots to say!!

Understanding the Bible, and particularly end-time prophecy, is actually not hard - and Jesus promises us that if we read Revelation we will be blessed!!


Jen said...

Hi John,
Good to hear from you! Hope you can share your thoughts on Daniel soon. I'm nearly finished re-reading the NT and wanted to start digging into some of the OT prophets, but don't know which to begin with. Daniel has been on my mind alot, so I'd love to hear what you have gleaned.

As for prophesy, Laura, I didn't have much (none, really) instruction on the relevant topics in my childhood church and I don't think it was ever touched at GCC either. Our pastor here is now doing some sermons on Revelation as it relates to the bigger picture of the Bible and God's plan, but I really feel the gap there. Joel's book was great because it starts with modern day events and takes them backward to what Scripture says. I think that makes it a little less daunting because you can already see the things taking place now (for those willing to pay attention, that is.) I'm amazed at how many life-long Christians have no idea what's going on in the world today and don't think it will ever affect us here.
Perry Stone is great. I can get lost at his website and he does alot of visual stuff to help the listener understand things that might not get communicated in just words. He's kinda a Christian version of the History Channel!
Alot of us read/reference Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, too. He's a messianic believer with deep, deep knowledge in the Hebrew culture/texts and I've learned alot from his website, too. What's the address? I'm going from memory.

2 words of caution, from my experience. Don't get worried about not understanding everything all at once. I still feel like I have more gaps than understanding, but I have much more peace about doing the investigative work than I ever did before. (As John said, there's an actual blessing reserved for those who seek to understand Revelation....did any pastor you listen to ever mention that? Not in my experience, so I've always put eschatology up there with the conspiracy stuff, until reading the Left Behind books and Joel's book.) Now I'm hungry for new clarity, but I have to be careful to pace myself and make sure I'm following Holy Spirit's lead. I'm learning that different parts of the body will be given different assignments and it's OK if right now I can't explain stuff that others can. The important thing is to wait on the Lord and just keep yourself in the Word so you are sensitive to Him when He calls you to more understanding.
Also, I find myself being pulled away more and more from the secular sources of info. I used to spend a lot of time scouring the various newsites for stories that would give a hint of something that might connect to some bit of a prophetic event. I've really sensed the Lord turning me back from that lately. I have a few sites I check regularly, but they're compiled from a Christian perspective. I'm not sure why the Lord is doing that (other than to lessen the time I spend away from the Word), but I'm beginning to suspect it has something to do with the endtimes deception that Scripture speaks of. I detect that it's already at work, kinda like carbon monoxide...odorless and colorless, but putting unsuspecting people into a numb state. I can't explain it any other way how so many people who profess to care about their walk with the Lord are letting so much that is anti-Jesus into their lives. It's not even being hidden anymore! So as you begin to dig into the information on prophesy, watch that you stick close to the Lord and let Him guide your sources. The Word, combined with a close relationship with God, will be ultimately sufficient to learn all you need. I think, too, the day is coming when we won't be able to converse like this, so perhaps the Lord is turning me (and others) inward toward Him in prepartion for that.

That being said, I'm just so thankful that God put it in my heart to search out these topics and not fear them anymore. I'm so thankful that the internet is available for us to meet in fellowship and that even if we're here for some pretty rough times, God has given us a truckload of promises about protecting us, providing for us and using us to bring Him glory and others to Him when we stay faithful and keep our eyes on Him alone. It's hard sometimes to not let the very real things that are going on around us pull our faith away from what He said is true. But if I believe that Jesus provides my salvation then I have to apply that same faith to all the other things that God said are true. Once I accepted that (stopped hoping for things and started really believing), things got much easier and everything clicked.

One final note...I know how your hubby feels bc mine is the same way (although he's starting to come around as he sees the stuff I've been talking about come to pass. He still doesn't want to fully embrace it and I know he hopes we'll be raptured before we have to worry about facing the hard stuff.) The part that is peaceful about the future I think is good because we are told not to fear or worry about tomorrow. I never really took those commands seriously, but I'm now seeing the reason God tells us to not's a huge hole for the enemy to waltz right in through! On the other hand, not preparing for what's ahead isn't Scriptural either because God promises to keep us safe and provide for us no matter what we face, but we have to have done the preparation ahead of time to know when He is telling us, "Go there" or "wait awhile here" or " Move quickly now." As the enemy quickens his pace, we'll also have the opportunity to reach others who don't know the Lord, but if we can't explain what is happening from the Scriptural perspective, we won't be much better than all the others who will give a secular response to someone who is seeking. Alot of what I'm doing to prepare is actually because I feel led to prepare to help others...neighbors, other moms from preschool, etc. Just some thoughts on the hubby issue because I know how frustrating that can be when there's not unity on the issue.

OK - I've totally used up my night here at the computer. I need to see what else is going on in the house!
Have a great day tomorrow and I'll hope to post again after the busy weekend wraps up. Happy Mother's Day to all our moms here, too!


PS. Lori, praying for your family and agreeing with the others for their comfort and restoration.

Laura said...

John and Marge, Thank you so much for the info! I can't wait to dig in!

Marge, I loved the word picture about staying in the middle of the road, to avoid the ditches! I think that ties closely to my husband's distaste for end times discussions.

Let me clarify though, he DOES want to know what is in scripture, all of scripture. We just had a really bad experience that was fear/panic based. We saw a "ditch" and everyone we knew who studied end times topics was in that ditch!

The ditch idea is exactly what the Holy Spirit is teaching me lately. I have avoided the "other side of the road" on many topics because from where I was, it looked like a ditch. That caused the Truth to be thrown out with the bath water, so to speak! That also ties closely with what Jen said about us all having different assignments and it's OK if I don't understand or feel called to do the same things I see others doing.

In regards to prophecy specifically, I kept reading passages of scripture that referred to the Pharisees disbelieving Jesus because they had not properly studied the scriptures. Now, I don't think I will miss the rapture, but it occurred to me that I may miss a whole lot of other stuff, be thrown into fear (a stronghold for me), and not be able to minister to anyone or direct them to the Truth about the situation if I am not prepared!

Have a great weekend!

Marge said...

Good to hear from you! I agree with Jen. I can't wait to hear a little bit about what you've learned from the book of Daniel. I'm looking forward to it!

Amen! We all do have a different assignment, and we are all a part of the body of Christ.

I believe with Bible prophecy, it's okay to have a general concept. That's okay. Because I'll pass on a thought I heard years ago, on Christian T.V., that I've never forgotten. (okay, I know everyone else has heard this one more than a few times, LOL!) But it's simply this. Think about the first time Jesus came to earth. There was the prophecy about Him "coming out of Egypt," right? Okay. If we had lived during the time of Jesus, (or before, etc.) how would we have tryed to figure this prophecy out? Of course, 2,000 + years later, it's easy to see/understand. Anyhow, just another reason to not go overboard with details, IMHO.

Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there, too!

May God bless and keep everyone in His great love and care,


verse for the day.

Philippians 4: 6:

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (deffinite requests) with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God."

Amplified translation.

TexanForChrist said...

Perhaps there's hope.

Just caught this on fox news, maybe I'm late in seeing it, appears it's been out for some time.. To say the least I was shocked (and grateful) that a corporate giant would/could produce such a wonderful message.

Interstate Batteries Gods love commercialMaranatha


Great Grany 5 said...

Hello from Okieland,
It is getting very stormy looking here and my daughter has decided to come here to get me instead of me driving. So, I am noting leaving as early as I had planned. I really wasn't looking forward to the drive if you all must know. Just tired of seeing the world through one eye.

LAURA, great seeing your name and comments. You might like to read a book written by Kenneth E. Hagin "The Name of Jesus" as a starter. Now I know you are saved and that is absolutely the best place to start. KEH (here after for Kenneth E. Hagin)gets to the heart of the meaning of Jesus' name and unravels the true relationships we have with Him. It was a great eye opener for me before I became Holy Spirit Filled. That is another arena and we will discuss it later but you have to know who you are in Christ and the power that is present in Jesus. That revelation alone strips a lot of the foolishness of man away forever.

Like I always warn people who attempt to convince me that there is no difference in a saved believer and one who is Holy Spirit filled, Fire Baptized. My warning is very simple and very direct: Don't try to steal what God has given to me and what I have experienced personally with The Holy Ghost. When you dig deeper for God he will always show up with the full trinity just for you.

Now, I am not going to try to get into my emails until I get home as I have no idea when Becky will arrive to whisk me away. I received some very precious books yesterday evening from a cute little blondie and I am packing them with me to read while my kids are watching tv. Thank you muchly Blondie.

JEN, praying along side of you regarding the school tuition situation.

JOHN, looking forward to your posting the material here or even if you would, on your blog. Which ever works the best and you feel directed to do. I love studying Revelation and of course, in doing that you have to read Daniel, Ezekiel, Jerry, Zeph, and the first thing you know, along comes Dr. Fruchtenbaum with his study on Genesis. In case you don't have access to that, I will see if I might have duplicates of it somewhere.
I have to close and get my suitcase packed, my shower taken and at least 2 hours to look like a woman. Dear Hubby is threatening me with a rabies shot so I have to do something drastic. Thought about shaving my head but then I realized that would be too drastic. Falling arches and sagging skin, what a picture.

Love you all and I am praying for all of us because



Marge said...

Great to hear from you! And many thanks for all your prayer support!

I hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your family, and enjoying the Passion Play.
Have a most Happy Mothers Day, too :)

As I was thinking about it, Norvel Hayes has writen a few good books, too. Knowing Your Enemy, is one, and How To Live and Not Die. Of course, they're not about prophecy, but important material to know, all the same.

As Kenneth E. Hagin used to say, no one is going to get very far in their Christian walk without learning how to deal with the devil first. Just tell the enemy, and all his evil spirits to go, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! And they have to flee! James 4: 7 says:

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

Speaking of KEH I used to laugh when he'd read Scripture with a "therefore" in it. He said; "if a Bible verse has a therefore in it, find out what it's there for :)" Okay. I'm easily amused, granted, LOL!

I couldn't help but think of the song, that says,...

"The Christ I love,
is coming soon,
it may be morning, night, or noon.
My lamps are lit, I'll watch and pray.
It may be today. It may be today."

Oneday Jesus is coming back. What a day THAT will be :) Okay, songs just keep coming to me, so I'm going to stop, and get ready to watch a couple of NCIS programs with my dear husband. He loves those programs. (Grany you escaped, LOL!)

Keep the Faith! And God bless everyone!


Marge said...

Hi there!

I hope everyone enjoyed this last weekend. I had a good time, and I hope all the Moms out there had a great day, as well.

I heard from Lisa Shaw, and she sent her best wishes, along with a big God bless you, to everyone at the blog!

If you go back to some of our past blogs, you'll see Lisa'a name. Click on it, if you want to visit her blog. (I don't have the e-mail address right now, sorry) Lisa is a minister I met on a Charisma magazine article/comment section. A very nice Gal, that lives in Florida. Be sure to check out her blog. You'll be glad you did! Also if you have any questions she will answer them, and she will always write you back. She's always been a real blessing of God to/for me.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Oh, something to share. Yesterday I saw Oral Roberts on, Behind the Scenes, on TBN. (The T.V. was still on from watching Manna fest/Perry Stone, etc.) Anyhow, Oral Roberts was talking to both Paul Crouch Sr., and Paul Crouch Jr. Mostly he was talking about his ministry, (both past and present) but he commented on President Obama. He said, he liked him, and that we should be praying for him. And wheather we voted for him or not, it was time to lay down anything we might have against him, because he was our President and that we all needed to 1. respect the Office, and 2. pray or him. And that we should pray for Godly advisors, and such. A good thought. And I think one that is also needed, too. I agree 100% with Oral Roberts about President Obama, and respecting him, and praying for him.

God bless,

Great Grany 5 said...

A real weak Hi, everyone. I am so tired from my Mother's day celebration and all the activity so I am just dropping in to say hi. I haven't even opened my email service and probably won't until tomorrow sometime. Had a lot of joy and some sadness also. But we stayed up until the wee hours every night and up early with the sun and birds every morning. Becky is in Texas right now and when she called she said she was having a hard time getting things done in her work place. She has to travel to various cities this weeek and is in Houston today.
My son left for home on Monday and when I talked to him that evening he was already getting ready for bed. We play hard but we also sleep fast.

Take care everyone and I hope you are all staying healthy, well and happy.

Love and blessings,

Marge said...

Good to hear from you! No worries. Get your rest. AND there is a brand new NCIS on this evening :) It's really being played up, and it's on the cover of a T.V. Guide, I saw at the Grocery store, too. So, hurry please, and check it out, okay? LOL!

Just kidding. NCIS is a pretty good series. And I've enjoyed most episodes, the first couple of times. However, my husband loves the series so much he can watch an episode more than a couple of times! That's when I pass, and do something else :) Twice is my limit.

God bless,

Jen said...

Hi friends!
Just time for a quick pop-in this morning, but wanted to mention that Lori's Uncle Bob has a really great post at his blog right now called "Forgotten." Lori, you have to tell Uncle Bob how much I enjoy his writing. It's always chock-full of new insight and great resources for reaching out to others.
I hope to post more later...had a very busy and somewhat stressful/exhausting few days, but God is good even in the midst of that and is caring for us in many ways, so I'm praising Him first thing this morning :-)

Have a blessed day,

Marge said...

Anyone have any thoughts about the War of Ps. 83?

I saw Bill Salus on David Reagans's T.V. program yesterday, and it was pretty interesting. And I wound up ordering the book, by Bill Salus, Isralestine.

for more information:

Anyone have any opinion about Ps. 83? For now, it's on my "back burner :)"

Have a great day in the Lord!


Marge said...

Somewhat, an odd prayer request :)

Today as I was getting cashed out at the grocery Store, I couldn't help hear an older man tell the cashier about his wife's condition. (he was standing directly behind me) This man's wife is laying in the hospital, in a coma and not expected to live. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, to pray for this couple, and the family that may be included. I didn't feel led to say anything to him, though. Kinda strange. But the Holy Spirit knows best, and understands each and every situation. Soooo, that's all I know. Upon getting home I started to pray, and then I felt led to include everyone that would like to participate in prayer here, too. It's a great prayer opportunity. Because only heaven will reveal the outcome, as I have no idea who these people are, or anything else about them. Zip. Sometimes that it better. Why? Because it's a real Holy Spirit led prayer, at that time. And obviously this couple needs prayer.

God's best to all!


Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, me little blondie,
I am agreeing in prayer that the wonder working power of the Holy Spirit do wonderful and marvelous healings in this man's wife. The coma is ended, her life threatening condition is overcome with health and wellness and that God gets all of the glory, he so richly deserves. Until Heaven!

Just got back from Ft. Smith an d I am so tired. Jim and I are both fussy and this is really getting to be a problem for us. We got so tired in traffic it was difficult getting home. I am going to go rest and see if that helps. Did a lot of walking and balancing today.

Storms were under control by the power of the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ and I am exceedingly thankful for His protection.

Love and blessings,

Marge said...

Thank you for praying!
And you're absoltely right. Until heaven.

I hope you are feeling more rested today, and ready to tackle the challenges that today presents, etc. It seems there is always a challenge, isn't there? But we have "inside information," and we know that Jesus is the answer to all our challenges. Both great and of a smaller nature.

What's your take on the Ps. 83 war? Does it occur before, during, or after the rapture of the Church?

also: check out this website, when you have time, and what are your thoughts about the article on:

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum, or SSSS. at:

Or anyone else, that is interested. However, I don't hold a lot of stock in it. Especially after reading what Jim C. said, at the cave. I had never heard of this theory even, until yesterday, when I received a trial newpaper in the mail. But I do plan to finish reading the newspaper this afternoon :) Some other good articles, and such. The ministry is from Tulsa, OK. Have you ever heard about it before, Grany?

Gotta run for now.

God bless,

boatman909 said...

Regarding Ps 83..

For they have consulted together with one consent;
They form a confederacy against You:
6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites;
7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre;
8 Assyria also has joined with them;
I looked up the geographical areas that these tribes used to occupy.

Obviously, the Ishmaelites refers to the descendants of Ishmael - basically the Arabs.

However, the territory assigned to them covers what is now Jordan and Iraq (i.e. transjordan between Babylon and the gulf of Aqaba).

Assyria refers to the Syrians.

Philistia refers to peoples living in the coastal plains including what is now the Gaza Strip and the coastal region of Lebanon up to Tyre.

In summary, when you look at the groups now inhabiting this area, you already see a confederation has formed. Even Jordan is joining in, judging from the comments coming out of Amman the last few weeks.

The King of Jordan is already threatening war, as is Hezbollah and Hamas, all egged on by Syria, and in the background, there is always the presence of Iran.

Israel is being pushed into a corner by the USA, EU and Arab nations, aided and abetted by the UN, with demands from all sides to retreat to the 1949 borders, give up Jerusalem, and allow the "right of return" to 5M Arabs into Israel proper. Israel won't agree (since this would mean its virtual destruction), and the Arabs will decide the only answer is to try to destroy the Jews once and for all.

My understanding has been for some time that we will see a limited war in the ME, between Israel and the nations / people groups outlined above, which could result in the fulfillment of the passages in Isaiah dealing with the destruction of Damascus, the Bekaa Valley (on the border of Lebanon and Syria - Hezbollah's stronghold), Tyre and Gaza (Hamas' stronghold).

I think that Boo's attempts to make "friends" with the Arabs is already seriously backfiring, and I believe that this is the reason why the confederation thinks it will be able to get away with attacking Israel (thinking that Boos' comments so far indicate a great reluctance to come to Israel's aid) - however, this time it will end very badly for the attackers - and unfortunately I think Israel will also suffer significant losses.

On the bright side, I think that this will set the stage for Israel to at last reach a state of "peace" with its Arab neighbors - more because of the damage inflicted by Israel - i.e. more of a ceasefire than a peace.

So, to summarize:
1. War in the ME in the next 9 - 18 months - as indicated above. Iran does not join in directly, because it does not want to risk having Israel attack its nuclear weapons plants, and it hopes that its proxies (Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas) will do the job of reducing Israel to a beaten, bloodied pulp. Israel wins decisively.
2. Israel finally gets a "peace agreement" - the Arab nations around her are too bloodied and battered to consider any further warfare for a long time, and agree to a "peace" treaty. They hope this will give them time to regroup and try again later.
3. The Rapture occurs, following which the 144,000 Jewish evangelists are sealed (Rev 7.) and sent out into the world to preach the Gospel to all nations
4. After the Rapture, Iran and Russia (the Gog-Magog confederacy of Ezekiel 38) decide to take advantage of the chaos, knowing that the West is in complete disarray and because they need access to the oil fields of Saudi and the Indian Ocean, to attack Israel, with the intent to wipe it off the map once and for all. They lose - big time, because of God's attack on them. It will take the Israelis 7 months to bury the dead!
5. The world leader who will become the AC steps up to the plate, and confirms the "peace treaty" with Israel for 7 years - I think he will take advantage of the destruction to claim that it was his doing (somehow), and be seen as a great leader and peace maker - Satan always wants the glory....
6. The Temple gets rebuilt. Sacrifices start.
7. After 3.5 years AC sets up Abomination of Desolation in temple . Is killed, resurrected by Satan, and becomes the AC.
8. Great Tribulation starts and runs for 3.5 years
7. God's wrath is released (7 bowls in Revelation)
9. Armies of the world gather around Jerusalem for a final stand leading to the battle of Armageddon
10. Jesus comes back! Hallelujah!!

Having said that, the Rapture could occur BEFORE the Ps. 83 war.....but before that happens, the Great Awakening must happen.

Anyway - that's my take on today's events.....


Great Grany 5 said...

Oh, Blondie, is my supper ready?

Just couldn't resist! Well, I did some checking and no one that I know in Tulsa has any info about John Barela but when I Googled his name, there were a lot of listing all over the Southwestern parts of the country for him or someone with the same name. My senses didn't urge me to check him out any further than he used to work at Bank of Oklahoma. Not sure when or what position but I have no idea where he is located in Tulsa either.

Jim isn't feeling very good and is really weary. He was going to mow the yard but is too tired and that isn't like him at all. Don't know what we are going to do about yard work if his physical condition doesn't improve quickly or sooner.

Marge, my little Blondie, I got so excited when I learned all about the near misses my kids and grandkids experienced that I forgot to check into my email messages. I have been so disgusted with gmail of late but my senses tell me it isn't them but it is something on my computer again or yet. I have to take it to the IT rep here and he is going to do a complete check of it to see if there is an invasion type situ going on. If I send anything out I run the chance of infecting everyone else also, so, I will hold off until Gary gets me going again safely.

Time for a nap right now so I will catch up later.


Marge said...

Thank you so much! That's what I've been taught, almost word for word. However, I did order the Ps. 83 book, as it peeked my interest, a lot. Mainly because David Reagan had Bill Salus on his, Lion and Lamb Prophecy program. But I won't be getting the book, Isralestine, for several weeks. Which is okay :)
(it's on order)

Supper ready, LOL! Well, it's Sat. A.M., so nope. Although I plan on cooking some chicken tenders and making a large potato salad this afternoon, and you're welcome to come and join us :) You know, I'm not exactely Betty Crocker, but I use my Mom's recipe for potato salad :) Good, organic eggs, a plenty. Yummy! (Mom had her own chickens. not me! LOL!)

I hope Jim is feeling better today. I also mowed our lawn yesterday, and weed eated. Even though it's a smaller yard, it takes a couple of hours. Now today, some hand weeding. This weekend promises to be lovely, too. Temps in the low 70's. Then Monday? More rain, and lower temps. So, I'm looking forward to being outdoors this weeknd a LOT.

No worries about e-mail :) In fact, my computer clock went a couple of hours off (it's in advance now) this last Wed. And now Hotmail, the cave, and our site say there is a security certificate error, and warn me not to go on, etc. Whatever. I just charge ahead like I had good sense, LOL! My computer is asking for a second anti-virus, now, too? The firewall and anti-virus are functional, so I'm not quite sure what that is all about. But, my young friend (Michelle) is coming over next Sat. and I'll have her take a look at it. We're going to go see the movie, Angels and Demons. I read the book yeas ago, and it's pretty good. Of course, it blasts the Catholic church, and such. But both the book/movie are fiction. Dan Brown knows how to mix some (very little, usually) fact with a whole lot of fiction. It makes for some great entertainment. Nothing more. But it does open the door to discuss a person's belief system, or lack thereof. As you know, the Pacific Northwest tends to turn their backs on God, the Church, and even discussion of the subject.

I tossed the newspaper, from Tulsa, OK. I've never heard of them, either. Thanks for checking!

Well, I'd better get things going around here, for now.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, and may God bless all!


Marge said...

Prayer request for salvation:

Pastor Wolfson's (Church For All Nations, Tacoma, WA.) 97 year old father is not saved, and is seriously ill. (he's lost 35 pounds in two weeks!) This gentleman is an Orthodox Jew, and hasn't made Jesus the Ssvior of his life, yet. However, time is running out for him. Please pray that the scales be lifted from his eyes, and he embraces Jesus, as his Savior/Messiah, before it's too late.

Thank you, and God bless!


Marge said...

I had to stop by and give you all a good laugh about my computer lack of knowledge. Michelle called this evening, and I told her about my computer clock being off. She told me I could set it. Duh! Easy :) So now my computer isn't begging for a second anti virus, or telling me about security certifate errors on Hotmail, the cave, and our blog, LOL! Okay. I'm a computer dummie, and not ashamed to say it :)

I'm also looking forward to reporting to everyone a wonderful praise report about Pastor's father, too.

Have a great week in the Lord, and keep smiling, because the battle belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jen said...

Morning Marge and everyone!
I haven't been able to get to the computer since last week because of all the hoopla going on here with the family birthday party we had Sat. I'm beyond exhausted from hosting back-to-back gatherings and the house is beyond wrecked, but we had 2 great weekends with lots of good memories made for the kids so I've been going about with praise on my lips each day! I hope to get back in the swing of things here once school wraps up this week.
I am scheduled to have surgery on the 28th. My MIL will be taking the kids for about 4 days so I won't have to contend with them prior to/immediately after and my mom is coming for a week afterward to help out, too. I've been so busy with other stuff that I haven't really given much thought to it, but I'm sure next week I'll be busy on the internet and talking with others who have had the same procedure (thyroid).

I spent time last night praying for pastor's father and I, too, am looking forward to your good report!

The kids were watching Wizard of Oz last night and I thought of you when the tornado scene came on. I've been praying for you and your family as well.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts of Ps 83. They mirror what I've come to understand, although my studies haven't taken me nearly as deep as others and my most of my understanding comes from reading commentary rather than digging into the Word alone. I feel God keeping me focused on my study of the Spirit and getting up to speed on those topics first because walking closely with Him will be helpful no matter what pans out with all the rest! It's funny, though, because I originally came to Joel's site to learn more about eschatalogy.

OK - got to get moving this morning. L has a birthday tea party to attend. The era of chauferring has begun!
And my sprouts need watering, too. Over the weekend, my dad put in my garden, complete with fencing to keep out the rabbits, so this week I have to get the sprouts into the dirt. All 9 seed varieties are growing and I've already shared with the neighbors. Hope to find some more takers because I still have way too many :-)

Have a great day in the Lord!

Marge said...

You've got more than a full plate :)

And I believe you're right about focusing on your walk with God. Prophecy is important to study, but not as important as keeping a close relationship with the Holy Spirit, and knowing His ways. I'm reminded about what the Bible said about Moses. He knew God. And the Israelites only knew about God, for the most part, etc. Believing God. Like Joshua and Caleb did. No matter how many giants there were in the Land, they were fully persuaded that God would do,...just like He said He would do. And that kinda Faith, comes from staying in the Word (good teaching, reading, etc.) and renewing your mind with the Word. I'm convinced of that more and more, with each day that passes. Oh yeah, news from the Holy Land still peeks my interest, but it's not my main focus, anymore. When you step back, and imagine the full picture, you can't help but see what really is the main thing. The redemption of souls for eternity. In fact, yesterday, in Church service, one of the prayers we prayed/sang, was that we would have our hearts broken, with what breaks the heart of God. It's all about the great love/grace of God, isn't it?

I've writen down the 28th for your thyroid operation, Jen. Let's agree, in adavence in prayer, that the time before, during, and after your operation will be one of healing for you, in spirit, soul (mind and emotions) and body. Amen. And that your surgery will be a total success in every way, shape, form and fashion. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we call it done, right now. Amen.

Also, many thanks for praying for Pastor's father. Much good seed has been sown for his salvation.
A couple of years ago, Pastor Wolfson's sister got saved. She'd had a life crisis, and finally opened up and welcomed Jesus into her heart/spirit. When Pastor's dad heard about it, he didn't get upset. (as before, in his younger years, etc.) Pastor said, he never said anything. So, Pastor Wolfson asked him, well dad, what do you think about it? His father replied, well, God knew she needed something! Funny :) They both have a wonderful sense of humor. And you just know God is waiting to hear this 97 year old gentleman, ask for Jesus to come into his life.

Well, I'd better stop for now. I need to start the day rolling around here. And the grass needs to be mowed at Bob's house, too :) Before the next scheduled rain tomorrow.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

A few lyrics from a song by Sara Groves (Conversations CD)

I love this song, because it really brings to light, just how close our walk with God is every day.

"how is it between us, how is it between us,
when have I talked to you last, and what has happened since?
how is it between us, how is it between us,
when have I talked to you last,...
and what has happened since?"

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
Thanks for all the good words and prayers for my health/healing. I haven't had any anxiety about the coming surgery, but am kinda annoyed more than anything because I don't like the idea of a missing body part that will require meds to replace what's taken out! But I intend to use this part of the journey to God's glory whenever and wherever possible. Who knows who I might meet at the hospital that I wouldn't have met otherwise?

I do want to share a little more about my recent prayer request (now that I have more than 10 seconds to sit down!)
I don't have any firm answers yet and if anything, more questions than answers have come to light.
Warning....this might be a long explanation and might be TMI for the guys ;-)

As most know (and Laura knows firsthand), I have struggled for 20years with fertility issues. The thought of ever having a baby 'the old fashioned way' was shelved a long time ago and there wasn't any evidence until last month that my body was functioning in a way that might bring that possibility off the shelf, if you know what I mean :-)
Well, I've been praying for healing/restoration of my body in this area, mostly so I would function the way I was supposed to, (not because we were going to try for another baby.) There are many risks that go along with an absent cycle...uterine cancer, etc. and I wanted to avoid those. It's either take birth control pills to force a cycle or pray for a natural one to begin and that's what I've been doing.

About 3 weeks ago, just before I asked for prayer here, I began to have symptoms that I was indeed beginning to cycle again. I was so excited and praising God for answering that prayer (I might just be the first woman in history to do a praise jig at the thought of a period starting! LOL!)
But it soon became clear that things weren't quite right and I began to wonder if I might actually be pregnant instead. I won't go into the details, but having been pregnant 3 times, I could recognize the signs. My upcoming surgery is a definite concern in that equation, so during my pre-surgery testing, I asked for bloodwork to rule it in/out. The test came back negative, so for a few days I figured it was just a slow/awkward start to my cycle and nothing to worry about. However, that's been over 2 weeks ago and I'm still cycling in weird ways. The thought has now occurred to me that even with a negative test result, I could still be pregnant or possibly (and this is where my prayers are most concerned) have an ectopic pregnancy. I have many of the same signs that I had with my other ectopic pregnancy. God was merciful in that time and brought that baby home before I had to make the decision to end the pregnancy myself. I decided to see the GYN on Friday and get another round of tests done because surgery is coming up and an ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening. Prayerfully, either this is just a really slow/strange cycle or is a healthy pregnancy. If it's the third possibility, then my prayers are for God to protect all the lives involved and for His name to be glorified in the process as He care for all those He knows and loves. I am not going to approach this with fear (as I did for so many years in the past) but rather with confidence in His promises and power to do the things which He says He is pleased to do.
A pregnancy actually wouldn't surprise me because of a word I was given on May 2nd.
Isaiah 43: 18-19 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." And God is doing just that for me...the question is, is a baby involved?

So now maybe you can see why I asked for prayers that life would overcome that which would destroy it. I'll report back once I know more. In the meantime, everyone have a great week ahead! I'm planning to :-)


Marge said...

Agreeing with you, that all will be well.


Great Grany 5 said...


I am agreeing with you in praying for Jen's health needs and the healing of her thyroid. That surgery is going to go so smooth you will be fit as a new fiddle very soon.

My afternoon has been a little blurry due to me taking a late morning nap. I never do that but I got so droopy eyed I had to. This is the time of the year that I love being outside and as soon as I open the doors the Cottonwood Trees shower me with their silk floaters. Oh, they are pretty but what a mess they make and I sneeze all the time I am outside.

Jen's garden sounds like it is going to be very productive and blessed. I can see the amazing things the kids will learn from the experience. My son always wanted to dig the carrots up to see how they were doing. Couldn't convince him not to do so we planted him a special "dig'em up" spot and wouldn't you know, they did go ahead and live. Taught us not to be doubtful gardeners.

Need you all to keep my daughter Becky and my son, JC in your prayers. They are really having problems with the stepmother and stepbrother over their father's estate. She is trying to cut them out of everything and when she and my X were married our 80 acre farm was completely paid for. They were married in 1973 and we were divorced in 1971. The property settlement didn't take place with the division of property until 1978. I have told them both that nothing earthly has any value and to turn loose of it. Let God deal with Helen and Mitchell and to forgive their father for his foolishness. Can't get involved with it any further than that. Wouldn't help them any at all.

It hurts to see your grown kids hurt by a vindictive father and then create an atmosphere for the step mother to take over the abuse.

If the devil can't hurt you one place he will try something else. This time he has hit 3 believers and he won't get away with it! Promise you all!
Momma is swinging in to gear and we are going to have fried devil for dinner before long.

You all take care and I will return, even though this isn't the Philippines and we are not in WW2.


Marge said...

I agree. Sometimes it's better to walk away, and live in peace. Because this world isn't our home. We ARE just "a passing thru,...our treasure IS laid up, somewhere beyond the blue..." And Angels! Oh my! "The Angels becon me, from heaven's open door,...and I can't feel at home in this world anymore."

satan may win a few battles, but he's lost the war! he's doomed! Along with all the evil spirits/demons! Jesus Christ "whipped" satan/evil spirits over 2,000 years ago! Praise God for evermore!

You know, I've walked away from inheritances before. And wound up with more blessings than I could contain, in regards to other provisions. Things that money can't come close to buying. So, I will agree with you, that Becky and JC., are blessed in great abundance, no matter what the outcome of the inheritance. The Godly will always overcome! Just stand in faith, and see the prosperity that the Lord will provide. After all, our source is God. And He will provide. Often when one door closes, another door opens, with a better arrangement/opportunity than door number one :)

Don't allow the world to beat you down, anyone! Because the "greater one" lives in you! And all of heaven is backing you up, when you stand on God's Word, in faith! Amen.

Okay, stepping off my soapbox for awhile :)

God bless all,

TexanForChrist said...

Jen, agreeing with you for needs, God is the Great Physician and he also guides His earthly physicians. I have no doubt that all will be according to His word and you will be completely restored.

Don't think you need to worry about TMI here, John and I have both been married for a long time, and it is what it is.

Marge, praying for his soon salvation as well.

And Granny, well take it easy up there in Okie land. The allergies knock me down once or twice a year as well. I pray that you and Jim will be dancing the jig in no time. Don't worry about Becky and JT, The Lord OUR GOD will be with them and guide them thru anything, just as He as done for all of us.

Some times I'm just in awe of the way our Lord has gently and not so gently guided my life, still hard to believe that the God of the universe cares and guides each and every one of us! I on the other hand start slipping when I try to do two things at once, I can only imagine!!

Ordered and started Arial Ministries DVD series on the Life of Jesus from a Jewish perspective, and it has some amazing perspectives, but awfully hard to watch more than an hour at a time. (It's a teaching lecture with a power point).

Work is still keeping me very busy so not much time to post so I rely on the email copies. My partner in crime (another programmer) starts a two week vacation tomorrow, so please send some prayers of peace my way as its quite a challenge with either of us are away.

BTW.. for those interested in the Jewish tradition of Days of the Omer, which is the counting of the 50 days or seven sevens plus one. Today is forty-one days, which is five weeks and six days of the Omer. Don't even remember how I came across this (that happens a lot of late) but here is a link Days of OmerLove you all, and I thank God for you..

Maranatha soon!!


Marge said...

What a pleasure to hear from you!

I've been kinda busy, as well. Stiring the waters, too, LOL.

Yesterday I saw a leak under my car/hood. So it's in the shop getting a new heater core installed. It was all so slick/easy, it was God, all the way. No breakdowns, no negitive much of anything :) Just a smooth transition for God (and the shop :) getting it fixed. (details would be boring for everyone, but God opened up the "waters" and I walked thru on "dry" ground :)

I just heard my weekly Charles Capps T.V. program, (Daystar, 8 A.M. here in WA. State) and was he EVER good today! About Faith, of course. Now the "odd" thing about faith is that it isn't just hearing once. It's by hearing, and hearing, and hearing...Kinda like you may have eaten a T-Bone steak once, but that isn't ging to keep you filled up, or from not eating another one again. Okay. That isn't my point, though. (smile)

Images. Imaging what you want God to do for you. "Calling for those things that be not, as though they were." Wheather a person realizes it, or not, they're training their spirit every day. If a person dwells on the "negitive," it's much like a picture/image. Charles Capps brought out the concept of a camera. Taking a picture. Anyhow, a good thought for the day :)

Everyone have wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ!

I'll leave you with the song lyrics from Concepts of Faith. (Charles Capps program title)

"No matter what the circumstances,
what I feel or see,
the Word of God is working mightly in me!"

You know, I'm constantly reminded of when Jesus came to earth.
The religious crowd (EEK!) didn't have a problem with Jesus healing sick bodies/minds/emotions. But they had a HUGE problem with Jesus forgiving the people's sins.
Today, it's vice versa. Odd, isn't it? satan does his best to get into a "religious" atmostphere, and bring a spirit of legalism to the Church today. I'm so happy that Christianity is a "relationship" and not a "religion." Jesus had more problems with the Leaders of the Law than just about anyone else.
Things haven't changed much, have they? Because people that are overly involved with religion often aren't concerned about people's souls, their well being, or happiness. It's a control issue. Do it "my way," or the "highway." Sad, isn't it? Because the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts. And it's love that should lead our lives. Ah, the love of God! It's the goodness of God that draws people to forgivness. Not beating them up with rules, or regulations. Which is so great for me! How I love the Lord, because He first loved me! Amen.

Well, I guess I'll leave you, with the lyrics of this song, then :)

Come to the Father...

God bless,

Marge said...

Wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day weekend!


Jen said...

You beat me to it, Marge!
Happy Memorial Day to everyone and especially those who have served or are serving, as well as their families. We owe them all a debt of gratitude!


Marge said...


Laura said...

Hi Everyone!

I have been off-line for the last week or so researching and preparing teaching applications for the entire state for my hubby. What a chore!

I have enjoyed listening to Perry Stone (I found his podcasts). He's so full of info! Plus, he's funny! =)

John, I have really enjoyed your blog! I started WAY back and read most of the way through. It answered a lot of my questions, and also added more! =)

Jen, I will absolutely be praying for you, for peace and healing for all your needs. Love you!

(Healing/suffering, praying/believing and the baptism/fullness are my next round of questions, but I'll leave them for another time. I have to collect my thoughts better.)

Have a great day in Jesus!

Jen said...

Morning, all!
Hey Laura, good to hear from you. Have the boys finished school yet?
Thanks for the prayers. I've had a very peaceful week even though the health issues continue. I actually had another pregnancy test done Sat. and I will know the results Tues. I'd probably let it play out on it's own if it weren't for surgery next Thurs. That kinds puts a wrench in the works, but either way I know I'm protected and cared for by the BEST doctor in town ;-)

A couple prayer needs to share:
For me, prayers for skill/precision for my doctors/hospital team (specifically that my parathyroid wouldn't be affected and no damage to the surrounding nerves, in addition to getting all the tissue of the thyroid that needs to be taken out), a good recovery period and no concerning results from the biopsy post-op. I am praying that I won't need any radioactive iodine treatments and that surgery will be the last thing needed. Also that my Synthroid dose will be quickly determined so I can get back the thyroid function quickly.
Prayers that my MIL and mom will be able to manage the kids well and that the kids will be on their best behavior for the grandmas!

My brother got a job offer for the local prison. He seems eager to take the final tests needed to be hired, but he sprained his ankle last week so that's a concern. He told me that he's trusting God above all to provide for his needs and knows that if this door closes, then another will be opened. That attitude is such a huge leap forward for him! I can see that he's maturing in his faith and taking his adult responsibilities more seriously. Lots of praise for those things; continued prayer for the job situation (Marge, I shared your prayer from a few weeks ago with him and it was a real encouragement.)

My uncle Bob is struggling with many issues...he's the one who found my grandpa and mom says he isn't dealing well with it now the shock and early grieving is turning into anger/guilt, etc. He & Grandpa had a very contentious relationship and Grandpa's last note mentioned something about that, so Uncle Bob now has alot of guilt and no way to heal the wounds (except with God's help, of course.) He is also watching his GM pension fade away and his health is in bad shape, so he's got alot of big stuff on his plate right now. My mom thinks he's slipping into depression and he's of the mindset that you pull yourself up by your bootstraps. You don't talk about emotional stuff, you conquer it and you don't rely on others to fix things for you. It's amazing, but you can see that family's trainwreck stretch back for generations. I did alot of genealogy work on them, back to Sweden and the first generation that came over was pretty much the same as this current one. Father abandoned the family (physically then, emotionally now) and let the mother pick up the pieces/hold things together. Son learns how to be a father from that example and continues it with his own children. Add a little mental instability into the mix and there you go....totally disfunctional relationships and lots of broken lives in the wake. Also, a big hole where God should be presiding. That's the main problem, of course. What's the verse about the sins of the father...? OK - sorry for that was supposed to be a prayer request!

I think that's about it for now. I'll try to stop by before Thurs. I'm realizing now how unprepared I am so today will be spent getting the house in order...tomorrow I have to pack up the kids and Wed. maybe I'll have time to relax a bit with everyone. I plan to post an update on my blog, too, so check there if you haven't heard from me.

Have a blessed week ahead!

Marge said...

Good to hear from you!

Still agreeing with you in prayer, that all will be well for your health/operation.

And I'm also agreeing with you in prayer about your Uncle Bob's deliverance from guilt. And mental wellness. Is he saved? Do we need to pray for his salvation?

Be sure to tell your brother, that if he does get a position as a Corrections Officier he'll have plenty of opportunities to minister to the inmates. Kind deeds, if nothing else/and prayer. It's a real mission field. Also believing for an accelerated healing for his sprained ankle.

God bless,


Jen said...

Thanks, Marge,
As for Uncle Bob, I can't say for sure that he's saved. He attends a Presby church with my aunt but I don't know how involved they are. He, along with my mom and their sister, were raised in an agnostic (Grandpa)-Catholic (Grandma) home. Grandma didn't drive and Grandpa didn't see the need to take the family to church, so they only went for chatechism classes and Easter/Christmas. Grandma herself was raised Catholic by adopted parents who died by the time she was 16, so she was on her own at a young age and kinda picked her way through her beliefs as she grew older.
Without a definite knowledge about the matter, I'd say salvation prayers for Uncle Bob's family and my Aunt Regina's family are needed. Aunt "Bugs" is a whole different situation...much more rebellion and brokenness there, but she's coming around. My mom had lunch with her over the weekend and she said that Regina spoke about getting straightened out with God and letting Him do the guiding in her life. Talk about a prodigal child! She and my uncle (whom she up and divorced last year) have 4 wonderful adult children, but their lives have been damaged in many ways because of their mom's rebellion, so like I said, you can see the pattern continuing into the next generation. We're praying and believing that God will do great restorative works in these lives and stop the unraveling that has been going on for so long. And we're seeing evidence of it now. Sadly, it took something so tragic to get their attention. But we're trusting God above all!

AS for my brother, I had the opportunity to talk last night with a cousin's fiancee who just started as a corrections officer a few months ago and loves the job. He said the same thing...opportunity to change lives and teach things that were never taught to many of the inmates. My brother himself could have ended up in a facility of some sort because he was in a state of rebellion for many years. But God has kept him sheltered time and again and I think it was perhaps for this very time. Jason has the understanding of both sides and I know God would make good use of that time in his life now to extend compassion and hope to others. He has always rooted for the underdog and there are certainly plenty of underdogs that need prayer or a kind word in prison! Thanks for the prayers for him. I'm excited to see how God's plan for his life unfolds in the coming days!

OK - gotta get something done around this soon,


Marge said...

Agreeing with you in prayer, for the salvation of your aunt/uncles's families, and themselves.

I'm also keeping you very close/dear to me, Jen, in my heart/spirit, and prayers, for your soon operation/health issues.
All will be well. All glory, honor and praise to God our Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. The blessed three in one. Amen.


Jen said...

Hi Marge,
Thank you again for all your encouragement and support! I'm scheduled to arrive at the hospital tomorrow (Thurs.) at
10:15, so I must be one of the last operations of the day. I'll be home Friday and the kids will be home Sunday, with my mom arriving to help for the week that day also.
I'm feeling very peaceful tonight and am just ready to get the surgery over with.
These are the specific prayers we are focusing on:
1. wisdom, skill and precision for the surgeon and other staff who will be doing the operation
2. an easy surgery and quick recovery period for me with little discomfort afterward
3. all clear results on the post-op biopsies that will be done; my prayer is that surgery will be the only treatment needed to address the situation
4. protection for my parathyroid glands and the nerves around the thyroid which affect vocal chords
5. a quick resumption of thyroid function (via the meds that will be prescribed) so I don't have to battle exhaustion or lethargy for long
6. strength and patience for the grandparents who will be watching the kids and very-best-behavior on the kids' part!
7. strength for Bob as he juggles the added work while I recover (another reason I'm hoping that I bounce back quickly!)
8. understanding and peace for the kids as they aren't quite sure what's going on; I don't want them to fear anything or have worries about going to the dr., etc.

I gave each of them a 'baby' stuffed animal tonight to keep with them at Grandma's. I have the 'Mommy' sized version which I will keep with me. They're going to take pictures of their baby doing fun things to email me and I'm going to do the same. I told them that on Sunday, their babies will get to rejoin the mommies and we can talk about all the adventures we had while apart. They accepted that well and after a few extra hugs and kisses, they ran off to have icecream with PopPop (I can see where I rank on their favorites list ;-)

OK - I'd better wrap up and get to bed. I'll be in touch soon!

TexanForChrist said...


Agreeing with you that your surgery goes exactly as planned. Don't worry you have the Great Physican guiding the work of your Doctor.


Marge said...


Agreeing with you, and Mike, that all will be well. And that each and every specific prayer is answered, too.


Laura said...

Hi all!

Did anyone see this??

A pastor and his wife being cited for having a home Bible study.

Praying for our nation,

TexanForChrist said...

New Post is up.

My bible reading today was John 14. I though it was appropriate for this time.

The new post is John 14 in the Peshitta version preceded with a mouseover of the NASB. I added them in front of the text so that on a mouseover it displays above the Peshitta version. It is truly amazing the differences in the translations.

Maranatha soon..
