Friday, January 16, 2009

Pulling down the Stronghold/Fortress

Recently I heard a sermon on the radio discussing 2 Corinthians 10:3-5(KJV).

2 Corinthians 10:3 (Amplified)
For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One),

Some quotes and research on the subject I thought worth sharing....

A stronghold or fortress is “a place having strong defenses – a fortified place.” All strongholds begin in the mind. If we entertain any thought long enough, whether it is good or bad, it becomes established in our thinking. Paul says we do not fight with weapons of this world, but bring every thought in our mind into the captivity or obedience of Christ. the good news is that we do have spiritual resources that are categorically different. They are supernaturally powered as verse 4 says, "For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (NASB).

We are first "destroying speculations," theories, or arguments, the rationalizations which act as walls around the fortress of lies and destructive beliefs. These rationalizations are based on false assumptions which buttress disappointment, discouragement, and depression. The walls prevent the mind and heart from seeing God's love and power and goodness.

Next is "destroying prideful arrogance," the pride and intellect that exalts itself and keeps people from seeing who God is. Paul is not attacking intelligence, because God gave us intelligence, but intellectualism, the high-minded attitude that makes us think we know more than we do. In Romans 12:16 Paul calls it being "…haughty in mind…" or "…wise in our own estimation."

"…taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." The concern here is destructive thoughts. I think it's important that we apply this final verse personally to ourselves. Think about our own sinful tendencies to fantasize, to imagine ourselves as successful and powerful, or to daydream that life or relationships are somehow better or different. Christ calls us to clear-minded realism. Eugene Peterson's paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 10:5 calls it, "…fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ." It's allowing Christ to take control of our thinking and our feeling, constantly giving our minds and hearts, including all the loose ends, to him to conform them to the love, purpose and power of who he is.

Know the Voice of God – Philippians 4:8 You must recognize the voice of God and understand what the Bible says your thoughts should be. Read God’s word and meditate on it and they will be full of revelations for you. God’s word will stop harmful, negative thoughts that may be lodged in your mind and reveal how to counter the Devil’s onslaught.

If thoughts come to encourage you to be different so that you can make a name foryourself, those thoughts are originating with the Enemy. Jesus was a prophet and an intercessor, yet He was practical – Matthew 4:1-11; 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke 9:28; 6:12. God is a practical God – an everyday kind of God. Be transformed by renewing your mind. – Romans 12:2 , Prepare your mind for action. – 1 Peter 1:13 ,Take every thought captive in obedience to Christ(2 Corinthians 10:4)


Jen said...

Hi Mike,
Great post...thanks for getting it organized!
The cave is pretty smoky right now with a days-long OSAS debate in progress. I had a few thoughts/perponderances that came to mind as I read the various posts, but it's much too hot for me to enter the fray :-)
I'll try to post here soon. I miss hearing from everyone. Seems like we all went home for spring break or something ;-)


Marge said...

I agree. I miss hearing from everyone.

Oh my, the cave WAS a bit smokey, wasn't it? Although, for the most part a good discussion. It's only when people began to take things personally that the discussion produced the smoke. (thankfully, it never burst into flames :)

Hey, I've had a VERY strange/weird experience today. It came in the form of a Forward, from a friend of mine, here in WA. State. (also Catholic, so she never has a problem with these things) And I wasn't paying attention, as it was much earlier today. (I've had time to think about it, now)

Question: (to start things off)

Can evil spirits read your mind?

I never thought so. Although I know that the arrows spoken of in the Bible, could be the thoughts from evil spirits.

All right, moving right along to this Forward. It was from David Copperfield. And there were 6 cards, and you were suppose to "think" of one card, and that card would disappear, as you scrolled down, to the block of cards. I did it THREE times, and it was accurate, all three times! (then I deleted it!) I believe it was nothing more than a parlor game for evil spirits. Because it DID work, and the Forward was filled with oohs, and aahs, of people saying that it had always worked for them, too! Anyhow, I cleaned house on any demonic spirits, and told them all to leave, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Any ideas, or has anyone heard of this happening? All I know is that we are to guard our hearts/minds, and to think and meditate on good things. And I must admit, it got me to really and truly thinking about WHAT I WAS thinking, too!

Anyone have any ideas, or comments?

Thanks, Mike!

Love to all,
Even tricks aren't from God. God is always faithful, and true.

boatman909 said...

Like Mike, I have been very busy recently. I am working on a contract basis with our local regional government (since October), in the IT dept as a Project Manager. My boss has just returned from mat leave, and has discovered that all sorts of things have been going on in her absence, seemingly with the intent to push her out. It turns out that her one FTE staff member had been seconded almost as soon as she left to have her baby, so was unable to take care of business for her, and the two of us who were supposed to be hired last Spring, only came on board just before Christmas.

So the 4 of us are battling to establish some credibility, so that get an opportunity to "do our stuff" in the next few months, and prove just how wonderful we are(!!) - and so I can get my contract extended after March.

All of us profess some degree of faith in Jesus - I am the only spirit filled member of the group, but my boss needs prayer. For the last 10 years she has suffered attacks of MS, to the point she needed a walker to get around (she's 33). When she had the baby - much against the doctors' advice - she went into complete remission - and acknowledges this is a miracle. She is born again (her own words) and has knowledge of the things of the Spirit, but has, at least to my knowledge, not received the Baptism of Holy Spirit. I would love for her to have this experience,and be able to pray through the situation at work in tongues - but as she admits, right now she backsliding in her walk with God.

This week started terribly, but I believe as a result of our prayers, things have started to turn around, and it looks like we are getting a lot more support from our management team.

Mike, thank you for your new post - it always helps to be reminded to keep our thoughts centered on the Word, and be constantly renewing our minds.

God bless all,

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
Haven't seen that one, but I just read (I think it was in one of the Hagin books I was reading over the holiday) that although demons can't have complete omniscience they do have a degree of ability to know our thoughts. I'll have to look it up and try to find the Scripture used along with it. I think it might have been in the Believer's Authority book.
Someone had asked about Oiuja boards at the cave (Anne maybe? Her friends are the artists that she's parting ways with? Or Grace?)
I didn't post it, but I also had a bad experience as a young girl with that 'game.' My cousins - not raised in the church - brought it to our grandparents' house over the summer and we got it out one night and were asking all sorts of silly girl questions...what boy liked us and such. One of my cousins asked the board what its name was and it gave a name that I instantly knew was related to Satan. It was a derivative of
L-----r....I don't even like to type it these many years later.
A candle that was lit next to us blew out (no windows were open in the room) and we all screamed and ran out of the room. They didn't get it, but I knew it had been a real experience. Not long after that, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sensation of my body being pulled out of bed. It wasn't my physical body, but rather like my insides were being pulled away from me. I was fully awake - absolutely not dreaming - and I held onto the headboard with all my might while praying. After awhile it subsided. I was probably 12 or 13 at the time and I'll never forget it. Today I would have known how to deal with it, but back then I was just a baby in the Lord. At least I knew to pray! So yes, I do believe that all sorts of openings exist for dark forces to do their work. Prince of the air...and what isn't touched by the air? good to hear from you! I knew you were likely very busy, but I guess that's a good thing these days, in terms of work :-)
Jim Carrol at the cave mentioned awhile ago that his mom also had MS and during all of her pregnancies, it went into remission. I also know a girl I used to work with who had the same situation. I'll join you in prayer for your coworker's needs as well as your whole team.

A report from our home...we're all doing well and hubby has been really blessed in the last month or so with either new business or opportunities to bid on new housing developments. The fact that new houses are even being built is amazing and to be able to have blueprints handed to you to bid on is truly a great gift.

I had an appt. with an endocrinologist today to get a second opinion about the plan for treating my thyroid situation. I felt much more comfortable with this doctor (she's not too much older than I am and we had a lot in common.) She's having my bloodwork redone as well as an ultrasound to check the size of the nodule on my gland. If that checks out (and I'm sure it will be fine as I've already put it at the throne), we can move ahead with our family-expansion efforts. I didn't want to attempt a pregnancy with a possible thyroid problem since it can really affect the success of the pregnancy. But I'm feeling really excited to move forward and now I have alot more peace about everything.
We aren't telling many people our plans because they're think we're insane...we already have 3 kids, the economy stinks and we're nearing mid 30s. But we have some very important promises to keep (to paraphrase Robert Frost) and we're excited to see what blessings lie ahead for us.
Please keep us in prayer as we really move out in faith on this one. Prayers for good health and a safe/full-term/healthy pregnancy should the Lord extend that blessing (I have a feeling He will since He's all about abundant life!) And prayers for all the stuff that will come along with this new part of our journey...economic concerns (that's hubby's main area) and some of the 'splainin' we'll have to do to family and friends. I hate the thought of having to defend our decisions to people. I've already said that I won't be telling my parents there's a new baby coming until I'm on my way to delivery! Ha!
Oh, one more request. I've been praying for my brother and his family the last few weeks. He was permanently laid off just before Christmas and hasn't had any opportunities with new employment. The little town I grew up in is becoming a ghost town so job openings are few and far between. His wife does have a job with benefits so that's a huge blessing. They have a 3-yr. old and a baby on the way so there's stress there. He's not a mature Christian at all and struggles with a lot of emotional/behavioral issues. He makes efforts at reading the Bible and doing what he knows is pleasing to God, but there's no depth and so much working against him that he always goes back to his old habits. He was always the "follower" and seems to self-sabotage every good thing that comes along. I'd be so thankful for others to join me in praying for our Lord to do some mighty works in their lives. Their names are Jason & Kim.

OK - gotta run and get some chores done.
God's best to everyone!

Marge said...

Thanks for the work update. It's good to see you posting again!

Ageeing with you, in prayer about your prayer requests. Please keep us in the loop, okay? You know, we're pulling for you!

Thanks for relating your childhood story. Unfortunately, many people have those boards in their homes, and don't realize that they aren't a game. Thank the Lord, He watches over us! And keeps us.

Another thought about strongholds is, what I heard a Minister quote years ago. (you've all heard it, I believe)

"Just because a bird lands on a branch, (your mind) doesn't mean you have to allow it to build a nest there."

Pulling down Strongholds. An excellent subject for a new blog!
Thanks again, Mike!

Have a blessed weekend, everyone!


boatman909 said...

Having just seen the news release re the Israeli Cabinet agreeing to a unilateral ceasefire - we are seeing the stage set for the last of the Last Days battles, when Gaza is reduced to a desert, Damascus leveled into dust and southern Lebanon a wasteland.

The only major battle left after that before Armageddon is the Gog-Magog ware between Russia, Iran and Israel (Ex 38-39).

Look up, for your redemption draws near - Maranatha.


Marge said...

I know you are busy, but would you break down the next sequence of wars, with Scripture references, if you have them on hand? I know that Damascus is suppose to be leveled, but I forget where that is found in the Bible. I know, I have studied it, but it's not fresh in my memory. If you would give us a little refresher course, I know I'd be more than appreciative :)

Of all the reference material I have, I either can't find it, or don't have it.

(when time allows)

boatman909 said...


Regarding the various last days battles... (see also Joel Rosenberg's latest (today) blog entry - fascinating).

Destruction of Damascus - Isaiah 17, Amos 1:3-5

Destruction of Gaza - Amos 1:6-8,
Jeremiah 47:5,
Zephaniah 2:4-7,
Zechariah 9:5-6 (Note: in this chapter there is a great Messianic prophesy of the return of the Messiah in power and glory, just after the destruction of Gaza, Ashdod, Eshkol) - see Zechariah 9:9-11, already partly fulfilled - so we know it happens soon.

Destruction of Tyre & Sidon - Isaiah 23:1-23,
Jeremiah Ch 26 (this seems initially to be related to the return of the captives from Babylon, but I believe it also refers to the very last days, when God pours out His wrath on the whole earth),
Jeremiah 47:4 (which is right in the middle of the prophesies against Gaza and Ashdod),
Ezekiel Ch. 26-28 (Notice that the original city of Tyre, which was build as an island of the coast of Lebanon, has never been rebuilt since Alexander the Great destroyed it - just as Ezekiel prophesied). So the prophesies concerning Sidon will also come to pass....

In Joel 3:4 it speaks of Tyre Sidon and Philistia (aka Gaza) suffering judgment because they fight against God (i.e. Israel).

Destruction of southern Lebanon, specifically the Valley of Beka'a (in Biblical days called the Plain or Valley of Aven) - now a Hezbollah enclave - Amos 1:5, Zechariah. 11:1,
and Anti-Lebanon - all the land of Lebanon south of the River, towards Damascus and the Beka'a (c.f. Bequa's) Valley, which separates the Lebanon Mountains from the Anti-Lebanon ranges; these are two parallel ranges running south-southwest and north-northeast, the western range being called "Lebanon," and the eastern, "Anti-Lebanon"; Mt. Hermon is the highest peak in the latter range. Between the two ranges is a valley which the Bible calls "the valley of Lebanon," where the city of Baal-gad was situated (Joshua 7:7, Joshua 11:17). The Lebanon range juts into the Mediterranean south of Tyre, where the rocks form an ascent to the top of the mountain

There is also the promise that when God brings back the children of Israel to their Land, He will give them Lebanon and Gilead (district, mountain, and city east of the Jordan - i.e. part of present day Jordan) - see Zechariah 10:10.

Hope this helps.


Marge said...

Thank you so much!

And yes, it does help. I wanted to see things laid out, just like you have done.
Many thanks!

Please give us updates, okay? I've really missed your teaching! It's always been much apperciated.

Marge said...

correction: appreciated.

Grace said...

Hello Mike, Marge, Jen and John,

I just had an inkling to jump over and see what you were all up to!

Mike, what a great post! I know this is true to the depths of my soul.

I quit smoking 19 years ago and God whispered to my heart to not even entertain the fantasy of smoking one cigarette. If that thought entered my mind, and I allowed myself to even think about it that it would be so much more painful to resist the temptation.

And, that no matter how difficult if felt the word says that God would not allow me to be tempted beyond what I was able to bear. So if I felt it was too much for me....that just was not true, it was a lie from the enemy.

I think often of the fact I am in phase 2 of this lesson with struggles and temptations at work. I would do better to just joyfully do what I am required and not even entertain being a flake. God will make a way for me to get through it.

That is an incredible promise.

Yes Jen, that was me talking about the art group. It is so sad to see my friends participate in something so bad. They do not even know it. Pray, pray, pray.

Yep, the cave got smokey and I think there are still some embers burning. Bottom line, I know that I need to abide in the Lord or I lose my grip on Him. Does He let go of me? I do not think so.

I about jumped out of my chair when I saw the headline about the gas reserves in Israel. We have all been waiting and looking. I remember Joel writing about looking for this in Epicenter I believe.

Things are happening fast and furious.

Much love to you friends.


TexanForChrist said...

Everyone needs to read Joel’s last post, it definitely related to John's comment's.

Joels Blog

Maranatha very soon I pray..


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Quick prayer request for me...
I've been having some noticeable changes in my vision clarity the last several months. I wear my contacts the majority of the time and they are the most updated prescription (I wear glasses just late at night and early morning and haven't had them updated in several years since I don't wear them to drive, etc.) I noticed that looking at the TV/computer has becoming very blurry and I have to turn my head a little to get a clear view. The funny thing is that my glasses (older script) have been clearer. Last night my hubby noticed that I had a really big red splotch on my right eye, up toward the eyelid. When I checked it out I noticed that it extended up under the eyelid quite a bit. I didn't feel anything happen, but it's a big broken vessel. I'm wondering now if there is a connection to my changing vision. Anyway, I'd appreciate prayers for full recovery, no matter what the cause. I guess I'll have to make an eye dr. app. to have it checked out. Was planning to wait til my yearly checkup, but that's not til June.

Marge said...

Agreeing with you, in prayer, for total and complete healing for your eye situation. Keep us in the loop, okay?

It's always so good to hear from you!

God bless all, and have a wonderful weekend!


How is everyone else doing?

Jen said...

Thanks, Marge.
So far I feel fine and expect to moving forward. The kids have been more upset than anything about the "dirt" in Mommy's eye. They really don't have any concept of blood yet. They all prayed for me last night at bedtime, too, which was very sweet.
Speaking of eyes, one of the triplets I help with (Willow) needs eye surgery soon. She has a pretty good case of crossed eyes. Mom Valerie is very upset about it and keeps thinking bigger things are wrong with her, so I keep introducing tidbits of Scriptural truth when I visit and pray over the babies as well. I'm going to type up a list of Scriptures for her to take along on surgery day so she stays focused on all the good that God has planned for the baby (they're 6 months old already! Where does time go!?) I've been helping out less lately (about every other week now) but I still feel called to stay involved because there is so much more work to be done.

OK - it's really past bedtime so I'll close up for now.
Have an abundantly blessed weekend, everyone!

Marge said...

Prayer Request for our Blog:

I know everyone is busy. But please pray about the direction and future of this Blog.

And that the Holy Spirit continues to use it for the glory of God. Amen.

Love to all,

campsmore said...

Marge, I lost my link to Ways of the Holy Spirit. I had to query my gmail to find it. It's going to take me a little while to catch up.

About the cards..... I did not send it to you, but I received it to. Notice very carefully that no matter what card you choose, it doesn't appear again.

The reason is that none of the 6 appear again.

There is no magic at all, but it's always good to "clean house."

I don't believe demons can read our thoughts, but I believe they can whisper lies and then watch our reaction.

That's why it's important to learn the word of God and when negative thoughts "invade" your space, say God's promises out loud and put the little imps on the run.

Praying for all...

g'nite hugs and kisses

Marge said...

That's the answer I received from most of the people I asked about the David Copperfield card trick. Thanks! However, I felt an evil presence receiving it, and I couldn't delete it fast enough. Yes, it is good to keep things cleaned up, I agree.

After I deleted that e-mail, (from my friend, Cheri) I saw a comment from a Kenneth E. Hagin teaching, which said;

"If satan can capture your thought life, he can defeat you."

It was from one of his books, "The Name of Jesus," being advertised in, The Word of Faith, magazine.

Sweet dreams, and good to hear from you again!


Marge said...

Another prayer request:

Diane. (age: in mid 60's) An operation tomorrow in Seattle, for two conditions, back and hip related. (she's had several back/hip surgeries already) This operation will place Diane in a body cast for two monthes, approximately. She'll remain in Seattle hospital for a couple of weeks, then be transferd to a Nursing home for complete healing/rehab.

Many thanks for your prayers!

Also, an additional thought about the card deception. (e-mail)

Yesterday evening, GT mentioned, (at the cave) deception being satan's #1 tactic for the western Church world. It really registered with my spirit. In fact, I felt led, by the Holy Spirit to post, that it was indeed true, IMO. Then later last night, as I was reading, it rose up in my spirit, that it wasn't the "trick"
(or lack thereof) behind the presence of evil in my home, but the "spirit of deception." Maybe it's because of where I live, or maybe it's because I've committed to being on a Daniel fast, or maybe it's because the Holy Spirit alerted me to the evil of its (e-mail) presense, I dunno. But this one thing I do know, there is great deception in our nation, and around the world. (spirit of anti christ)

Insitid of, "yes we can," we need to be listening to our Heavenly Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ. Because, "yes, HE can!" Amen.

Have a blessed Sunday, and enjoy the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Marge said...

Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed it be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
as in heaven, so on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins;
for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.

Luke 11: 2-4

And, of course:

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and glory forever. Amen. Amen. And Amen.

Jen said...

I just read an article today written about the techniques that Obama uses when speaking and how they mirror those used by people trained in what's called covert hypnosis. Not the "watch this silver watch while it swings on a chain and repeat after me" but rather a much more subtle hypnosis which can happen during a regular conversation and be totally undetected by the person hearing/watching. I don't know if the researcher/writer was genuine in his knowledge of this technique and he admittedly seemed to have an agenda against Obama, but as I pondered it, it really registered in my spirit that this is how the masses are being deluded into following him. I can't believe how many people who previously were standing firm against some of these anti-God and anti-American proposals are now showing signs of jumping on the band wagon. Is it the financial mess that has everyone worried and willing to chase rabbits? I think many have slid so far from their spiritual moorings that they have lost the ability to have any discernment, too. It's all about what they can see and experience, which of course isn't what faith is at all.


Marge said...

I believe you're absoltely correct. All part of a great (and subtle) deception.

In WA. State, some of the Journalists are even joking about it. (Tacoma News Tribune) In today's newspaper, Columnist Peter Callaghan has a pretty humorous end to his Q and A article.

Q: Not even Obama can fix the Mariners. Speaking of works in progress, how is the Legislature doing?

A: While waiting until March to see just how much damage the economy has done to state revenue, lawmakers are hard at it, considering bills to make cartoon lighters illegal, chose an official state candy and an official state oak tree, allow dogs in outdoor coffee shops and let people be buried with their pets.

Q: As long as Fido orders only decaf and doesn't ogle bikini baristas, I think it's a great idea. Well, my patience is up. thanks for how little you've done.

A: It's what I do.

The world is changing, and is on a pretty slippery slope, from just 2008.

Let's keep praying.


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Would appreciate prayers for my little girl Lauren. She's had a fever on and off for a few days, along with typical runny nose/cough, etc. but tonight it got up to 103 and she was shaking quite a bit with chills. Hubby is out of town, a snow storm is predicted for tomorrow and it's a school day for the kids (plus I teach) so things will be quite crazy. My mother-in-law can watch her at home if the roads are OK for travel. I hope to get her to the dr. for a checkup around noon. So my prayers are for her to recover overnight and kick the bug completely and the snowstorm to mosey it's way here so we can do our traveling safely.
God is good, though, even in the midst of this. I've stayed healthy while everyone around me seems to be stricken with various viruses and we have family and friends nearby who can help out on days like this.

Oh, I was talking with my mom today and she reported that Grandpa is home from the hospital and doing quite well, all things considered. He is mentally alert and managing his recent fall/broken leg pretty well. He did get my Christmas card which means he also got the letter I wrote about God's love for him and the Scripture I printed from Ephesians for him to read. God is so good in that situation as well, to keep giving Grandpa countless second-chances (the man has move lives than a cat!) I'm eagerly awaiting the news that Grandpa has joined the Kingdom!

And finally, I spoke at length with my mom about various things going on in the family and the topic moved toward the new President and all the news surrounding him. I'm sad to report that my parents (and extended family, really) are on board with Obama even though they are active in the church and have sincere faith in God. (This is the delusion I see happening, right before my eyes!) I grew up in that house and probably would've been on board as well except that I got married and moved toward the city where a whole different world opened up to me in terms of what really went on in politics. I think the small-town, lower/middle class mentality which both sides of my family have been part of for generations is so intrinsic to their thinking that they simply can't see anything else. Anyway, I usually get very flustered and defensive when those topics come up and I know I don't make any headway because I'm operating from the flesh (even though my intentions are right.) Well today, I actually FELT Holy Spirit nudge me to keep the conversation going (I had planned not to get into it this time). I was able to talk for almost a half-hour about a variety of subjects that normally get me too riled up and I think my mom was at least somewhat open to the things I was saying. I'm in the middle of reading Kenneth Hagin's book on the Anointing and have been wondering where my 'ministry' is. I've been a teacher since I was a little girl so I've always figured that must be where my gifts are, and I did feel a bit like a teacher today. Weird when your student is your mother! I'm looking forward to more opportunities to continue the conversation with her and hopefully with my dad and brother, too.

OK, I've got to move toward bed. Long day tomorrow but that just means more time to praise and give Him the glory for all the goodies He's got in store for us!


PS. Anyone heard the song "Not Quite Home Yet" by Sarah Kelly? It's SOOOO good! I think it's my banner song now.

campsmore said...


I pray that your daughter is over the fever this morning and feeling chipper.

Sad to say about the Obama craze. It's just a matter of time when they begin to realize they've all been duped.

I just got an email this morning from Ed Moore who conducts Prayer Force One, a virtual online prayer room within the white house, and Obama's administration has shut it down.

He is making very clear his definitions.

Jen said...

Morning, Lori, and thanks for the prayers! She had a good night, so I'm thankful for that and the snow seems to be staying south til later in the day.

The Obama thing reminds me of parents I used to deal with as a teacher who always had an excuse for their child's was always someone else's fault that Johnny wasn't doing well but Johnny never had any responsibilities in the matter. It only takes once for Johnny to realize that his parents will defend him/excuse him and then he feels free to have at it.

I'll check in later...have a good day everyone!

Jen said...

Hey Lori,
Here's another blog that I found by reading Angie's Bring the Rain blog. It's another family who was given very grave prognosis for their newest baby (in the womb, now born). He had all kinds of heart issues and was basically given up for death, according to the drs. Well, you should see him today! He was born without ANY of the heart issues that were clearly diagnosed on the ultrasounds in the womb. Talk about a miracle healing! This might be another encouraging blog for Erin to check out.


Marge said...

Praise God!!!

The devil is a LIAR!

Praise God now and forever!!!

Marge said...

Well, bless the Lord for another day, to give our God thanksgiving, and praise, and declare His mighty works!

(and to give the devil a black eye when he comes against us)

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Love to all,

Jen said...

Hi friends,
Like Marge, I'm rejoicing for the day God has given us and I'm finding reasons to be glad even though I have a tremendous sadness to share. Please lift up my family in the days ahead as we learned this morning that my grandfather, the one I've been praying for, took his life sometime in the last 24 hours. He was home from the hospital and doing very well. My mom spoke with him yesterday around dinner time and he sounded upbeat and clear-minded. My uncle went to check on him this morning and found him in the living room with a fatal gunshot wound.
Details are still unclear but a note was found that might shed some light. He had written that he was having very bad chest pains every 10 minutes. Then he wrote that they were coming every 5 minutes. Then he simply wrote "Goodbye."
We are surmising that he was having a heart attack (he's had them before and in one case refused to call an ambulance for 2 days.) Because another health concern would have likely led to a move to a nursing home, something he said he would never agree to, he seems to have made the decision to end his life on his own terms rather than face the unknowns of continued deteriorating health.
My mom is, of course, in shock and grief and my uncle is also greatly distressed since he was the one in charge of Grandpa's main care and is the one who found him.
Please keep us in prayer in the days ahead and ask God to bring much glory to His name through the various conversations and gatherings that will follow. My mom is Carol, her brother is Bob and there's also a black-sheep sister, Regina, who needs so much in the way of healing and restoration to the family. Really, the whole family has been disfunctional for a long time but this pretty much takes the cake.

As for me, I have a lot of peace knowing that I followed Holy Spirit's urge to speak with Grandpa about Jesus (I sent a letter with our Christmas card that explained Ephesians 2 in simple terms. Holy Spirit gave me that passage and I knew I was to send it to him.) It's tempting to let my mind dwell on all the 'what-ifs' and feel despair that I never heard Grandpa make a confession of faith. But I keep pulling back from those thoughts because they aren't from God and they would only serve to drag me down. I may not know for certain that Grandpa asked Jesus into his heart, but I do know for certain that God's word is true, that it accomplished the work it was sent to do and that many faith-filled prayers have been said on Grandpa's behalf. I'm going to choose to stay grounded on those truths rather than the unknowns or best-guesses that my mind can come up with.
Coveting and appreciating your prayers,

Still FSGTB,

TexanForChrist said...

Rest assured in the Lord, Jen..

My sympathy’s and prayers will be with you and your family. I am glad the you have God's peace with you, I can't imagine what it would be like without it..


Marge said...

The song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, came to me as I read your post.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth,
will grow strangly dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Praise the Lord, that's what you're doing! And don't listen the lies of the devil, either. Remember, he's a lair!

A story I heard years ago, comes to mind.

It has to do with heaven.

This Minister said, there will be three things that will happen when we arrive in heaven.

First, people that we NEVER thought would be there...are there.

Second, people we thought would be there...aren't there.

And thirdly, that we made it in, because of the great love and kindness of Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son.

May God bless you, in your time of loss. And may God make a way for you to witness to the rest of your family during this time, as well.

Keep blessing the Lord, for His mercies are new every morning.


campsmore said...


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm so glad you took the time to share with your Grandfather, it was the right thing to do and perhaps he did make that decision.

God's word never returns void, and you can bank on that.

My prayers are for comfort for your entire family.

Marge said...

Hmmmm. I tryed posting, and it wouldn't allow me to do it?

I wanted you to know that, Lisa Shaw, sends her love. And that Lisa is also praying for you.

Let us know how you, and your family are doing.


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Quick note before I attack laundry.
I'm doing well as is my mom. I've spoken to her many times in the last 2 days and we are helping to keep each other focused on all the things that we know are good and true.
Grandpa's service is set for Feb.
7th. I'll be praying for good weather/travel conditions (it's 6 hours from here and I'll be traveling alone) as well as a real infusion of Holy Spirit's power to direct me as I prepare my thoughts for the time I'll have to speak. I was able to give a gospel witness at Grandma's service in 07 and I am hoping for the same opportunity this time. It will definitely be more difficult because of the circumstances, but any fear or worry I detect at the edges of my mind are being put up against the Word and I want to be true to my Jesus. There will be many family members/friends there who aren't in fellowship with the Lord so it really is a great opportunity to speak about His love for us all. Please pray for me to have a clear vision of what words God wants me to use during the service and even afterward at the dinner.

My mom and I are beginning to question if Grandpa really was having a heart attack when he decided to take his life. There are some emerging details that don't fit with that and we're both sensing that something else much greater was taking place. I am spending time in prayer about these things as I only want to rest in truth, even if it's more difficult to accept. I am growing more convinced that the spiritual battle for souls has ticked up several notches and it's imperative that we be girded in our armor more than ever.

Thank you each and every one for your thoughts and prayers. I am confident they will firm us up in the days ahead and keep us nestled close by our great Comforter.


Marge said...

Prayer Opportunity.

Yesterday, my son, Bob (39 years old) found out that the reason he's had a low blood platelet count, and has been tired/didn't feel well, was because of Hairy Cell Leukemia. Today he has an appt. to find out more about the disease. However, I'm believing for complete victory and healing over any disease that is diagnosed, because Jesus is Lord over all disease, sin, and anythng the enemy wants to throw in our face/path! Jesus paid the price for all sin/disease with His finished work on the cross. Amen!
Anyone want to stand with me, in the prayer of agreement, for total healing for Bob?
Thank you, in advance.

May God bless all! And may the Holy Spirit guide us in all our ways, and give us all great shalom.

Thanks be to God for the Holy Spirit! You know, we don't pray to the Holy Spirit, but since He resides in us, we can communicate with Him, and receive direct instruction for every phase of our lives.

God is so good, and good all the time!

Jen said...

Standing in absolute agreement, Marge!
In the last year I've had such a change in the way I receive "bad" news...before it was a half-empty glass approach to prayer and hoping I might be in line to receive a yes answer. Now that so much of the smog has been wiped away from my understanding about God's intentions for us in the life, I can say with much confidence that Bob's diagnosis must definitely come under the lordship of Jesus and the outcome of that battle has already been determined! Hallelujah for such wonderful news!
And aren't we just tasting but a bit of God's goodness? I think of children licking the spoon when their mom is baking a cake. That little taste is so yummy, but it's nothing compared with the finished product!
Please do share what you learn about the particular characteristics of this leukemia. I'm not familiar with it. And also keep us in the loop so we can pray as each step is taken toward Bob's restoration.


Marge said...

Many thanks for your support and prayers!

I agree, there is so much more to look forward too! As the (late) Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, in LA, CA., always used to say, "this ain't it!"
Just a drop in the bucket, so to speak, of the great things that God has planned for His family.

This is a rare cancer. Only 600-800 cases reported in the country per year. However, I've sensed that Bob will be healed, ever since I knew there was a problem. God is greater than anything satan can throw in our faces. I'm looking for healing to spring forth speedily in Bob's life.

Next week, Bob is scheudled for 5 days of chemo. Not to say there won't be battles. But victories to be won in the heavenlies! Amen!

Thanks for atanding with me!


Jen said...

Hey Marge,
Thanks for the info and you're so welcome for the prayers. It's such a privelege to join you.
Check out (or have Bob check out) the website and look at the healing Scriptures link. It's 18 pages of Scriptures dealing with healing and overcoming through the promises of God. The man who administers the website has a great testimony, too. I have that page bookmarked and visit it often.


Grace said...


I just saw this this morning and I will be joining you in praying for Bob's complete recovery.

I do think that the "timing" of your "retirement" was just perfect in light of this.

Bless you my friend!


Marge said...

Thank you for standing with me, for total healing for Bob. Amen!

I may not be around much for a few days, after Thursday. The day when the chemo begins-5 day treatment.

Love to all!

Marge said...

Where is everyone? It seems rather lonely.

Bob's chemo. pump is now operational, for 7 days of chemo. This type of chemo. doesn't have very many side effects. No hair loss, etc. Expecting the best!

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Believing for 100% healing over Hairy Cell Leukemia, in Jesus name!


Jen said...

Standing with you, Marge! Sounds like the good news is already shining forth for Bob :-)

My uncle Herb just got diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma and is having trouble getting the chemo started (low blood counts, etc.) I was able to share with my aunt (and hopefully my cousins, through her) that Uncle Herb can have complete healing if we join to pray the truths of Scripture for him. That particular branch of the family is mostly unchurched and one son-in-law is a ardent atheist, so there is a great need for more than just physical healing there. At this point, I am just throwing seed out by the handful any time I get the chance!

I'm leaving for my grandfather's service in a few hours. I have a message to share about all the promises we can stand on in spite of the many questions that linger. I'll be back online when I get home, hopefully sometime Monday if Bob can hold the house together while I'm gone.

Love to all,

Marge said...

God bless you, and may you have a safe trip. God speed!

Keep throwing out the good seed of the Gospel of Christ! Healing is part of the Atonment that Jesus paid for us. And even when people think you're some kinda lunatic, you've planted the good seed of the Kingdom of God. Believe me, they will know who to contact in their time of need.

Time is racing towards the end of this dispensation of grace. We need to throw out the life line to everyone the Holy Spirit directs us too. Amen.

Go with God, Jen! And may you have upon you, a heavy annointing of the Holy Spirit, as you minister to your family/friends.

Gotta run for now.

Jen said...

Home from my weekend travels...everyone survived although La got an ear infection that Daddy had to deal with on his own.
Lots of wonderful stories to share about the memorial service and family gathering. God was working overtime in many ways and I was able to give a very bold and loving witness to about 250 people.
I'll write more in a day or two. Thanks for all your prayers for me and the family. They kept us safely in His hands.


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Prayers needed here...all 3 kids have ear infections now and tonight the boys got pink eye. I had leftover meds from the last time, but that was 06, so not sure if it will help. Dr. is calling in a new script for tomorrow.
I've been doing alright, but have had some mild flu symptoms, so I'm sending those packing straightaway. God's gonna kick butt for me!

Hope to chat soon.

campsmore said...

It sounds like a major attack, Jen. We'll battle with you, just take care of those kids and yourself.

Jen said...

Hi Lori,
I've been thinking the same thing and even anticipated it with my efforts to share Jesus this weekend, but I hate to even verbalize it. I haven't even told you guys about the pains in my head that I've been praying off or several other minor ailments that keep cropping up. Too many to be coincidence, I feel.

I finished the book on Annointing (Hagin's) and it was another winner. Very helpful in clarifying the meaning of that word for me and what I can begin to look for in terms of which annointing I might be given. I actually often feel at times, when praying for someone who is sick, a surge or tingling run through me which is usually followed by a delight or laughter in my spirit. I've wondered for awhile if that's an annointing for healing and Hagin described something almost identical, so I'm praying about that now. I also had an "ah hah!" moment when he described the ministry of music helps being key to connecting with Holy Spirit. Often in church I get that same surge during worship time (I remember it happening as far back as 5-6 years ago, but never connected it with the Spirit.) Now when I feel it, I know Holy Spirit is stirred up and ready to move so I pay much closer attention than before.

OK - I've got to do alot of housework today so I'll pry myself away from here until later.

Have a blessed day, everyone!
PS. Where is Lisa? Anyone hear from her lately?


campsmore said...

Jen, Most of the time that I pray for someone (laying on of hands), I do not feel anything. The few times I have, God healed the person immediately.

It was so strong once, I almost fell.

I don't think we've even begun to experience his power. I read stuff by Wigglesworth and Andrew Wommack and it increases my faith to take God at face value.

Message to all:

Does he want us well? Yes, he said so. He provided the healing.

Does he want us prosperous? Yes, he said as much.

Does he want us to reconcile unto him? Yes, he told us also.

Does he want us to share his love with others? Without a doubt, he showed us by example.

He is Christ, He is God, He is everything we need and more.

His grace is sufficient for you!

Jen said...

Hi Lori,
The thing I'm currently struggling with is the difference between healing and miracles. I read recently something that really helped me to see the difference...healing takes place over a period of time and miracles are instant. I think I was getting discouraged by the fact that I wasn't seeing things happen quickly so I began to question my new understanding and doubt that maybe I had gotten off on a tangent that wasn't Scriptural. I'm sure the devil would love for us to let in those doubts and get us back to a place where we accept defeat and think only in terms of salvation as a future event with nothing much more than a promise to cling to in this life. Someone else wisely pointed out that even unbelievers can cheerfully endure their struggles in this life, so that doesn't make a big impression on people who are searching. But to see a believer restored from something against him, now that gets their attention. My husband told me a few weeks ago that his growing faith in God's desire to bless us abundantly is rooted in my healing from lactose problems. He's never known me to not have those issues, but when he saw me eating cheesecake and drinking glasses of milk without fear, he knew I was on to something.

So many things that I couldn't reconcile before now make sense, now that I'm taking God's word at face value and believing in the fact that He really never changes in the way He operates.


TexanForChrist said...

Thank you for your Testimony Jen, I have been recieving the email and praying as requested..

Your testimony helped me today Jen thank you..

Still little time to jump in but I had to say thanks..

Anything going on at the cave? so many headlines look like the return of our Savior is just around the bend..

Marge, how is Bob doing? Were are Grany,Lisa, and John?

Maranatha Mike

Marge said...

Jen and Mike,
I don't know about anyone else, but Lisa Shaw can always be reached on her blog. She also has a newsletter, and if you e-mail her, she will always respond. I would encourage everyone to go to her website, as she is a dear sister-in Christ Jesus, and also a Minister of the Gospel. Plus a great friend! And an awesome person!

Bob is doing fine! Tired; being on the chemo pump. But he's had very little side effects other than that, and (at the first) an upset stomach. Tomorrow he is suppose to have the chemo removed, and he's looking forward to that a LOT! He doesn't appreciate packing the fanny pack around with him :) Then it will be two blood draws, twice a week, for two weeks. (and more treatments down the road?) However, I'm believing (along with my prayer partners...thanks!) for total and complete healing for Bob. Amen! Healing is part of the Atonement.

Something I heard Kenneth E. Hagin minister a few times about healing was that often healing is over a period of time. And that if asked, (how a sick person "feels") to say; "I'm recovering." That way, your confession is one of Faith in God. And not confessing a few passing symptoms. (which are always subject to prayer)

Have a wonderful day, and keep giving the Lord praise for all He has done!

The cave? I just came from there, and it seems to be about the same. Mac was describing the conditions from the fire down under yesterday.

Marge said...

Update on Bob.

Yesterday Bob went in and had his chemo. pump removed. (he was really happy about that!) They did another blood draw, and while they were waiting for the results, they placed a hospital bracelet on Bob's wrist, to prepare for the blood transfusion. But, the results came back with the blood platelet count in normal range, so Bob didn't need the blood transfusion. Praise God!

Thank you for your prayers, and continued prayers!

Bob goes in for two weeks, on Monday and Thursday, for blood draws. We're expecting excellent results, and total healing!

God bless,
God is good and good all the time!

Jen said...

Oh Marge, that's wonderful! You must be filled to the tiptop with praise today :-)
We'll keep praying for total healing right along with you :-)

Would appreciate prayers for my little ones, too. When I went to the funeral last weekend, all the kids had some version of a cold, but nothing major. Only 1 ear infection that had cleared up. Since I've been back (7 days), we've had 2 more ear infections, 2 cases of pink eye and today found out Josh has pneumonia. He seems to get the brunt of illnesses and always struggles to clear up from them. He had temps of 103.9 and 102.8 the last 2 nights, so I was up watching him much of the night.
On top of that, our roof took a big hit in the wind storms so we'll need to address that this weekend.
God has been good, though, and neither Bob nor I have gotten sick in the New Year. I think God knows that Mommas need to stay strong!

Also, prayers needed for a good friend of mine. Her father-in-law Gary died yesterday after a sad and often frustrating series of health issues. Jen and her husband, Chris, were taking care of Gary alot since Chris is an only child. Their 2 kids also had to watch their grandfather in some less than comforting situations and I'm sure it will have an impact on them (some physical issues but also some mental-health issues). I'll be on the look out for opportunities to share God's love with them as the Holy Spirit leads me.

Gotta run...nap time is winding down and I'm making a pankcake dinner tonight so lots of tackle.

Touch base soon,

PS. I emailed my congressman but it looks like the spendulus bill passed the House.

Marge said...

Thanks so much for all your prayers.
Yes, I am excited, and also happy in the Lord about His goodness towards us!

I'm agreeing with you, in prayer, about all your needs being met, too! And your friend's needs being met, as well.

God is good, and good all the time!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone, and enjoy a wonderful weekend, too!


Marge said...

How is everyone?

I really do believe this blog could still be an inspiration to other believers, seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Let's not fall asleep at the switch...:)

God's best to all! And please, add to your prayers, this blog's future ministry, okay?


Jen said...

Hi Marge and everyone else, too :-)
I will keep the blog ministry in my prayers (continue to, actually). I've seen some more interest lately in people searching for spiritual direction, but no opporunities have come up to speak about the baptism. My roommate from college mentioned awhile back that she and her husband had attended a pentacostal church for awhile and had been seeking the infilling, but had not received it. I didn't get a chance to pick up the conversation with her since then, but perhaps she'd enjoy visiting here. Maybe I'll invite her to stop over. I was thinking of inviting her to the cave, too.

Please continue to pray for our family's restored health. I think we're really under attack. It has all happened since I spoke at my grandfather's funeral. 3 ear infections, pink eye, pneumonia and now today Matt had a huge outbreak of hives. Probably from the antibiotics he's taking, but we haven't ruled out chicken pox yet. I'll be staying home with the kids tomorrow from school again, just to be safe. Both Bob and I are sick now, too, although I'm mostly back on my feet. Bob is still dragging around and I haven't asked any of my usual helpers to stop over since I don't want to share any of our germs.
But I'm counting blessings every chance I get and have been putting on praise music to drive the blues away. That really works!

OK - off to tackle some housework.

Marge said...

I'm agreeing with you, in prayer, for the health of your family being restored. And soon!

And yes, be sure to invite your friend to the blog. Maybe it will stimulate more discussion here, too :)

May God bless all!

When we all need the help of the Holy Spirit more and more in our lifes, it's amazing we are getting less and less input? It amazes me.

TexanForChrist said...


Holding you, Bob and the kids in prayer and protection.

Been so busy at work it's hard to keep up here.

Marge I pray that Bob's test come back clean as a wistle..

There was an article on rapture news for 14 feb talking about a one world religon.. scary thoughts..

I'm off to the cave to see what's happening.(at least the last post)

Maranatha Soon,


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Checking in to say hello and thanks for the continued prayers.
Matt ended up having a REALLY bad case of hives. They are covering more than half of his body now and have started to itch so the poor baby was quite annoyed last night at bedtime but he is really handling it much better than we had expected. We're thankful it's not pox but are praying now for a quick recovery.

My mother-in-law is mostly over her pneumonia but now has pulled her back so she won't be coming up to help yet (I haven't been to the store in 2 weeks! And I need to get to the dr. for a few things, as well.) While I was bemoaning my isolation, I got the impression that God was allowing it for a reason. I can't put my finger on it yet so I'll be praying for understanding, but my initial thoughts are that perhaps God is preparing me to handle the kids and all the related responsibilities alone, without my helpers. (By helpers I mean my MIL and a good church friend who comes once a week or so.) There's really no reason, other than convenience, that I still have regular help and I admit I'm a bit spoiled. When the kids were smaller and their prematurity was still a concern, we kept them away from most crowds so the need was much greater then. Now it's just convenience...3 3-year olds in the grocery store is a headache, but it isn't impossible.
Anyway, I'm just beginning to sense that maybe these last few weeks of me having to handle everything alone is God's way of preparing me and certainly a reminder for me that I need to lean on Him alone.

Anyone else feeling that pull to Him? It would certainly be in line with what we know will be necessary in the days ahead.

Gotta run...

Marge said...

Oh yes, I have been feeling that pull to be drawn closer to Jesus, for sometime, now. But especially the last couple of monthes. I believe the Holy Spirit is drawing believers as close as He can to God. We need the help of the Lord to "finish the race that has been set before us." Amen. Also to "overcome" in these last days, before the rapture of the Church.
In fact, I was led to write this verse moments before, for a dear friend.

Rev. 12:11

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death."

Anyone else want to express their feelings?

Have a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ!


I almost forgot to say, that Bob is borderline now, in having to receive a blood transfusion. So many thanks for everyone's prayers for Bob's total healing. (and soon healing!) Amen.

campsmore said...

Dear Everyone,

I know I don't check in often, but I want you to know that I read every comment and keep all of you in prayer.

You're fellowship is so important and I appreciate you all.

Thanks for being such an uplifting encouragement. Often the news can be almost overwhelming. In order to share the truth of what is happening in the world, I have to almost disassociate with what I'm linking.

Is this how it is to be a doctor? How do they disconnect from so many illnesses in order to keep going?

Well, I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on television. "I'm just a lone voice" in the megaopolis, yelling high from a wall, LOOK at the signs, Jesus is coming soon!

love ya's

campsmore said...

Do to a fear of heights my wall will be increased by 6 inches a year to desensitize me. Okay, that was weird. Must be the crunch wrap supreme talking?

TexanForChrist said...

Please keep Wilma in your prayers, managed to go through the previous post at the cave and though she hasn't ask she and Jim are in need of prayer..



Great Grany 5 said...

Don't ever count me out, I just might be wandering around trying to find the light switch to get back here with.

I lost my original desktop on iGoogle due to some silly worm, bug, insect bite or even a trojan horse but then the light switch got turned on and I remember that Mike set up this site so we could click on each other's names and come right here. YEAH! So I did.

Worked like a charm.

Our situation with Jim's drooling over Wall Street hasn't changed much but I know it will because God promised he would not let his children go begging and I am counting on Him to come through for Jim and I. I don't want to go there with all of the little down and dirty details but people, millions just like us are really hurting and age is not a factor either. I thank you for your prayers. I can truly feel them and every time I start to panic, God takes over.

It is really great being a Child of God and having Jesus as my brother.

Love you all,

Jen said...

Praying for you, Lori...
I think lots of us are being targeted in different ways....our family is under a health attack, you're in a safety situation and others are having financial battles. More and more need to be on our knees and in the Word.

In some other news, I'm getting ready to plant a ton of veggie seeds and am planning to share the seedlings/sprouts with neighbors and maybe even set up a seedling stand for the kids to run this spring (like a lemonade stand.) At first it was just an idea for them to do something that I did as a child on the farm and learn some gardening skills. But then I got the idea to use the sprouts as a way to meet neighbors and others from the area, all the while being available to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. The seeds are heirlooms so they can be planted year after year. I think people might be more interested in raising their own veggies these days, so it's a good opening to use in conversation.
I've been saving all our yogurt cups from the last 6 months. Now I need to find a place to put the cups inside til the frost is past. Hubby isn't going to like me using the dining room table for my project, but he'll survive :-)

Anyone else going to be gardening this summer? I really wish I had paid attention to my mom's canning skills. We canned every year when I was little, but that was 20 years ago now and I never learned how to do it myself.

Check in later,

campsmore said...

Thanks for the prayer.

Jen, we've been growing vegis. We are even using cardboard boxes for planting. Did you know that Walmart sells this giant plastic bowls for around a $1? Much cheaper than buying a pot. We just drill holes in the bottom and walla!

We also pick up and clean landscaping pots that people throw away. We having potatoes growing out front along side the sidewalk and Okinawan spinach in front of the hedge. They look like ornamentals.

Ball has a good site for canning, even first timers.

My hubby's aunt lives in western NC. She has canned all her life and her pantry is always full of beautiful jars of delicious homegrown goodies. But she also cans her spaghetti sauce and other things.

I noticed her doing more a lot more freezing, which concerns me. It might taste better, but when the power goes, so does the food.

Someone posted a site yesterday from J. Golden's site, it is excellent.

Marge said...

Good to hear from you again! And yes, God can, and will, meet your every need! Amen!
Don't stay away so long. You were missed a bunch!

Jen and Lori.
Good luck to you both, on all the canning :)
I used to help my Grandmother and Mother with that chore. OH MY GOODNESS! Are you sure you want to get into that operation? It's not for the faint hearted. Yikes! I peeled peaches one time until I never wanted to see another peach again! And they were excellent Yakima, WA. peaches, too :)

If memory serves, Jenny (that used to post at Joel's blog) canned a lot. And also, as memory serves, you can contact her, thru Wilma's site, as I believe she posted there a few times. For questions, and such. And if either of you contact her, be sure to invite her to come here, too, okay?

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Jen said...

Hi friends,
I came across this blog
by accident yesterday and wanted to share it for prayer warriors here. The author, Lauren, just lost quadruplets (at 22 weeks, I think. They were about 2 weeks shy of viability.) My heart absolutely breaks for this couple and I know they will need lots of comfort and healing in the coming days. Thank you.


Great Grany 5 said...

Oh, I am sorry that I haven't been back for a couple of days. My eyes have really been giving me fits and today I did a lot of pulling down strongholds and standing my ground in Christ. I am tired from the battle but it is one that I had to win. For the last couple of days, my left eye, which is the only one I have sufficient vision in now, was giving me so much trouble and to tell you the truth, I was seeing real great and had to finally go to bed and keep my eyes closed for a long time. IN the process, I slept 2 1/2 but really close to 3 hours. I never do that but it was somewhat better when I got up. Late last night, I couldn't even watch TV and the computer was out completely. The jerking in my eye made it impossible to see anything. Then I got really angry and took after the author of evil with everything in The Book. Then I managed to go back to bed and sleep like a baby. This morning I have taken it a little easier and so far I have only had a couple of episodes that I didn't let pass without fighting one more time.

Tonight, I am taking it easy again. I am mulling over a new project that I might undertake and it is all new ground that I would be working in. I really do covet your prayers that God would lead me in planning, organizing and producing the project and that He would be glorified mightily from this project. I need His wisdom and direction in every area but especially in the creation of it. If he is the one influencing me in this, then I want Him in full charge and Wilma only the messenger. I can't say what the project is right now but I need to know for a certainty that He is truly directing me to do it. I know what I feel but I don't want to base this on feelings. Feelings are fickle and can get me in a pickle real quick.

Also, we need to keep our country in constant prayer not only for the economy but for the souls of all those who are without Christ and knowing the Gospel. I just have this very strong feeling that there are some major events coming very rapidly at us and so many people are mocking God and His word.

My heart is still very heavy for this nation and BHO and his family.

JEN, I will be praying for the mother and father of the quads and thank you for giving us the link.

Love to all,

Marge said...

Agreeing with you in prayer, that God gives you creative ideas, and revelation as to your new project, etc.

Also standing with you, in total and complete agreement, for the healing, and restoration, of your eyes/eyesight. To God be the glory!

Also in agreement, in prayer, for your requests.

God bless all!


TexanForChrist said...

Got this in my morning emails and thought it a good one to share.

"Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice" (Isaiah 41:10, AMP).

It's easy to look around at what's happening in the earth today and be tempted to feel afraid or dismayed. Circumstances may seem overwhelming. Maybe your business is struggling, maybe you lost your job, maybe you're struggling in a relationship or concerned about the economy. During times like these, it's important to remember that God has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, not only is He with us, He has promised to strengthen us and harden us to difficulties. That means, when tough times come, they just bounce right off of you. You don't allow your circumstances to steal your peace and joy. You have the attitude that says, "This may be a big problem, but my God is bigger!"

Keep in mind that the enemy isn't after your checkbook; he's ultimately after your peace and joy. He knows that if he can get your joy then he can get your strength. But when you stay connected to the Father through prayer and studying the Word and declare His promises over your life, you'll be hardened to difficulties and stay safe in the palm of God's hand!

A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for Your precious promises. I renounce fear today and choose to trust that You have a plan of victory in store for me. Thank You for filling me with Your peace and joy and staying close to me all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Maranatha. very soon?


Marge said...

Thanks for the great message!

Well, we do know that the stage is being set for the seven years of Jacob's sorrow, (Tribulation) but as to when...

"It's a sectret known only to God."

Take care and God bless!

Marge said...

It's a shame no one ever taught me to spell "secret :)" Oh well, I get into a hurry...

I received a newsletter from Billye Brim ministries yesterday. And she's going to be appearing with Gloria Copeland, starting on March 9th, for two weeks, on the BVOV broadcast. The subject will be America's Great Awakenings, and how we need another one, for this nation to survive. It sounds good!

Have a wonderful weekend, and God bless!


Great Grany 5 said...

Marge and everyone,

I really do enjoy and feel enriched when Gloria and Billye Brim get together. Billye spends a great deal of time in Israel and has even attended schooling there learning the Hebrew language. I thank you for updating us on the broadcast.

I have been claiming my healing for my eyes in all earnestness and last night I could actually make out the faces on TV with my right eye. Before I could see the outer rim of the picture but not the center. The center became distorted and unrecognizable about 18 months ago and I just kept putting off doing anything about it. No praying and no exams. Then the center of my vision was lost and all that was there was a black perfectly round hole. Now there is some color and last night I knew what I was looking at. Still not perfect but life is a series of steps and as I am being healed I get to sing a new song of praise for God's deliverance.

We were really blessed last week by something that we had no idea was going to happen and because of it, Jim has new hope and a whole lot of confidence in God's provisions. He used to really make fun of me when I would answer him "God will provide" and when Jim watched Joel Olsteen a week ago, Joel was teaching about expecting God's providing our needs when we ask in faith believing He will do it.

Well, God did it and Jim was absolutely overcome with wonder and joy. Me too! We don't have all of the answers and the ones we do have just aren't really as big and complete as God really is. When we allow God to use us for His Glory, then we will begin to experience the real Joy, Love, and peace that passes all understanding. Then maybe, we will get lifted out of here.

My hubby used to tell me when I was talking to him about the rapture, "Concrete Eagles cannot fly!" but now he isn't so sure. He was meaning me and a few of my well rounded friends being a little too heavy for God to cause us to fly up, up, and away for the rapture. I intend taking him with me when we go up in our translation from earth. He is getting nearer and nearer to the Kingdom of God and I am so excited.

I know as the getting gets closer, the battles heat up but every time there is a battle, I am going to turn the volume up on the praise and worship and testify 10 times greater than before.


Jen said...

Hi Grany,
Wonderful news and thanks for sharing! I've been in a similar situation with my eyes (right one specifically). About 6 months ago I noticed that my vision was changing, but chalked it up to regular eyesight decline. My eye dr. said nothing was suspect and didn't even change my script, so I just went with that. Looking at the computer somedays is really challenging if the right eye isn't focusing well.
Anyway, over the last few months I've also had other seemingly disconnected issues...a big blood vessel that broke in my right eye, a possible sinus infection that was causing pressure in the front of my face. In the last month or so, I've noticed the pressure/dull ache has become a daily occurence so I've decided to see the dr. again and press for an answer.
Please keep me in prayer as I go forward with this investigation. I've been praying in faith for my recovery and one of the reasons I've delayed making the dr. appt. is because I don't want to give any darkness an inlet for worry or doubt. It's also been impossible lately for me to find someone to watch the kids while I attend to myself so I actually have several dr. appts. that I need to make and they've just been shelved during the recent illnesses we've had. My mother-in-law is usually available but she, too, is having health issues...her pneumonia turned into pleuresy and a catscan showed other things going on in her lungs, so she's going to see a pulmonologist Tues.

On a happy note, I just had a wonderful 35th birthday weekend with my parents who traveled in for the weekend. We had a great time just relaxing and doing fun things with the kids. Not a single sneeze was heard, praise the Lord!

OK - Got to get dinner started. Wishing everyone a blessed and bountiful week ahead!


Marge said...

Praise the Lord! Another wonderful praise report.
I am expecting to be hearing many more good reports, in the weeks to come, too! God is good, and good all the time!

I'm agreeing with you, in prayer, about your dr. appts.

Also, Happy Birthday!

Wow! I remember being 35 years old. Although, that's been many moons ago for me now :)

May everyone have a great new month, and week!


Jen said...

Thanks, Marge!
I found a really encouraging article on the savedhealed website about being persistent in the face of seemingly unbreakable burdens. I think I've been feeling worn out with all the attacks of late and that leads to wondering if I am believing/praying for things that are that really in GOd's word and plan for me. The article equated it to breaking up concrete and how that can take many, many swings of the sledgehammer until even a crack is made, much less a crumbling. I spent a while just praising and thanking God and getting filled up again - I LOVE that time with Him. Today I'm back on the wagon and ready to go!

Also, hubby and I had a really good talk about his maturing faith in the handling of finances. He is really clinging to God more and more and seeing how his relationship with Him has been an arms-length one in many ways. We're both spending more time looking back and recounting all the provision and graces given us, even when we weren't asking or needing, and that lightens the worries and doubts about the future. Why on earth are we going to spend one minute wondering how God is going to care for us in the next year when He hasn't missed one need in the last 35? It's an answer to prayer for me, too, as I see us moving closer in how we approach our role as parents and spouses, etc. I still haven't told him about my big "fill up" in the Spirit, but I know I'll get the nudge on that when it's time.

Well, we got 8+ inches of snow overnight and the kids have a dr. appt. this AM so I've got to get ready to brave that little jaunt over the hill. Have a wonderful week in the Lord, everyone!


TexanForChrist said...

Howdy all,

Ready to go up!! I so think it's going to be soon. Order Daniels timelines that were listed on Lookingups website so I can actually see them, the youtubes were just to small for these eyes.

Got this from an email from Tangle (was Godtube) inspirational and though you might enjoy it. The Home Run

Maranatha soon!!!


Marge said...

Hi Mike!
Good to hear from you!

Where IS everyone?
Busy, I'm thinking... no doubt.

Wishing all a wonderful weekend in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Jen said...

Hi everyone,
Been thinking (again) about the description of birth pains in the endtimes. Something about it always seems to be on my mind.
Last week it occurred to me that our 7-day weeks have become like labor...5 days of pain/struggle Mon-Fri with the constant input of news and market woes and then 2 relatively quiet days when the news quiets down and life (at least in our home) returns to normal.
I really feel like I'm living life on 2 tracks...planning Easter stuff and thinking about the kids' birthday party but then keeping up with all the prophesy related news and planning how to reach out to the neighbors or trying to share my thoughts with family and friends who aren't paying attention to the bigger picture. I think once the 5 days of labor spill over into the weekends, we'll be in full-labor. Something major (like Wilkerson's message or the situation in Israel) would likely cause that to happen.
I tell my hubby that birthpains only move in 1 direction!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend...temps here have been near 70 so we have all the windows open. Feels great to be heading into a warmer season :-)


Marge said...

An interesting way to explain labor pains. However prophecy, in the final analysis, should always be studied, and experienced, with our eyes upon Jesus.

Remember, John 16: me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Today we are having snow in the Pacific Norhtwest :( But since we went into Daylight Savings Time, we're having one less hour of it today :)

Keep smiling, and, Shalom to all!

campsmore said...

Hi everyone,

Would you be so kind as to pray for my son, Addison this morning and tomorrow morning as well? He is taking a pretest for his GED, so he can graduate early.


Marge said...

Agreeing in prayer, for your son, to do well in his GED tests.


Jen said...

Morning, all....
Forgot to post my prayers for Addison, too, Lori! Be sure to give us an update :-)

ps. Love the it family-related? Reminds me of other names we had picked out for the triplets...Ellison and Kinson for girls and Lawson for a boy.

campsmore said...


Addison did great yesterday. He finished early enough to go back and review his answers. He is taking the second half this morning, so more prayers, please.

His name was inspired by Addison Mizner, a local well-known architect from early 1900's. He built a several buildings here in P.B. County. He really pioneered the barrel tile roof that has become so popular. He also designed the famous Worth Avenue's Via Mizner. Which is a famous shopping area akin to Rodeo Dr. in California, only much more quaint. He was interesting.

They have doggie fountains! It's very charming, there are little grottos that are decorated with statues and climbing vines, as well as bouganvilla, huge geraniums, roses and exotics. It's more of a treat to visit that then the stores themselves.

When asked once by a client to "see the plans" for her house, he told her, "first we build the house, then the plans come." A telegram from Wilson Mizner told him, just hours before his death: "Stop dying. Am trying to write comedy." Addison Mizner replied: "Am going to get well. The comedy goes on."

Anyway, Mr. Mizner's ingenuity was our initial inspiration, and then we looked up the meaning. Addison means; Son of Adam. I thought, Wow! what a great name. So it stuck, although we did toy with the idea that if he had dark hair we'd name him Rocco (family name).

thanks again

Jen said...

Cool info, Lori!

Marge, how's Bob? Was thinking of him today during prayer time.

My eyes turned out fine - no retina issues or glaucoma - but I have to see my endocrin dr. and probably have an MRI/catscan to determine the source of the pressure/ache in my right eye/head. Eye dr. mentioned that thyroid issues can cause eye problems and since I was recently diagnosed with Hashimotos (low thyroid) it's the next thing to check out. Would appreciate prayers as I continue the hunt for answers. I'm standing on all the promises I can find and believing in victory over this, but sometimes the what-ifs rise up and attack in force! I'm also frustrated because this new annoyance is preventing other plans from going forward, although I realize that may be part of His plan to start with, so I'm turning my plans over to Him and trusting that He isn't forgetting any of the details!

Thanks bunches!

Great Grany 5 said...

You all have been busy and from the sounds of it, everyone is ready for Spring time and flowers. Me too!

I am trying to catch up with you all and I will get back later. Right now I am so very thankful for the Love of my Abba. He has made it possible for all of us to share our faith, love and desires for the future keeping us strong in our walk with Him and it just makes my heart sing.

Hubby is getting closer and closer to the pretty butterfly stage and I thank you all for your prayers. Yesterday was a very real test of our faith and God got us through it just fine. Neither one of us felt very good and we were having major internet problems and couldn't access some very important information that we keep on the web. Finally got that taken care of about 4 p.m. last night and everything is back to normal today.

Jen, you get yourself to the Medical Doctor for your eyes. Your symptoms sound identical to how my right eye problems began. Don't mess with Optometrist because this is a medical situation and only M.D.'s can evaluate it. See if there is a church that has a service for mother's who have to medical attention and they provide someone who will take care of the children while you go. Or even a friend that will stay with them while you are gone to the doctor. When I was your age, our little town was noted for our Sister Sitters group and it was wonderful. We never had anyone trying to take advantage of the group either. But everyone has had to have help in that area once or twice in their life time, some a lot more when the situation becomes such.

Take care everyone and please let's all find a common ground to agree on for Nate's back situation. I know a lot of you have heard us talk about the power of the Prayer of Agreement and it truly does work.

Love you all,

Jen said...

Would you mind telling me more about your right eye? I'm thinking it's macular, right? When this started happening last fall (the vision change - no achiness then) I seemed to hear a radio ad at least once a day about macular degeneration. I wondered if God was trying to tell me something. Then the holidays arrived and then my granddad's funeral and then a month of illness, so I didn't get to the eye dr. til this week. I don't have any holes of missing vision and some days are better than others (another reason I delayed the appt.)
Interestingly, the dr. did tell me that my vision is slightly better than my last exam and my astigmatism is also slightly improved, things he wasn't expecting to find. I count those toward my prayers for healing so I wasn't completely surprised by the news. But this other set of symptoms just won't shake loose so I'm proceeding to the next level.
Will let everyone know what I find out.

Also, I'll stand with you in agreement for Nate's healing! Wish he could read the list of healing scriptures I have bookmarked at the savedhealed site I found.


Marge said...

Bob is recovering :) Praise the Lord! His Leukocyte count was 2.2 yesterday. Last Monday it was 1.8. It needs to be at 4.0 for Bob to be able to be out in public again, though. Also on the 30th, Bob goes in for another bone, and bone marrow testing, to see where he's at, etc. We're believing for complete and toal healing! Amen!

Yes, the prayer of agreement is strong! In fact, I just came from the cave, and Nate is asking for Thursday to open up for his surgery. Let's all agree, now, that Thursday becomes open for Nate, and that God heals him thru this surgery, too. Amen. (Matt. 18:19)

Also, I've found that the prayer of agreement is one of the easiest ways to get things done when other people are involved. Usually, I pray the prayer of faith, for myself. But, I always add the prayer of supplication (to ask humbly and in earnest prayer) along with the giving of thanks. (praise, worship, gratitude)

"To achieve a high altitude, you need a high level of gratitude," as Dr. Hilton Sutton always used to say. How true, how true!

One could also add the prayer of intercession. (praying in the behalf of others.) However, this is usually for the unsaved, or pre-Christian. A believer is already in communication with God.

Anyhow, a few thoughts this afternoon.

Love to all, and keep smiling! The joy of the Lord IS our strength.

Where is John?

ByHISstripesIamhealed said...

Knock knock...:) Can Marge come over to Judy's to play? hehe

I left a message over at my blog Marge....

Love Judy

PS...Hi everyone! Hope all is well with you and yours! :)

ByHISstripesIamhealed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marge said...

It's always fun to hear from Judy :)
If anyone would like to go and read Judy's Mom's poems, just click on her name.

How is everyone? Anything new, or exciting going on? Any prayer needs? Anything...

campsmore said...

Addison is currently taking his pretest for the GED. Please pray again. WE are so appreciative for taking time to do this.

campsmore said...

Praise the Lord! Addison came home confident that he did very well on the pretest! His essay was to write on rules you must live by. He wrote about being a Christian and having a relationship with Christ. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Great Grany 5 said...

NATE just posted the most beautiful account of his surgery (done Thursday and out of the hospital today - Yeah Lord)and I am still wiping tears from my eyes over it.

Jen, I will be glad to do the eye thing for you and I think I have saved the whole thing in my Adobe Reader/Writer program. I was asked by the MaGhee Eye Clinic in Little Rock to do it for them. I will look and see what I find. I know I saved it in case I needed it later.

Marge, I can't get back into my email account because of Trend Micro blocking it. I am getting that program off of my computer tomorrow when I feel more like struggling with it. It makes me very distress to think about the whole thing because it is an expensive program and has failed completely. I don't understand why it is doing this but evidently I gave the wrong answer to a question that popped up connected to Gmail and so the battle begins. I will simply uninstall, go to their techs and have them walk me through a whole new download. Tomorrow!

Talk to you all later,

Marge said...

Absoltely no worries :)

And Nate's praise report was great!

Marge said...

Wishing everyone a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Jen said...

Hi friends,
Hopped over here with 2 prayer requests (and some praise :)

Praise first...
I attended a 2-day teacher seminar Thurs/Fri and had a wonderful time. I wasn't too excited to go (leaving the kids with hubby is always so much work) and to be honest, I've been doing the preschool job as a way to help pay tuition, not as a calling, so I didn't feel much need to do professional development workshops right now. My background is in high school teaching so I don't have an affinity for preschool stuff. But God turned me on my head and it was a really enjoyable time. The BEST part is that it was a CHRISTIAN conference and everyone attending was so full of praise for our Lord. We opened each meeting with prayer and there was a worship leader both days with really great music to share. I've never been to a teacher's conference of that kind so it was kinda strange to me at first, but I LOVED being able to do something professional and spiritual at the same time. That's not been my experience in the public ed side of things for the last 15 years.

The first prayer request is for a family in our area - mom is Sarah and dad is John. They have twin toddlers and a newborn and have recently had to move to a shelter. Both lost jobs, no car, etc. The multiple moms group I'm in is helping out with some stuff, but that has to be a crazy stressful situation to be in, esp. for the mom, all day long. Please pray for them as well as for those who will be ministering to them that we can really extend God's love and got the extra mile to meet them in their need.

Second request is for me. The pain/aches in my head are continuing and my thoughts about the what-ifs are really taking a toll. I'm praying almost constantly about it but until I can get to the dr. to have some tests done, I think it will be a battle for my thoughts to stay tethered to Him. During one of the meetings I was at, I felt the Lord nudge me to approach the speaker (after the seminar) and ask her to pray for me. I had never met this lady before but I felt I really needed to ask her for that. When the room cleared, I approached her and made my request. I had no cold feet about it, which is strange for me, and she readily took my hand and prayed powerfully about my health. At one point, she thanked God for bringing me to her and she knew why...she herself had 10 surgeries in a battle for her health (I'm assuming cancer, but she didn't say specifically. She only mentioned that it caused her not to be able to have children.) I had tears streaming down my face at the end! It was such a bizarre moment because it's so out of character for me, but I don't feel (right now) like I have anyone that I can ask that kind of prayer of here. I'm waiting for my endocrine dr. to get the letter from the eye dr. and then I'll insist on follow-up tests, but that will probably be a week or so until all the phone-calls, etc. are made. I'd just really appreciate your prayers for my peace of mind and restored health during this time. I'll update as I find out more info.


Marge said...

I know how you feel, Jen. (about someone praying for me in my area :( That's why God placed us together, for fellowship and prayer support! Not everyone lives in areas with believers who pray for one another. (or they know the believers that do...just yet :(

And yes, I'm agreeing with you, for all your prayer requests to be answered! For the family you mentioned to have the Lord meet their every need, and provide employement, etc. And for your health to return, too. God is the answer for our every desire and need.

May God bless, heal, and be very near to you. And keep you in His great Shalom!

Please keep us posted, okay? Thanks!

Jen said...

Thanks, Marge!
I'm feeling pretty good today...might be because I've had a busy day and not much down-time to think about stuff. Matt had a playdate with a friend from preschool and I was able to chat with the mom for awhile. She's very nice and I clicked with her well. She's wrapping up a nasty divorce...her ex abused her...and there are still custody issues to iron out. She's looking for a church to join that has a divorce care group and our church just so happens to have a strong program in that area, so I mentioned that. Her ex has Sunday visits so she can't interrupt that time, but maybe the Wed. night service would work. She seemed to be really dealing with the issues in a confident way and I'm hoping I'll be able to come alongside her as well.

I talked with Bob a little bit last night and let him know that I needed him to be more active in praying for my current situation. I know he prays for all of us daily while he's driving for work, but I need him to be more connected than that so we spent time before bed last night praying and it was very comforting. I'm ready to talk with him about the last year or so of my spiritual maturing in the Spirit so hopefully a window of time will open soon for that (I know it won't be a quick discussion!) He's come along way, too, in trusting God and recognizing how very little we actually control our environment. The financial situation is sinking alot of people in his line of work but he's receiving more and more opportunities to get more work and he knows it's because of God's faithfulness to keep His word, not because he's doing anything better than someone else. So that has got his attention and given me lots of opportunities to turn everything back to God in praise.

I have my thyroid biopsy tomorrow and then will hopefully get an appt. for an MRI or catscan for my head. Thanks again for all your prayers...they're being felt even now!


campsmore said...

Jen, I'll be praying for you tomorrow. Sleep well.

Jen said...

Thanks, Lori.
I've had a pretty good day although my stomach has been upset the last 48 hours...I'm guessing the nerves are getting to me. Keeping myself in prayer and constant contact with Abba!

I did hear from the endo dr. today and she said eye problems are very rarely connected to my thyroid problem. So if the biopsy doesn't show anything, I'll definitely need to go for further testing.

Off to get my sleep...I'm sure I'll be in lala land before I hit the pillow :-)


Marge said...

Praying for you tomorrow, too.

May God grant you great shalom.


Jen said...

Hi all,
Quick update...
Biopsy went well/quickly and so far no discomfort (last time I had trouble swallowing for 2 weeks.) This one was ultra-sound guided so hopefully it was less disruptive.

Tummy gave me fits all day...not sure if it's a bug (very possible as I'm around preschoolers 24/7) or something else. Felt the prayers in a big way for my head...not much discomfort til this evening. I just got Kenneth Hagin Jr's book "The untapped power in praise" today and have already read chapter 1. A very good focus for times like this! I also got out the hymnal I have from my childhood church and spent time reading the good ole' songs...lots of fire and praise in those, too.

Thanks again for coming along side me...I can feel the fellowship both physically and emotionally. I'll update again once I know more about the biopsy...probably in a week.

Gotta run...attempting an early bedtime tonight :-)
Love you all,

Jen said...

OK - one more post before bed...
Remember the conference speaker I mentioned that I was nudged to approach for prayer? I got an email from her tonight and she sent along a prayer for me for the week...wanted to share it here because it was really touching to me but encouraging for each of us here.

"Father, I thank you that you promised strength for each day, so I know you’re anointing Jen with the strength she needs for every challenge ahead this week. I expect you to OVERTAKE her with blessings this week…you delight in surprising us with your abundant blessing. I also pray that you will cover her with your hand and deflect for her the attacks of the defeated one. Surround her with songs of deliverance! You are Almighty God and we run into the strong tower of your name and find safety."
- D'Arcy Maher

Night, all!

Marge said...

Thanks for your praise report!

I loved the prayer, too! The Holy Spirit guided you to this lady. No doubt about that one :)

God bless, and keep on praising the Lord!

Another great book is; Empowered by Praise, by Michael Youssef. (how God responds when you revel in His glory)

Jen said...

Is there a reason for asking Lindalou if you could pray for her situation like you are her closest relative? Some thoughts came to mind when I read that, but I'm not sure if you were on the same page as me in my thinking. It has to do with the scope of our authority in Jesus' name.

Just wondering :-)
Love you!
PS. You can be my Grandma anytime you want ;-)

Great Grany 5 said...

JEN, you got it! The authority of the Believer by Kenneth E. Hagin and also, Prayer by Andrew Murray. God created the family as a strong tower over evil when it is with those called by His name. I would imagine the same thing holds true about the unsaved and mean sayings that people think are smart but actually are curses. When I stand in for Diana's DH as an outsider, I am standing only in faith. As a sister in Christ, recognized by Diana, my prayers are graced by God's favor.

During my brother Bobby's horrible ordeal in Renton, Washington in the early 1990's, we were constantly fighting a battle over the words spoken by doctors, nurses and well meaning friends. I was at a loss over the direct interference mother and I were having with prayers for him. Then one day, as I was praying, the Lord told me to bind off of Bobby's physical being, all not related by blood to us. I said a big "What?" I knew that my brother had friends in Renton who were believers but I didn't know much else about them. He had a girlfriend who was a real basket case and her intentions were a little less than honoring God. The daughter was a precious Holy Spirit filled believer but the girlfriend was altogether something else. I did as I was instructed by the Holy Spirit and we began to see a steady improvement that was shocking the medical professions daily. The girlfriend had her daughter call me and as we talked the apparent reason for the Holy Spirit's instructions became apparent. As a result of the disclosure, I requested that Kay (the daughter)take the scripture tapes to the ICU for Bobby's hearing and to remove all negative speaking from his hearing. Within a weeks time, my brother came out of the comma, responded to voices and the hydrocephalus condition began to decrease. After ward, I asked "Abba, what happened?" and his response was simple "families were created to provide, protect and prevent". There is a lot more to this drama but not right now. Later perhaps.

Now, I want to share with you something that I linked to on the Cave blog and this is from Billye Brim's Ministry in the form of a Partner's Letter for February. It more or less tells the same thing that the broadcast for tomorrow (Thursday, March 19,2009)Billye and Gloria discuss. It is just too good not to share with you all and I mean that seriously. Then go to the Partner Letter for March and learn more about it. I am excited and know that this Awakening is going to happen in a manner that we could never hope and even think to petition God for.

Mike, got the item and many, many thanks. You have no idea how much the whole thing has impacted DH.

MARGE, Mind changes are in the works and many, many thanks to you. DH had seen the item at the local airport and was really surprised to see it here. To say he is getting spooked is a mild statement to say the least.

Many, many thanks for all of the prayers, deeds of great encouragement and just the loving fellowship. I am trying to get over a very bad case of sinus/allergy battles and all I have wanted to do is sleep. Not taking any medications because of the Hypertension but hot tea infused with Camomile's leaves is a great relief. I think it was Dr. Marge that advised me of that one.

Going to trot off ever so slowly now and take a nap.
Love to you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

Forgot the blooming link!


Marge said...

Nope, the tea wasn't my advise :) But tea is always a great rememdy for just about anything :) Have you tryed Egyptian Licorice tea? Oh my goodness, it is wonderful! But, I'm mostly a coffee drinker :) Maybe it comes from living in the Pacific Northwest? (smile) I dunno.

Love to all, and keep smiling!


Marge said...

that's: remedy :)

Jen said...

Hello all,
Me again :-)
In my last post, I meant 'Diana', not 'Lindalou', but Grany and I were on the same wavelength anyway :-) I remember reading in Hagin's book where he said we can't just walk down the street casting out devils of everyone we pass, but rather our range is within our family and close friends. So much more the need to share with others about the authority we have in Christ, so they, too, can stand against the schemes put upon their own family.

I am full of praise today and can actually feel the effects of prayer in my body. I have had almost ZERO ache/pain/pull in my head all day and because of the upset stomach (either a bug or perhaps irritation from the Tylenol, etc.) I haven't taken a single dose of pain meds. It's been wonderful to walk through the whole day and not be contending with that...sure helps in dealing with the kids, too! I'm a much better mommy when I'm healthy :-)

Hubby also had some good news from the work side of things...9 houses were sold last week in a development where he sells the cabinets and he also was given some already existing business that came from a customer who wasn't satisfied with another cabinet manufacturer. He's seeing God's hand at work more and more and it's a real faith-builder for him. He's also seeing the value of using this good news and promises kept as a way to encourage others. I've told him of and he's accepting his role now for Jesus in this time and place.
I have felt Holy Spirit nudging me forward now that it's time to share with him exactly what is behind my faith growth spurt. I didn't have a calm about it before, but I do now and I think recent events have been preparing him, too, to hear me out and not reject what I have come to understand about our walk with the Lord and how He intends to get His work done through us. I know the conversation will be a long one, so I'm waiting for some quiet time some evening when we have nothing else going on to broach the subject. Before, talk of tongues and walking in the fullness of the Spirit would have been met with rolling eyes, but now that he recognizes something different in the air, I am confident that it's time. I'm actually looking forward to it because I know the Lord has big plans for both of us in these days ahead.

OK - gotta get three little pigs in their jammies!

boatman909 said...

Hi y'all,

I am still around - my work contract has been extended for another year - praise the Lord, and my boss is talking about getting me a FTE position - this is with our regional government, so it's good pay and full benefits and all the rest of the good stuff.

God is being very good to us!!

Grany - thanks for the link to Billye Brim's site. We too have been receiving words that we are moving to a place of great revival, and that what happens in Canada, moving from west to east and back, will have major impact on America, as God starts His last great awakening before Jesus comes back.

We live in such amazing and exciting times.

Am praying for you both health wise and about the timing on telling your hubby about the wonderful Holy Spirit infilling.

God bless you all


Great Grany 5 said...

Good morning everyone, at least it is here in Okieland. I got up this morning to thunder and then the most gentle rain I have ever witnessed. It was a real blessing and we needed it so very much. Yesterday was a sunshine day, temps in the mid 80's and today it is cool, cloudy and peaceful and my sinuses are a little better. Still not able to smell anything but that too shall be corrected shortly.

Jen you are so right about sharing the facts of our God given, Jesus paid, authority in Christ. Marge and I discuss this neglected subject quite a bit and it is the difference in being able to live our life in God's provisions and defeating forever the works of the enemy of our souls. We cannot win the battles in our own power but all things are possible for those who believe and take seriously to heart all of the gospel.

MARGE, I should have remembered that you are the cuppa koffee girl. Now I am wondering who it was that shared the tea thing with me. I am sure they will let me know later.

JOHN, HALLELUJAH! You are still out there and it was such a joy for my eyes to lay hold of your name here. I have missed you my friend and I am so very pleased to hear your good news. The Government is a big move isn't it and one that you should be able to move quite freely in. I will be praying for your freedom to share The Way.

John when I read your remark about west to east I about flew out the earth's atmosphere. I don't know if your reference to it was purely accidental or if you were reminding me of 2 years ago. However, the seismic reading was well over the range of a minor quake in my Spirit.

There is so very much going on and it is easy to get side tracked with what the world keeps throwing out there to distract and distress all believers with but GOD moves silently and relentlessly in bringing this Age to a close and moving us into the realm of His wonderful light. I can some of the things very clearly and yet there are many more that seem to be clouded in mystery and yet I am not fearful. God is far greater than any corrosive damage that Satan can devise. We are living in the best of times and the worst of times. Christ is about to be richly empowered with God's overcoming power and I am so thankful to be living in this age, at this time.

I think about all of the headlines in the news media and can't help but think "how silly" when we have much more important things to accomplish before we are out of here. My hubby could be the last soul saved and then zip, we are gone but there might be and probably are, many millions more to be enlightened and if God has to send dreams and vision to the lost and bring them in, we need to take that as a direct command "Get out there and get the harvest in".

Have any of you ever seen a field of corn in the fall that is ready for the pickers and it is drooping with the heavy ears of corn, healthy and ready to yield? Then along comes a long period of heavy rain, the fields become a quagmire and no one can reap the corn. The corn is ruined because of the rain and the exposure that takes them beyond their due date for harvesting. The corn is lost and good for nothing. Not even the cattle or hogs can eat without getting sick.

Kinda like the unsaved and the unwilling Church to evangelize the world. Have we bought the world's dictates of keeping still about our reason for the joy, love, peace, etc of our daily living? Have we been muzzled and left to rot in our do nothing churches? Remember, Jesus said "to them who much has been given, much will be required!". We are held in accountability for the lack of sharing and don't let anyone delude you of that. Jesus said go and go we must but we go with the full armor of God and our feet shod with the gospel of peace.

Off of soap box, taking off robes and closing my mouth.

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

I wanted to post this link to Gloria and Billye Brim's broadcast schedule for all of you. I posted it at the Cave but I wanted to post it here also. There are two weeks.


Click on details and the list of days presents, then click on "Watch Now" and the video should come up on what ever media player you are using. They are really good and I love these two women discussing the bible. They are both very easy to understand and it is very apparent that they love the Lord and their knowledge and understanding comes from Him.


Marge said...

As I mentioned a Nutrition expert telling you about your tea. (that works in your local health food store) I could be mistaken, though. It wouldn't be a first for me :) I'm just glad it works! Good news there!

Funny enough, I have also been thinking about, the End Time Harvest, as of late. I'm sure it's the Holy Spirit that's placed it upon our hearts. At any rate, a few thoughts/insights I've had are that (as Grany mentioned) people are becoming more and more "distracted," with today's news, and such. Three tools the enemy uses are:

1. deception
2. discouragement
3. distraction
(to name a few)

Also, I've heard before; but it's really "clicking" these days in my that faith in the Word/promises of God, have a LOT to do with a close and abiding relationship with our Lord. After all, we live (in America) in a Democracy, and we need to learn (more and more) that Jesus is Lord, and King of our lives. In other words, when the Holy Spirit tells us to do, or say something, we shouldn't act as though it's a suggestion :) Every time the O.T. Israelites got into trouble with God, they either ignored His instructions;...OR they tacked them on to what they were already doing. (in the way of religious practices, especially) Anyhow, something to think/meditate about on this rainy day, here in the Pacific Northwest :)

Have a wonderful day in the Lord, everyone!
And it is so nice to see John back posting! I hope to see another post from you again soon :)

May God bless you all richly, is my prayer,


Marge said...

I need to jump Off Line;...

but I wanted to leave you with the lines from an older song :)

"Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it Jesus is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be."

Amen. God speed everyone!

campsmore said...

Marge, I could almost hear my mother's voice singing that song again.

Wilma, Do you think that I should stop posting the news links at the cave? I'd be happy to do that if the general population there agrees.

I will keep posting until asked to stop.

I do have an email flash (headlines/links only) that goes out daily if anyone would rather read the news via email.

We have found that most of those on my list are sending them to friends and family that are lost or away from God. I am getting amazing feedback.

Yesterday a relative who would not even speak about the rapture has changed her tune and sharing with her grown children.

My goal is to wake up the church, and reach the lost.

BTW, we've been under tremendous physical attack in my home, stomach flu, headaches, my daughter tested positive for a HPV. All kinds of weird stuff.

I have plead the blood of Jesus over my family, but I appreciate any prayers offered as well. And Addison takes the 2nd half of his GED Pretest tomorrow, so he's excited.

Y'all are wonderful, have I told you recently? It'll be so amazing getting to know you all, and it's going to be soon.

love ya's

Marge said...

Funny enough, Tennessee Ernie Ford's voice is the one I always hear going thru my mind when I think about that song :) Although, it was my Mother's LP that I heard his voice on, many times growing up :)

Along with Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony singing, with Paul Mickelson, Over the Sunset Mountain, etc.

And who could forget Tony Fontane? If you ever heard his lyric tenor'd never forget it :)

Ah,...heaven WILL be great!

I'm agreeing with you, in prayer, for all your needs to be met, in Jesus name.

Gotta run. More chores :)

boatman909 said...

Jen in answer to some of your questions elsewhere..

Following the Departure (2 Thess 2:3) of all the born-again believers (along with all those who have died in Christ) - the Bride of Christ - otherwise known as the Rapture,which is soon to take place, after the "Great Awakening",

You see in Rev 7: the calling out and sealing of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. They are the ones who fulfill Jesus prophetic Word of Wisdom to His Jewish disciples (see Matthew 24) that before He returns in glory, the Gospel will be preached to the ends of the world - contrary to what is often taught, this is NOT the Church's ultimate responsibility, but rather the Jews, in order for them to complete the work God chose them to do in the first place - demonstrating to the world the truths of God and who He is, and what He wants from mankind.

The MAJOR difference between now and then are:
(1) the time of the Gentiles is over - meaning the power and influence of the Gentile world system will no longer be in force over Israel, being replaced in fairly short order by the AC's 7 year peace treaty (as described by Daniel), and a new world order, single currency, alliance of civilizations, and whatever other anti-God, Christian hating, Jew hating, life-hating powers that be can think off.

(2) The Holy Spirit will still be around, since He is orchestrating the 144,00 evangelists, and directing the angels () that will also preach the Gospel throughout the world, so He cannot be the restrainer 2 Thess 2:8) who is "holding back", and is then taken "out of the midst" (lit. Greek).

Since we, the Church are supposed to be resisting Satan, who has to flee from faith-filled believers when the command him to go (James 4:7), then it seems straightforward to assume that the departure of the faith-filled believers from the midst of the world, at the (1st) Rapture, will cause the restraint of the man of sin to cease, allowing him to start to manifest himself as such to the world.

(3) In Rev 7:9-17, it is clear that following the work of the 144,000, a very large number (i.e. too many to count) of people, of all tongues, tribes, ethic groups, nations will get saved, and will, at some point be taken out of the world during the second half of the 7 years (Daniel's 70th Week) - the period that the Bible calls the Great Tribulation, as opposed to the first half of the 7 years, which is just the Tribulation.

(4) It is only AFTER the removal of this second group of believers - rescued by God from out of the Great Tribulation, that we see the results of the sounding of the 7 trumpets - resulting in wars and destruction, plagues, famines, pestilences, etc. being let loose over the earth on what remains of mankind on the earth. I beleive these are all orchestrated by Satan, causing mankind to descend into complete anarchy and an orgy of lawlessness.

This period is NOT the same as the Wrath of God - the 7 bowls poured out after the 7th trumpet is sounded.

It is my opinion that the 2nd Rapture occurs some way into the Great Tribulation, and that the pouring out of God's wrath takes place in a relative short period of time - a matter of days or weeks before Jesus returns.

SO, it seems clear that:
(1) not all who get saved are saved by the time of the first Rapture (and I personally believe that many who think they are saved will get left behind...)

(2) The Jews will evangelise the world, completing the work of the Church, who will have had the most marvelous and incredible revival and awakening just before the (1st) Rapture, resulting in millions being saved (and then Raptured)

(3) Many people will get saved out of the Great Tribulation period, and will go up in the 2nd Rapture

(4) The AC will make himself know after the 1st Rapture, and will be a man of great power and influence, who will beguile the people with flattery and lies and pompous words, promising change and a new world order of peace and prosperity for all, with (eventually) a new world religion (which will in effect be a non-religion - you can believe what you like, as long as you do not force your beliefs on others, proclaim it is "the Truth", or proclaim that it is a the "only way" - as is already being proposed by the UN's Alliance of Civilizations an organization that professes its mission to be “the global governance of the culture” of the world)

The AoC's foundation is traceable to the European Union’s social cohesion policy—the social dimension of the Barcelona Process—as architected by former Marxist and present socialist Javier Solana. Solana’s social cohesion strategy was formed to “straighten out the clash of civilizations” by creating a new common civilization based upon a system of “shared values”. The new civilization will be realized once it has successfully combated religious fundamentalism worldwide. In 2006 Solana’s vision moved a step closer to reality when Kofi Annan made the Alliance of Civilizations the central organ of the United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy. The work of the Alliance includes the establishment of a global ethic and identification of those radical ideologies which lead to terrorism. Documents that I have read that have come out of this organization clearly group fundamentalist terror groups like al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah together with right-wing Christian fundamentalists - that us folks!! We are all seen as a threat to their new world order, and will have to be eliminated.

So, keep your shield and breastplate burnished bright, stand on the authority of the Word of God, resist the devil and be about the work of the Lord, preaching the gospel, healing the sick, raising the dead, speaking in tongues - till Jesus comes.


Great Grany 5 said...

LORI, I really believe that the news links are vital to the cave dwellers and in fact, they are the only news that I read. No one knows if all of main line media stuff being put out is true or not and the bias is very revealing. The links you provide really do paint a true picture and there are lots of things that your links shine a whole new foundation on. No, I think it is great and the email links serve a whole new venue of people who don't blog.

I will be praying for your family also. I really do believe that the tormentor is just now getting started in earnest with Christians and Jews. If we get our focus on the battle and not the prize, we spend our time putting out fires with a squirt bottle. The fires are important to be put out and united we can torch him for a change. United prayer is always effective when we are in agreement.

We just got home from my 6 month eye exams and I am really frazzled. All of those bright lights being shined into my eyes hurt like crazy and now I have a horrible headache. DH tried putting more trouble on my plate but I took it to God in my exam room while I was waiting for my doctor to come in. If God can't handle this latest threat then I am in real trouble but I know my God can do it; to Him there is nothing to it! So the song goes!

I am going to call it a night real early, like right now, and let my poor eyes rest and recuperate from the ordeal. I am believing God for my total healing and in my eyes also.

JEN, my problem was first diagnosed as Macula Degeneration and that is bad enough but it was far worse than that and it could have been corrected if the necessary equipment had been available for a true evaluation. Get the Ultrasound exam and make certain your vision is not the result of a hole in the retina. Get it done quickly. The best results are at the onset of the problem and at least not more than 6 months after the beginning signs. The surgery is done by laser and requires a recognized surgical specialist in Retinal Ophthalmological treatments.

Go to this link:MACULAR HOLES

Jen said...

Hi friends,
Quick note to update you on my chat with hubby.
I asked him to block off an hour tonight for discussion time (he hates that...always knows I'm going to get into something that takes alot longer than an hour!)
Amazingly, it only took me about 10minutes to share my 'news' and I think he was so dumbfounded that he didn't have anything to ask or comment on. It was probably the quickest discussion we've had in 15 years of knowing each other! He wasn't upset or anything as he admitted having no background or teaching on the subject, but I could tell he wasn't expecting me to say I speak in tongues daily! I think he was worried I might tell him I was being called to the mission field or something like that.
Please keep him/us in prayer now as things move forward. I have been asking the Lord to bring us together in any plans He has for us in the days ahead. I'd love for Bob to get up to speed now rather than when the real shakin' begins as it will be much harder to spend the needed time in Scripture study/prayer/waiting on the Lord in the midst of whatever we might find ourselves in. I'm feeling the preparation going on in my heart and mind daily and it's hard to be patient when your other half doesn't have a clue (or is avoiding the matter).

Thanks again for all the support and encouragement that's offered here. I'll let you know how the Lord moves things along.

Also, I'm still feeling well after the pain in my neck like last time - hurray!
Head is doing really well (yesterday was rough with a near-migraine) but back to feeling strong today.

John, it was SOOO good to see your post and I thank you very much for the response you gave about my pre-post rapture question. I have more stuff to bounce around but not the time to compose my thoughts right now. Hopefully I'll get some time tomorrow or early next week to follow up.

Tomorrow is our seed-planting day with the kids. I'm excited to garden this year, but moreso to use the seeds as a way to connect with others and maybe plant a few spiritual seeds, too. I've also decided that the best way to connect with my neighbors is to float the idea of a neighborhood prayer chain (via email). We have families of all ages/stages so there's not a real cohesive feel amongst us, but I do sense the Lord pushing me to reach out to them and I am feeling that an offer to pray for each other might be welcomed right now with so much uncertainty going on. If nothing else, it might put a thought in their mind about where to turn should things get really tough down the road. Just trying to find as many ways to scatter seeds as possible right now!

OK - off to bed. Check in with everyone tomorrow.


Jen said...

Good morning, all!
It's a chilly one here, but full of His promises, so all will turn out fine :-)

A few notes...
Grany/Marge, thanks for your words at the cave. I had itching fingers that wanted to jump in, but I know it would likely cause division so I held back. I'm not looking forward to another round of mice running loose! It's so good to have this little nook to retreat to :-)

Praises to share on the home front...apparently my revelation to Bob had a much deeper impact than I first thought. We had a long coversation yesterday about the issue of tongues and he is quite shocked after all. He told me he didn't sleep well at all that night and he doesn't know what to make of it, but it's not something he can just let slide by. He said he's 5% worried I'm off my rocker, 5% worried I'm into something cultish/demonic but 90% hopeful that I've been blessed with something real and Godly. He said he needs time to sort things out since he's had zero instruction on the subject (he went to Christian school K-college and never had one lessons/sermon, etc. on the matter. Neither did I, but I went to public K-12.) So he's feeling a bit bewildered, too. The very good news is that he's inquisitive and wants to read/learn what I've been reading to get to this point so I gave him my Hagin book which was what I read after I received tongues. It answered all my questions and provided the Scriptural backing I needed to be peaceful about it. Please pray with me that Bob will find that same peace and enthusiasm for it. I've been praying that our marriage would become more and more unified in the Lord so we can tackle stuff together (we have a very strong marriage in all other areas...finances, parenting, etc. but spiritually I've ironically been the growing one.) I guess we should be praying that for all our marriages, right? I'd be interested to know which of us have spouses who also share the same view on did that come about?
I also once again brought up the subject of living in the last days and that really gets him worked up. Long story short, he admitted that he doesn't want to think about life as we know it coming to an end because he is looking forward to so many things in the future with the kids, retirement plans, etc. He says he can't operate life on 2 tracks: living responsibly for the future and living as if things will end in the next few years. I've always teased that he's not a good multi-tasker and I understand that it takes alot of mental gymnastics to do it, but really, what's our choice? Live according to the signs that God is mercifully giving us or live with our heads stuck in the sand and then reap the consequences of not taking advantage of what was obviously approaching...
Anyway, I sound like I'm ranting but I'm not. I'm very thankful (and see it as answer to prayer) that we can have those discussions at all...they create a bit of gloom for a few hours afterward, but I think the Lord is working on his heart and bringing him on board.

OK - got to spend time with the Lord before the day really starts.
Have a blessed week ahead!


Jen said...

Please pray now for a little baby named Stellan. I've been following his blog for a few months and he's in need of immediate prayer.
He was supposed to die in utero from heart complications, but was born fully healed and has been doing well the last 4 months. I checked the blog today and was shocked to read that he's in critical care for a heart condition, brought on suddenly and without warning.


Jen said...

Hi friends,
Got my biopsy report this afternoon and will be needing your prayers in the weeks ahead as I continue to seek healing and restoration.
The test showed suspicious cell growth at the nucleus level which can often mean thyroid cancer. My dr is recommending the entire gland be removed as a precaution.
I took the news well (I typically don't get emotional when hearing these things til later, but right now I am peaceful and clear-minded. Not sure how I'll be when I have to tell Bob later tonight.)
But let's focus on the good news first...
1) We live in an area with all kinds of wonderful doctor/medical facilties so finding a very good surgeon won't be a problem.
2) I have lots of family and friends nearby who will help us with the logistics that will arise.
3) We have great insurance and I am otherwise healthy!
4) I know Abba has been preparing me for this time and moving pieces into place that will allow me to not only survive but thrive and be a witness for His amazing power to heal and restore! I have you precious brothers and sisters behind me, the fullness of the Spirit which will carry me in strength and the promise of victory which I am excited to see unfold!

I almost feel as though my heart and mind have been in a training phase for this news because I can see His hand placing things/people around me to not only support me but also for me to reach out to others through this. How many people will I come in contact with or be able to reach with a testament of His love and power now that I have this pathway to walk? In that regard, I see a double victory on the horizon!

OK - gotta get movin for now. I'll update once I know more details.


Great Grany 5 said...

JEN, I am taking you into my prayer closet right now and believing with you for the Healing virtue that comes from the stripes on Jesus Christ's body for us. That by His stripes you are, were, and forever more healed." Thyroid is a name, disease of any kind has a name and The Name of Jesus Christ is above all names and all names have to bow at the mention of Jesus. Replace any fear with the promises of God and get in your place of praise and worship. It should be all of places at all times, no matter what the circumstances are.

MIKE, everytime I get ready to post a comment, the box for comments appears, gets a cursor and then disappears and then comes back in a few seconds. Is there a chance that someone has hacked the site? I am accessing on

Does that mean anything sinister to you or us? The reason I am asking is the recent attack I suffered on my computer that has me looking over my shoulder a lot lately. Seems there was a worm and 2 generic Trojans that infected my computer and I have no idea how they got there. No telling where it happened but I sure don't want to go through it again and I don't want to infect anyone else either.

JEN, I really don't have any time for mice either and I think I recognized the author of one of them. It was the same fight that started to take down Joel's blog and there is a way to find out for sure. Not saying how because that just gives the remedial methods away and I am not one to give the enemy any clues.

I will say this though, it seems very odd to me that when things start really being a blessing and bringing everyone together in unity and awaking our sleep attitude toward God's word, Satan always sends in his patrol to tear up and destroy. Well, binding and loosening is a guaranteed weapon straight from the lips of Jesus Christ. Binding them off of the blog in the name and authority of the believers in Jesus Christ. Loosening all of us from the negative affects of the attacks and loosening God's provision for our protection.

With that, I want to tell you all that God loves all of us equally, there are no giant super Spirituals among us and we are all conquers in Christ Jesus. Seated with him at the right hand of Abba and prospering in the provision and blessings of God Almighty.


boatman909 said...


Loved your message at the Cave this morning - it's straight out of "From Faith to Faith" - today's (March 23) passage, which is even more delicious, given the rantings by anonymice about the Faith movement (since it's Kenneth Copeland who wrote it)!!

It struck a chord in my spirit too, it's not about the doctrine, it's about our faith, in action, and our love for the Lord Jesus that will bring about the unity in the Body the Holy Spirit is so eager to birth in the world today, so that He can start the Great Awakening.

The world will know we are Christians by our love - not our doctrine, and as we all grow up to maturity in the unity of our faith.

God bless

Great Grany 5 said...

HI Precious JOHN;
I have missed you greatly and got your email message a few days ago and I thank you greatly for sharing it with me.

I just had to do that at the cave because justice has to be served at all times. We have to be able to sort out good teaching from false but to lump a person as evil and a false teacher when they know nothing on a personal level about them, just gives me a Godly Anger. I feel much like I think Jesus did when he drove the money changers out of the temple. You know I could have pinned their ears back in a permanent tuck but I also heard the Holy Spirit say "This is my battle and I will handle it". So, I laid down my sword, removed my fighting gloves and said, Go To it Lord!

Oh, I wanted to acknowledge the author but not to do it was the command. I am praying that the wisdom of his words will convict the ones who are the real tares in the body of Christ. It is always the false teachers who scream and condemn the loudest. But to say someone is a false teacher, who God has blessed with understanding His Word to the extent they have been blessed, is spitting in the face of God. They never knew Kenneth Hagin, nor any of the others on a personal level but you know what John, I don't agree with their habits of taking a pair of scissors and cutting out of the Word of God what they cannot believe in or have faith for. Snip, snip, and then all you have left is bolderdash! Watered down, deleted to the place of corruption and weakened to the place of incompetence. Paul told Timothy in 2 Tim. 3:. 3:5 They will maintain the outward appearance of religion but will have repudiated its power. So avoid people like these.6 For some of these insinuate themselves into households and captivate weak women who are overwhelmed with sins and led along by various passions. Such women are always seeking instruction, yet never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. And just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these people – who have warped minds and are disqualified in the faith also oppose the truth. But they will not go much further, for their foolishness will be obvious to everyone, just like it was with Jannes and Jambres. Continue in What You Have Learned
You, however, have followed my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, my faith, my patience, my love, my endurance, as well as the persecutions and sufferings 15 that happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium,and in Lystra. I endured these persecutions and the Lord delivered me from them all. Now in fact all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But evil people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves. You, however, must continue in the things you have learned and are confident about. You know who taught you and how from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching,for reproof,for correction,and for training in righteousness,that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.

So, it can get worse but we will grow stronger with each day because of the Holy Spirit's anointing in each one of us. Do you think we will get an added dose of the Holy Spirit when Acts 2 2:17 ‘God says that I will pour out my Spirit on all people,
and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. 19 And I will perform wonders in the sky above and miraculous signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
20 The sun will be changed to darkness
and the moon to blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes. 21 And then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

I really need a double dose right now! But before I can get it I have to get to the place that I can forgive the attackers and their words. What extreme measures the devil takes to steal our Joy that we got from Abba. Boiling point has been reached again and it really isn't worth it. The thing that makes me so very angry is the lack of wisdom in thinking that anyone takes all of the messengers message to heart. It is kinda like getting up on the roof and thinking I would sure like to be able to fly with my own power and strength, so I will just ask God to give me that ability. Then wisdom takes charge and says, Don't Tempt the Lord your God.

I will end with this, it is a whole lot easier being a Sunday quarterback while sitting at home in my recliner than it is if I was actually facing that 300 pound defensive lineman on a cold turf in a football stadium. We think we have all of the answers and yet God!

Love you and praying for you John,

Jen said...

Thanks, Grany,
I am feeling very uplifted tonight and Bob and I spent a good hour+ talking about what this means in terms of our faith and opportunities to share Jesus with others. We both clearly see God's hand already over us and like I said, it's almost like my heart and mind has been under a strengthening process in preparation.
The kids' memory verse a few weeks ago was Isaiah 41:10 and it's perfect for me now.
Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. The meaning here of 'strengthen' is similar to 'harden against' a foe or attack. I feel that way and it's very opposite from how I used to feel in uncertain circumstances. John, I remember you saying long ago when I was still skeptical about all this Holy Spirit stuff that walking in the fullness of the Spirit would revolutionize your faith and walk with God and that's exactly what it has done. There's no way to explain it until you yield to it, but the way I handle issues today is just very different - and so much better - than I did just 2 years ago. Well, I'm preching to the choir, aren't I? Just want you to know how much I appreciate and love each one of you.

OK - off to bed. Check in tomorrow,

Marge said...

God bless you!

Good to see you back posting!

Oh my goodness, you are THE BEST!!!
Great remarks, and oh, how true!

Unfortunately, what someone said, (years ago) about Christians being the only ones that shot their wounded, still rings true today :(

We need to pray for one another. And be kind to one another. The world is watching. As Grany said, at the cave, the world wants and needs love.

Keep the Faith! And God bless all!

Bob's Leakucyte count was 4.8 on Monday! (normal range is 4.0-10.7)
Praise God, it's up from 2.6 last week!
God IS good, and good all the time!

campsmore said...

Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, lift up your voice to God! Pray with the spirit and with understanding, Oh Magnify the Lord!

Remind me of this, Oh Lord, when the enemies and uncertainity come in like a flood.

Great Grany 5 said...


I have to share something with you all, surprise, surprise! But it has really been a blessing to me and I am hoping it will be to you also.
When we started going through all of the stock market melt down and DH was horribly distraught, I started getting really weakened and almost got into the sand box with him. Then I read somewhere that verse that goes something like this: When the enemy comes in, like a flood, God will lift up a banner (shield) against him. Well you know I have read and heard that word many, many times over the course of my life so it wasn't anything new. However, in my mind I saw a door like my front one. There was a lot of noise and commotion coming from outside and I started towards the door to check it out. Just then I imagined(whatever) that it was nothing but an attempt to get me to open the front door to fear, attacks, and the enemy coming in. So, again in my mind, I turned away from the door and repeated that bible verse I just gave you. Like a mighty flood of power (water represents~~~anointing)God puts up an abundance of protection and provisions for the ones being attacked. Who can come through the armor of God? No not one! If one (me) can put a thousand demons, messengers of evil, whatever the World would foist off on us, then united we can overcome all of the forces of evil. Unity comes from the heart, mind and soul of the believer and we have to do it. We chose not to be at odds with other believers, we chose to pray for one another whatever the need and when the Holy Spirit plants in our hearts something that God wants done, we do it without question. We stand together or we will perish together and the choice is ours to make. We can't make another person do it but we can pray for them to be convicted of any rebellion and turn it all over to God who loves us deeply, strongly, enduringly, and has our backs covered, 24/7/365 forever.

Oh, I feel a revival coming on and I need to get into the water way over my head. I have been wading around in the shallow part way too long and that expression "come hell OR High Water" well, I immediately blink it to the passage that speaks of the river flowing out of the Temple of God. Here is the passage from the web site:

47:1 Then he brought me back to the entrance of the temple. I noticed that water was flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was flowing down from under the right side of the temple, from south of the altar. 2 He led me out by way of the north gate and brought me around the outside of the outer gate that faces toward the east; I noticed that the water was trickling out from the south side.

3 When the man went out toward the east with a measuring line in his hand, he measured 1,750 feet, and then he led me through water, which was ankle deep. 4 Again he measured 1,750 feet and led me through the water, which was now knee deep. Once more he measured 1,750 feet and led me through the water, which was waist deep. 5 Again he measured 1,750 feet and it was a river I could not cross, for the water had risen; it was deep enough to swim in, a river that could not be crossed. 6 He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?”

Then he led me back to the bank of the river. 7 When I had returned, I noticed a vast number of trees on the banks of the river, on both sides. 8 He said to me, “These waters go out toward the eastern region and flow down into the Arabah; when they enter the Dead Sea, where the sea is stagnant,the waters become fresh.
9 Every living creature which swarms where the river flows will live; there will be many fish, for these waters flow there. It will become fresh and everything will live where the river flows. 10 Fishermen will stand beside it; from Engedi to Eneglaim they will spread nets. They will catch many kinds of fish, like the fish of the Great Sea. 47:11 But its swamps and its marshes will not become fresh; they will remain salty. 12 On both sides of the river’s banks, every kind of tree will grow for food. Their leaves will not wither nor will their fruit fail, but they will bear fruit every month, because their water source flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.”
We, as born again believers in Jesus, The Son of God, have only been wading in our awareness and relationships with God. He has desired so much more of us and the Apostle Paul was trying to share that very fact with the Babies in God's Kingdom all throughout the Epistles. We have to begin to live in the fullness of God's Holy Spirit and what is about to come on the World will cause us to do just that. Oh, I can feel the urge to get up on my soap box right about now but all I would be doing is shouting to the Choir and that isn't what God is moving on me to do.

We have to get ready because we have already started the final act of the Age of the Church.

Just my humble opinions but it has been burning inside of me for a very long time.

Love you all and cherish you greatly,

campsmore said...

Grany, thanks for the encouragement. I was really feeling bummed out by what's going on, not the big world news, but here at home. Things are so weird and I have to remember that God loves us and will make a way for us when it seems there is no way.

For those who don't understand, my husband told me yesterday that his position and even his entire dept at the USPS has been abolished. He has to reapply for jobs within the organization and if he isn't hired by Aug. 28, he will be laid off...

He is 8 mos short of the cutoff for early retirement package, so that's not an option.

There's also the threat of our family moving in with my in-laws... don't get me started.

I'd appreciate all prayers, thanks.

Great Grany 5 said...

LORI, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Keep it in front of you and hang on for dear life.

I really believe with all of my heart that what is happening right now for all of us, is an all out war of Satan(Evil) against God's people. We cannot let him win and whatever we have to do to stay close to God's protection we will do.

I am praying for your whole situation Lori and I know it isn't a whole lot of joy to be going through all of this. Let's turn the heat up on the powers of darkness and go after all of the unsaved and those who have fallen away from the faith.

I am encouraging myself right along with all of you because this is a battle that includes everyone. If you aren't being tested right now, you will be soon. Not wishing that on anyone but God has you covered. Get in closer and closer to him and begin to smell the fragrance of his Presence.


Marge said...

I'm in total and complete agreement with you, and Grany, that God meets your every need. And I'm also believing for a better paying position for your husband, too.
God always makes a way,...where there seems to be no way.

You'll enjoy this, because it came from a long ago teaching from Kenneth Copeland. (probably in the mid-late 1970's) He said; "when satan comes to deliver anything at your door (sickness, lack, whatever) refuse to sign for the package!" I've always loved that!

Have you ever heard people refer to (for instance) allergies, as; "my" allergies. They no more belong to you, than the man in the moon. If it's not good, ain't from God! And we have every right (and authority/power) to send it out of our life, in the name of Jesus. Remember satan is a liar, and the father of all lies. Don't believe everything you see/hear/feel. Because just like gravity is a law,...there is a higher law. (flight) We know this in the natural. So, "how much more..." does our God have for us, if we only chose to believe and trust Him? Faith always unlocks the (seemingly) closed doors.

It's like Grany said; the glory and provisions of God will come in like a flood, and over run the attacks of the enemy. Amen!
It's like Kenneth E. Hagin always said. "Side in with what the Bible says,...and you'll be a winnner every time."

I suppose the older I get, the more I really and truly don't pay much attention to what satan and his cohorts are up to, in my life. When I sense satan's (evil)presence, I tell him, along with his bunch of evil spirits to: STOP and desist all activities against me, and my family, in Jesus name! And satan has to flee! Then I wait for the victory. God always provides.
God IS good and good all the time! Amen.

Well, everyone- keep a smile on your face, and know that Jesus won the victory over 2,000 years over all your problems/circumstances. And yeah, we may have to go thru a few things. But also knowing that Jesus IS LORD of the universe, and Lord over our life. To God be the glory, forever and forever. Amen.

Love to all,

Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, I am telling all of the pollen and mold spores to desist and I am resisting all of the stubborn ones who got in before I bound them out. Headache must have been delivered to me by mistake and I am reposting it "Return to Sender, Addressee unknown in the kingdom of darkness". I am talking funny and sound more like the old western movies of the 40's. Anyone here remember Frog Millhouse or something like that? Wore a great big floppy black cowboy hat and was a side kick of Gene Autry. That's me and it isn't any fun either.

Gotta go lay down and rest the eyes again. I love Spring!


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, have you any data on this Cornflicker C threat that is discussed HERE at Look Up Fellowship? I just got an update on my RSS reader and it doesn't sound like I want to turn on my computer April 1st for any reason. Question that came to mind immediately was "will keeping my computer turned off on that day prevent any of this threat from happening?".

We are heading somewhere fast and I don't know if I can keep up with all of you young ones or not. Can't see, can't even smell the flowers and now they want to take my computer to the trash heap. Man the guns, full speed ahead!


campsmore said...

Wilma, I was bothered by airborne allergens until recently. A friend told me about a Neti pot. I found one at Wal-mart for under $15. It is a little pot that works with gravity to flush the sinuses.

Use distilled water that is lightly warmed, with one of the 50 pkts of solute that you dissolve and flush away.

It's very gentle and doesn't burn. I don't like the feeling just because I never did like water up my nose. But it does a good job of keeping squeaky clean and free of seasonal goop.

Great Grany 5 said...

LORI, I am willing to try anyting right now. Head hurts and no matter what level my body is in. Laying down, sitting down or standing up. Makes my teeth hurt, my ears ache and my eyes are so tired and burning. Tears seem to be on overflow right now and it is hard to read and so I am closing down the computer and resting.
Love you all,

Jen said...

praying/believing for your restoration to full health!
praying/believing for your family's financial needs to be met and exceeded as well as the housing needs, kids' health and schooling endeavors
continuing to pray/believe for Bob's complete restoration and so excited to hear his good results
praying for you at work as well as your is your daughter?

Hope I didn't forget anyone!
Have a great weekend ahead,

PS. Baby Willow had her eye surgery today and did well. I'm going to visit Valerie tomorrow and see how she's doing.
Baby Stellan (that I asked for urgent prayer for yesterday) is hanging on although his heart is in need of major restoration. After praying for him yesterday, I opened my devotional and the Scripture was Psalm 57:7 "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed. I will sing and give praise." That was pretty cool!
I'm delivering a meal to a lady tomorrow (Nancy) who just had bladder cancer surgery and is also dealing with a debilitating nerve disorder. She's in alot of pain. I'm going to share a meal with her and hopefully have the chance to minister to her as well. Would appreciate a quick prayer for me as I spend time with her tomorrow afternoon and prayers for her comfort and healing.

campsmore said...


Thanks so much. Know that we are praying for your needs as well. Our God is mighty and powerful.


Jen said...

Thanks, Lori....
I'm feeling a bigger purpose in all of this stuff, but as Grany said, it sure seems to be getting laid on thick lately!

I had another prayer request come in just a few minutes ago. My very dear friend (also Jen) emailed that her motherinlaw Eleanor was in a fire last week and got 3rd degree burns. Today they eased off the meds to bring her out of the induced coma but she hasn't wakened up yet and tests aren't showing any reason why not. Brainwave activity isn't very strong either, so the family is very concerned. Jen's fatherinlaw just died last month after a long battle with depression and psych issues (he died at a vets hospital on the psych ward...not suicide but a result of him not taking proper meds and having a weakened system as a result.) It's been a really rough haul for them the past year. I assured her I'd be praying and shared some Scripture with her about the promises of God in regard to healing/restoration. Hoping this might be another opportunity to minister to them as I already have a very close relationship with her (we taught together for 6 years.)

Thanks for standing with me in all these needs,

Marge said...

I hope you are feeling much better today!

It's always better to "side in" with what God's Word says,...than to be a Cowboy's "side kick :)"
Sorry, I couldn't help myself there :)

Healing is provided in the Atonement. So let's all agree that Grany's body is healed, from the top of her head, to the bottom of her feet! Amen!
(allergies are often a sign of a weakened immune system)

Thanks for all your prayer support! Along with everyone else!

Gotta run for now!


Great Grany 5 said...

A New Day! Yeaaa!

One huge thunder buster rolled past us this morning, shaking everything that was loose and scaring our kitty. Such a sound at the front door and before we could get to it, she was in the garage begging to get inside with us. Our pets dependence on us really melts my heart.

My sinuses are clear today, thanks to all of you who prayed and to God who sent the rains to settle the pollen and mold. But I have to tell you, the storm this morning was really heading right to us, got up to the city limits this time and my daughter and son, both were calling me to take shelter, so I did! Jesus Shelter that is. Neither one of them had started their work day yet, were fastened to the weather station and saw the storm moving with lightening speed due east from OK City. You all know what I did, same as I always do, and the storm bowed its head and moved south to the wastelands of the old strip mines that fill in the area south of the Interstate. OH, GOD IS SO GOOD, and good all of the time, right Marge! We didn't have the computers on yet, we were still lounging around in our PJ's but we did watch it on the local weather programs. We have weather feeds from Tulsa,OK; Ft. Smith,AR; The Weather Channel and even get one feed from Fayetteville, AR. Everyone of them showed the big dark red/maroon storm with the black center moving right at us and then SUDDENLY IT BOWED IT HEAD, and went to the wastelands. Hubby kept saying "Go North, go north" but my request was "turn south where no one will be hurt" and it did.

You know, people can believe it or not, doesn't really matter to me one iota. You can't take something away from any Spirit filled believer that God has manifested His self in doing. If you had a withered leg and after asking God to heal you, it suddenly became a live, moving, growing leg, you would know without a doubt that GOD! had moved on you and healed your leg. Do you think for one second that any person, no matter what or who they said they were or what they believed or said about your testimony of the healing, could take away your firm and true witness of God's Amazing Grace? I know you can't with me and I have a whole slew of friends who are praying the same prayers as I am that will never turn loose of what God is doing for our community. God is so alive in each of us and we have no reason to be defeated or filled with fear. He is the Great I AM! There is no other and never will be.

So, JEN, LORI, MARGE, MIKE, JOHN, JIB, ALESIA, MAC, LISA, LIGHTSHINE, LINDA, and ME: Our God is more than able to take us through, protect us with his mighty power, overcome all of the attacks of the enemy and deliver all of us into the Kingdom of Heaven to HIS Glory. Sickness was overcome with the stripes of Jesus Christ back in the dungeon where they beat our Savior with whips that were equipped with shards of broken glass, metal stripes, and broken bones that were all sharp like razors. Those whips tore the flesh from our Saviors bones and he had no resemblance of a man because of it. His body was totally shredded and those are the stripes we were healed with. He paid it all and it isn't a nice picture but you can all forget a body that was easy to look on hanging on that cross. He was abused beyond anything we could ever imagine and even Mel Gibson's "The Passion" could not stand the thought of really presenting a totally gruesome Savior hanging on that cross. It was bad enough what he could show but it wasn't enough in the truest sense of the word. He isn't on that cross any longer, he is sitting at the right hand of God, ever interceding for all of us. But don't give up hope because we are seated right there with him. Ephesians 2: 1 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places IN Christ Jesus:
7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast."

You noticed that Paul tells us we are seated IN CHRIST JESUS! From that I don't have any doubts that Satan does not have the authority to afflict us when Jesus Paid the price for it all. Not unless you are accustomed to paying twice, three times, etc. over and over again for the same things.

I am talking to myself just as much as I am to everyone else. If God is going through every trial and attempted torments with us, we gotta win! God has never been a looser. AMEN ? Amen!


TexanForChrist said...

Thank you all for filling my spirit..

It's been a trying time of late, sorry I haven't been able to keep up.. I'm so thankful that I get the emails from our blog.

Been in Mexico City for a few days looking for a new site for our center...

Granny, this is the cornflicker removal tool from Norton. I have used a lot of different antivirus etc tools and have now moved to Norton 2009 internet security suite. Its about $79 but lets you install on 3 machines. It's speed is orders of magnatude faster than anything else I've found and they have dropped there CPU and Memory usage by a LOT! At first I thought the installation had failed because it only took about 1 minute!!.

Keeping you all in my prayers and all prayer requests are acted on by both me and my Father..

Get to go out on a cruise next week, just me and DW!!! No kids this time.. not that a 18 and 21 year old would want to have anything to do with mom and dad, I mean what do we know...

Haven't made it to the cave in weeks, if any giant news breaks next week, would someone send me an email? Unfortunatly blackberry's now work even on cruise ships..

Great Grany 5 said...

MIKE, Good hearing from you too. What is going on in Mexico? Sounds very 007 to me.

Thank you for the Link to the Cornflicker removal site. I am getting rid of Trend Micro INternet Security very quickly. This is about the 4th time I have been hit hard with a trojan and a worm, along with their nasty cousins. Big bucks for Trend each time and if they can't keep my personal used computer safe, what will they do for anything commercial I would want to accomplish?

You know we will keep you posted and I will, for your sake, try to keep my comments briefer, if possible. I could resort to Part 1, part 2, etc.

Anyway, thank God for Blackberries, blue berries and strawberries. LOL


campsmore said...

Mike, I have an email flash I could put you on if you desire. If so email me at:, please put news signup in the subject line.

I will remove you upon your request, no problems, or no worries as Mac might say.

Jen said...

Hi friends,
I had a great day in the Lord and wanted to share a little praise for Him...
Yesterday I took some meals to the lady I mentioned, Linda, who just had bladder cancer surgery. When I got to the house, her car was there but she didn't anawer the door. I ended up leaving the food with a neighbor who said he would deliver it later on. (We guessed she had gone to a dr. appt.) I was a little bummed because I had intended to visit with her and pray for her needs.
She called that evening to apologize for not being home (she was at the drs.) and said she hoped to meet me sometime when she was back up my way at church (our church is very big and it's easy to not meet most people unless you've been there a very long time.)
Well I was down her way again today so I decided to drop in and see if she was home. She was and we ended up visiting for over an hour, just talking about her health situation and her family. I learned alot about her and shared some about our lives, too. I couldn't get a read on her relationship with Christ as she didn't mention faith at all during our visit. I'm actually not even sure she's a member at our church...could just be that she has friends there. Anyway, before leaving, I asked if I could pray for her and she welcomed that. I had asked Holy Spirit to guide me beforehand and give me boldness to share Him and I was able to do that. I spoke of His great love for her and the plans that He has to bring about all good things for her in the days ahead. It felt great on my end to let that loose and not keep it bottled up for myself. Anyway, just wanted to share that little bit of sunshine (it's been a gray day here.)

On another note, I was thinking of sharing a link to an article I read at Billye Brim's site (the Feb 09 newletter). I happened upon it when Grany gave the link at the cave. It is a fascinating piece on the early spiritual awakening that took place in the colonies before our nation was born. I really had no idea how unchurched we were before we gained our independence and how the work of traveling pastors (particularly George Whitefield) brought the isolated communities back into fellowship, in preparation for the vital work of founding the nation on Judeo/Christian principles. Had Whitefield not worked so tirelessly and feverishly, we may have turned out a very different nation. It also explains the difference between a revivial and an awakening. Scott's comments about the uptick in spiritual warfare made me think of it because I believe, as others do, that God is preparing for a major move and I'm starting to think it's not going to be revival, but rather an awakening. What's the Scripture about the harvest overtaking the workers? I'm glad the Lord is calling me and preparing me in boldness so that I can be useful to Him as the wakening occurs.

OK - gotta attend to the other half of my life now :-)
Have a blessed Sunday tomorrow. We're doing baptisms at church and I always love attending those events. We have a full immersion tub up front and while the babes in Christ are baptised, a video plays with them sharing their journey and how they came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Never a dry eye...


boatman909 said...


The Awakening is coming!!

We had another prophesy this morning in church about it, and that we are to be prepared for an Awakening the like of which the world has never seen before, and will never see again... It's coming very soon.


Jen said...

Hi friends,
One of Grany's big red bulls-eyes coming to us in minutes...praying in the name of Jesus for it to bow and break up. If anyone is checking here, please join with me for our home and neighborhood to be protected :-)


Jen said...

God is good!!!!!
I posted my prayer and had a word with the storm and by the time I went downstairs to watch the local storm coverage with hubby, the radar was showing that the red parts were already over us!
We had nothing more than a firm rain...none of the 2-inch hail that was falling to our west and almost no wind at all. The sun came out and had it been a little earlier, it would have been perfect rainbow conditions.

Earlier today, I was out for a walk with the kids and the clouds were still big and puffy white at that point. Josh pointed to one really big one and said, "That's Jesus' cloud, Mommy." I was kinda taken aback and asked what Jesus was doing on His cloud. Josh said, 'Throwing toys down for us!' He may have been a bit optimistic, but I'm learning more and more than if God says it's possible, then it really is!

Off to round up for bedtime...check in later.

Marge said...

Just like we can believe God to keep us from the (storms)weather,...God can also keep us from the storms of life. They may be going on all around us, but we know we're in God's loving protection and care.

Thanks for the good words!

Have a great week, everyone!


Jen said...

Hi Marge,
Yes, it's so comforting to think of God caring for us in ALL aspects of our life. Kinda like a kid in a candy store who has just been given free reign! I picture it like the opening scene of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where the children are allowed to eat anything they limits :-) I admit I used to view God's care differently, like it was a lottery system and perhaps I had already had my number called. Or worse, it was a martyr mentality where enduring suffering and lack was a way to prove your love and loyalty to God. I like the candystore much better!
(I don't mean to be flip and I know there ARE responsibilities we have as the children. Sometimes it's just good, though, to let the thought of God spoiling me fill my mind :-)

Quick question I've been meaning to ask...
what is everyone's favorite Bible to use? I mean, what translation/version? I'm thinking of getting a new one and don't know where to begin looking.

boatman909 said...


Here's my choice..

New King James - for reading and studying - I even have a "Through the Bible in a year" with daily readings that I use as my devotional reading.

Amplified for getting to a deeper understanding of the underlying text. (I think you can get a larger than normal print size from Joyce Meyer's Ministries, and it's not much larger than the standard version - very readable.


Marge said...

I have a Dake's Bible, several KJV, and a large print Amplified Bible. (The Amplified Large print Bible I bought almost ten years ago now, in a Bible book store, in Puyallup, that's since gone out of business)

Of course, the Dake's Bible is in KJV. But it contains so much more, in the way of study and reference material. I would highly recommend considering buying a Dake's Bible.

I have had many other versions of the Bible, as well. The Living Bible, and such. But I've passed them on to some of my Granddaughters/family. Oh, and I also have The Message. It's kinda fun, too :)

Jen said...

Hi friends,
Me again :-)
I wanted to ask for your prayers for me today/tonight/tomorrow. I decided this morning (on the way out the door for school) that I want to go to the ER today and ask/insist that my right eye ache/pain be investigated. I do have an MRI appt. for April 10th, but I'm not comfortable waiting that long. I've been avoiding things long enough and now that I've been given a clean slate by the eye dr. and the endo dr. doesn't think my thyroid is causing it, I feel that I shouldn't wait to find the cause. So Bob is going to watch the kids after he gets home from work and I'm going to drive myself there and basically ask them to do what it takes to at least make sure it's not something very major. I have a calm heart about it and will be taking my Scriptures along with me to keep me grounded in the Word. But I do covet your prayers and know that being in agreement with the Word will be a great resource for me until this situation is resolved.

Thanks a bunch!

PS. If you don't hear from me for a few days (I'll be in touch if I'm at home), Bob's email is rk 80 gunner @ comcast . net I would hope that we would know to touch base here with updates in the event that I'm not able to, but just in case he doesn't think to, you could get in touch with him there.)

campsmore said...

Father, we lift up Jen to you. Lord she is your child. We know your word says that it's your will that she prosper and be in health even as her soul prospers. We claim her full and complete healing for her and know she is in complete agreement with our words. You said if one can put a hundred to flight, two can put a thousand to flight, well, there are more than two of us agreeing here right now. Father, we expect your mighty hand to move in Jen's life and we thank you in advance for your mighty love, grace and power. We bind any evil forces of darkness that would discourage her, and attack her in Jesus name. Lord we give you all the glory, honor and praise, because it all belongs to you anyway.

We love you and thank you for such a dear sister.

Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, agreeing with you on your very brave frontal attack to overcome the evil that is trying to latch onto you regarding your eyes.

Agreeing and repeating, out loud, Lori's prayer right now.

Jen, I 2nd John and Marge's bible recommendations. If you go for the Dakes, get the one that is larger print. If they have one, email me and let's talk about you adopting one of mine, OK!

Just got back from Ft. Smith and really in a dither. I don't have a clue what is going on in my Spirit but something is really stirring and I am finding it very difficult to remain seated very long. I am going to get off of the computer for a length of time in order to overcome the anxiety that is trying to over take me. God is in control of my life and I will not give in to this thing. Not drinking any coffee, tea or pop but just sucking up the presence of the Lord.


Jen said...

Hello friends,
Well, that didn't take long!
Bob is now delighting in the following statement: "The doctor examined her head and they didn't find anything!" HaHa...I know I'll be hearing that one for awhile, but it's true and I give Jesus all my praise for it!
I ended up having 2 different CT scans and they came back normal. The ER dr. did say that he thought my right eye looked a little larger/protruding than the left, but only if you really studied them. I'll report to my various other doctors tomorrow and see if they still want me to have the MRI. I'm not clear on the difference between the two and whether one could show nothing while the other could show something. In any case, I am just leaping inside with joy at God's caretaking of me today. Thank you Lori and Grany for your prayers. I felt complete peace the whole time I was there and I know that in itself is serving as a witness to others here and in the family.
So the battle continues, but today's skirmish has been won! Now it's on to the thyroid and the victory that waits for me there.

Have a blessed and peaceful night...I'm going to :-)


Marge said...

Praise God for your good medical results today!

I had one of my sons, (John, from Forks, WA.) and my Granddaughter (Rachael, age 15) come down to visit this afternoon. It was so much fun seeing them! Of course, they enjoyed the trip, and such, too. It's Spring Break around here, for the majority of WA. State schools :)

Give all your stress to the Lord. Standing with you, for great shalom in your life.


Marge said...


(drum roll, please...)

Bob got his bone and bone marrow testing results (from this Monday) back today, and he is CANCER FREE!!!



God IS good, and good all the time!

Many thanks to all who agreed with us in prayer, for total and complete healing for Bob.


Psalm 34:1

I WILL bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Amen!

Marge said...

Lisa Shaw sends her love to everyone, too!

Lisa is also agreeing in prayer, for the prayer requests I sent to her.

Lori's husband getting another position.

And Jen's and Wilma's eyes.

Looking for more praise reports, too! (smile)

Expect miracles!

God is a God of miracles! Amen!

Jen said...

WONDERFUL news, Marge!
So glad to hear that Bob has received his promised healing. That's just good news all around
And glad you mentioned Lisa. I was thinkign of her yesterday and wondering how she is doing. Miss hearing from her.

Well, I've got a busy day tomorrow/Fri. so I'm off to bed. I'm working on a new post at my blog that you all might enjoy. Stop over in a day or two and look for a post on gardening.

Night night!

Great Grany 5 said...

JEN, that is wonderful news about your scans being perfectly Godly made and kept. Hallelujah! Glory!

MARGE, Oh, I am celebrating with you and Bob on this one. He's free and you know that he is! YES! YES!

My episode was the result of accepting a free coke product and a Coney Island sandwich at Sam's Club while we were shopping on Tuesday. I know the real meaning now of "No such thing as a free lunch". LOL

Marge made me say that!

Anyway, if you guys haven't seen the article that Lisa linked to at the Cave about Bud Feldkamp, Google his name and read the things that the various people on the blogs have found out about him. But the one that really painted a real picture of God's judgment, look at THIS

Look at the picture of the crash at the top of the page. Could hat memorial the article tells about, be to right over the shoulder of the man standing on the left hand side of the picture. It is odd shaped and looks like a fetus in a womb. Looks more like a glob in the picture and doesn't seem to be tombstone like the others.


Jen said...

OK - this is totally off the wall but I can't stop pondering the possibility....tell me if I'm nuts or not, please!

Everyone heard that O gave the Queen an iPod with photos and showtunes on it, right? I just heard this afternoon that the ipod also included audio files of 2 of his major speeches (Dem convention and inauguration.) Something about it just doesn't sit well with me. It goes along with him calling Bob Basso (of youtube Thomas Paine fame) to the White House to 'discuss' the videos being made and the weekly cocktail parties where guests mingle and chat with O. I've heard talk about reinstituting the 'fireside' chat, too.
I've been trying to figure out what exactly about these things is so unsettling. It's not the fact that I think the Queen deserved something more appropriate than a techtoy. It's not the principal-calling-the-troublemaker-to-his-office move, although that seems over the top in terms of reaction. It's not the glitzy hobnobbing during a major economic downturn either because I know that stuff happens in all presidencies. So what's the common denominator in all these settings? I think it's the fact that it's being in the presence of O's voice.
Does that make sense or connect with anyone else? Have I been reading too many tinhat theories?
I usually don't get wrapped up that stuff, but I know that things are happening that don't fit the usual mold and as the battle is waged, new and more subtle attacks will be brought to the front and put into use.
Just needed to get that off my mind. Thanks for letting me vent :-)
Alright, back to the Rock for some RnR.

Great Grany 5 said...

You asked about getting Bob Basso to Washington was an attempt to get him in the range of The One's voice. Well, that is an idea and one that I have looked into many times in the past. Especially during the primaries and election days. He is using an old trick that the Communist used back in the 50's but even before that there was a technique developed to "enchant" people by vocalizations and it all hinged on occult psychology. I can't remember the name of it and my searches got wiped out by the computer malfunction back in November. But it is a well known fact that people felt like they were placed under a spell concerning The One.

My DH experienced it and I about flipped. He disliked everything that he had read about the man and was so vehemently opposed to even the name. Then, one night he was curious as to what The One was telling people in Ohio, I think. I just knew the TV was going to go silent at any minute and DH would be out in the kitchen ragging mad at the whole thing. But no, he came and told me that he was greatly impressed with what the One had to say. I asked him to repeat what he had just said and he did, word for word.

So, after your question here, I did some checking and if you will Google Bob Basso Silenced, you will find a wealth of info regarding the whole thing. The One admonished Bob to not discuss what their conversation had been. Then The One called the talk radio station and warned them not to discuss it either. That is pure CENSORSHIP ON THE PART OF THE ONE!

Now I am referring to him as "0" and if I am ever called by "0" I will be very delighted to tell him to take a hike and if he proceeds any further, I will file a major complaint and protest against him.

You know, there is more on the blog to be concerned with than a dark skinned Arab/Muslim. Talking is one thing, doing is a totally different realm.

By the way, our comment count is now 166.


Jen said...

Hi Grany,
I really think that's how throngs of people are becoming so enraptured with his message. And it explains the great reliance on the tele prompters as well. If you read the Left Behind books, you'll remember that C had a similar skill. That always stuck in my mind after reading the first book but it's freaky to see it happening in real life.
And wanna hear something else freaky? Just after I posted my last comment, the phone rang and called ID said "Washington, DC." No message was left....or was there???? Mwahahahaha....

;-) Jen

Marge said...

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It's finally beginning to look a lot more like Spring has sprung here in western WA. State :)

We even had good weather (this last Sat.) for the Daffoldil parade! Now THAT is something! Usually it's raining/windy, and cold. Yesterday we had temps. in the high 60's :) It was GREAT!

How is everyone doing? Not a lot going on in the "peanut gallery," LOL! Yeah, I'm THAT old :)

Any prayer requests? Any praise reports? Anyone,...anyone? (smile)

Have a wonderful week, and keep smiling!


Marge said...

correction: daffodil

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
We had a nice day yesterday with hubby's family ( we celebrate Easter a week early with them since we travel to my family for the actual holiday.) It was warm and sunny for the first time since the kids were born so we were able to have an egg hunt in the back yard. Today it's back to rain and clouds, but a peek of spring was great medicine for us all!

Our seed planting endeavor is going nicely. About 99% of the seed cups have sprouted (broccoli, tomato and pepper). We'll plant the rest after the holiday. I posted my blog entry on gardening. It includes the kids reciting memory verses (two kinds of seed-planting going on in our house.) Stop by if you need a smile :-)
