Gospel of Mark 17-19 (KJV)
and Jesus said:
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God
The Fall Feast begin 29 Sept 2008 with Feast of Trumpets.
An Interesting article.
Feast of Trumpets
16 years ago
Thanks for the new post! And a VERY GOOD one, I might add. Too bad we don't always do what it says, though :( Myself, included.
It's always made me cringe when I hear beleivers say, God is in control. So, basiclaly we can sit down on our "blessed assurance," and wait for God to act. NOT! After the Father sent Jesus to live a sinless life, and then become our one time sacrifice for sin, WE (the body of Christ) are suppose to go about doing the works of Jesus. Because He left the power with the church. (believers) And if we don't believe the N.T. (I don't know why any of us would be here, if we didn't, though :) all you have to do is look in the O.T. to see that these problems/tribulations we all go thru, come from the enemy of our souls.
1. Job 13: 15a "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him."
2. Daniel 3: 17 and 18, and 18b says, "we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."
We need that kind of resolve in our Christian walk. That's a given.
But WHO was "behind" these attacks, and misfortunes? The enemy of our souls, that's who.
As blood purchased believers, who have been given the authority to use the name of Jesus, what are we doing? Now that's what "change" is all about, IMHO. What kind of change are making in today's world?
A good question for all of us.
Anyhow, if God had things all under control, again, IMHO, He's got things in a pretty good sized mess, now doesn't He? (okay, put down those stones, I'm just making a point :) So, the next time someone says, God has things under control? You might want to pray about giving them a Bible based reply to that comment? Or not. Sometimes it will only cause an argument. (if they're not willing to accept the concept.) However, this battle is all thru the Bible. And it won't be (completely) resolved until the end of Rev., either.
Stepping off my soapbox :)
Have a good day, and remember: God loves you, and so do I!
Faith is a fact, but it's also an act!
Marge did a good job of getting the laundry clean while she was on her soap box, didn't she.
I agree whole heartedly about it Marge and when people say that it just really causes me to quake, rattle and roar! God is sovereign but there is no one big enough, smart enough or religious enough to convince of God being in control of this earth and I will stare down the best of them over it. That is the same as saying that God is the creator of evil.
Let me say it like this, God created us for his good pleasure to fellowship and commune with. Man turned it to buttermilk by rebellion and until that rebellion is fought to the last man/woman/child, Satan is in control of the World but only as far as the Body of Christ allows it to be. We got weapons and we have the Creator's Word and His son't promises that we are the overcomers who overcome.
Ok, Marge, you can get back up on the soap box with me because I just made it a bigger box to stand on.
All of you who are just passing by, please feel free to include your thoughts on this.
Oh, my goodness do we ever had a lot to learn but learn it we will and very soon too.
Mike, I loved the links too and I am still enjoying the excursion.
Love you all,
Well, as long as we're at it. (big smile)
I was listening to my Kenneth E. Hagin DVD's this morning. (just started them again) And he makes the point of prayer not getting the "whole" job done. Which, when you say that to some believers they're ready to (almost) attack :(
Kenneth Hagin, likened prayer to: breathing.
And God Word, and acting on God's Word, as eating.
Like he said, you can go without one for a little while, but not for long :)
Another thing he said, "was knowledge acted upon brings results." We do have authority/power over all the attacks of the enemy. (read the book of Ephesians for a refresher)
And it doesn't matter how we "feel" because we have been given the authority to use the name of Jesus.
Example; a traffic police-person doesn't stop the traffic by their own power. It's by the authority given to them, by whoever. (City/State, etc.) They don't have to jump up and down, yell, and go into any weird manifestations to get the job done. No, they're acting upon the authority given to them.
The Bible also says, we are ambassadors. According to my dictionary (I went there for the spelling, actually, LOL!) an ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank, sent by one sovereign or state to another. That being said, we are "in the world, but not of the world." And as heavenly citizens we are living in heavenly places already, according to the Bible. HOWEVER, (ahem, smile) if not acted upon? It does us, little, or no use, unfortunately :( Going back to Kenneth Hagin, "these things aren't going to fall on us, like ripe cherries." It's up to us.
Upon closing, (oh yeah, like this woman can do that one, LOL!) I would have to repeat what I heard Kenneth Hagin once say. (more than once, in fact) Anyhow, he said, that if we don't act upon the promises and provisions that God has made available to us? We're acting like, poor old God. He's up in heaven, and has to start selling off some of the streets of gold, He's in such poor shape. And half the angels are down with the flu! NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! (and by the way, I never laughed so hard when I first heard this. it's making a point, so please, no one get upset, okay?)
Anyhow, the point being is that it's up to us.
One little tip of advise I would leave you with, concerning getting out of financial debt? Start planting some good seed, in the work of God. Don't eat your seed. Remember, the Bible says, there will always be seed time and harvest. It's an especially good time to plant a financial seed at this time of year. Before the Day of Atonement. Just a thought. I know I've already planted some good seed, recently, for another abundant harvest.
God bless, and hopefully, no one was offended. This isn't the purpose for my comments. Not in the least bit. Just one believer to another, sharing some thoughts/insight.
Had to post and run this morning, as John is back in the hospital with parcreas-itis? Unfortunatly I never got to finish the link I posted. Please let me know if it's not sound. But I thought you might like to see it.
Maranatha soon...(sorry granny but I hope your wrong about this 29th)
My family is going to participate in the wave on Sept 29th.
My boss gave me the day off.
I am going to read a few things in Hebrew and then we're all going to shout!
Sounds like a good time, just a little reminder to let God know we're ready whenever He is.
We must work until He comes, press on, tell the world that Jesus lives and is coming again.
I have the 29th marked on my calendar, too. I'll be home with the kids, so maybe we all get pots and pans out and have a march around the wall of Jerico (my Josh LOVES that song...thinks it's written about him :-) Or perhaps we'll put on their praise CDs and sing along really loudly. Has there ever been a similar event that we know of? (Other than in Jewish homes?)
Quick prayer request...I took dinner over to Valerie tonight and spent about 1/2 hour with her. She told me that in a fit of desperation, she hired a day 'nanny' to be with her 4 days a week. Didn't do any background checks, etc. Well, she's come to learn that the woman is a lesbian and she brought over her partner the other day to help out. Apparently, they are both compulsive liars and have spun all kinds of unbelievable tales about their lives. Valerie is beginning to suspect they might actually be drug users (she's a nurse and has spotted some tell-tale signs, plus her gut instinct says something's not right.) They seem too cozy with the babies and it crossed my mind that they might have very bad intentions concerning the children. Please join me in praying a protective hedge around the family. I'm kinda at the end of my rope in terms of what I can do to help out but making dinner a few times a week and being in constant prayer may be exactly what I was called to do in the first place.
As for our trip, we had a wonderful time and the weather cleared up for beautiful beach and boardwalk outings both Sat & Sun. The kids were brave enough to stand at the breakers this year and get splashed. Lots of good memories and reasons to praise our Father!
Maybe it was because I wasn't at home or under stress from work, etc. and my mind was calm and clear to receive instruction, but I woke up Sat. morning and something rather profound dawned on me regarding my relationship with Jesus. I think Grany mentioned that for years she knew all the right verses and stories of the Bible and knew what was pleasing to God, but still struggled with the 'how' and all those verses that didn't make sense. I was in that same boat until I received the full measure of the Spirit. Since then (almost a year now!) so much stuff that I had to ignore or glaze over has begun to make sense. Like I said, I must have been teachable first thing Saturday morning because I suddenly understood what it means to have Jesus living in me. I've heard that phrase since I was in elementary Sunday School and I've strived to live that kind of life, but always fallen short. I've walked a "what would Jesus do" kind of walk, trying to imitate what I know He did in Scripture and would want me to do now as a
21st century believer. But I suddenly realized that Jesus is actually living and working in me, getting all the stuff done He couldn't do here after His resurrection to Heaven. And He does that work in every believer who submits fully to Him. I realized it's not "WWJD?" but rather "What does Jesus want to get done today?" My efforts to stay in His will are going to come up short because I'm still trying to do stuff on my own, albeit in ways that are aimed to please Him. But when I submit to Him and yield to the instruction and guidance of Holy Spirit, I don't have to worry about operating in my own flawed desire to walk with Him. I can be like the clay that is being formed by the potter...the clay doesn't attempt to form itself into the vase, but rather submits to being formed by One who knows exactly how to do it. I can't quite explain how important that understanding was to me and maybe others will react with, "Duh, Jen..." And it's certainly not the end of the process. In many ways, I feel like I'm just beginning my walk with the Lord. These ah-hah! moments are such a treasure because I know there will be others and I don't have to settle for that half-baked feeling I had for so long about my Christian walk. I knew I was on the technically right path, but I also knew there had to be so much more. What a joy to know there is!
There's another 2 cents to start off this post :-)
I love that thought Jen, "What does Jesus want to get done today."
Really makes you stop and think about what you are planning and whether or not it's what needs to be done for the Kingdom.
On another note, had a wonderful 2 days (evenings) of meetings last week across the border (as a newly minted Canadian now!) with Dr Dufresne - apart from my own church, there are very few (= none) churches I can go to that come even close to preaching the whole gospel, and none that talk about walking in the Spirit and operating by faith.
I agree totally with Marge and Grany's comments on how many believers talk about how God is in control and then complain about how much trouble they are in It's amazing how angry and upset they get if you even suggest that God is not in control on the earth - and when you add that in fact we (the Church) are supposed to be, well....
Morning, all!
John, good to hear from you :-)
I have to say that the idea of God not being in control is so contrary to what I grew up believing (and so I'm sure is what most others who were 'churched' have also been taught) that the thought of anything else still makes me a bit antzy. I think it's the idea that somehow God didn't realize how crafty Satan was going to be and things got too big for Him to handle. Or that we as the created beings are too full of ourselves and think we could do a better job. A different perspective is beginning to unfold in my understanding, however, as I continue to read and pray.
If I think of it as God handing power over to us - His complete choice, not something forced on Him or done outside His control - for a time, and supplying us with all the power needed to carry out His will and plan - I can sit comfortably with that concept. It's not that God dropped the ball and is scrambling to get it back, hoping we'll somehow come up with it and hand it back to Him. Part of His plan was to step back and give us the job of conquering until it's time for the final series of battle.
So that also helps me understand the various Scriptures about being more than conquerors and doing all that Christ did and more. Those were verses that I avoided or sugar-coated for a long time because I had no way of dealing with them otherwise. I read that article by Mark Biltz and in it he said that the gates of hell can't withstand the believer. He pointed out that the church has been afraid of a set of gates for centuries...nothing more! Makes you wonder just how much can be accomplished when we are fully participating in the Master's plan.
OK - gotta start the day.
Catch you later!
I love the "what does Jesus want to get done today?" too.
I am agreeing in prayer with you about the "caretaker" situation with Valerie.
Hi John!
Good to hear from you!
How about a Bible teaching along these lines? Or for that matter, anything that the Lord lays on your heart.
I'm so happy to see you, too!
That's absoltely right! What can you and the Lord do today?
Did you ever read, Good Morning Holy Spirit, by Benny Hinn? A great book! It's been years since I read it, but it opened up my eyes, concerning the work of the Holy Spirit within us.
I believe what you're leaving out, about the concept of God not being in control of the world? Is what Wilma made reference too. The fall of man, and free will. God is love. God loves us all. But He made us with a free will, and we can choose/have the power of choice. We can chose to do whatever we want to do. But we are also going to have to accept the results from those choices that were made. That's why sometimes, we need to pray for a "crop failure," (seed time and harvest) for some of the bad choices we've made over the years.
Okay, on a much brighter side? God has kept all of us from accidents, and who knows what. Only heaven will reveal the scope of His great love for us. But we need to realize, that the Holy Spirit is living in us, and waiting for us to listen to what He wants us to do. Just as you said, Lord, what can we do today?
Just a couple of thoughts. Anyone else? John, Mike, Grany, Lori, Grace, Mary, Mommyjen, anyone?
Have a great day, and God bless!
Oh my goodness! No wonder the Feast of Trumpets sounded so right! It's listed on the front of the new blog :) Too funny!
Mike, I am praying for your friend John. Pancreatitis is nothing to sneeze at and we all need to commit for His healing by the stripes of Jesus Christ. He is at the top, along with Jen's request. I know that God is a mighty God and there is none like him, no not one. However, he does expect us to ask and believe.
I really am going to bed now as this has been a very hard day for Hubby but you know what, I can truthfully tell all of you, I have a praise song in my heart that just will and does not stop. I thank God that he has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.
Agreeing in prayer with you!
And Shalom right back at you, too!
God IS a good God, and His goodness He will show to you!!!
To all,
I have just been offered a 6-month contract with the regional government as an IT Project Manager (very good pay!).
To understand how great a miracle of God's provision this is, this is the FIRST IT job I have managed to land since I came to Canada in 2001.
In fact, I have not worked since October 2000 until this summer. Since July of this year I have had an on-off-on job working as a driver for a virtual mapping company (not Google Maps), but so far this month I have worked precisely 2 days!!! I start again tomorrow, but now I can hand in my notice for the end of next week and start a REAL job!!
Praise the Lord - He is SO GOOD!!
Congrats, John,
What do you write in? I sometimes have ASP projects that I out source if your interested..
Some really good posts at the cave today..
Maranatha soon.. (11 days till the 29th maybe/pleaseeeee)
Congratulations on your new job! God is good, and good all the time!
I'm ready to go, too! (even though I don't base the timing of the rapture on the Jewish Feasts/Festivals :)
Jesus IS coming back again! The Bible says so, the angels said so, and Jesus said so! I can't wait, either :)
In fact, my ringer, on my cell phone plays, "When the Saints Go Marching In!" My son, David, set that up for me :) I love it!
JOHN, praise the Lord youngman and His mercies endure forever. I know you are relieved and anxious all at the same time. Not so much anxious as excited and that is wonderful. I am still praying for you because it is just part of me now.
Mike how is your fellow coworker getting along? He has been on my heart all day and late last night.
I am excited about our Good Old Gospel Shipping setting sail very soon too and it isn't something that I am trying to rev up either. I get up in the morning thinking it and the oldest old hymns keep rolling through my soul until I start singing and funny thing, Jim is joining in with me. Now that is a new wrinkle.
I am not much on theories about the signs and such but I do know that Joel Rosenberg's book "Ezekiel Option" was the hook in my jaw so to speak. I have always had a very keen interest in Old Testament customs and speech, even as a kid in grade school when we would put on Caesar for our Latin classes. Then when I started into the Junior High School church curriculum we had a fantastic minister who really was an outstanding student of prophecy and especially Eschatology. He loved the book of Daniel so it was nothing for me to throw off quotes about things I didn't have the slightest inkling about. Head knowledge. But I do remember studying the ceremonies surrounding the engagement and following wedding of Jewish couples. It was very inspiring to say the least.
But we never studied the Feasts and never in my memories did we discus the warnings about the blood moons and the sun turning black. Those were just to far out there for our tender ears. Besides, there was probably little understanding of those events world wide.
Now, we are in the middle of God displaying all of the marvelous mysteries of his word and we are caught up in the discussion. I enjoy the discussions but I really don't put much stock into them except to learn more of the possibilities of what could happen and we might, that is a big MIGHT be witnesses to it all. But if not, well, we can all watch from heaven.
Today has been a most amazing day - the Lord has been pouring out blessings on us...
1) Get the job offer this morning
2) Get a Costco rebate check in the mail - this was enough to buy a new 5'x8' area rug for our living room - much to my wife's delight.
3) Went shopping at The Bay department store - my wife is looking for a sweater - picks out a man's sweater (she likes baggy sweaters!) with a ticket price of $50 - when we get to the till it rings up at just a tad over $16!!
4) We decide to celebrate the new job by going to the local Outback steak restaurant - when the bill comes, we find that the manager has given us a 25% discount (for being regular customers!) - we had NOT mentioned we were celebrating anything.
Isn't God GOOD!!!
Yes, HE IS and like Marge sez, Good all of the time!
John, I am so delighted for you and your wife. WOW! that is what we call payback time, the good kind.
How long have you been standing in faith on God's word for this to happen? That is a blessing to God also and I am humbled by your stand.
Good God's blessings John.
Has anybody heard of Newtons riddle before?
Found it from a link of Lori's at the cave.
Sir Isaac Newton says the "62 weeks," or 434-year part was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the "seven weeks," or 49-year part will apply to the Second Coming.
If you use exactly 49 Jewish (360-day, prophetic) years from the day Israel captured the Temple Mount on June 7, 1967, you get 49 X 360 = 17640 days, which amazingly takes one exactly to September 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement 2015.
Now what I am about to say is personal speculation. If you go back 7 years from the Day of Atonement in 2015, you arrive at the Day of Atonement in 2008, October 9. Could this be the beginning of the final seven years?
This is further personal speculation. If the final 7 years do, in fact, begin October 9, 2008, then the rapture could be any day before then, such as in the Spring 2008, as many believe.
***End Quote***
You have to admit a lot of thing's keep pointing to a 29/30 Sept. for our launch date.
I also read that the webbot project shows 7 Oct as a major date, like it did with 9/11.
I hope and pray this is the year of our Lord's return, but if not I've learned to cast my cares upon him as He is much better able to handle them than me. What's the key phrase I'm thinking "Trust in the LORD"!
Marantha soooon..
John is feeling much better, it simply passed. His problem now is that they won't let him eat (since Monday!) and they won't let him leave the hospital. He is bored to tears, so I brought him a laptop, a DVD series on Daniel I had in the office and a bible. He's still sitting on the edge and I hope to push him off the cliff and right into our Fathers loving arms..
I really do have a sense that something really big is about to happen (outside the Rapture of course). I think the Grumpy's predications were right on, if not a little to conservative.
Listening for footsteps....
The affliction of John passed because the Name of Jesus was spoken over the pancreatitis. Everything has to bow and exit at the name of Jesus. I know the word says that every knee has to bend and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord but you see, demons aren't allowed to do that so they have to leave.
Give him our love, will you!
Your outline related to Newton, well, I have to say, it is very exciting. Things are just too close to be an accident or coincidence. If I can find it again, there was an astronomical discovery of several heavenly bodies all lined up for some unknown reason. If I can find it, I will post it here. Things are happening very fast right now and not just here on earth either.
Everyone, have a wonderful week end and keep looking up, cause he is coming very soon!
It gives me goose bumps to think about the soon return of Jesus.
Remember, (the song) Until then?
But until then my heart will go on singing,
Until then with joy I'll carry on,
Until the day, my eyes behold the city,
Until the day God calls me home.
(or comes for us in the rapture)
God bless, and keep smiling! Because one of these days, He WILL come again! PRAISE GOD!
Good night loved ones. Have a great week end and keep the joy flowing.
I want to repost here what I posted at the cave:
I just found out that my friend (Susan) whose daughter Jennifer is pregnant with the baby diagnosed with spina bifida will be having a C section on Monday at 8:30 AM.
The doctors want to take the baby (Kaitlynn) 2 weeks earlier than planned because of concern with the encephelitis.(sp)
I sooooo covet your prayers for them. Jen is the mom. Susan is my dearest friend.
Lord willing I may be going up to Tacoma where they live to be with them on Monday.
These are the most precious people in the world and God has been moving mightily in their family.
Whenever I tell them of all of the people praying for Kaitlynn and all they are so humbly grateful.
Grany said:
"The affliction of John passed because the Name of Jesus was spoken over the pancreatitis. Everything has to bow and exit at the name of Jesus. I know the word says that every knee has to bend and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord but you see, demons aren't allowed to do that so they have to leave."
...So, I pray, knowing that you will all agree with me, for the healing that little Kaitlynn needs. In the name of Jesus I speak this over her. I also speak peace and calm in Jennifer's emotions, spirit and body.
For Susan, praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed her in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. I pray for strength and wisdom and hope from the Holy Spirit.
In total agreement with your prayer, according to Matt. 18:19
"That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."
Also, taking the authority given to us, and using it is an "act of faith." (faith is a fact, but it is also an act.)
Remember the illustration of our traffic police-person? They are acting out of delegated authority.
(Which Jesus left to the Church/body of Christ) Now that police-person could say, oh I don't "feel" like I have any power (authority) today! I'm just going to pray (or ask) the Mayor, (whoever delegated that authority) and have them control the traffic today! What would happen? The Mayor isn't going to go out and control that traffic. They've already given that authority to the police-person. So, what will happen? Nothing, and plenty of it, is what will happen. The job won't get done, unless they do their part.
We are Ambassadors of Christ on this earth. And Jesus delegated that authority for us to use. It's up to us, to pray, interceed, and act in faith for a world that has fallen, and it's only hope is in Jesus Christ, the hope of glory.
So, let's all be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to do our part within the body of Christ.
Thank you for agreeing in prayer with me! I knew you would!!
I loved your illustration.
There was a conversation earlier that was talking about God NOT being in control...that He has given us the control and wants us to take the authority He has given us.
I have NEVER heard that before. I had to really think about that and it certainly puts a new light on some scriptures.
Will the rest of you here please join me in prayer for Jen, Susan and the baby?
Hi Grace,
Yes, it was a strange thought for me to ponder, too...the whole God not in control and we are thing. But if I view His "lack of control" as part of His plan (like Marge said, it's GIVEN to us, not taken away from Him...therefore He's actually in control of being outside of control...), then a whole lot of Scripture that I couldn't cipher before starts to make alot more sense.
Also, know that I am joining the others in prayer for the little baby coming Monday, Jen, Susan and all those involved in her delivery and care. Please keep us updated as the details develop.
According to Matt. 28:18 Jesus was given all power (authority) on earth, and then He turned around and delegated it to the Church. We are the body of Christ, and He is the head of the body.
Casting Crowns, have a song out, called: If We Are The Body.
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love nor showing them there is a way?
There is a way.
Jesus is the way.
Anyhow, when Adam fell, he gave the earth's lease over to satan. Satan's lease is about ready to run out. Satan is the present god of this world. (small "g")
But Praise God, Jesus came, and broke the power of the enemy. We are the body of Christ. Begin reading the letters to the Churches, especially in Ephesians.
How about some good Bible teching? Also Grany, Lori, etc.
that's: teaching :)
Well, since you asked... I'll share what Uncle Bob sent me. The other blog didn't seem interested, at least no one inquired...
so here it goes:
I was studying the story of Joseph in regards to Benjamin. Joseph Prince, the minister from Singapore, had said that he thought Benjamin represented "grace." I found him to be wrong, but he was on to something. In reality, Benjamin represents the church. Grace was given to him. Remember, Joseph gave him five times the amount of food (5 is the number for grace). There are a bunch of other things in this shadow, but for brevity's sake I will say that as soon as I saw Benjamin as the church, everything in the Judges story became clear. As an aside, though, a mystery was cleared up for me as to the divining cup put in Benjamin's sack. I always wondered about that since God was against divining. I now see that shadow as representing the fact that God gave us (the church) a "look" into heaven, the same as divining cups were used to look over the other side of death.
Here is what I see in the Judges story:
The concubine is the Law or Old Covenant. That makes so much sense now because even Paul tells us that Haggar (a concubine) was the Old Covenant and Sarah was the New Covenant.
The Five days the Levite delayed is speaking of Grace. Once Grace was concluded (Jesus' crucifixion), the concubine (Law) was killed.
We then go into the Israelites fighting the Benjaminites (Jews versus the church), which lasts for two days (2,000 years). On the third day the Benjaminites see the cloud of smoke leave (The church becomes an apostate church and the Holy Spirit/Cloud leaves the church).
The Benjaminites are destroyed. A remnant must be given a bride. They get their bride from Jebesh Gilead (Jebesh comes from the root word for Jerusalem and Gilead means rock, thus rock of Jerusalem being Jesus). This is a shadow of the rapture. (Actually, remember that bride and bridegroom are almost interchangeable - they speak of a union).
After that another group of Benjaminites needs a bride, which they get from Shilow. The key here is Shilow. That was the place of the original tent of meeting for God before Solomon's temple. This group of Benjaminites is the tribulation church.
I wish I had hours to go into more details right now, but Shilow is the big deal for me. It was impressed on me that this meant that the church during tribulation times would be solely Jewish. It would include no Gentiles, which makes sense when we consider that the "time of the Gentiles" would have been completed. What God seemed to be impressing on me was that all of us are wrong when we think (like the Left Behind series) that our loved ones who are left behind after the rapture will have a chance. I believe from what I am seeing in this shadow that all Gentile eyes will be blinded, like the Jewish eyes are now. This thought sent chills up me. It makes me realize even more the need for evangelism now. I should have seen that because the 144,000 evangelists are all Jewish. When the days of the Gentiles is completed, it is completed. Our loved ones have until the rapture.
My response to him:
Dear Uncle Bob,
I have one question regarding the theory that only Jews will be saved after the rapture. So are you saying that the evangelists will only be evangelizing the Jewish population? I sure hope you're wrong. lori
His comeback:
Dear Lori,
That is the impression I am getting. It is totally new to me, too, but as I said, it does make sense since we are told that the end comes when the time of the Gentiles is complete. I guess complete means complete. love, Uncle Bob
Dear Bob, what you are saying is very frightening. I do remember you telling me that in the Bible, a woman always symbolized the church. Please tell me more of what you believe. With the Spirit of God. Tom
Dear Tom,
No, a woman does not always represent the church. In this case, the woman (concubine) represents the Law (old Covenant). Adulteresses normally represent idol worship or any worship other than that of God. In Christ, Bob
Bob, Wow that bothers me about Aunt Catherine..............!! If so, "Lord delay your return till her heart softens." Sharon
Dear Sharon,
It did me, too, but the more I think about other scriptures today, the more I think it is corect. Love, Bob
Me, too. However, I don't think that is the end of the prophecy, there is more; those numbers most likely mean something just as Ezekiel being on each side. Sharon
Okay, I challenge you to chew on that for a while.... lori
However, Joseph Prince teaches that "we" are the Benjamin generation. (the church) And that 5does represent the no. of grace, associated with Benjamin. (and 5 times the favor) I believe your Uncle Bob, (maybe) turned off Joseph Prince's broadcast too soon, and didn't get the entire teaching. Okay, that is where the teaching of Joseph Prince leaves off, from what I've heard.
I agree with that teaching. I dunno about the rest. interesting, though.
You may want to correct your Uncle Bob, about what Joseph Prince teachs, though.
Joseph Prince is an awesome Bible teacher, in my opinion.
I sent Uncle Bob a copy of your note and this is his response...
Your friend misunderstood me. I actually like Prince a lot. He is very, very good and I watch him often and read his books.
Yes, I understand that Prince teaches that we are the "Benjamin Generation," and I understand what he is saying and agree with him that we are the generation of grace; however, in his new small book The Benjamin Generation, Prince also says that Benjamin represents "grace" itself. On this point I think he is wrong.
Benjamin very clearly represents the church, which is given grace, just as Benjamin was given five times the food at the feast. Five again being the number for grace. Benjamin does not represent a personification of grace. There is a distinct difference. It is a minor one considering what Prince is trying to talk about, that being that we are the "grace" generation, which we are. However, it becomes a major point when trying to understand Biblical prophecy such as was given in the story in Judges. The two remnant groups of Benjaminites obviously represent our church and the tribulation church. The two groups do not represent different forms of grace. Grace is grace.
Once again, though, I will say that Joseph Prince is one of the very best around.
Love, Uncle Bob
Hi Grany,
Quick note about your stuggle with the issue of why don't all Christians share the same view on topics related to our faith...
The first thing that came to my mind when I read your comment was that if we all read the Scriptures the same and interpreted them in unity, it would be like giving the playbook to the opposing team's coach. If we were all in agreement, Satan could just take notes and be prepared ahead of time for everything that God has intended to bring about to rescue us from this terrible state we've gotten ourselves into. With so many interpretations and scenarios constantly set forth, his job is much harder. He has to keep track of everything and come up with ideas for getting each separate group off the straight and narrow, rather than focusing on a body of believers that are of one mind.
I'm not suggesting that God intentionally sets out to confuse us, but could it be that by allowing the various views and interpretations, He's actually protecting us and scattering the forces that want to bring about our demise? Just some thoughts that crossed my mind....
On another topic, I heard another one of those Obama ads on TV today about 'the change we can believe in' or some such thing. Into my mind popped 1 Cor. 15:52...For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. I had to chuckle as I thought, now THAT will be change we all will believe in!
Now this headline gave me the heebie-jeebies! What are the chances he would use that analogy?????
Obama lectures 900 rabbis: my campaign is like a shofar
And I was going to go watch TV. What silliness I entertained. But I hurt for my friend Joyce and I am calling you all to prayer, please.
Also, for Alesia's daughter. I took off this afternoon because I really did want to talk to some of my wonderful Christian sisters. These women are mostly the Joyce Meyer, Marilyn Hicky type and Minerva, well, she is very real and precious. Minerva is wonderful mahogany evangelist who travels all over this country winning the lost to God's Kingdom. My, you would all love her and she doesn't possess a single grain of hesitancy in her whole body. I just wish I could share her with you all. She lives, breathes and exudes Christ all of the time and she isn't shy about correcting either. WEll, she wasn't home and in fact was in another town preaching. If I had known that, I would have been there attending to her every word.
But you see, her life is teaching and preaching and attending to the duties of an evangelist. She didn't go seeking the job either. God yanked her out of an everyday life and poured his wisdom, knowledge and understanding into her in huge measures. Then He Anointed her with grace, mercy and humbleness all rolled into one lovable person who Just Loves The Lord.
I am going to make arrangements with our local internet service for Minerva to have DSL service and I am planning on turning her loose on the blog. My, my, my! That will be fun. Oh my!
Anyway, what I wanted to say is that when I asked my question about why everyone who says they are saved all have different theories about what the scriptures say, I got 12 different answers. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
So, just maybe Jen, it is to keep the devil preoccupied with trivia and give us plenty of learning space so that when the last big battle on this earth comes about before the church leaves, we will know up from down and not try to nose dive into the dirt.
LORI, I saw your request at the cave and I did do some digging but I didn't come up with anything like that. I am going to have to read and listen to Prince before I go any further. But all of that is brand new to me. Didn't know anything about Benjamine either except for his relationship with Jacob and Joseph.
I am one of those people, who when I get to heaven, The prophet Amos will come up to me and say, what did you think of my book in the Old Testament and I will have to tell him the truth. "I never read it". Hard telling what he will think but I know what I will do. Red face and all.
Love you all and I am going to get ready for beddy by.
I have a real hard time with your view...
Jesus said (in John 14):
12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
13 “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.
16 “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—
17 “the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
18 “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.
And again in John 16:
13 “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. [emphasis added]
The Word also says in 1 Corinthians 14:33:
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace
From these three scriptures is should be plain that:
Holy Spirit has ALL the answers, if we care enough to ask Him, and search the Scriptures diligently for God's way of doing things (i.e. how His Kingdom operates - see Matthew 6:33).
God is not the one causing confusion in the body of Christ - in fact quite the opposite - as it says we have [now, present tense] the mind of Christ [1 Corinthians 2:15]
In fact, if you read 1 Corinthians 2 it is clear that God has provided all that we need to understand the Word, and rightly divide it (i.e. interpret it correctly), through the ministry of Holy Spirit.
However, if one rejects the role of Holy Spirit in all of this, which is what anyone who declares that the supernatural manifestations of Holy Spirit are not for today (c.f. believer's tongues, and the 9 manifestations of Holy Spirit described in 1 Corinthians 12), and one does not operate in one's Christian walk in accordance to what the Word of God says - by faith (which is both a belief and an act) and even worse, do not believe that what Jesus said in John 14 applies to you persoanlly - you are in such deep trouble it is hardly surprising that we see so many believers (and especially ministers/pastors) going off the rails today - which is exactly what God's archenemy wants - he is the one sowing confusion in the Body of Chrisy, because we do not understand his "devices" [2 Corinthians 2:11 - ignorance is not a valid excuse - so it's our choice to be ignorant!] and deceptions.
So many Christians attribute the chaos they see and expereince in their own lives to God's judgment or testing (e.g. debt, sickness, relationship troubles, loss of jobs, etc.), when in fact it is the enemy who is responsible, who we are commanded to resist and make him flee away (in terror). If only they understood the authority they have, now, in Christ, they could transform their own lives and those around them easily and quickly.
I looked up the meaning of Benjamin, His original name was a little different, but his mom knowing she was dying after giving birth, called him, Benoni which means, Son of my sorrow. His dad later changed his name to Benjamin. Is there any significance of that story as it relates to the church? That would be cool. lori
from Uncle Bob: Dear Lori,
Yes, Jesus became the man of sorrow, which is why Benjamin could not have that name. The church is "His right hand," which is Benjamin, what Jacob named him.
Love, Uncle Bob
One further note....
According to Ephesians Ch4, God has a plan and design for all of the Church to be in unity...
1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called,
2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,
3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling;
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift[i.e. we all have the same measure of grace - God's operational power - inside of us].
8 Therefore He says:
“When He ascended on high,
He led captivity captive,
And gave gifts to men.”[as described in 1 Corinthians 12]
9 (Now this, “He ascended”—what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?
10 He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.)
11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,
12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;
14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—
16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
Good deal! Visiting is good! I wondered where you'd run off too :)
GOOD teaching! Right on!
I'm glad your Uncle Bob got the teaching right, from Joseph Prince. It didn't sound like it, from the first post.
Good night from western WA.!
See you in the rapture! Or tomorrow/whichever comes first :)
Good morning all,
Kids are watching morning cartoons so I have about 15 minutes before they figure out they haven't had breakfast yet....gotta type fast!
Thank you for your 2 posts and the very important Scripture passages you included. I always appreciate your thorough attention to the Word when sharing your perspective. I think I tend to take Scripturally-supported ideas more seriously and I know we can always count on your to do the legwork in that area.
I think I may have expressed my idea in the wrong light as your warnings are most definitely not something I hold as an understanding (I actually agree with all the points you made and it's plain that Scripture teaches those same things as well.)
My thoughts were of the fleeting kind....into my mind at the moment I read Grany's post but not something I would call foundational in my thinking at all. I agree 100% that God doesn't author confusion (I was thinking of 1 Cor.14 when I was typing my first post) but was rather thinking of how God might use existing confusion (designed by Satan) to turn something meant for harm into something good.
Perhaps those thoughts should have remained in my mind only, but that wouldn't have allowed your teaching to take place, so even a fleeting thought can be used to instruct. They were held up for testing and were found faulty, so out they go with the rest of the day's refuse.
OK - gotta run. Will stop by later on. Hubby's going to the Eagles game today, so I'll be alone with the kids til late tonight. I need your prayers!
YooHoo....anyone home?
What church service were you watching that included the call to Ps. 27 prayer? I wanted to read more about it or maybe find it on YouTube. Thanks :-)
Also, clarification from my post yesterday....I said, in reference to John's post, "...your warnings are most definitely not something I hold as an understanding..."
I read that again today and realized it could be interpretted to mean that I completely disagree with John's response. That's not what I meant to communicate. I was trying (poorly) to say that the things he was warning about aren't things I believe...I DO hold that Holy Spirit has all answers for us and confusion is not authored by God. Just wanted to clear that up in case it had been read the wrong way.
OK - back to the day.
Here is a request to pray Ps 27 for her. This is so much of what I thought about when I was reading the Psalm lastnight.
I checked in today :)
Have a wonderful week in the Lord!
Sharing 101: from the Message Bible.
2 Tim. 4: 3, 4, and 5
"You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food-catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They'll turn their back on truth, and chase mirages. But you-keep your eye on what you are doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant."
I don't often read from, The Message. But this is a great passage, IMO. It's something we all need to keep in mind, in today's world, amen? It's easy to get caught up in the "minors" when we should be focusing on the "majors" of God's Word.
Just a little reminder for me, and I'm sharing with you, too :)
Here is an update from Susan, Jennifer and the baby~~ I also posted this at the cave...with a few more typos...)
I heard from Susan a few minutes ago and there is some very good news!
The baby is in surgery now. God has so had His hand on this whole thing.
First of all, they guessed the baby would weigh about 7 lbs 2 oz but....she weighed 9 lbs and 2 oz which is great! They checked her out and she is very healthy!
Jennifer and Susan both got to see the baby. Susan said she looked right at her and her family and started crying!! LOL!! The nurse said that she had some great news...that baby was wiggling her legs!
They are in surgery removing the cyst on the spine and closing the hole that is allowing the spinal fluid to leak out. The doctors said that in 29 years of surgery experience that they have not seen a cyst that large.
The cyst sheis talking about is the one on her back at the spine.
The water on the brain may not be as bad as they thought. They said that they may not even have to do the shunt on her! At least for now.
One of her little feet was pushed in an upward position but the nurse said that physical therapy will most likely fix that.
Susan said that her entire family was at total peace during the whole procedure and that they were very aware of God's hand on all of it.
They also did not have to do the double incision on Jennifer during the C-section which is so good. She said Jennifer is just happy as a lark and doing really well.
I will hear more when the baby is out of surgery and update you more.
Most of all, Susan wants me to personally thank each and every person who has prayed and are continuing to pray. It means everything to her.
Please continue to pray! She should be out of surgery in a few hours and I will update you more then.
Bless every of you!
That is a wonderful praise report, will continue in prayer for the surgical procedure.
Maranatha soon (7 days?)
Would you all please add Shannon to your prayer list? Beside her knee pain, she's also been hit with strep throat (sounds horrible) and of course she has exams to go along with it!!
Maranatha soon....
Mike <><
Dear All,
In agreement with all your prayer requests, according to Matt. 18:19, which says:
That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."
We're covered!
I agree!!!!
amen and amen
Mike, I have been praying for Shannon. Strep throat is no fun.
Again, I am going to post what I just posted at the cave...
I just talked with Susan again on the phone! They have named the baby Kaitlynn Lorraine!
She said the baby is out of surgery and in intensive care. She came through the surgery with flying colors. Everything went absolutely perfectly.
After they removed the cyst the spina bifida is only about an inch long. The doctor said the size of the cyst was actually a blessing because it gave them so much more skin to work with.
They are so excited because when you tickle the baby's feet she wiggles them. Alot of times it is just hip movement but she is moving her feet and legs. And....that little upturned foot has resumed the correct position already.
They did not have to shunt her. Please be praying about that. They will be checking her on Wednesday and Friday to see if they will still need to do it.
Susan said that there was total peace and absolute smoothness throughout everything. They were even able to get the baby into surgery much earlier than anticipated because of a cancellation.
Jennifer's husband has been able to be in with the baby and has taken a ton of pictures to show Jen. They will send them to me as soon as things settle down.
Susan's faith is soaring. She is so grateful to the Lord and has repeatedly told me to tell all of you for your prayers and continued prayer support.
Please be praying that God will heal any residual fluid on her brain so that the shunt will not be necessary.
I will let you know of any more news. God is soooooooooo good. He has touched this situation so clearly.
Thank you from me and God bless you all!
And Marge...amen here too!
Wonderful news! I'm so happy for the family and especially for little Kaitlynn! I've been praying for a friend whose baby was born with a heart defect (detected in utero). Her birth went smoothly and things were so good that they haven't had to do any surgery yet and from all accounts, she is doing as well as any healthy newborn. God is good!
Mike, will be praying for Shannon. Not fun being sick and away from the comforts of home. A care package always helped when I was feeling low :-) My mom still sends them occasionally when she knows I'm in a rut or a stressful time. She even sent Valerie one!
Quick prayer request...my Josh was sitting on the arm of the couch tonight and fell off, hitting the back of his head on the marble hearth below. I heard the crack 2 rooms away and a true scream (not one of those "Mommy, come dote on me" yells.) He had a goose egg but seemed OK the rest of the night. I've checked on him 3 times since he went to bed and he's fine, but I'd still appreciate prayers for his little head.
Praying for Josh, Jen!
How is your little Josh?
I have a grandson with that name, who is now 13 years old :) He's into skate boarding big time, and he's had his fair share of lumps and bruises. Even with wearing a helmet. (a friend of his was killed in a skate board accident, in Port Angeles, WA., when helmets weren't required)
How are you doing? Everything okay in your world?
Stop by and check in once in awhile, okay?
(I'm leaving for work in a couple of hours)
Take care and God bless!
Hi Grace & Marge,
Thanks for your prayers. Things turned out fine with Josh...he didn't mention it all day so I'm chalking it up to the garden variety bump that preschoolers get. Have to watch those head ones, though!
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandson's loss ...so young to have to deal with the death of a friend. We always say that our Josh will probably be our x-gamer. He doesn't care much for the main sports, but loves scary/sharp toothed/pinchy stuff so if he does take up a sport someday, it will probably be something like rock climbing or another daredevil type event!
I'm heading over to Valerie's tonight. I've been trying to back my time off a bit, still 2 nights a week for now, but just a few hours so they can get a bite to eat and shower, etc. I'm starting to feel the effects of all these time commitments and I don't want my own family to suffer. Bob's a saint for allowing me to do this, although we both realize it's our opportunity to pay it forward since we were on the receiving end of help for so long (and still are blessed by a regular helper and our in-laws who help with stuff weekly.) Please continue to pray for Valerie's family situation as there are many needs that only our Father can supply the answer to.
OK - gotta run. Have a great evening!
So glad to hear that Josh is doing well Jen!
Gonna post what I left at the cave also.
Another update....the neurosurgeon came in today and said that at this point the baby does not need a shunt!!! He will be back on Friday and reevaluate her. Miracles, miracles and God's kindness everywhere.
Once again, prayers and many thanks to all who are praying! Please continue to agree with me that she will not need a shunt at all.
Bless you all!
Hi all!
A little Bible sharing this afternoon, before I have to leave for work this evening.
Psalm 119:36-40 KJV
"Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.
Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.
Stablish they word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear.
Turn away my reproach which I fear; for thy judgements are good.
Behold, I have longed after thy precepts; quicken me in thy righteousness."
Okay, now from, The Message Bible :)
"Give me a bent for your words of wisdom,
and not for piling up loot.
Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets,
invigorate me in the pilgram way.
Affirm your promises to me----
promises made to all who fear you.
Deflect the harsh words of my critics---
but what you say is always so good.
See how hungry I am for your counsel;
perserve my life through your righteous ways."
Okay, just a little something that the Holy Spirit laid upon my heart this afternoon.
Note: The Message Bible isn't one that I often read. Actually, my favorite translation is the Amplified Bible :) However, sometimes, The Message, brings out things from a different slant, or angle. It reminds me of what Charles Capps used to say, about approaching a subject again, from a different side of the mountain :)
Have a great evening, and God's richest blessings to everyone!
Great post! I use The Message for a lot of just getting to the core of a subject. I love to check out different interpretations because it can and does help to build up an understanding of the main subject and spoken in our way of speaking. I don't think anything spoke to my grand daughter Carie as much as her copy of it. She loves to check it out also. Like you said, no one has all of the answers no matter how much we might think so.
This time that we are living in will probably open our eyes and ears to many new concepts about our faith and our ability to stand. Hope no one here is faint hearted.
By the way, so that you all know where I stand on the matter of what believers believe. I Corinthians 14:33 (Amplified Bible)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
33For He [Who is the source of their prophesying] is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. As [is the practice] in all the churches of the saints (God's people),
Look it up in your concordances, Strongs especially. In this instance Paul is speaking about the confusion regarding Prophecy but he makes it clear that in on way is confusion an act of God. He desires that all things are done in orderly and truthful manner.
Get a good understanding of why things happen to good people and learn from your learning. Second Timothy 2:15 (King James Version)
15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Scriptures tell us to study to show ourselves approved. Keep your heart pure and your conscious understanding based solely on what the word of God says. No matter what you or anyone else may say or believe, I have to take His word as my final witness. Therefore, I have to know what the word says. The only way I am going to retain what it says is if I am the one searching and reading and absorbing it. With the vast supply of study material available today and a bunch on the internet, there is no excuse for not knowing.
Besides that, the war fare we are just beginning to be engaged in will require you to know with all of your being what Thus Saith God.
Some one asked me what service I was watching when Gov. Palin's prayer request was shared. I wasn't aware of the question until today and so I am copying this from a christian web site for a church in Virginia. The church I was watching is not on the internet because it comes out of Tulsa, OK and is live services.
Here is the article so you will know that it did indeed happen:
A Psalm for Sarah for 66 Days
Sixty-six Days of Intercession for Gov. Sarah Palin according to Psalm 27
Pray for Sarah, husband Todd, sons Track, baby Trig, daughters Bristol , Willow , Piper, from August 29 through November 4.
Pray for:
Singleness of Vision, Moral Clarity Ps 27:1a - The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?
Fearlessness, Boldness Ps 27:1b - The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?
Protection from Libel, Slander, Hatred, Persecution Ps 27:2 - When [not 'if'] evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.
Confidence in Christ, a Guarded Heart Ps 27:3 - Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident.
There are a huge number of blogs and web sites that are dedicated to praying for Sarah and the election process.
Another site refers to her as a modern day Ester from the Bible. They use this scripture:
Ester 4:14
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"
There's another website that actually has a list of how to pray for her and what to pray and even a map of people praying across the United States.
It's probably a good thing many people are praying for her. She's going to need it. The battles are just beginning.
But the battle belongs to the Lord and the victory is ours, Hosanna!
Here are some addresses you can access to satisfy your questions:
and there are many, many more such sites. The thing is, the request has been made to pray this Psalm and not just for the republican ticket but the whole country and process we are currently in.
You know, I have come to the conclusion that it really isn't important that a church maintain a tax exempt status with the US Government because God is our government and there will never be any other authority over the church besides Him. So what if I don't show the funds I have given to Church related activities and tithes. So what? I think it is time to tell the government to start obeying the constitution of the USA.
Me, too!
God can provide for our every need.
I don't recall, any chapter and verse, where God wants us to depend on the United States Govt. for our needs to be met.
A good word, Grany!
Good God's Day everyone!
I know I missed out on morning but I have been busy. Another night of extended prayer and I mean intense, groaning prayer that has ministered to my hubby big time but also, to me. I didn't have the ability to place my head on my pillow and sleep through this one at any time. I was wide awake until after 5 a.m. and this is the 3rd night in a row that prayer time and harvest has been set upon me.
I listened to Billye Brim again last night when I found it impossible to sleep. Put my head phones on and sat here praying and listening. I was so sleepy but instead of fighting for sleep to come, I surrendered to the urgency to pray, for what at times I had no idea, but God knew. I do know that part of it was for my Jim to be lead by the Holy Spirit to know what to do to protect us and also, for encouragement.
First thing out of his mouth this morning was part of the answer and I can never stop thanking my Abba. I give Him all of the Glory and Praise and Honor for his wonderful provision and his unchanging love.
Now I want to share something that I received from Charisma Magazine Publisher and was listed as urgent prayer request. It is rather long but worth it.
Mandatory Prayer for the Economic Crisis
Cindy Jacobs, co-founder with her husband, Mike, of Generals International, is sending an urgent decree to Christians to begin to petition God related to the economic crisis our country is facing. She believes God told her that if left unresolved, it could have global affects, but if believers will pray fervently now, God will reverse the curse on our nation and bring blessings to our land.
For the Lord says, “I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street, exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now, and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to revamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place.
“This is a course correction. If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave.
“This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyperinflation and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor, will take place.
”However,” the Lord says, “if my people respond and fall on their [faces] and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.
”Hear, O nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well, for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment for the systems of the earth must be reformed.
“Do not despair and think that I cannot heal—that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound so I will reverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands.”
And then this article in the same letter:
Christians Begin 40-Day Prayer Efforts for Election
Today Christians representing a wide variety of denominations and church organizations are beginning 40-day prayer and fasting initiatives.
"Together, we will make this the most prayed-for election in the nation's history," said John Lind, president of the Presidential Prayer Team, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose mission is to pray for national leaders year-round.
In an effort called 40 Days to Pray the Vote, Presidential Prayer Team participants are joining in online prayer forums. Each morning, team members also are e-mailed a specific prayer topic that targets a vital aspect of the election. It includes a related Bible verse, inspirational photo and written prayer.
Leaders of the initiative hope to join believers nationwide in prayer for both the next president and for specific political issues facing the United States. The prayer team has sponsored three other 40-day prayer campaigns leading up to this year’s election. The initial one was launched back in May.
Leaders say prayer and fasting campaigns are “crucial” to shape the course of America’s future. “We must not only participate with active participation in the vote but also prayer participation,” said LIFE Outreach International founder James Robison, in an endorsement for the Pray the Vote initiative. “In this critical point in human history we must have godly leaders. I’m asking you to join us in prayer. That people will vote, vote their convictions based upon principles, and vote for those who will uphold principles and not sell out to political parties or partisan positions.”
In addition to Pray the Vote, San Diego pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church is calling Christians to fast and pray for the next 40 days as part of his Protect Marriage campaign. The initiative, launched after the California Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in that state, is designed to generate support for ballot initiatives in California, Florida and Arizona that, if passed, would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
“This is a spiritual battle; it must be won in prayer,” said TheCall founder Lou Engle, who is calling on church leaders to participate in the 40-day fast in the run-up to TheCall San Diego on Nov. 1. “We believe the pastors across California and the nation need to lead the nation in these 40 days of fasting and prayer. We need to take away the rights of the powers of darkness to bring this kind of resolution forward because it’s a spiritual battle.”
Some organizations are not only praying and fasting until Nov. 2 but are also conducting prayerful protests outside the nation’s abortion clinics.
Leaders of the prayer campaign 40 Days for Life are calling their initiative the “largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history.” Approximately 170 cities in the U.S. and Canada will participate.
David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life, says the current economic situation has weakened the abortion industry and caused many clinic doors to close. He added that his group hopes the 40 days of prayer will help eliminate abortion completely.
“Abortion numbers have dropped so significantly that several states are now down to only one or two remaining abortion centers,” Bereit said. “This fall’s 40 Days for Life campaign presents a great opportunity to finish the life-saving work in these states, creating abortion-free zones and encouraging other states to follow suit.”
The group also plans to host community abortion-education outreaches as the election nears.
Wednesday also marked the beginning of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) 40/40 Prayer Vigil. The denomination says participants can pray for spiritual revival and national renewal for the duration of the 40-day campaign and/or choose to pray for 40 hours during the initiative’s culminating event, which begins Oct. 31.
The SBC is also providing prayer guides to aid those joining in the prayer vigils, but church leaders said all Christians should commit to prayer for this upcoming election.
“As Election Day approaches we as Christians know we need to be committed to praying for the outcome and for those who lead us,” said Geoff Hammond, president of the SBC’s North American Mission Board. “We must be united in our prayer and acknowledge that God is the one who must do the work in and through us.
“When we pray we become more dependent on God,” he added, “more aligned with His will, more fruitful in our works. And He says He chooses to demonstrate His power through the prayers of His people.” —Felicia Mann
I hope you enjoy a good nights rest tonight :)
Billy Brim is an awesome Bible teacher, though.
God answers prayer! And He blesses the obediance of believers who pray.
God IS GOOD, and good all the time!
Goodnight from western WA., and God bless!
I am reposting here what I posted at the cave...
Back to work today.....
Just wanted to let you know that they removed baby Kaitlynn's breathing tube yesterday and she is doing really well.
The neurosurgeon is checking her again today to evaluate the need of a shunt. Please pray that she will not have to have one!
Jennifer really needs your prayers. She has not been able to sleep and is totally exhausted. They are releasing her today but she will be staying with the baby.
Thank you for praying!
Hi Grace,
Will continue the prayers for Jennifer and Kaitlynn. Great news on the continued progress for the baby!
Sorta along those lines, I wanted to share a praise report about Valerie (re: new mom prayers...)
Tues. night when I went over to help, I could tell immediately that something was different in the house...a different feeling/mood. All 3 girls were sleeping on the couch and Valerie was dressed and working in the kitchen, smiling and very perky. It was kinda a shock because she usually greets me at the door with 2 babies in her arms, in her PJs and saying, 'Jen, I don't know what we're going to do...'
Even more surprising, little Hudson and hubby Steve had terrible colds and they had been to the ER with him over the weekend but she didn't seemed distressed at all. (The boys were in quarantine and Steve was wearing a mask to prevent the germs from getting to the girls...very risky for preemies to get a virus/bacteria at this stage because their lungs are still underdeveloped.)
I didn't mention anything but was definitely aware that something was different in a good way. Later in the evening, Valerie said that she had sorta had an ephiphany...one of the babies had smiled at a helper and she realized that they never smiled at her because they never see her smiling at them. It's all stress and anxiety. So although she still believes the best way to raise a child is in the 'attachment parenting' style, she is now realizing the need to adjust those expectations so that the stress and anxiety of failing to meet those ideals is removed from the house. It's what I've been trying to share with her all along, but it had to come from within her own recognition (through the power of our prayers and God speaking to her, of course.) I was over again last night and things were similarly calmer and happier. The girls now have the cold and were very stuffy, so please keep their little lungs in prayer and ask Abba to restore them to full health quickly. And join me in giving thanks for this major turn around in Valerie's heart and mind. The whole drive home on Tues night I sang praises to His name because I was really beginning to wonder where things were going to end up and I wanted so badly for Valerie to enjoy her precious miracles rather than spend these wonderful months carrying so many burdens. And God faithfully answered our prayers for a big turnaround in the situation! I'm still in awe of how differently things are going now.
So Grace, know that our prayers for Jennifer and the baby will indeed be answered and the whole family will bring glory and honor to His name in the process!
Gotta run....FSGTB,
Agreed on prayer requests.
How touching that God uses the "smile of a child." And He most certainly can, and does :)
God bless everyone, and have a wonderful day in the Lord!
Keep smiling, and keep looking up!
Anyone around, anymore? (smile)
Anyone care to discuss a Bible topic? Anyone? Anyone?
Your choice.
God bless all on this lovely Sunday afternoon! (at least in western WA.:)
A good question to consider would be:
How do you perceive God?
(this one went over real big when I mentioned it, before, LOL!)
Hi Marge,
I used to view God as an authoritative creator just looking for an excuse to "snuff" me out.
Then, I got to know him.
Now I realize he is:
The father figure I never had in my life.
No matter what I do, I am his.
He wants to spend time with me.
He wants me, to want him.
He loves me unconditionally.
He is looking forward to being together, forever.
He loves you too!
What a great testimony. And an excelent Word for this Sunday!
I believe (almost) everyone used to think of God as standing in the shadows (remember the song, Standing Somewhere in the Shadows you'll Find Jesus) just ready and waiting to hit you over the head, with His heavenly baseball bat :)
The truth of the matter is, Jesus has come, and redemption is available to each and ever person on planet earth!
And Lori is absoltely correct. God DOES want to help us. He's provided an escape for every situation we will ever find ourselves in, ever. But here comes the "bottom line." Do we EXPECT (faith in action) Him to be there for us? And do we trust Him with all our cares and anxieties? We should. The Bible says we should. (In Philippians 4:6)
And to leave some Scripture for this lovely (sunny here) day:
Philippians 3: 13 and 14 says:
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
also verse 20 says:
For our conversation is in heaven; for whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In fact, I believe I'll sit down and read the 4 chapters of Phippippians again! Such great promises!
Anyone else care to share?
Anyone? Anyone? (smile)
God is GOOD, ALL the time - and all the time He is GOOD.
He is almost falling over Himself to be good towards us, every second of every day.
He will NEVER leave nor forsake us - He is ALWAYS there inside of us.
He has ALREADY blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in
Christ (and we are in Christ) - in other words, He has nothing more to bless us with - because He has ALREADY done so.
Spiritual blessings are eternal, not subject to change - just like God himself.
Here are some of them:
He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
He determined that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.
We have been adopted as sons (and daughters) by Jesus Christ to Himself - we are therefore full members of God's family, with all the rights and privileges that entails, forever.
He has made us accepted in the Beloved.
In Jesus we have redemption through His blood.
We have forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
He has made His grace (operational power, unmerited favor) to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence.
He has made known to us the mystery of His will - so we do not need to be ignorant of His plans and purposes for us, which He says are for our good, not for evil, and which are intended to be blessings (i.e. very good) for us to have here on this earth.
God is able to make all His grace (operational power) abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work - this is talking about REAL things HERE on earth.
He enriches us in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.
It is His intention and plan that we would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living - I don't know about you, but I am alive and therefore in the land of the living right now, so I am confidently expecting to see God's goodness EVERY day in my life!
God is good, and His mercies endure for ever!! Hallelujah - let's hear a great shout of triumphant praise!!
Hi Marge,
My first perception of God (until my late-20s) was probably based on the male figures in my life: my dad and 2 grandfathers. All were loyal to the family and good providers, but none were really "connected" to the larger family issues and all had expectations that made you feel like there were many strings attached to their love. Until the last few years, I probably would have described my perception of God as completely dependable and capable of providing our needs, but not terribly generous or going out of His way to bless us, especially if we weren't perfectly in line with what the Bible teaches about the Christian walk. I'd probably say that I felt a bit of groveling was necessary and I certainly wouldn't have been surprised if the prayers were left unanswered or if tests were sent my way to see how loyal I was to Him.
Then, as you all have heard me tell, I had 2 pregnancy losses
(2002 and 2003) and that really sent me spiraling downward in my perception of my heavenly Father. Again, my relationship with my dad probably was a factor. I remember one night calling home, weeping and hoping to be comforted by my parents. My mom wasn't home and my dad had a friend over for pickin-n-grinnin (anyone know what that means?) He hurried me off the phone and said maybe it would be better if I found another woman who could be a surrogate mom for me since my own mom was having so much trouble dealing with my grief. That left me speechless and I couldn't fathom how he could even suggest that. My idea of God got dark during those long months. I never stopped believing that He existed or that the Bible was true. But the accuser of my soul began to suggest that perhaps I really had no idea what God wanted to do in my life and perhaps he was like the bully who took pleasure in pulling wings off a fly. Or the kid who gleefully holds out a toy, just out of reach, for his little sister. That's what God seemed like in those days.
I came to Joel's blog after reading the Left Behind books. I've always had an interest in end-times topics, but never had any solid teaching so it was like a gold mine to read all the various takes on the subjects that we discussed. I knew there was more to the relationship with God than what I had (after the kids were born, I was able to face God again and begin cleaning house and ridding all the lies about Him from my mind.) I knew there had to be another level, another dimension in my relationship but I had no idea where to look for it. I actually considered taking classes at a local seminary, thinking maybe if I had more teaching from scholars I would get satisfied in that key area. I would never in a million years have guessed that I would find that missing piece by focusing on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. It was definitely the least addressed person of the Trinity in all my years of church-going and Bible study. But now that I'm filled to the top, I realize that was the huge missing piece I was looking for all this time.
Today, I would say that my perception of God is of a father who is perfectly balanced betweeen doting on his kids while at the same time knowing exactly how the family needs to work in tandem, all parts doing their job to accomplish the goals and live in harmony. As a teacher, I've seen what happens to kids when the parents only do the spoiling. It's a disaster. And I've had a lot of experience living in a family where the dad/grandfathers have such high standards that you never expect to fully reach the top of the heap in their eyes. It gets really performance-based. I'm used to living under that kind of leadership, so thinking of God as the lavish no-strings-attached giver is something I'm still getting used to. But I think Scripture is clear, as others have demonstrated, that He indeed is that kind of Father.
My 2 cents on the subject :-)
On vacation for the next two weeks and my wife a travel agent landed us a cruise for only taxs and port charges, so were heading to Houston to catch the boat. My blackberry will probably work (un)fortunatly, so please drop a message here if anything exciting happens. If the rapture does happen in the next couple of days I'll see you all at LW's cafe, if not I'll see you when we get back! someone blow the shofar for me today as I don't think I can get it on the ship.
God bless and have a great Rosh Hashanna!!
Maranatha sooooon!!
Before I was saved, I knew he Was and I didn't want to do anything that would be disapproved by him. Then when I was a teenager, I thought of him as a Great Big Great Grandpa and one who was watching over me and ready to spring into action like he did for Moses and the Israelites. Then as a young mother, he was able to keep us and supply all of our needs because I was told that as a child. But it wasn't until I was Saved and a Child of God that I began to see him as "I AM" and there is no other.
But I like what he did in sending his son Jesus to us so that we could have life everlasting and live with him forever in a wonderful and holy existence. But I like to think of his provisions as this. He formed the earth and saw that it was good, and everything he created was see as good in his sight. He touches things and they turn to good because there is no evil in him and He is Holy! He has given us the power over evil and has provided us with the power of his might which is in his Word! His word is full of power, life, love, blessings and abundance. There is none like HIm and He has no shadow of turning at all. All that makes up God is pure, holy, peaceful, love, kindness, strength and everlasting. There is no one who is higher, no thing that is higher and no power greater.
He is not the author of evil nor is there any evil in him. His hand has not been shortened or weakened and he is still able to complete in each and everyone of us what He began. His purpose is to commune with each and everyone of us and when the deep of us calls out, He who is deep always answers. We are able to overcome any evil that exists in our life because of His provisions and he is the one who calls us and also the one who keeps us.
One of my favorite verses is in John 10 so I am going to post it here in the case you might be encouraged and enabled too.
John 10
1 I ASSURE you, most solemnly I tell you, he who does not enter by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way (elsewhere, from some other quarter) is a thief and a robber.
2 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 The watchman opens the door for this man, and the sheep listen to his voice and heed it; and he calls his own sheep by name and brings (leads) them out.
4 When he has brought his own sheep outside, he walks on before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.
5 They will never [on any account] follow a stranger, but will run away from him because they do not know the voice of strangers or recognize their call.
6 Jesus used this parable (illustration) with them, but they did not understand what He was talking about.
7 So Jesus said again, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that I Myself am the Door [a]for the sheep.
8 All others who came [as such] before Me are thieves and robbers, but the [true] sheep did not listen to and obey them.
9 I am the Door; anyone who enters in through Me will be saved (will live). He will come in and he will go out [freely], and will find pasture.
10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [b]overflows).
11 I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd risks and lays down His [own] life for the sheep."
But my greater joy in know the real meaning of verse 10 is the lock I place everytime destruction tries to knock down my faith.
10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Now that identifies who it is that brings destruction and chaos, who is the condemner and tormentor of our souls. It isn't God who wages war against us and he is not the author of evil in any way. He desires and provides with an enjoyable life that is abundant and prosperous in all ways. Prosperous doesn't just affect your pocket book or bank account. We should be prosperous in our faith, our charities, our commitments to others and our service to the Kingdom of God. Our praises should be continually in our mouth and it should and has to be directed to God. If there is anything good in me it has to be because of Christ in me.
Without God, I can do nothing that is of any value. With him, I can do anything that He has set before me to do.
That is just my take on who and what God is to me.
Last night, I attended a Renewal service at the local Methodist Church and for our Methodist church, Sunday night services are nonexistent. The ministers message was "Who is Jesus to You" and at the end of the sermon, we were each given a broken ceramic tile about the size of a post 'em. On the front of the tile we were to write what Jesus is to us, individually, in life. Then we put grout on the back of the tile and then stuck it to a big wooden cross that had been prepared for us, which was standing in the front of the communion table. Wow! That was a real experience and I was totally overwhelmed at the emotions of people as they wrote their words on the tile and then placed them on the cross. It was when we placed them on the cross that we realized how connected to the cross we all are. Then I come here and Marge has asked about the same question about God.
Is this just me?
Hi Grany,
That story reminds me of the tradition at Easter of the blooming of the cross. Everyone brings a bunch of cut flowers on Easter morning. After the message, the congregation files up to a wodden cross which is covered in mesh or chicken wire and tucks the flowers in. It creates a beautiful display when finished and reminds us that what started out ugly and bare ultimately is restored to life and beauty.
Question for the group...I had a pretty good discussion with Bob the other night and he's coming around to the idea that we are living in the last days. I think today's stock market chaos might seal the deal in his mind! But he admitted to struggling with how to manage the 2 tracks...keep going to work, mowing the grass and thinking about practical matters and at the same time thinking about the world as we know it coming to an end and what to do about that as a Christian. I struggle with it, too, but I've had time to get used to dealing with those 2 mindsets. In praying about it, I thought about the story of the Israelites who were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. They had to work with tools in one hand and their weapons in the other. Tools = attending to the practical work we are required to do in our jobs, homes, etc. Weapons = attending to the fight we are engaged in to promote Christ's victory to this dying world and to represent the soldiers that we are in God's army. I'm going to share that concept with him but wanted to see if anyone else had any thoughts on the matter. I think his response will be common among people as the world continues to turn upside down. They won't have the luxury of time to get used to the parallel way of thinking and acting, so they may choose the comfortable, familiar path and just keep doing what they've been doing while trying to ignore everything going on around them. I'm praying that he'll get fully on both tracks so we can unify our marriage and family life for what lies ahead.
OK - gotta run. Thinking of everyone and praying for all needs, too.
Jen, I know that cross was beautiful after all of the flowers were added.
We are all kinda like flowers in a sense. We have a blooming span of time and then we wait to become seed dropped into the ground. Our children are our seed and the life they live plays out the cycle over again.
God is a good God, all of the time.
Another prayer request, and I have also posted this at the cave....Susan just called and the neurosurgeon has decided to give the baby a shunt.
The surgery will be tomorrow. Susan is disappointed and concerned for Jen.
I trust God. If this is what has to be He intends it for good.
Please pray for the surgery tomorrow and for Kaitlynn's family to see God in this.
Praises to OUR God:
This IS the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
I LOVED your post! How about some more good teaching?
Always a pleasure to read your comments :)
Wow! Excellent teaching!
John 10:10 just about says it all, doesn't it? WE KNOW that it's satan behind all tribulation in the world.
And moving on to John 16:33, we have a blessed promise for all of us. (especially in todays troubled world.)
"These things I have spoken unto you, that IN ME ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER. I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD."
Agreeing in prayer for your requests.
May God bless you, and keep you. May His face shine down upon you, and give you HIS peace. (that passeth all understanding)
That is most certainly a struggle...how do you handle living on two tracks? My youngest is a senior in HS this year and there is so much going on. Work is so time and mind consuming. How do you live as if all things are going to be the same when you know in your heart they are not?
I have a busy work day but wanted to write a bit before I have to get going. The surgery went well for Kaitlynn yesterday but the family is absolutely spent both emotionally and physically. They sent the most beautiful picture of her and if there is a way I can post it I will.
Kaitlynn may be able to go home by the end of the week. Please continue to pray for them. Jen's husband Josiah works for Boeing and is on strike, which is good for now but they will have to buy cobra insurance ($$$) if it continues.
How I view God. I pray all of the time that God would heal my terribly distorted view of Him.
I grew up in a very broken home with an absent, gambling addicted dad and an abusive step mother. We were always moving my dad's gambling problems always left us without food, clothes and the basics.
On the other hand, my dad had custody of me and I had never met my mother so my daddy was all I had. I loved him so much but he was so unpredictable and I could never count on him to protect me or be loyal to me.
I have been through years of counseling and have forgiven him from the bottom of my heart many times over. However, it still brings tears to my eyes to think about growing up this way.
We have a very loving and close relationship now and I really thank the Lord for that.
Needless to say, all of this has distorted how I "trust" the Lord. I am always thinking that His grace could never apply to me. That is for the rest of the body of Christ. I mostly think that God is not interested in me unless I have done something bad...and then watch out.
So what do I do? I read the TRUTH of the Word and cling to it and reject the lies that the enemy wants to run through my mind. I am soooooooo looking forward to the day that I am with my Heavenly Father and plan on running to Him and never letting go. I will be so grateful to be immersed in the TRUTH of His love and to never be plagued with doubts of it again.
Much love to you all..
In total agreement with you, in prayer, about your requests.
Also, the Cobra Medical Ins. will start today, according to the newpaper. And believe me, most families will not be able to afford it as it is expensive for the average working class family.
We should also be in prayer about the Boeing strike, as it affects thousands of families, and it's been said, it will last for more than a few monthes.
Prayer changes things.
Thank you, Grace, for sharing about your perception of how you view God. In some cases, it is harder than others. Especially when you had to overcome a reality like you experienced, growing up.
Mine was overcoming an absent father. Because at the age of four, (my age) my father died in an airplane crash, over Lincoln Co., coming home from Spokane, on a business trip. So, the Lord helped me overcome many issues concerning having an absent father. Even though I knew it wasn't his fault, in my heart, I still wanted him to be there "for me." And also at an early age, I questioned God about the "whys" behind allowing my father to be removed from the earth, before his "time." It was a matter of (the same as you, Grace) learning to trust Him.
And I grew up in the Presbyterian Church, and we often sang, Learning to Lean. And Blessed Assurance. I experienced healing, just singing those older songs :)
I know for me, Chrisitian music has been extremely healing.
May everyone be blessed in the Lord, and the power of His might.
Enjoy the day, in His presence!
Hi friends,
I'm writing to ask for your prayers for our church family and the directional team. We got a letter today from the team informing us that yet another pastor (this time one of the children's ministry leaders) has tendered his resignation upon discovery of immoral behavior and sexual impurity. Last month the congretational care pastor was terminated for the same reasons and about 6 months ago, the senior pastor who has been with the church for nearly 2 decades left to pursue other opportunities for the Lord. We're a non-denom with Mennonite roots so the process of replacing pastors isn't a quick one and we're really feeling the consequences of these attacks against our family.
That being said, I'm pleased to share that we aren't going down the emergent church path that many non-denoms are headed and we've had quite an influx of new members in the last year. So I think the ground is solid (remember Bob and I had talked about looking elsewhere but after much prayer and searching for God's place for us, we decided it was good and right to stay.) Many in our congregation are from unchurched backgrounds or come from Catholic backgrounds so there is quite a segment of attendees who don't have deep roots in Scripture for weathering these attacks. Please pray for them as well that these recent upheavals won't deter their maturation in their relationship with our Lord.
Thanks in advance!
PS. My church's name is Calvary Church of Souderton, PA.
REceived this just a few minutes ago and wanted to share it with you all.
Russian nuclear missile cruiser to dock at Syrian port on Yom Kippur eve - DEBKAfile
(2 Samuel 22:2,3, 29-31)
And he said:
"The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
The God of my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation,
My stronghold and my refuge;
My Savior, You save me from violence.
"For You are my lamp, O LORD;
The LORD shall enlighten my darkness.
For by You I can run against a troop;
By my God I can leap over a wall.
As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the LORD is proven;
He is a shield to all who trust in Him..."
Then I just read Jen's comments and thought, well, for our churches too Lord.
Jen I am praying for your church needs also. God has a hand in it all and you prayed asking before you knew this was coming about. He wouldn't have told you to stay if it was non-workable.
Hi Grany,
I skipped over Debka this morning but will have to go back and see what this news is all about.
Last night I was sure I heard His footstep - just one - echo through our town. Something made a deep "boom" that Bob and I both heard and the dog began barking and racing about. Nothing else came of it, but it sure had the hairs on my arms raised. Can you even imagine what that call is going to sound like?
About our church....thank you for your prayers. We are actually relieved to read the newsletter, as sad as the news is. To us, it means that the leaders are sticking with the Word and not compromising with sin even though it means removing yet another large piece of the fellowship. Like Bob said, they could have told us in the letter that there was an incident with one of the pastors and they're going to offer him counseling or reassign him to another office. No. He was found unfit to carry out his pastoral duties and has been immediately ternimated from employment. The letter however also states that the church will indeed work with him and his family to provide the needed counseling and help in restoring them to the Lord and to each other. And it gives a clear directive to the congregation that we are to heed the Word in terms of our attitude toward this pastor and his family as well as amongst each other as the news spreads....no gossip, no vindictive language, etc. We are pleased to see that the original plan for the body of Christ, when faced with internal strife, is being put into effect. We're confident that everything is in His hands and will ultimately serve to bring glory to His name.
So much afoot...armor on?
Russian nuclear missile cruiser to dock at Syrian port on Yom Kippur eve
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 1, 2008, 9:21 PM (GMT+02:00)
Peter the Great is armed with nuclear missiles
Peter the Great is armed with nuclear missiles
Russian Navy spokesman Capt. Igor Dygalo disclosed Wednesday, Oct. 1, that a four-ship squadron led by the Peter the Great nuclear missile cruiser will call in at the Libyan port of Tripoli and “other Middle East ports” before heading out to the Caribbean for joint maneuvers with Venezuela.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that one of those ports is Tartus, Syria, where preparations are afoot to receive the visiting Russian flotilla.
Peter the Great , one of the most advanced naval vessels afloat, may in fact anchor at the new facility the Russians are building at Syria’s second major port, Latakia, for its first visit to Syria; the rest of the squadron, the Admiral Chabanenko submarine, a reconnaissance vessel and a fourth ship, will dock at Tartus.
Peter the Great is designed to sink large surface vessels such as aircraft carriers. The ship’s Granit (Nato designated SS-N-19 Shipwreck) anti-ship cruise missiles (20 missile launchers) can destroy vessels up to 500 km distant in ripple-fire mode.
An S-300F defense missile complex is installed on Peter the Great , with 12 launchers and 96 vertical launch air defense missiles.
The Navy spokesman in Moscow said the Russian warships will perform maneuvers in the Mediterranean, without adding details. They will pass through the Strait of Gibraltar Sunday, Oct. 5, visit Tripoli next and on Oct, 8 or 9, put in at a Syrian port.
Coinciding with the 35th anniversary of the Egyptian-Syrian Yom Kippur attack on Israel, the Russian warships’ arrival in Syria has serious connotations:
1. It means that prime minister Ehud Olmert will be wasting his time if he intends using his talks in Moscow next week with president Dmitry Medvedev and prime minister Vladimir Putin to ask them to drop their plan for a permanent base at a Syrian port. That plan is clearly going full steam ahead.
2. The Yom Kippur War of 1993 is recorded in Russian and Arab military annals as the high point of Russian-Arab military and intelligence cooperation. The Soviet Union as it was then was responsible for the great deception which disguised Arab war preparations behind a screen of misdirection and gulled Israeli intelligence into complacence.
Moscow is signaling Jerusalem on this sensitive date that it has decided to revert to its old military ties with Damascus on the same scale as its historic 20th century partnership.
3. The precedence the Russian navy is awarding to visiting Middle East ports before Venezuela attests to the importance Moscow attaches to its new Damascus-Tehran-Caracas alignment opposite the US-Israel alliance.
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Keep in mind that Israel is 8 hours ahead CDST so that would put that bulletin at 1:21 p.m. CDT
Peter the Great might be armed with atomic Missiles but Wilma the Saved is armed with the Holy Spirit and Fire!!
Bring it on Russia, God has a hook just fitted right for your jaw and the outcome is already decided.
How about all of you out there in blogger land? You have your Holy Spirit missiles ready to go? Your Armour in place and your faith built up in the Word of God.
All day today, I have had this going through my mind: If we can't keep up with the foot soldiers, how are we going to keep up with the Horsemen? we have to know that we know the Word provisions of Scripture that God has completed in His son Jesus Christ before he comes back for his Body of Believers.
Remember the Beach Boys song, where the lyrics went:
"Go, go, grany go, go go, grany go, go go, grany go, grany be good."
I thought of that song, as I was reading your last few comments :)
And yes, I totally agree with you! We not only need to be ready for battle, but the Bible commands us to be prepared, as well. Can we do any less?
So much going on in the country and the world right now. I watch my family and they so act like it is some tv show that they are kinda watching and just turn the channels when it becomes boring.
Well, it just stirs me all the more to pray for them.
I think about some of the stuff I was reading a year ago and wrote alot of it off as a little bit of paranoia from the writer and then to see it unfold is mind boggling.
With all that is currently going on in the world, it certainly can be mind boggling. Just remember, we need to continue to walk with the Holy Spirit, and then our spirits will remain in perfect "shalom."
John 16:33
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
The answer to todays' trouble is resting, "in Him." Amen.
I agree, these are troubling days. With more prophecied. But the good news is that we're another day closer to the return of Jesus!
And another day closer to when satan will be thrown into the pit for a 1,000 years. And then after that thrown into the Lake of Fire.
It's our jobs to keep being a witness to the saving power and grace of God to save/redeem people for which Christ died. (and rose again, and is now sitting on the right hand of God the Father.)
Keep in mind, WE WIN!!!
Have a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ! And enjoy the provisions of the Father, and the blessed presence of the Holy Spirit!
As Grany says, SHALOM!!! (God's perfect peace)
Hello? Anyone home?
Hmmmm. I'll leave a note on the ref. door then :)
Does anyone remember C.M. Ward? The voice of Revivial Time. (radio program, from years ago now)
Anyhow, he wrote these words about receiving the Holy Spirit. And believe me, if there is anyone around who hasn't already received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there's no time like the present.
"Seeking the Holy Spirit means that you are seeking Jesus. It is not seeking tongues. It is not seeking an experience or a phenomenon. Peter describes it:
This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses. Therefor being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath forth this which ye now see and hear."
Acts 2:32-33
The baptism is a further benefit of Calvary. It's paid in full!!
It is not only yielding to, but loving Jesus. The baptism is rhapsody! It's moving into Jesus in that yieldness where you lose a sense of struggle and there comes a sense of absolute completeness in Him--Total ecstasy!
He is saying to each of us, "Look to me and receive the Holy Spirit. It's just that simple. It's like the moment of truth in swimming, when suddenly you learn that the water is not your enemy; it's your friend; it can support you.
As long as I try to baptize myself or get myself in the right position, I'm in trouble. I may feel I must lift my hands like the statue of Liberty, or I may feel I must sit still like a Quacker...NO!
I must concentrate on Jesus. He's the baptizer. He's the key.
"He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost." You don't seek the Holy Spirit; you seek Jesus."
(it's me, now)
I thought I needed to post that, for someone :)
God bless all! And keep looking up, for our redemption is closer than when we first believed!
Hi Grany & everyone,
Saw your note at the cave about your neck being out of whack and boy, can I relate! I use a contour pillow, too. I also have to sleep on my side with a body pillow to keep my hips from aching and I hug a small throw pillow to keep my shoulders far apart as well. Hubby jokes that we have a third member in the bedroom with us and it ain't the dog! But I've been lifting those aches and pains up to the Lord and ya know what? I haven't needed a chiro appt. in almost 2 months and getting out of bed lately has been no big deal. Since my teens I've been a case study in 'conditions'....nothing ever big or serious enough to be considered a disease, but dozens of mid-level ailments that have kept me busy and burdened. It's amazing, though, how they're one by one coming loose of me as I stand them up next to the Word. That's one reason why my new sign-off is FSGTB....it LITERALLY feels so good to get these burdens peeled off. So I'll join you in prayers for your neck to be tiptop ASAP.
I would covet your prayers for the latest attack I've been dealing with. Last month I was diagnosed with symptoms of Hashimoto's disease...commonly known as hypothyroid. It's not far along enough to start meds and I'm supposed to wait 6 months til I have it checked again. I wasn't too happy with that recommendation so I'm planning to get a second opinion. In just the last 2 weeks alone, I've gained 10 pounds and I get so deeply exhausted that I can fall asleep in seconds once I'm sitting down. There is also concern about any future pregnancies since the mother provides the thyroid hormone to the baby in the early months of gestation. I'm spending time in prayer and waiting for direction from God on this one rather than going into a panic and starting some crazy diet or trying to add exercise into my already stuffed daily routine. I'm just getting the sense that I need to wait for His instructions on this. While I wait, I'm doing alot of praying and as I said, putting this attack in its proper place by claiming out loud the promises I have in Jesus in regard to my health and wholeness.
Any company along the way in that regard would be so appreciated! I seem to remember John saying that his wife had a similar condition? and she stepped out in faith and stopped the meds before a checkup and found out that the condition had reversed? I am remembering that correctly? I am looking forward to that same result...either here on terra firma or in the firmament shortly!
OK - gotta close up for the night.
God's best rest to us all :-)
You are correct....
My wife's thyroid stop working in 1992. In 2001 she was prayed for, to receive healing from this condition. She stop taking the meds immediately afterwards, went to the doctor for a test a few months later, and everything was normal.
Our family doctor tests her about once a year, and the tests always come back normal - which according to the medical profession is not possible!! But with our God, NOTHING is impossible, ALL things are possible!
God is good all the time, all the time He is good!.
Hallelujah! I am healed and shouting it to the Lord! Praise His Holy Name! I dreaded TRYING to go to bed last night, big time. The slightest movement would send me into fits of horrible pain in my neck, ears, and spine. Then it was almost impossible to remember how to position my head so the pain would subside. My head literally was going down to my right shoulder and the stress on my neck was exacerbating the whole thing constantly. I finally took a huge moist heat pad that you put in the microwave, heated it until it was warm enough to help, rolled it and put it around my neck. This pad is designed for the hips and back so it was quite long. By rolling it, the support was then completely encircling my neck and it did help. But I was having to keep it there all the time. WEll, as I was trying to figure out how I was going to even get to a prone position, another spasm hit me and it made me sick. I heard myself say "Jesus, help me!" Jim went on to bed and I still didn't know what I was going to do but I heard in my inner self, "the problem came about because you slept without the pillow so put the contour pillow down on the sofa, add other pillows and gradually remove them as you can". Wow! WEll, I did just that and low and behold I have no more pain! This morning I awakened in the very same position I went to sleep in last night and there are no more spasms and my head is straight with out leaning one little bit.
I know people can not or will not believe that God can and will do these things for us but people, He longs for us to seek him out in the tiny details of our life walk. Before anyone says, that solution probably came from your head, let me tell you something, I was hurting so horribly bad that nothing was coming out of it except Help Me Jesus! I couldn't even eat anything yesterday and only took fluids but thank God I have a good supply of Ensure powder on hand and also, liquid meals in case of a disaster of any kind that limits our intake of body needs.
So, Jen I thank you for your prayers and your thyroid was hand made by God and His Temple was never allowed to have any such imperfect organs into it. Speak healing to your thyroid and lay your own hands on it and bless it in the Name of Jesus Christ. It is time to take back the ground that Jesus won! We don't healing in Heaven we need it in abundance right here and right now!
I know my Marge was praying also and her emails yesterday to me were such a blessing and I have to tell all of you right up front and out in public that God has put us all together for such a time as this. I know that God himself, led me to initiate the first contact with Marge while we were still commenting at Joel's. That was in March of 2007. I know it was the Holy Spirit leading me to a very precious lady that Loves the Lord with all of her heart, mind and soul. That she is called "My Child" by our Heavenly Father and has a calling on her life to proclaim the truth and share the love that comes from her Abba.
I thank each and everyone of you for the fellowship, friendship, love and prayers in my life and the lives of many, many people who never post a comment but who read and share all that we have to say. That they are encouraged daily is my prayer and also, that they will make known their presence in some manner. That we all lift up one another and pray that the love and gift of the Holy Spirit will be the blessed presence that enables us to stand in victory until we hear Him say "Come up here"! "Soon and very soon we are going to see the King! Soon and very soon we are going to see the King! Soon and very soon we are going to see the King! Hallelujah, hallelujah, we are going to see the King!"
Love you all,
Praise God for His healing power! To God be the glory for the things He has done!
I agree, we have been placed (united) together by the Holy Spirit. And since we all have different giftings in the body of Christ we need each other. The body needs every part, amen?
Just like Grany's neck, yesterday, was in pain. Her head, or her little finger didn't say, well, it's just too bad about her neck! It isn't us, and we don't really care what is going on with her neck. No! A thousand times no!
And if you don't agree, think about it the next time you accidentally bump your litle toe on something! OUCH!
Okay, to take this illustration a little further, Christ is the head of the church. We are the body. And until we learn to function together a little bit better, we're all going to feel the results. So, let's lean on Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. And allow Him to show us all how to become useful parts of the body. The head of the church, has given us (the body) His authority, and it's up to each and every one of us, to act in faith, when we hear from the Holy Spirit.
And allow me to add, that Wilma has been a blessing to me, and my life. The Lord has given her many giftings. But the one I appreciate the most, is her love for other people. Love is her motivation. Love from our Father above, and in it there is wise counsel, and much discernment.
May everyone enjoy the presense of the Holy Spirit. And may we all never neglect to obey the calling of the Lord Jesus Christ, He has placed upon our lives.
Okay, you've gone altogether too long without a good teaching :) How about it?
John, where art thou, Oh beloved brother in the Lord? Whither thou goes, we shall be praying for your abundant blessing and safe journeys.
In other words John, where are you and why have you kept silent so long?
Love you brother,
Hi, I am still around (I did comment on Friday...)
Life is rather busy at the moment - what with starting my first full time job since Sept 2000!!
I am reading everyone's posts, but don't have much time at the moment to blog.
Anyway, thank you for thinking of me. God bless you all.
Okay. But when you're not so busy, would you consider another good Bible teaching?
God bless!
May everyone have a blessed Sunday, too!
Hi everyone,
I have a serious prayer request for my brother, Jason. He's my only sibling and about 4 years younger. Since his teens, he's suffered from a host of emotional/behavioral issues and as a result, has been in some pretty dire situations. He finally found some stability with the medication Paxil and has been doing OK for the last 5 years or so.
My mom told me tonight that in an effort to stop smoking, he was weaned off Paxil so he could start one of the new meds to help with quitting the smoking habit. His wife told my mom today that his behavior has been growing increasingly angry and "scary" at times. Combined with this is the fact that he may be laid off from his job and they're expecting another child in the spring. Those stressors are not good news for someone with a volatile personality who isn't taking regular meds. Also, I read that one of the side effects of the smoking med is suicidal ideation....crazy!
If I had to put my money on it, I'd say he's saved (as a child) but he certainly hasn't had much fruit bearing over the last 20 years and much of his time has been spent bouncing from one big idea to another. Don't we all know someone like that?
Now that I have a deeper understanding of God's plan for our lives HERE (not just once we reach our final home) and what is available to us in terms of healing and restoration, I'm going to get busy in prayer for his healing from these emotional deadweights that are pulling him down. My parents have kinda taken the "that's just Jason and we can only try to help him manage his problems and find ways to stay stable" approach in dealing with him. Now I think of that approach and realize there IS full restoration available to him, not just some coping skills that will get him through til the next big crisis.
If you're able to join me in this request, please also keep his wife Kim and son Isaac in prayer, along with the new baby. The whole family really needs alot of healing - Kim's dad left her family when she was 2 and she has trust issues about men, so this could really wreck their relationship if my brother goes into another spiral.
Thanks a bunch :-)
Morning, all :-)
A little added info from last night's prayer request...
This morning I asked God to give me a passage in His Word to encourage me as I prayed for my brother and when I opened the Bible it was to the story of David and Goliath. I immediately knew God was saying, Don't worry....the fight seems impossible for him, but I've got it covered. You see, the story of David and Goliath was my brother's all-time favorite as a child and he requested it every night at bedtime. In reading the passage, I was reminded that David didn't win the battle by usual means...sword, spear, etc. God had him use a simple stone and sling to fell the giant, tools that the other soliders and even Saul thought were foolish things to use. So I'm very encouraged this morning as I set about the day. I think I'll call my mom and share this encouragement with her, too. I know she'll be in full "anxious mother" mode in the days ahead.
I need prayer. I've had a headache now for 6 days. I've been to two doctors and so far they can't find anything. I'd rather they not find anything and the stinkin headache just goes back to where it came from.
Lori, Holding you up in prayer I've had many of those headache's.
BTW Lori of all the narco's they gave me excedrin migrain (or extra streght) same ingrediants, provided the best relief, it comes out to one asprin, one tylenol and 60mg of caffine, so a coke should supply that.
My doctor called in Maxalt. It's starting to work, so there's a little bit of relief. I will call the Dr. tomorrow. I checked my bp and it was 151/98.
Thanks again for your prayers.
Exedrine migraine didn't touch this, but good idea.
How are you feeling today?
In agreement for your healing.
I came by late last night, after a rough day, and I did pray for you Lori. I thought I had made a comment but I guess I didn't. Hubby is really struggling and he needs wisdom to maneuver the dangerous waters he has gotten his self into.
You know, if this market crisis is going to happen to fulfill the prophecy of God toward the USA that we have heard many, many pastors speak, all our prayers will accomplish his God's provisions for the body of believers. It won't stop the curse if it is being allowed by our Abba. However, if "His people, who are called by his name, shall humble theirselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then he will hear from heaven and heal our land" but not until then.
I have had this dread going on in my Spirit man for quite some time now and I kept feeling and hearing the Lord say, Get in My Shadow and I will protect you. That is all that is keeping me fairly calm now. Hubby is a whole different story.
Marge and Wilma, This day started out pretty nasty, but I'm sitting up and feeling a little better. I folded a load of laundry and went thru my son's Spanish book and organized it for him.
The headache is lingering just a bit. My bp is 127/92 this morning, which is significantly better than last night.
I spent a long time rebuking symptoms this morning and having a quiet talk with the Lord. And, I blessed my body and told it to line up with the word of God, in Jesus name.
I appreciate your prayers and concern. I'm sending a big hug to you!
Praise God, Lori!
Keep confessing the Word!
Expect a miracle in your body and life. (you, too, Wilma!)
Keep smiling, and keep your focus upon God! He will give you perfect peace, in the middle of the storm.
Casting Crowns sing, I will praise you in this Storm! Listen to it, it will give your spirit strength.
Gotta run. (another run to my son's place, for extra work :)
Remeber, "For the Lord is GOOD, and His mercy endureth forever!"
Hey there, I've got this "urging" that we need to get some caboo$h and extra food to keep on hand for emergencies for our families.
I cannot go into great detail. Just remember that where God guides, God provides. He's not warning us to be scared, but prepared.
I know I'm posting a bunch of quirky platitudinous cliches, wow! that was redundant! But I'm trying to delicately get a point across.
Pray, ask God what you need to do to protect and provide for your family and then trust Him.
Praise You in This Storm
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
It's my God who supplies all your (and my) need [Philippians 4:19].
He wants us to have all sufficiency in all things AND an abundance to give into good works (i.e. the Kingdom) [2 Corinthians 9:8], and to be a blessing to those around us at this crazy time.
I think a lot of people (in the church) are going to have a real hard time because they have never been taught these truths as being applicable to every day life.
They have never been taught to live and walk in the spirit, and "call those things that are not [do not exist] as though they were" [Romans 4:17], and they do not know that what they say affects what happens to them - for example, if you continually say you have no money or supplies, you are telling God that He cannot/is not supplying all your needs - in effect you are stopping God helping you, because you are denying the Word, and in effect calling God a liar.
We are called to live the life of faith, i.e. a life of believing that what God says in His Word is TRUTH, unchanging and eternally binding. We are in a covenant relationship with God the Father, which basically means that all we have is God's and all God has is ours to use.
My Heavenly Father is a multi-times infinity (however much that is!) billionaire, whose wealth is unaffected by our puny stockmarkets and financial systems.
We are joint heirs NOW of this wealth, because when Jesus died, the New Covenant (=God's Will and Last Testament) came into operation, meaning we can (read MUST) make use of that wealth and power right here and now, in the land of the living, since we won't need those things in the hereafter.
"God is GOOD, and His mercies endure for ever!"
Jesus is coming back VERY soon, so look up, for the redemption of your mortal bodies is about to take place - until then reach out in faith for anything you have need of, for our Heavenly Father knows we have need of food, clothing, a place to life, and has ALREADY made full and complete provision for us.
Remember, God is not being taken by surprise - everything that is happening is part of His master plan. Don't worry, pray and praise God and thank Him right now for His abundant provision.
By the way, you need to go out and buy food, etc. with the money God has supplied - otherwise you could go hungry....
Pay attention to Lori's comments, and be prepared....some of what you have in your storehouse will be for others...to show them God does care, that He loves them in a very practical way and has a plan for them.
Thank you for sharing a great Word of encouragement with us!
Also remember, that Yom Kippur begins at sundown this evening. A good time to stay in a spirit of prayer.
Sharing 101: this time from Kenneth Hagin's magazine, Word of Faith, Oct. 2008 issue.
This is from Craig W. Hagin. (one of Kenneth Hagins's grandson's) And in my opinion, Craig is VERY much like his grandfather! Anyhow, here is what Craig said, (in a recent Campmeeting)
"You need to be meditating on the Word for healing when yoy're completely well and think you're doing great, because that's when you file things away and gather strength. The same devil who tries ro tamper with my life tampers with your life, and the same struggles you face, I face. If I can build my faith and walk in the Word, you can do it, too."
Craig also prophecied the need for Christians to sanctify themselves fully to the Lord's work.
A good Word!
sorry about the typos :)
How's the nogin?
Hi Mike,
Thanks for asking about my noggin! lol
I went to the neuro. today and he set me up for EEG and MRI tomorrow. Then it will take several days to evaluate.
My head feels so much better. I just quit the major source of migraine triggers... my job.
God is, and I know that He will guide and provide.
Thank you for the great reminder. I sent it to hubby as an encouragement as he comes around to understanding and seeing where the line goes that we're walking...it doesn't curve back around to things 'the way they used to be' as it has for generations in the past. He's starting to accept that now, but if I whack him over the head with too much too soon, he'll run back to his old comfy places and ignore these things that he's allowing to enter his mind. Your words sewed it up so well without the panic or alarm that can get mixed in.
I truly sense that we're headed toward the finish line....maybe a few corners to round yet, but certainly no loops around the track again. Have you all seen how much 'one world order' news has come out in just the last 24 hours? And now Russia saying that the US shouldn't have any major role in future cooperative agreements? Happening SO fast...
I'm going to print a few copies as well to keep on hand in case I am able to share some of our supplies with others God may bring our way. Like Grany, I've had this intense desire to get rid of the stubble and get the house as ready as possible. For who? Not sure but I keep envisioning it being used by others and not by us.
Yesterday I made a slow, thorough trip through the grocery store and bought alot of extras to fill the pantry shelves. When I came to the baby supplies aisle, I felt no need to buy anything there (we are mostly out of that stage, but I had been thinking about neighbors or Valerie's children....diapers, formula, etc.) I just realized today that baby supplies won't be needed immediately after the rapture. Hmmmmm....
Also, I'm having trouble staying alert and focused during prayer time/meditation on the Word. Not sure if it's just sleepiness from our busy schedule or something else trying to interrupt my time with the Lord. Anyone else finding that true lately? I can't get into a good groove and end up wandering all around (not physically) without ever really getting anything accomplished. And yet I know there are SO many things I want to be in prayer about...
OK - gotta run. Check in later!
Evening all,
Quick question....
Anyone here read Jerry Golden's website? He just posted a new message and I don't understand alot of what he is trying to say.
I was under the impression that he's a post-wrath believer (Messianic?) But in his post he talks alot about the formation of the pentacostal movement and several related preachers and how they play into God's plan for fulfilling prophesy.
Anyone has any idea about where he's coming from? I can't tell if he's being supportive or not.
Also, 2 prayer requests....
a little boy named Gavin in my preschool class had surgery today to remove a portion of his large intestine. He has a rare genetic disorder and this is his 4th surgery (he's only 3.)
And one of my hubby's coworkers was let go this week...the company is streamlining the sales force and they eliminated his position. Ryan is married with a young daughter. I think his wife works but they will likely need to find another source of income soon.
Thanks a bunch :-)
praying for Gavin and Ryan... and Alesia
Thanks Lori...
How are you doing? Thinking of you lots lately and keeping you in prayer, too.
I'll be anxious to hear from Alesia as well. I'm curious about her surgery...never heard of it before but am so glad to hear that the operation went so smoothly.
Love, Jen
I had the EEG and MRI today. It was weird and mildly uncomfortable. But it's over. yeah!
The doctor will evaluate the results and communicate them to me on the 20th.
Alesia will need a lot of prayer now. Usually pain really sets in by now. But we'll pray God will comfort her and get her lots of drugs if necessary.
Hi everyone! I just received my newsletter from David Wilkerson and my, what a timely message he sent. This is his letter he always sends with the Pulpit Series message.
"Dearly Beloved:
In my prayer walk today, I asked the Lord what he desires of us in these perilous times. In that sweet familiar voice I heard: "God's greatest joy is to behold unwavering trust in his children." I believe I delight my Lord when I completely trust him while all things are frightful and dark.
As I write this letter, the headline in today's Wall Street Journal reads, "Mounting Fears Pummel World Markets As Banking Giants Rush To Find Buyers". The subhead reads, "Worst Crisis Since '30's With No End in Sight". A lot of very scary things are happening worldwide. No one has answers, only questins: "What has happened? And what is coming next?"
I have dear friends who have lost almost everything: stocks, bank accounts, houses, jobs. We are all going to be affected in some way. And we are all going to have our faith tested greatly. There is no safe haven now but in Christ and his promises.
Now, as I sit in my study - Bible open on my lap, the Awful headlines of the newspaper lying on the floor at my side - I pleasd with the Lord: "What can I say, what can I write to God's people in such a time as this?"
I have been preaching for over fifty-three years, and I've delivered countless messages about trusting God in hard times. But now it cannot be just a sermon. The promies of God can no longer be taken for granted. We are going to be faced with life and death issues. There is no turning back; things will never again be the same.
The Word of God must become our very life, our hope, the ground of our faith. Prayers and intimacy with Jesus must become "praying without ceasing", plainly talking to him, pouring out our hearts in faith.
David said, "Fear was on every side... But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand;deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me" (Psalm 31:13-15).
Keep your Bible close at hand. Every day ask the Holy Spirit to give you special promises to keep you in faith and peace. At the bottom of this letter, I have given you a few Scripture references having to do with trust.
In closing: I have been overwhelmed with praise to God that in these unnerving days he is supplying the funds to carry on all our outreaches to the porrest and neediest all over the world. We are truly casting our faith on God's faithfulness. Thanks to all who are helping in spite of all the troubling news.
Love in Christ,
David Wilkerson
Psalm 18:2 * Ps. 18:30 * Ps 31:19 * Ps. 37:40 * Ps. 40:e3-4 * Ps. 56:3 * Ps. 56:11"
His sermon series that accompanied the letter is titled "Getting Ready for the End of All Things and if I am not mistaken, you can read it at www.worldchallenge.org.
David had a vision from God a few years ago where he saw this mess with the financial markets and other judgments coming on the USA. Are we now entering into this time period for a certainty? I don't know but I will tell you that there is something ominous going on and I can almost hear the Lord's footsteps getting very near.
Here is a summary (I think it is correct???) of Pastor David Wilkerson's vision he had in 1973..
In 1973, Wilkerson claimed to have received a vision regarding the future of the United States and subsequently gave a sermon on the vision and published a book called The Vision. Wilkerson believed that God had revealed to him a great calamity which was going to befall America due to increase in sins such as homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, and greed.
Some of the details of this 1973 vision were:
1. "Worldwide recession caused by economic confusion"
* "At most a few more fat flourishing years, and then an economic recession that's going to affect the life style of every wage-earner in the world. The world economists are going to be at loss to explain what's happening. It's going to start in Germany, spread to Japan and finally to the United States."
* There will be a move toward a worldwide, unified monetary system. The US dollar will be hit bad and it will take years for it to recover.
* The only real security will be in real estate (until a somewhat later stage, at which point this apparent security will also disappear).
2. "Nature having labor pains"
* Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism.
* There will be major earthquakes.
* There will be a major famine.
* Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will increase in frequency.
* "A new kind of cosmic storm appearing as a raging fire in the sky leaving a kind of vapor trail."[2]
3. "A flood of filth and a baptism of dirt in America"
* Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity.
* Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television. Young people will gather at homes to watch this kind of material in groups.
* Sex and the occult will be mixed.
* There will be an acceptance of homosexuality, and the church will even say that it is a God-given gift.
4. "Rebellion in the home"
* "I see the new number one youth problem in America and the world as hatred towards parents."[2]
5. "A persecution madness against truly Spirit filled Christians who love Jesus Christ"
* There will arise a world church consisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, using Christ in name only.
* There will be a hate Christ movement.
* There will be a spiritual awakening behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.
6. Others
* There will be another wave of riots.
* There will be a fall in moral conduct.
* There will be a new drug that will be popular with teenagers that will break down resistance and will encourage sexual activity.
* Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be ordained and this will be heralded as a new breed of pioneer.
* There will be nude dancing in church, but this will never be widespread.
* There will be occult practices in churches.
I leave you to judge it..
This IS the day that the Lord has made,
we will rejoice and be glad in it!
Marge, Amen sis! He did a beautiful job of it also.
Could you all please pray for my mom?
She is in the hospital with severe edema and dehydration.
She has diabetes and liver problems. She does not know the Lord and has rejected the gospel in the past by all appearances anyway.
Please pray for her recovery but mostly for her salvation.
Grace, I am praying for you and Momma. May her heart be softened and prepared for the Holy Spirit's leading and your speaking the Word to her. May she hear with her heart and put all of the past behind her. That you will be lead by the Holy Spirit to share with her and see the rewards of your faithful witness in reaching for her.
God bless sis,
I found this at the Unknown Prophet's site and it was very encouraging for me this morning. I hope you will share in the message also.
The throne room was huge - so huge that it seemed infinite - And as the music of heaven played - hundreds of millions of gathered - the people never stopped coming - incessant and infinite - radiant with joy - clothed in white garments.
Having followed the Lamb faithfully throughout their time on earth, through the fire and the furnace and yet stayed their course - and now the old order was passed away and behold the new was come -
And the throne room was filled with those from every tribe and every tongue with those who had laid down their lives and taken up their cross and followed Him - Those who had served Him when even they were bare and dry and had clung on by faith to their great hope of His glorious appearing -
And now as one they waited in this huge amphitheater like throne room - waiting for the glorious one - the Lamb of God whom they had served all their lives - whom they had seen by the eyes of their spirit - whom they had glimpsed often so fleetingly only through a glass darkly.
Fraught with their own humanities and failings - with their own personal set of weaknesses and hindrances which so easily beset them - but here - none of this counted - oh beautiful child of God - for here - it was as all things new - for here there was no weeping or crying for the old order of things had passed away and all things had become new - and as they waited - as one and yes as millions they waited -
Even as one would wait for the entrance of the most powerful and esteemed Regent on earth so they waited - and it was unimaginable and indescribable - the moment when the Great King of Heaven began His walk up the great Nave of heavens throne room -
And so they all stood still like stone on either side of the Nave that seemed to stretch to infinity - in marvel and in awe and in complete wonder - that they had made it in- that everything that they had lived for on earth that they had believed to be by the eyes of their spirit - was now before them - in total reality
And as the Great King of Heaven walked - so slowly, in such majesty and glory - His face and his attention was totally riveted on the One who sat beyond - Far beyond - who dwelt in flaming iridescent light beyond the Nave - at the top of the throne room -
And yet as the King passed by - it was as though each one of these who had spent their years on earth serving Him faithfully - had his personal - complete adoring attention - And he would stop and I saw Him turn and look deeply oh so deeply into that ones eyes and oh as he looked, beloved - as he looked upon them - so they wept - they wept with the total embracing from him of all they were and of all the Father had created them to be before the machinations of the fall
And to some - he would weep and gather them to his bosom and hold them close- so close - and it was a Holy Moment in eternity.
And then to others I saw him start to laugh with the irrepressible intense and overflowing joy and laughter of Heaven and so too their weeping at the wonder and the awe of Him was turned in a moment to the intense joy of being fully understood and embraced.
In the incredible knowledge of being fully known by Him and yet loved more even than a mother - even as a babe in arms - so tender was his love for them
And so - he would hold their hands - and smile with joy unimaginable and reach out to each as he walked by and as they clung to Him - and oh, dearest child of God -
Still they felt his touch linger as he continued his walk - and for each one that he passed - it was as though it was only He and them in the entire throne room -
For they only saw Him and He only saw them - and so it was with each of the millions of His beloved.
And as He walked up the Nave - I sensed that He was saying ’ Thank You - Thank You’ - to each who had stood for Him - even in the darkest times when they had been so weak - and that as He held them and as they clung to Him - that He was saying
‘Thank You - Well Done - Good and faithful servant - you who stood for me - while so much was dark and unseen and when at so many times all the glory of Heaven seemed so far away and my presence seemed hidden from your sight - still you kept faith - still you stood strong. Even when your limbs were weary and when your soul was overwhelmed with the stresses and the pressures of earth - still you stood for Me - still you preached My Gospel.
"Thank You’, he would whisper.
And as he continued to walk down the Nave towards His Father - all those that he had passed and touched - and child of God - not one was left out from his touch and from his attention - so all looked after him with such adoration and with such a terrible indescribable yearning
And then I saw Him turn His head back to them - And He was as a lover who cannot bear to leave his beloved alone even for a moment - and His yearning was so terrible for them also - for each was to Him His bride.
And so as little children they were comforted - and then once again - I saw His face shine with the pure joy of gazing upon His Fathers face and glory - and so He continued to walk towards the Great Throne Of Light - and somehow I knew that each one of these was His great gift to His Father - that each one had been saved from the clutches of sin and damnation by the unsurpassable sacrifice of the Holy Son Of God - the splendid Lamb of God back into the Fathers hands -
And then the Father stood - his hands outstretched towards the Son oh - and the Son could hardly walk for the intense glory emanating from the Father - and the glory and the power and the joy and the joy and wonder and awesome thickness of the mantle of his glory and His glory began to fall across the Throne Room and all the faces were closed eyes in rapture - their hands outstretched as the Son in all His glory walked towards the Father - and they became as one -
This is what we live for on earth beloved.
This is why we stand.
Permission is granted (and we encourage you) to forward the prophecies from The Journal of the Unknown Prophet as the Spirit leads. You can reprint in hard copy form, send them to your own e-mail lists and post them on your own website. All we ask is that website information, e-mail contact information and author information remain intact. From www.unknownprophet.com"
Thank you Wilma!
My 23 year old daughter opened up to me last night and told me that the Lord has been "stalking" her over the last 2 weeks. Everywhere she turns she hears scripture or warnings or things she knows are from the Lord.
I have questioned if she is saved. She said that she not only asked the Lord to save her when she was a child but she told me lastnight that she renews that invitation all of the time. Every time she does, she says 10 minutes later she is sinning the same sin. (I can totally identify!) So she questions if she is saved. She seems to be continuing living her life with no change in thinking or living but only the Lord knows.
She wants to know how she can KNOW she is saved. Can Jesus just send her a postcard to let her know that He has saved her, is what she asked. (little stinker!)
I told her that we can know by the fact that scripture says we are saved by grace through faith. We talked about repentance and she wanted to know what the diffence between repentance and good works was.
She had alot of really good questions about the basis of salvation. She also wanted to know how you determine whose interpretation of scripture is correct when there are so many of them out there.
She did make the comment that she did not want me to have the satisfaction of thinking I had brought her to the Lord. (I do not care WHO God uses as long as she comes to Him). She has alot of questions that I know there are great answers for. I do think that she wants to hear them from someone other than me. (*sigh*).
Could you all pray too that she allows God to deal with her heart and her questions the way He wants to and that she bows that heart to Him? He knows the roadblocks and misconceptions she has.
I was thinking the other day that I really sense a gathering beginning to take place. I see it at the cave. We see people joining there that have not been there since Joel's and that delights my heart.
There are several Chistian women in my neighborhood and we have not really talked much and we had a chance to really talk at a neighborhood gathering the other night. I have proposed that we all get togther and pray for our neighborhood.
Anybody else have that sense?
Much love to you all! I will let you know what they say about my mom later today.
You have the right to claim your entire household for Christ: Joshua 24:15 b says:
"but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
I saw my Grandmother claim her entire family for the Kingdom of God. She never wavered, either! And her only son didn't get saved until a decade after her homegoing into heaven.
It isn't, name it and claim it, as some say. It's confessiong the Word of God, and standing firm that God's promises are true. When we confess God's Word, all of heaven stands behind us, when they're confessed in Faith. It works the same for healing. Don't be moved by what you see, but only stand firm in the Word of God, and see the salvation of the Lord.
Expect a miracle! (Each and every day) God IS a good God, and His goodness he would show to you.
God bless!
I'm standing with you, in Faith, for total salvation for your entire household.
Thank you Marge!
Well, my mom called me yesterday morning and the doctors have concluded that her liver is failing.
They have given her 6 months to a year to live.
She lives in California so I am not physically close to her.
She does not know the Lord. She has kind of made up an idea of what she thinks God is, kind of a new age you are God kind of thing.
When I talked to her later on, she had kind of made up her mind that the doctors had been wrong when they told her 9 years ago that she had 5 years to live so they are wrong now.
Most of all, would you all please pray with me for her salvation? Marge I agree 100%!!
My great grandmother was an awesome Christian and I am sure she prayed for her, (and her own daughter and me) all of her life.
My grandmother was an on the street alcoholic. She was on her deathbed in Modesto 15 years ago and when she became too incoherant for me to talk to on the phone. I called some pastors at the Calvary Chapel there and they went there and prayed with her and ministered to her.
They called and told me that before she died she came to and started thanking Jesus!!! I do believe that she accepted Christ in answer to her mother's prayers.
The prayer of agreement is a powerful prayer. Matt. 18:19.
Let's also agree in prayer, that the Lord places people in your family's path, that are born again, believers.
Also, when we are standing in faith, God releases the ministry of angels on our behalf. So, thank the Lord for answered prayer, and the soon salvation of your mother, and other members of your family.
And who knows? After your mother becomes a believer, she could then believe for her healing? It sounds as though she doesn't believe the Doctor's report, anyhow :)
Have a wonderful day and God bless!
THE BRICK (couldn't resist)
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared . Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up Against a parked car shouting, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?" The young boy was apologetic. "Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," He pleaded. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop..." With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. "It's my brother, "he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up."
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me." Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. "Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: "Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
Remember if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it
Maranatha sooon...
Ok, sometimes the media get's it right!
Soldier and daughter’s reunion
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