Monday, August 11, 2008

For Signs and Seasons...

Since we need a new post, I thought I’d see what is the general consensus on the blood red moons and solar eclipses that occur in the 2014/15 Jewish year? I know the the Sun, Moon and Stars are there for SIGNS and seasons, and I would be really, really, really happy to have the rapture on 30 Sep of 2008 (50 days from Aug 11 (today)). These are the Referenced sites...

Interview with Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries on Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2014/15 Video(Part 1) and Video(Part 2)

and a follow up from Steve Hadley of Harvest Family Fellowship in Reno who has counted the 1260/1290 days from scripture and claims it falls within the parameters of the Bible with a start date of 30 Sept 2008.
Video of A Purim Connection...?

Here are the notes I took (had to keep rewinding for interruptions so take them with a grain of salt)?

I can only make this work by using 29 Sept 2008 as a start date for the Rapture (I’m hoping for this date).

Given 29 Sept 2008 as the date of the rapture (Yom Teruah(Rosh HaShannah) is the only festival that no man knows when exactly it will occur. This is due to the fact that it begins on the new moon. The new moon was sanctified when two witnesses see the new moon and attest to it before the Sanhedrin in the Temple. This sanctification could happen during either of two days, depending on when the witnesses come. Since no one knew when the witnesses would come, no one knew when the Feast of Trumpets would start. On the 30th of each month, the members of the High Court assembled in a courtyard in Jerusalem, where they waited to receive the testimony of two reliable witnesses. They then sanctified the new moon. The new moon is very difficult to see on the first day because it can be seen only about sunset, close to the sun, when the sun is traveling north. So, looking for a very slim faint crescent moon, which is very close to the sun, is a very difficult thing to do. If the moon’s crescent was not seen on the 30th day, the new moon was automatically celebrated on the 31st day. )

Wow this is going to be a long post…

Anyway adding 2550 days (1260 + 1290) to 29 Sep 2008 gives Yom Kippur on 23 Sep 2015. With Sukkot following 10 days later on 28 Sep 2015 with a Total Lunar Eclipse.

Adding 1260 days to 29 Sep 2008 gives 12 Mar 2012 with Purim occurring on 8 Mar 2012 and the given theory is that the 2 witnesses are killed on Purmin (I didn’t know that Purmin was celebrated with gift giving, celebration, etc hence dancing and gift giving when they are killed)

Then we assume that after 3 days they are raised from the dead on 11 Mar 2012 thus showing the Jews that their on the wrong side. With the following day 12 Mar 2012 ending the 1260 day period and starting the 1290 day period which would end on Yom Kippur 2015.
Also worth noting is that from 8 Mar 2012 to 7 Apr 2012 (Passover) is 30 days

The eclipse are defined as : Total Lunar on 15 Apr 2014 Pesuch – Total Lunar 8 Oct 2014 – the day before (sunset) of Succott on 9 Oct 2014 – Total Solar 20 Mar 2015 – listed as declared day of new Religious Year (though I can’t find on any Jewish calendar) – Partial Lunar 13 Sep 2015 the day before (sunset) of Rosh HaShannah 14 Sep 2015 (same senerio that gave us the starting Rosh HaShannah of 29 Sep 2008) – and Finally a Total Lunar Eclipse on Sukkot 28 Sep 2015.


TexanForChrist said...

Another story that caught my attention:

Are feds stockpiling survival food?


TexanForChrist said...

I haven't been to the c ave in awhile has Jim come up with any good senerios for this post or the Russian/Georgian war?


campsmore said...

Jim has posted something regarding "the great sign." I kind of skimmed over it... didn't really pay much attention...

Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, I sent an email to Jim inviting him to come and share with us here too.


Jen said...

Hi all,
I wanted to get this post out even though I meant it for the last thread (I had everything typed up and hubby decided to close things down, including my unfinished post :-( and I haven't had time since then...)
But it has to do with the subject of considering our Heavenly Father as our true "Daddy." I have to say first that I am so deeply sorry for those who shared their pain on this topic. I have a burden for those in helpless situations and it grieves my heart when I hear stories where, especially children, aren't loved in a way that God intended. I've prayed for each situation and will trust Abba to continue the healing in your hearts so that you can not only feel real love from Him, but then also reflect that back onto the others you encounter and live with on a daily basis. I can't empathize since I do have a dad (not perfect by any means, but certainly not neglectful or abusive), but I will sympathize and commit to being a prayer partner.
I had originally wanted to share a story about what realizing God's Abba facet can do in a person's life. You all know about my grandfather and his stubborn refusal to acknowledge God. And you know about my letter that I sent him a month or so ago. Well, we're starting to see signs of a softening heart in him. In my letter, one of the things that I mentioned was that we can run to God like a child runs to his Daddy (in ideal circumstances.) I told Grandpa that one of God's names in the Bible is Abba, meaning Daddy. I'm sure he never knew this before and probably didn't even know how to picture the god of his mind in that way. A bit of background....
In my genealogy research I uncovered the fact that my great-great grandfather came from Sweden, married and had 3 children. For various reasons, he left the family in a destitute situation when the youngest was just a toddler. My great-grandfather and his younger brother were then placed in an orphanage because their mother could only manage to keep their little sister. They had to literally fight for daily survival and finally ran away to fend for themselves as pre-teens. I doubt they knew anything about Abba either and they certainly knew nothing about a father's love from their human father.
The cycle of fight-to-survive continued when my great-grandfather had his 2 sons. I've heard from my mom that it was always a difficult, sometimes abusive house to live in and there were resentments and long-held grudges on all sides. My mom's 2 siblings continued the cycle although she somehow managed to escape it and start a normal life with my dad. She's a peacemaker and to this day still goes back to try and smooth things over, even though she knows it will take much more than her calming words to change Grandpa's heart.
Fast forward to the present....Mom told me that last week Grandpa ended their phonecall with "I love you", something he never once has said in his life to her. And a few days ago when she visited him and took strawberries and icecream as a treat, he said, "Bless you for thinking of me." And I mentioned the rainbow at my cousin's wedding, right? That apparently really shook him up and hopefully got him thinking of the life after this one. So we can see signs of his attitude melting a little and that will hopefully lead to a crack for the Holy Spirit to really dig into. I'm so anxious to exit this place, but knowing that so many are just shy of the harvest makes me temper my enthusiasm a bit. I'm praying and waiting with expectation for the day- soon- when Grandpa runs to his Abba and asks Him to make things right and accept him into His home. What a glorious day that will be!


campsmore said...

Jen, that is such a neat story. I'm glad to hear about God softening your granddad's heart.


campsmore said...

Perry Stone's newest is excellent.

Loosing the Dove in the Midst of the Storm

Great Grany 5 said...

JEN you blessed my heart with your report on your grandpa. They are special men to us aren't they.

You know God promised us that household salvation is ours and I am agreeing with you in prayer for all of your loved ones.

Your momma sounds like mine. Always a peace maker by choice.

Love and best blessings,

boatman909 said...

Concerning the signs of the times, all I know for sure is that there MUST be a final fullfilment of Joel's prophecy (the one quoted by Peter on the day of Pentecost) BEFORE the Rapture (at least the first one - pot stirring....).

This outpouring of Holy Spirit must surpass any and all previous major revivals and outpourings, including what happened in the early Church after the day of Pentecost.

Last Sunday (and not for the first time either) we had a word of prophecy that said this final outpouring had already started in a few places, but it was going to become a fire that goes around the globe. However, it will only get started in places where there are groups of believers that have understood how to "walk in the Spirit", and be willing and able and available to operate in the manifestations of Holy Spirit - as and when He wills, of course.

We must also REALLY believe in what Jesus says in John 14:12

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

We WILL do greater things (otherwise Jesus was lying), if we believe = if our faith engine is operating on all cylinders, with the best possible octane fuel (the anointing oil of Holy Spirit), and has been tuned for maximum performance (through praise and spirit filled prayer (=tongues))....(to use a car analogy - sorry ladies)

And then Jesus will come back!! - that was the conclusion of the prophecy.


campsmore said...

And John, you forgot, "no restrictor plates..." he he he

Grace said...


Wow! Thank you for sharing that! That is amazing that God uses every little thing that we are involved in for good.

I can totally see how it takes a healing work of the Holy Spirit to undo a lifetime of a wrong view of God...praying for and thanking the Lord for what he is doing in your grandpa's heart.


Yes,( agreeing with your comment back to me from the last post) I could not agree more. It is better all of the time and the last thing I want to do is to look backwards. When I struggle with a stubborn problem like I have the last few years it is more difficult...maybe I just don't get it.


Jen said...

Morning, all!
I need to ask for some prayer support for my daughter Lauren. The last few weeks I've occasionally noticed when cleaning her up at the potty that she has traces of blood after she "poops". I'm going to take her to the dr. tomorrow so they can check it out. I'll let you know what turns up.

Great Grany 5 said...

You all just have to read this report from Fox News Channel. I have forgotten how to do the link thingy so here is a copy and paste link.,2933,402483,00.html

It is an article of a Hamas Leaders son becoming a Christian and leaving Islam.


I like that remark of Lori's "no restrictor plates". I love the way the Holy Spirit revives us all and charges us up with new life when just a little bit of heaven proves the doubters are wrong.

JEN, I will add my prayers for your precious Lauren.

John, good to see your remarks and then you used John 14:12 and that is the verse that the Holy Spirit keeps reminding me of all of the time. Not just once in a while but constantly. To the point that I began to wonder why. Then things started happening in my family in rapid succession, to the point now it seems we only have to mention the need and it appears or happens.

This has really spooked my daughter but my son is deliriously happy. My daughter is Becky and she is married to Leroy. Leroy was just recently saved and baptized in a very cold pond in northern Missouri in March/April. Now they are attending faithfully one of the outstanding churches in Rogers, Arkansas. Ronnie Floyd is the pastor and some of you may have heard him on Christian TV. At any rate, Leroy is on fire and Becky, well she is trying to stay cool! But the heat is getting hotter and she is really struggling with keeping aloof. She was the little fire brand when she was in her school years and time has taken its' toll on her. So, I am enjoying the drama unfolding. Now our little Grandson Cameron is really turning the heat on her. He is 4 years old and just asked Jesus to come into his heart and save him. Of course, he is calling his Nana (Becky) everyday telling her about Jesus and she is really getting it poured on big time.

Oh, God uses all of us but he could use us all so much more and in power if we would just quit limiting him. My prayer today is that we loose the restrictions from our relationships with Him and let Him accomplish all that he has desired for us to be. Completely and totally His forever and with the humility and grace to glorify Him in it all.

Love to all of you,

Jen said...

Hi Grany,
Thanks for your prayers. Dr. said this morning to feed her lots of softening foods (prunes....I hope she'll eat them!) and watch for a week, then report back to him. I expect that with our covering of prayers things will be just fine.

Since the conflict with Russia broke out, I've had a renewed sense of getting stuff updated/organized, not so much for us but for those who will need to find supplies and the Truth about what has happened, once the bride has been called. I even added a note and placed in in my Bible at Matt25 for people to read, just in case John's scenario comes to pass. I keep remembering that the term 'birth pains' is used and once those start, there's no slowing down. Any thought of "this will calm down eventually" really isn't sticking in my spirit these days, so I'm full-steam ahead in prep mode for the big shout.
My plan today is to spend time (while the kids nap) blessing the house, all the supply areas I've stocked and asking for God, in Jesus' name, to bless this home so that whatever comes, we'll be provided for or those who come to our home seeking supplies will be provided for, in ALL ways that they will have need.
I've also had in my spirit the last few months the stories of the fish/loaves, the oil/flour jar that kept replenishing, the manna in the desert, etc. I have come to understand that even if we get down to one can of tuna, that can will feed us until we're able to secure other supplies. I'm ready and waiting to see how amazing the Lord's handiwork is going to be for His children in the coming days!
OK - gotta go break up a skirmish.
Check back later,

Great Grany 5 said...

Just dropping by to leave an invitation to use a wonderful new Bible program that I found quite by accident the other day.

It has everything in it that I use regularly and it is a very neat program. It is available to either download the whole thing on your computer from the web site, order a free CD or use on the web. This man is a sofeware engineer during the day and has set his spare time to develop software for Christian purposes.

I am really, really impressed with what I have used so far and there is even a Strongs concordance with ability to create notes and things beyond my wildest dreams.

MIKE, do you know anything about this guy? Would you tell me how I can check him out more. I am sending this info to my pastor for his missions work and don't want to send him anything that might prove to be other than.

God bless all of you and I will catch up on the remarks later. Getting ready for company right now.


Great Grany 5 said...

OOPS! I forgot to tell Jen that my prayers are always with you child and if I am called home before any of the rest of you, they will still be heard in heaven anyway. They get stored up you see and besides, we are all heading toward the mighty move of God with a double outpouring coming for all of us.


Marge said...

Grace, Grace,
You know you are deeply loved by God, don't you?

And at the risk of beating a subject to death, (smile) I'm going to encourage you (again) to listen to Pastor Joseph Prince. He has a special annointing (IMHO) to preach grace. (without the law) You need to hear this teaching. It will set you free! His book, Destined To Reign, is THEE best book I'm read in years! When you see yourself like God sees you? You'll never have the same problem again. It's not that you don't get it. It's satan's attempt to blind believers from seeing/kmowing the truth about their redemption, and that it's a finished work.

I gotta run for now. But I'm praying for you. And pray about buying the book, by Pastor Prince. You'll never be the same after reading it! (it's 10 years of radical grace teaching in one book!)

Love you,

mommyjen said...

Marge -- thanks for the invite !!

I was honored that you'd think of me...boy do I look forward to meeting everyone ...SOON...Lord willing !!! This core group has kept me lifted up when I've needed it most over the past year and I have followed you all ( although sporatically due to the kids always needing me:)!)from Joel's to the cave , Sue's and now day, at the cafe, I will thank each of you with a big hug and a huge smile ( since tears of joy won't be there , right?!No tears at all )

Life's crazy wonderful thanks to our Lord Jesus and God's infinite grace...and then it makes me nutty and sick from all the interference from the devil and his attacks.

I have to admit I still struggle EVERY day with "resting" in Him...and am still fighting the urge to "do" something....however, I received some great advice from a good Christian friend today...and , in being obedient, I feel I need to share it here for Grace, so Honey, here you go....
(plus I'd love to see if all you mentors agree)....

The conversation began with my statement that I know salvation is by His grace alone and requires only my faith in His Son (as my Saviour and Lord of my life..that Jesus was God in the flesh and died and rose again and is now seated on the right hand of God Almighty). So I said that even though i know all of this, I still feel like I should be doing something...then I hear."wait...Be still and wait". Therefore my the advice was ...

"if you feel "led" it's of the Lord, if you feel "driven" beware it's probably of the devil"...

so , after reflecting on it I thought it was good advice....God doesn't force himself and only encourages and supports...being driven to do something usually requires rash decisions and self-centered behavior to accomplish the goal....

so, Grace for what it's worth there it is and i don't know why but i really felt "led" to post that for you...I sure have missed all of you and love reading all the great insights...

the Russia thing is "waking up" some in my family
...Praise the Lord!!!!

Thanks again for the invite and look forward to keeping up with all of you ...big hugs from VA ---jen

Marge said...

WAY COOL!!! I'm just about to leave for work, but I thought I'd get on the computer one more time. I'm so glad I did! Welcome, welcome!

Good to "see you!"

Love you,

Great Grany 5 said...

HEY MOMMYJEN, great seeing you post here. I think of you so very often and always enjoy the memories of earlier days discussing God with you.

Good advice you gave to Grace too. That is a very good way to divide the urges that happen to all of us.

Mommyjen and Jen, I want to introduce you to one another, in case you haven't been before. Mommyjen can relate to you Jen as she has a very young and active family also. In fact, you have more in common than I can put down with any degree of accuracy.

Please come here often and join in the gab fest. It is relaxed and Holy Spirit friendly to boot.

Love you little one,
Wilma (wjm and greatgrany5)

Jen said...

Yes, Welcome MommyJen!
I always think of myself when I see your name at the blogs because we do have two things in common - the first name and my kids are still calling me 'Mommy' so I hear that constantly, too!
Hope to hear from you're always so 'chipper' in your posts :-)

(the other) Jen

Jen said...

(Late) evening, all!
I, too, watched the Perry Stone video. Really interesting thoughts he shared. I had one question to float, mostly because I'm not clear on alot of these Spirit topics yet....
The dove/Spirit went out the third time and didn't return. I'm assuming that when it went out, it went to work as in the other two times? Perry said the difference was that the dove didn't return and drew a parallel to the Rapture. Do you think that means that the "restrainer" is the Spirit who leaves at the Rapture, after doing the final phase of His work? Also, I wasn't sure if Perry was saying that when the Spirit is loosed the final time that a period of work follows, then the Rapture or whether the Rapture happens in conjunction with the final "loosing" of the Spirit. I understand most here expect a final wave of infilling to occur first. Not sure if I'm making my questions clear. Probably because my brain is fried and I've got another busy day ahead of me tomorrow. Better head to LaLa land :-)


boatman909 said...


Holy Spirit CANNOT leave the earth - He's been here since the beginning of this version of the earth (Genesis 1:2), and He's never going to leave - He is the only active member of the Godhead on the earth, since both Jesus and the Father are in Heaven.

In addition, people get saved AFTER the Rapture (see Revelation Ch. 7), and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists operate in the power of Holy Spirit - so He must remain here on earth for these things to happen. So the entity that is restraining the appearance of the AC cannot be the Holy Spirit - but since it is a "he", this must mean the Body of Jesus (i.e the Church), which has to be removed (literally) out of the way so that evil can have full reign on the earth and usher in the (very short) age of the AC.

The reason the Church has to be removed is because, according to Jesus, we have been given all authority on earth to carry out God's plans and purposes - and we have the authority to resist the devil and make him flee from us in terror (although most Christians don't realize that we have this authority, and therefore do not exercise it). The devil cannot let loose on the earth whilst we are still here.


Jen said...

Hi everyone,
Quick question....
Anyone else being (for lack of a better word) 'pestered' by the Holy Spirit this week? Since my initial speaking in tongues experience about 9 months ago, I've had maybe a few dozen moments when I knew Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention and I would turn to prayer in the Spirit until the nudging passed. But this week it's like I can't shake Him or satisy the nudging.
Thought I'd ask...


boatman909 said...


Keep praying in tongues until you feel the nudging has gone - it maybe that something is coming that Holy Spirit wants to make sure does not touch you or cause you distress or harm - either to you or a family member.


Great Grany 5 said...

I want to add something to what John just said. You have all asked why all of these terrible things are happening on earth now and why isn't God doing something about it. I used to be part of the choir and one day the Lord showed me the authority of the believer is the power of the Holy Spirit called into action by HIS WORD LIVING IN US.

Now people can get bent out of shape real fast over this and so I will just keep it simple. In Ephesians we are told that we are not battling flesh and blood, right? Why aren't we? In the first place the flesh and blood we are battling are the unbelievers and the spiritual world that they exist in. That flesh and blood is unregenerate and belongs to the ruler of the world. We belong to the Heavenly Father by the Blood of the Lamb who was slain for the sins that existed from the foundation of the world.

When we become believers in Jesus Christ and make him our Lord and Savior, we are removed from the power of darkness and brought into the kingdom of Light and life. Jesus gave us all authority as his workmen on earth who were supposed to be keeping the powers of darkness in check until he, Jesus, came back to gather his body. Rapture!!!!!

We were never supposed to be wimps when it came to the works of the devil and his minions. But wimpering and crying for God to do something when he has already sent his Son to complete the transformation of authority is bad doctrine. He told us, YOU AND I, AS BELIEVERS AND FAITH FILLED BELIEVERS AT THAT, to do all that he did while in ministry here on earth and besides that, we would do much greater things. WHY?? Because Jesus is in heaven, seated at the right hand of God and we are too! Right there with him. The word says so. Seated in Christ in Heavenly places.

Our spiritual resurrection places us in union with Christ. God made us alive together with Christ. We are now united together with Him (Eph. 1:22-23), and we now share His resurrection life and power (vv. 19–20).

“Raised up with Him,” and “seated” enthroned with Christ in heaven. The glorified body of Jesus Christ is now in heaven in the presence of God the Father. It is also the state into which believers are introduced by our new birth. We now enjoy, even in this life, a state of purity, exaltation and favor with God. The opposite state is called "the kingdom of Satan."

We are even now described as citizens of heaven (Phil. 3:20). Because we are in Christ we have a right to the privileges, blessings, and responsibilities of citizens of the kingdom of God. Even now, spiritually we occupy the heavenly city. We have a foretaste of what it shall be like in glory with Christ.

Allow the greatness of this new life in Christ to become a part of your thinking. We have been “freed from the condemnation of the law, the dominion of Satan, the lethargy and pollution of spiritual death. We have been “reconciled to God," made partakers in His Spirit, as the principle of everlasting life. We have been “adopted" into His family and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God both in this life and the one to come in glory. This is a change worthy of being expressed by saying; “he has quickened us, and raised us up and made us to sit together with Christ in heavenly places.”

The apostle Paul tells us that this has been accomplished “in Christ.” Believers share in His life because of their union with Christ. Moreover, we share in His exaltation because we are to reign with Him.

But Paul tells us we already have these blessings. We enjoy the now and the yet to be. We already enjoy to some degree these blessings of salvation. Moreover, our vital union with Christ guarantees “the continuation and fulfillment” of all of these blessings in the future with Christ. In Jesus Christ we “are already raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of God.”

But the main requirement to all of this is FAITH IN GOD! Not faith in our faith, nor faith in what someone else says or does, but Faith in God and His Word.

Sounds like a lot but consider this, Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a child like faith that gave no room for doubting God or his word. The problem with adults is they want to mentalize everything until THEY understand it and get a head full of knowledge and then approach God on a basis of intelligence. NOT SO!

God said "MY thoughts are not your thoughts, and MY ways are not your ways; so we cannot lean or depend on our own understanding, we have to have Faith in God and His Ways and His Thoughts.

Hope I didn't muddy up the waters too much.

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

JEN, John is right! I went through this about 3 months ago and a terrible disaster was trying to take place and fizzled. Also, God loves adoration and praise. When you are praying in the Holy Spirit language you are entering his courts and to do that we enter with praise and worship.

Courtly manners!


campsmore said...

Jen, it's funny that you should ask that question. I wrote to Wilma just a few days ago and told her that I've been praying in tongues more than English and asked if she thought it was okay...

Praying in tongues seems to be more satisfying spiritually right now.

One day, we'll find out why.
nighty nite

Jen said...

Hi Lori, Grany & John,
Thanks for the input and insight!
Grany, I immediately took your advice and sent up some solid praise and worship prayers and that got a good wave rolling across me so I know our Father was pleased about that. I have been spending alot of time lately, too, asking for things (family needs, big-job prayers that will take miracles to accomplish, etc.) and asking for guidance about things so I wasn't too surprised to hear from the Lord, but this kinda felt like Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention about something I hadn't been focused on. Like He was saying after my prayers, "No, that's not it. Keep pressing and paying attention. There's something else."
I'm with you, Lori. I find myself praying in tongues alot more because I don't even know where to begin these days with my prayer list! Sometimes I feel like I'm going over the same things to the point of monotony. When I'm praying in the Spirit, it's usually much more satisfying and like a conversation, rather than a recitation.
Well, I've got to think about my to-do list before I go to bed. We spent the day at the Camden NJ aquarium with our Josh - it was his reward for potty training. He's our creepy-crawly guy and loves anything with sharp teeth or claws. The shark tunnel was especially enthralling for him! Potty training is officially done and now we can move on to preschool which starts in a few weeks. Yikes! I'm teaching 1 class/week so I have to get back into teacher-mindset and I'm totally not ready for any of this to begin! If I could just get the house back to square one, I'd have a fighting chance ;-)
Oh, update on baby triplets....all are doing well and the family situation seems to be smoothing out with the mother-in-law living with them. Valerie could still use prayers for her emotions as she is letting guilt and worry feed her reactions and decision-making, leading to alot of coddling and over-protectiveness with the 1-year old, which I can see is already creating problems. I can't pinpoint the source of it, but she's had a lot of tragedy in her life so I suspect fear is also a driving force. I recognize it as work of the devil but I don't think she has that kind of insight about it. But God has provided for their physical needs at this point, so maybe He'll begin the work on their emotional/spiritual needs next.
Hope to check in tomorrow,

Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, could Valerie's needs be the point of your extended prayer in the Holy Spirit time frame? What ever the reason, I just think God is enjoying the fellowship with you.

I was told one time, by a very precious minister, of the vast area God covers when we pray in the Spirit language. We are being voiced by the Holy Spirit to God's Throne and there are no time limits or boundaries in the spiritual realm when it comes to praying. When we ask for someone to pray for us, do we give them power of prayer over our affairs? The book of James says "if there are any sick among you brethern, call for elders and anoint them with oil, pray for the sick and they will be healed.

Here's the quotation:James 5: 14 Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

But I also like this one:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

So, according to God's wisdom, fear is a spiritual being from the realms of Satan and we have authority over it because of Jesus Christ's victory at the resurrection. Fear left unchecked can bred sickness and death. It is the antifaith in action.

Love you,

Great Grany 5 said...

Hello out there! Anyone here?

Well you know that there is something in the air and I was hoping that some of your thoughts would be helping me to wade through what is going on. Anyone else with the Hibbee-Jibbees this morning/afternoon/whatever?

For all that come to read and not comment, please add your prayers with mine that the Lord shine his light on His Word and strengthen us to stand in the full armor of God and to fight the good fight of faith. That no weapon formed against us will stand and that we will put to flight all of the enemies of darkness by the Sword of the Word of God.

Psalms 91:

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]

2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.

9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—even the LORD, who is my refuge-

10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."

Call to Prayer

Marge said...

Hello Great Grany 5!!!

And a big hello from Western WA. today! Where our heat wave is OVER, Praise the Lord, and we are enjoying cool temps, along with some rain :) You gotta love it!

I am not sensing any unusual awareness, this morning. It's almost noon here. However, I respect your call from the Holy Spirit, to pray. And pray I shall.

Who will join us?

Love to all, and remember that the greater one lives in us!!! (born again believers)

God bless America!!! And may He continue to have mercy on us, as a nation.
"Oh love of God, how great, how pure,......"

campsmore said...

Someone's been praying for us... We had the barometric pressure drop rapidly here early afternoon and I felt it in my head. I looked outside and saw how black the sky was and just began to pray while I was working...

It took about 20 minutes but then began to dissipate, the rain, the storm and the low pressure.

They say we're in for more of the same. Since I work inside the power company, and the employees are spending the night tonight and tomorrow, I'll be working 12 hours tomorrow, 6:30 to 8pm. The building is very safe.

They were setting up a ton of aerobeds when I left at 3pm. We'll be cooking and serving 3 meals instead of the usual two.

Please keep us in your prayers. I'm believing that the atmosphere at work will be lighthearted instead of oppressive.


campsmore said...

Thanks for the verses Wilma! love ya

Jen said...

Lori & Grany,
Joining you in prayer. Lori, I've watched the Lord dissapate half a dozen big storms around here this summer and I know He will protect you just the same.

Grany- didn't feel anything overwhelming today but the last 2 weeks have left my spirit quickened, as you say. I can't get too excited about anything 6 months from now and even things coming up for this fall aren't spurring me on like normal. Was with my mother-in-law today and she said something about things rebounding after the election, "like they always do." She's not at a point where I could engage her on anything deeper, so I let it go. I am, however, feeling the nudge to work on hubby more so I've been putting together clips of the Russia/Georgia reports and how they might coorelate to the future Gog/Magog event. I've been dropping little crumbs here and there, but I feel the Lord giving me the go-ahead to press harder and get him the info on a more regular basis now. He knows how I spend my time on the computer, but says it makes him too anxious to think about it all, so he just watches sports. He'd better watch out!

Gotta run and take a quick nap. Company coming after dinner and I'm whipped from a day spent in the zinnia fields at the local pick-you-own farm. You know the saying...."If Mamma ain't happy...."


Marge said...

Lori and Jen,
I'm agreeing with you both in prayer.

Isn't it wonderful to walk in love?
According to Gal. 5:22, it's the first fruit of the re-created human spirit.

boatman909 said...

For signs and seasons....

You should visit the DebkaFile website - the sings are piling up fast and furious.

Russia is building alliances with anti-American regimes around the world - next is Venezuela.

The actions of Iran are alienating their Sunni brothers - Saudi Arabia and Egypt have expressed concerns that Iran is inviting military reprisals from the West by its behavior. It just launched a rocket capable of reaching all of Europe with a nuclear warhead (if they have them) - supposedly as part of its space program...

President Musharraf is no longer President of Pakistan - another strong ME ally with the West against terrorism goes down...

Russia is threatening to provide nuclear missile batteries to Syria and the Baltics and has possibly armed its ME marine fleet with nuclear weapons...

I have had a strong sense that we are on the final countdown till Jesus' return. This was positively confirmed yesterday by my Pastors - they have had a specific word from God that He has already started His countdown on His "precise timeline" (Holy Spirit's exact words) to that point, and nothing will stop it or hinder it. Everything that happens from now on is part of His grand strategy to bring the Bride home and defeat the enemy once and for all.


Jen said...

Hi John,
So maybe the 'itching' of the Spirit I've had is related to this final push to be about His work...
I keep recalling the description of birth pains (I know I've mentioned it many times already), but it's an ebb & flow til the very end when it changes to all about pushing and struggle with no let ups until the "birth".
I see so many people expecting the ebb to follow the flow, just as it has in past generations. As I mentioned, my mother-in-law firmly believes that once the elections are over, no matter who wins, things will pick up and people will get back to where they were a year ago.
If this is the final stage of the process - the really end stage- then this fall might be more significant than we imagine.
Such a mix of feelings about that...I want to have my cake and eat it, too!


Great Grany 5 said...

Hi everyone, need to remind us all to pray for the people in the area affected by the hurricane and especially Lori.

Also, Lori I found this web site relating to the Peshitta bible and thought of you immediately. Here it is:

Man, I am learning things and soaking up like a sponge all of the great info on the web. Went to several of the Christian centers for Bible Training and there is some great material out there.

Also, you all might want to read Perry Stones' letter he writes for his web site regarding tapping into the oil reserves of the USA.

Have a God centered day and excel in all that you do, by God's grace.

Jen said...

Yes, Grany, praying for the FL area and Lori specifically.
My college roommate is in Ft. Myers and she emailed to say that although they put up the storm shutters, the storm isn't intensifying or doing damage in their area. Their bigger concern was the fact that their youngest took the wrong bus home on the first day of school and had to be located. He got home, 2 hours late, and all is well. Trusting the same to be true for you, Lori!


campsmore said...

Well, it's been an interesting day that started at 2am. My head felt like a vice was squeezing it, not pain, just pressure. I've felt it 4 times before, all we're due to tornadoes. I'm a human barometer, and can tell when the pressure is dropping quickly.

I got out of bed and began praying...a few minutes later, I heard it. It was very short, a fraction of a second at most. Wellington got hit with it, which is just ten minutes away. It destroyed a horse clinic and messed a few roofs an windows.

All day, my brain has been telling me when the pressure was dropping again... I prayed in tongues, the pressure equalized and here you go... all clear.

Work went well. The atmosphere was just as I had hoped. We tried to keep it lighthearted and fun, and we're successful. On top of all, they released us at 7pm so I was home by 7:30. Yeah!

I'm bushed! It was a 12 hour day.

Thanks for all your prayers. Now it seems the storm is "projected" to cross the state, go out into the Atlantic, increase in size and strength and then make a U-turn and come back in at Jacksonville.

How do they really know these things?

Well, don't know if I'll post newslinks in the cave tonight or not... I guess it depends on how interesting the news has become.

Marge said...

An excellent article from Perry Stone, about opening up the reserve oil here. I especially loved his one comment, that said; "this is another example of ignorance on steroids." Classic :)

I'm happy your day went as well as it did. Prayer changes things. Also some good news articles at the cave this evening.

I'm also happy that things are going well with you.

Where is Mike, and John, though? It's always good to hear from them, too. And Grace, Mommyjen, and Mary, too!

God bless!

Jen said...

Evening all,
I spent a few hours with the triplets tonight and mommy Valerie could really use the full force of our prayers. Not only is sleep deprivation setting in, but she is plagued more than ever with intense feelings of guilt, inadequacy and anxiety. She has such a history of tragedy in her life and not a strong faith foundation to build on or fight back with. Some of the helpers are grating on her nerves, too, but she is desperate for help so she knows she has to put up with all the individual quirks, etc. Her parenting style isn't realistic (she believs in total hands-on, literally, and her 1-year old son hasn't slept without being held until the last few weeks. Tonight when he woke up crying upstairs, she flew up the steps to comfort him and then came back down in a panic to pick up the baby she had put down. That's just one example of her anxiety.) I don't feel that trying to outright mentor her at this point will do anything other than push her away and make me another thorn. So I'm trying to rather share when she asks me how we've handled things and lead by example...not getting worked up when the baby I'm holding starts to fuss, etc. Maybe that will sink in over time and once she gets some solid sleep (in a few months, hopefully) she can start to think things through more reasonably.
I had an idea to help her learn how to turn over her anxiety to God and take from Him His promises instead. Anyone want to help me?
I'm going to get 2 little boxes. In one, I'd like to put slips of paper that have Scripture on them that describe God's love, His promises, His power to give us victory over these attacks (because that's what's she's suffering right now - major attacks from the accuser of her soul). Then she can "put" her worries, fears, etc. into the other box and take out a verse from the other box instead. Not that she'll have time for it now, but maybe down the road a bit it's something I can give her. Send me your favorites? The verses that you call on in times of trouble or the ones that remind you of God's absolute love for us, His promises that bring us hope and confidence, etc.
Like I need another project right now! But this is important and I know God has work for me to do in this situation. The babies are doing's the mommy who needs the most help right now.

OK, gotta wrap up. Another busy day tomorrow. Oh, I have my thyroid biopsy on Fri. morning. Join me in prayers for complete health on that front?...will let you know the results next week.


Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, I am praying for you and Valerie. You have so much on your plate, you know it, and God is the only source of your needs right now. But you took on this because of your love of the Lord and your obedience to his Word. You make a box for yourself also, keep it on hand at all times and just soak in his promises to us.

My favorite and always on the tip of my tongue is "No weapon formed against me will prosper" Is. 54:17 but I like this from GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
No weapon that has been made to be used against you/me will succeed. You/I will have an answer for anyone who accuses you/me. This is the inheritance of the LORD's servants. Their victory comes from me," declares the LORD.

But I also love these two verses:

Isaiah 50:8 He who vindicates Me is near; Who will contend with Me? Let us stand up to each other; Who has a case against Me? Let him draw near to Me.

Isaiah 50:9 Behold, the Lord GOD helps Me; Who is he who condemns Me? Behold, they will all wear out like a garment; The moth will eat them. (NASB ©1995)

I am praying for Valerie's peace of God to be strengthened and enlarged as the tent pegs of Jobas. Her well being and inner peace will spring out like new fresh air and that her attackers in the spiritual realm will be bound off of her by the power of our prayers. That is the reason for the Is. 54:17 passage.

There are so many but I will make a list for her and you also. There is a wonderful little spiral book you might be interested in getting "Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living" by June Newman Davis. It isn't an expensive book but it is chuck-full of great help.

I will keep gathering and send them as one unit, OK.
In the meantime, I am praying.

Love and God's blessings,

Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, I loved Perry's steroid remark too and I have to say that his observation of the Oil Reserves makes very good sense. There are many, many oil wells in my part of the country that are capped off and are not part of the Oil Reserves and those wells could be put into operation if the price is right. But to deplete our supply now is totally out of the question.

I am very passionate about it as you might have guessed and I have noticed that the incidence of wasteful driving has lessened here also. We have families living on our street that have 5 and 6 vehicles parked on the driveways, streets and in the garage that used to burn up the road all day and all night. Mom and Dad both had to have 2 and 3 jobs just to make ends meet so all of their kids could each have at least one car. One of the families only has 2 kids but both of those kids have a motorbike of some sort, car and a pickup. The pickups are all on big, big wheels and covered with mud, the cars are mostly sports type cars and the motorbikes are mostly 4 wheelers and atv. The darling kids are now spending time at home where they should have been in the first place but not to rain on their parades, some of them have actually taken jobs to earn "gas" money. It takes a lot longer now than it used to and maybe the high price of gas isn't such a bad thing after all.

Anyway, just wanted to chime in.

MIKE, I am still trying to read about all of the Red Moon things you inquired about and I think I am in way over my head regarding them. Anyway, you need another man's voice on these things as mine is more attuned to Cheesecake. That JIB really made my mouth water with her chocolate one and I just know I am going to be paying the price if Jim doesn't stop me for sure.

Love you all,

Marge said...

You certainly do have cheesecake on your mind :) Although, it is good, my favrite dessert is for any kind of berry cobbler. And it has to be a cobbler, too. I grew up feasting on my Grandma's cobblers. YUM-MY! Of course, she grew up in East (HiCo) Texas, and she was a fantastic cook! Something that didn't rub off on me, LOL!

2 Peter 5:7 is my favorite verse.

(Amplified-my favorite after King James)

"Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares for you watchfully."

I used to be a worry wart :( Ever heard of one of them? I was a professional worrier, and until I saw where it was sin, I couldn't stop myself! Well, I couldn't stop myself, but God can and did. When I obey and put into practice this verse. I often slip, but the Holy Spirit reminds me that when I carry my problems, I am working them out. (Forget THAT! LOL!) BUT, God can work on those same problems, and be on the case 24-7.
Good news? And how!

Also a good word is to get rid of our "stinking thinking." When our thinking is wrong, everything else is off as well :(
We need to line up our

1. thinking
2. saying
3. actions

to walk with God as we should.

I've heard some people talk a good talk, but their walk was something entirely different. We need God's help with all of these things, as per normal :)

So, for your new Momma of triplets to find any lasting peace? She needs to do what we all need to do. Think, talk and act according to the Bible. Nothing is impossible with God.

Anyone else?

campsmore said...

The mom of triplets has a lot of her plate right now and needs a huge dose of grace and patience from others.

I knew a mom who had a difficult childbirth experience and a new baby with several problems. A believer went to her house everyday at the exact same time to watch the child while mom took a long luxurious bath. The believer held the baby and prayed over the child daily for the first 8 months of this babies life.

The mom snapped out of it, the baby grew out of the physical problems and is now a 24 year old who's writing a unique Bible, that according to those who have seen it, will make it very easy to memorize.

Grace, grace, grace triplified.... is triplified even a word? lol

Jen said...

Thanks, all....
I visited Valerie tonight (took over some extra grilled chicken I made because I don't think she's eating much except fast food/microwave stuff) and she seemed in better spirits. She found out that her thyroid has gone into hyper-drive so that explains the quick weight loss and hot flashes she's having. Hopefully they can get that balanced mom had Grave's disease and nearly died from it but medical treatments are much better now than in the 70s.
Anyway, I'll start a file with our suggested verses and I love the idea of praying over the babies while I'm feeding/rocking them. I did pray tonight as I was driving away from their house, so I'll expand that mission when I'm in the house helping next time.

In other news, I got a job offer of sorts tonight that I need to pray about. I had accepted a "job" as a 2-year-old "Mommy & Me" coordinator at the same nursery school where the kids will begin attending next week. It was perfect in terms of timing since I'd be there with the 2-year-olds while my guys were in their Thurs. class. I had planned to use the Tues. free time to do my grocery shopping. I wasn't 100% thrilled with the job since it would require some planning time on my end and I'm just not feeling led to get back into 'real' teaching yet, but it was going to pay for part of the tuition costs so I took it and thanked the Lord for providing it in our time of need (we're having to come up with almost $400 extra dollars a month for tuition and at the same time, hubby's housing market job is nearly stalled.)
Well, tonight, I got a call from my boss asking if I'd be interested in moving into the teacher's assistant position for the 2-day preschool program (not working with my own kids, but with the other class opposite them.) It would mean working both days while the kids were at school, same hours as them, for double pay. The only drawback I can see is that I wouldn't get that Tues. time to myself to run errands, etc. I feel better about it since I wouldn't be in charge of planning, etc. and only would be assisting the teacher and doing crowd-control stuff, just like I'm used to around here! I'm leaning toward it but need to pray about it tonight and talk with the director some more tomorrow. I'm blessed to have a mother-in-law who still comes up to our house about twice a week to watch the kids and is available to keep them at her place, too, if we need to be gone for a longer period of time. She's actually amazing for being close to 70 years old now...keeps up much better than my mom who is 58 and gets pooped after just a few hours of being around the kids! So I think I could still get my errands done, etc. if I accepted this position. Anyway, my little bit of free time is about to dissolve either way!
No more night-owl nights or lounge-lizard mornings for us :-(
Good part is that I'll get to enjoy those gorgeous morning sunrises that Father so graciously gives the early birds!

Jen said...

Ha Ha...just read my last post and realized I made myself out to be a 2-year old coordinator (rather than a coordinator for 2-year-olds). This former English teacher should know better!


campsmore said...

Jen, the big question here is, who is this teacher that will essentially be pouring heart and soul into your child?

Is this a person you want your child to model after?

OOoops, that's two questions

We'll be praying for God's wisdom for your family.

Jen said...

Thanks, Lori...
We only considered Christian nursery schools and this particular one is a Brethern in Christ-based program. From what I read about their mission statement, etc. they are definitely in line with sound doctrine. The kids' teacher actually attends our church and although I've only spoken with her on the phone, I know she has to have made a profession of faith to have been hired, since I myself had to provide a written profession in order to be hired for the Mommy & Me class.
Also, when I was interviewing with the director, we started talking about that very issue and about how the culture so quickly infiltrates our children's views. She said something I'll never forget....either you brainwash your kids in the Truth or the world will brainwash them against it. I had never thought of my job as a parent in those terms and the word 'brainwash' still makes me a little nervous, but it's essentially true. You have to get the Word into their hearts before there's no room left for it and it's amazing to see how quickly that process of anti-Christian values begins. We've been able to insulate them for the most part from those influences, but I realize that next Tues. morning the door opens for the first time to other people and ways of doing things that will compete with us for that role in their lives.

Well, gotta run and wake up some sleepy heads :-)

Blood Bought said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TexanForChrist said...

Howdy do all,

Been very busy and work and just returned from taking my daughter to college in Abilene TX. She is doing well but struggling with first week activities as her knee prevents her from participating in some of the more physical events. But I know her other Father will watch over her while I can’t, I pray she makes some friends soon as that is the best cure for homesickness.

I know in my head that I am suppose to cast all my anxieties on the Lord, but it keeps jumping back into the pit of my stomach (there’s lots of room for it :) and so I too have been led to pray in the spirit allot of late, so long on the trip to Abilene, that I had to stop because I was going horse(sp?). I do have a feeling that the time is soon approaching for our Lords return (yeah!).

Hugs for all

Maranatha! Mike

Marge said...

That feeling you have in the pit of your stomach, is (pretty much) called, being a parent. I believe it's especially toughest on the dad's that leave their daughters at college. And don't feel alone, there's even a movie out about the same thing.) anyone remember the name of the movie? where the dad takes his daughter on a road trip to Georgetown Univ.)
Praying in the Holy Spirit is great for times like these.

When I saw my youngest som and his moving truck pull out of our driveway to move to west Seattle a few years ago now? It felt like I'd been hit with a HUGE hammer in the stomach! Now you have to realize that I have FOUR sons, and it was never easy. But the last one moving out? OH MY GOODNESS! So when you hear about "empty nest syndrome," you have a little idea of what it's all about, perhaps.

With God nothing is impossible.

And the Lord will watch over your daughter, as you know. When those thoughts (the devil can really sling those fiery darts and arrows at this point) come to mind, think on those things that are of a good report.

Prayer changes things!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ :)

Jen said...

Evening all,
Quick update on all the things going on here in my (sore) neck of the woods ;-)
Had my thyroid biopsy this morning and it went quickly although was somewhat uncomfortable. I'm not afraid of needles, but the dr. had to press pretty hard on my throat to locate the nodule so he would make sure to guide the needle to the correct place and get the right sample out. I think my pain/discomfort is more from the pressing than the needle...I can't imagine how badly it hurts when someone is strangled, having now endured this little episode. My tests results will be back Tues. so I'll report more then. I'm continuing to pray with confidence in the Lord's promises to us and know that nothing can get to me unless it gets through Jesus first!
I spent time at Valerie's last night and was glad I was on the schedule because she had a near-collapse. She got sick to her stomach and then terribly dizzy. Classic sleep deprivation/exhaustion combined with all her anxiety about everything you can think of. I was able to get her upstairs and into bed. Her husband woke up to help me with the feeding and then I sent him back to bed while I sat with the babies for a few hours. I think next time I get her alone I might gently introduce the subject of making some "parenting philosophy" changes and also speak with her about the emotional aspect and how Jesus will carry that burden for her if she'll release it to Him. I'll have to wait til she's had some rest and none of the other volunteers are around since these topics can't be delved into with a room full of people. Please keep me (and her whole family) uplifted so Jesus can just pour every good thing into their lives. I know Grany has talked about reigning in our desire to share every detail about our faith walk with those who don't share our views or don't have the depth on such topics and I find myself in that situation....wanting to gush about how God can alleviate every single one of these problems and heal all these wounds, but I think right now she would be overwhelmed and it might do more harm than good. So I'm praying and waiting for direction on what to share and when.
And finally, I'm going to accept the teacher's aide position. Get will provide almost to the dollar exactly the funds we need to cover the tuition for preschool, plus I'll be in the same building at the same time with the kids so our schedules can run parallel to each other. The lazy, selfish part of me would love to send them off to preschool twice a week while I mozy around the house getting fun stuff accomplished (I'd probably spend the whole time on the computer reading and blogging, though!) but this is a definite blessing and answer to prayer so I'm focusing on yet another reason to praise Him and give glory to His name! How awesome (and what a testimony to hubby) is this opportunity! So my foot is officially back into the teaching world.

Well, gotta get some work done around here tonight so I'll wrap up. Thanks, Grany, for the shout-out at the cave. I know I'm being covered and kept before the throne. It's an honor to be given these jobs to do for our King!


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike and Jen, I am keeping you snuggled in close to my heart and praying for you at the drop of a hair. God is the one who has made me sensitive to your needs and I thank him for doing so. I hope you can feel the love also. He just always totally overwhelms me when he does these things.

Jen, when you have that great desire to share all that God means to you, try doing it in prayer time with her. I have found out over the years that people are totally blown away when we pray to our precious Abba for their needs. Something about talking to him up close and real personal that takes the mystery of who and what God is, away from their minds.

MIKE, pray that hedge of protection around her and then it is settled. God has been protecting my kids for such a long time and after I prayed that hedge, the Holy Spirit would interfere with my daily routine to bring me to intercede for them in times of danger. What would have been disaster got removed by prayers. There are stories that would make your hair stand on end, it did mine and yet in the end, the testimony to my kids was the greatest part. My son to this day will tell you that everytime I was urged to pray, he was in very dire situations. So much so that it can bring him to tears just recalling it.

God is so wonderfully faithful and his love is unfathomable in our understanding. My only advice to overcoming these is to keep a song in your heart and the ears of your Spirit tuned to God's station. Like Marge said, Think on the Good Report that the Word of God tells us about.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Marge is telling the truth, as she always does, and that big knot in your stomach is part of the Daddy's girl thingy.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend and get snuggled in close to your Abba.


Marge said...

A good word. And thanks for giving the 'good report' scripture reference, too. We all need to guard our thinking, amen?

Anyhow, I was prompted to tell you about a couple of CD's that have really, REALLY been a blessing to me over the years, when it came to times of change, or "bumps" in the road, valleys, etc. Both are by Sara Groves. Conversations, and The Other Side of Something, are the two I own. (she has a third one out, too) Anyhow, here are the lyrics to a song that got me thru an extremely difficult period in my life.

It's called: Painting Pictures of Egypt.

Read it with the "eyes" of your spirit :)

(inspired by Exodus 16:3)
"I don't want to leave here,
I don't want to stay,
it feels like pinching to me, either way,
the places I long for the most are the places that I've been,
they are calling after me like a long lost friend.

It's not about losing faith, it's not about trust,
it's all about comfortable when you love so much,
The place I was wasn't perfect but I had found a way to live,
It wasn't milk or honey but then neither is this.

I've been painting pictures of Egypt leaving out what it lacked. The future looks so hard and I want to go back.
But the places that used to fit me cannot hold the things I've learned,
and those roads were closed off to me while my back was turned.

The past is so tangible,
I know it by heart,
familiar things are never easy to discard
I was longing for some freedom,
but now I hestitate to go,
I am caught up in the promise and the things I know.

If it comes too quick, I may not recognize it,
Is that the reason behind all this time is sand,
If it comes too quick, I may not appreciate it,
Is that the reason behind all this time is sand.

Okay, okay. It's a LOT better with the music and Sara Groves singing it, granted. However, I would highly recommend buying Conversations, by Sara Groves, as there's some VERY good music on it.
Cave of Adullam is also one of my favorites.
The chorus goes:

"as the day you took my life and gave me a vision, as the day you poured the oil and gave me a dream.
I can't believe this happening.
How does a shepherd become a king?"

Good stuff!!! It speaks to your soul and spirit. There is minsitry in music. And in my opinion, this is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, I like that one. I can fit right in to where I am. Don't really love it here but don't want to leave! Yeah, that's really true. In fact, I don't think anyone is 100% in love with where ever they live. There is always something that we don't like; just human nature.

Hubby and I went out to eat lunch at the local Western Sizzlin and now I really feel yucky! It sold recently and the new people just aren't doing a good job. Normally, we don't eat at steak places but we waited to late to think about lunch and had to make a fast decision because hubby's tummy was starting to yell. I am going to fix some hot tea and get this mean animal settled down for the night. Felt so bad I laid down and slept. I mean really slept hard. I still feel, well you know.

So, I probably won't be on the computer anymore but wanted to tell you that we are one day closer and if we really knew exactly when, we would probably all be doing a lot of different things, differently.

Love you all,

Marge said...

I hope you're feeling much better by now.

I hope everyone had a good weekend, and a better week!

God's best blessings to all!

Great Grany 5 said...

Marge, I really have to quit eating at the local Western Sizzlin. I am finally on less friendly terms with the guest bathroom so maybe I will make it the rest of the way. I know one thing for sure, food just doesn't have any allure for me right now.

By the way, Joel has a comment about Biden being the wrong person for Foreign Affairs that is very insightful. Wworth the trip there to read it.

Marge, thank you for the prayers and I do mean, thank you.

Love and best blessings to everyone,

campsmore said...

hey Wilma, I sent you an email asking about your stomach. I saw your comment posted and wondered because at work today I felt impressed to pray for your stomach.


Jen said...

Evening, all,
Wanted to drop a line here before I disconnect myself from the computer tonight...
Lori, once again, I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew's passing and the sure heartache that your family is feeling. You mentioned his Bible....he was a believer?

I have my dr. appointment tomorrow and will share the report once I know the results. Been too busy to worry about the thyroid but my other main health concern, something called "PCOS", seems to be cropping up again and I'm a bit on the deflated balloon side of things tonight as a result. There's no man-made cure for it, but I'm looking for another kind of healing anyway :-)

Talked with Valerie and she seemed well. She mentioned 2 things that were somewhat of her main helpers had to be let go because she was acting suspiciously and Valerie began to wonder if she was pilfering her pain pills. (The girl would find any excuse to go upstairs and was caught rummaging through the cabinets as well.) Other reasons, too, but that was the final straw. She was a 4-day helper so that leaves a big gap to fill. Also, Valerie revealed that her mother-in-law is an atheist and commented that she would be afraid to be in a room of Christians. Maybe that's why she spends so much time in the basement room when I'm around! So when I'm there tomorrow I intend to flood the house with my prayers and praises and see what darkness gets washed out. Grany, I took your very sage advice and asked Valerie tonight if we could spend some time tomorrow in prayer and she agreed. I'm going to put together a few notes tonight so I don't leave out any of my thoughts and will also print the Scriptures that everyone suggested for Valerie to have on hand.

Alright, gotta run.
Love to all!

Marge said...

God is good and good all the time! By Christ's stripes we were healed over 2,000 years ago now.
One explaination of Bible Faith is that we believe we receive- before we see any outward manifestation.

Living in WA. State, I encounter lots of people who question "if" there is a God, or not. (if they even think about it) One of the best things you can do for them (besides prayer, etc.) is just to love on them, and show them you really care for them and their soul. Remember in Psalm 142:4 b,
it says, "no man careth for my soul." IMHO I believe that is what a lot of unbelievers think of Christians. We need to show them the love of Jesus, in thought, word and deed.
Anyhow, just a few thoughts in dealing with the unsaved. Because many of them are seeking Jesus. And the only Jesus thy may ever see, is the Jesus in you. (and all of us) Something we all need to keep in mind, also IMO.

Have a great Tuesday! It's almost Tuesday here in WA. State!

Jen said...

Morning, friends!
Urgent prayer request...
A young family in our church has been carrying the very heavy burden of the mother, Janine, being diagnosed with ALS. Her condition has deteriorated rapidly and I just got word this morning that she was admitted to our local hospital, most likely for the last time. The family has 3 little children, all under age 10. Please join me in prayers for the Schillers. I know what I want to pray for, but I don't know how to do that when there's no agreement. My heart is broken for the little ones who are at such a tender age to bear this.
Fortunately there is a strong support system in our church for them but that can't replace a mother's touch.
Sorry to start the day on a downer....hoping it can somehow be turned around.


Jen said...

BTW, Marge...
Regarding your post about nonbelievers....
Yes, I totally agree. At first I felt that the mother-in-law was more hassle than help and I was kinda expecting her to go home after a few weeks. Now I'm excited that she's staying because at the very least, she'll be rubbing up against some Heavenly love and that might stick to her once she does go home (to the west coast, I might add :-) Steve, Valerie's husband, is also getting to see Christ in the ways that I am caring for their family. I really don't let the usual stranger-barriers keep me back. I jump right in like I've been part of the family forever. I'm sure he didn't know what hit the house when I first blew in! Hopefully he'll get to wondering what drives me and will want more of it for himself. I'm not sure about his relationship with God, but having been raised by his mother, I know that he's likely got some skeptisism about Jesus freaks!


Marge said...

I'm in agreement with you, (comfort) and praying for the family you mentioned.
I'm assuming they aren't praying for healing?

I was happy to see your response about the west coast mother-in-law.

In my experience, people are looking for something genuine. And IMO that is why some of the cults get so many people "sucked in," to their movements. Not that they're right, or even close to correct. But they show a genuine concern and love for other people. And that, in and of itself, draws them in. As Christians, we need to all remember that the cross reaches to heaven, (God) and also (outward) to the world. Just my two cents worth. And a reminder to me, as well.

Have a wonderful day, and God's richest blessings to everyone!

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
I don't know for sure as I don't know the family personally (I'm on the meals committee that has made many dinners for them in the last few months.) From the email updates we've received, I'm assuming that the prayers have been focused on comfort and peace for the family as ALS is incurable and can't even be slowed down (that's medically speaking, of course.) I haven't received any email asking specifically to join in prayers for healing. That's my frustration...not being able to do anything other than pray from a distance.

I had my endocrinologist visit today and got some surprising results. My biopsy results weren't in yet - GRRRR! - so I have to call the dr. tomorrow to get those, but he said he was confident based on the bloodwork results that I have Hashimoto's disease, which is an attack of the thyroid by the body's immune system. It eventually leads to hypothroidism where the gland stops working altogether. For now, he's going to monitor that every 6 months in a wait-and-see approach. On the other issue of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), some "puzzling" results were found. With PCOS, testosterone levels should be elevated. Mine weren't. Also, insulin levels are expected to be high and can eventually lead to diabetes. Mine were normal. He said I don't need to start any meds for insulin resistance. However, I still don't have a normal monthly cycle (sorry to the guys for the girl talk ;-) so he isn't sure what to make of it all. I was immediately filled with praise because I have been praying for healing over my insulin/hormone puzzle on my part! I see these contrary tests results as evidence that, indeed, I am being healed from this condition I've had for 20 years now!
Now about the thyroid...I am beginning to think that this prognosis of disease is indeed an attack and a way to bring down my spirit of hope in the Lord. I've been gaining weight lately, losing hair, feeling very tired...all signs of thyroid trouble but also a great way to attempt to slow down a believer! So now that I've had a few days to sit around and pout, I'm more determined than ever to get my armour back on and go to battle against this attacker!
My attacks have definitely been health-related. Hubby's, as I've shared, have been finance-related. But I have praise news to share in that regard, too! Holy Spirit has been pressing on me the last few weeks to turn up the heat in my discussions with Bob. I felt that early on, I was to confront the issues and then back away for a time. Now I'm feeling that quickened sense and I told him as much! Almost daily I've been sharing Scripture, news reports, the links from the cave, etc. whenever the subject deals with trusting God for everything and prying ourselves away from the self-sufficiency mindset. Bob resisted at first. He's been deeply ingrained to believe that God gives us the ability to make good decisions and that if things don't go well, it's because we aren't working hard enough or smart enough. He doesn't believe in salvation by works. But he also has let himself slide into a self-reliant mindset about pretty much everything else. Today we had a good chat and I can see that he is turning away from that belief and recognizing God's hand in all our blessings. He's also beginning to question whether his good intentions and the emotions that drive him to provide and be a 'good dad/husband/provider' aren't in fact the work of the devil. For example, he said that the thought crossed his mind that a good provider would go out and find a part-time job to supplement the family income now that we're having to dip into saving more than ever before. Just today, he said it dawned on him that the devil may be putting those "good" thoughts into his mind in an effort to keep him bogged down in worry, anxiety and to keep him too busy to really dig into Scripture and allow God's peace to invade his spirit.
I know these things seem simple and I'm not doing a good job describing how subtle the lies are that Bob is struggling with. He admits that all his years in Christian school didn't prepare him to lean hard on faith when things looked bleak and he had no control over improving his situation. I see these as huge steps as compared to where he was 6 months ago and I know it's because prayer and faith changes things.
Anyway, now that I've written a book, I'll close up shop and get started on dinner.
Thanks all for listening!

Marge said...

Just remember that spiritual growth is much like natural growth. No one is born fully grown.

I hear what you're saying about paying for tuition. My son had a student loan, and we also had the friendily payment plan. The majority of my earnings went for his University tuition for four years in the mid to late 1990's. It will stretch your faith for God to take care of things, that's for sure :) God provided for us, and God will provide for your family, too!

God bless! Be sure to keep a song in your heart, and keep smiling! THAT really makes the enemy of our souls mad! And it will build your faith, too! Really.

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
Agree 100%! Bob's thorough background in the church was one of the main reasons I was attracted to him and I see that we complement each other in many ways, spiritually speaking. I am sure that God brought us together for mutual edification!

Mike, I second Marge's encouragement. My dad's business went bankrupt the year before I started college and all monies we had managed to save were garnished by the SBA court to pay creditors, including my college money. My mom went to work as a care nurse (a sacrifice I'll always be grateful for) and I took out loans and worked some on the side, but through it all, God provided for all our needs and many of our wants, too! I was able to pay off the loans within two years after college as well, thanks to God blessing us with good jobs early in our marriage. I think having gone through those lean years and watching my parents stay faithful is making our current situation easier for me to stay peaceful in. That's a big reason Bob is struggling so much...his family never had even a bump in the road whereas my family fell into a sinkhole and watched how God built us a ladder, rung by rung! He's working on a ladder for you, too

Had a good time with Valerie tonight and spent about 20 minutes praying with her. She was very appreciative and I think she'll be open to spiritual topics now. Praise and glory to God!


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, I am sending the recipes to you via Email. I forgot all about it and it took your kind reminder to bring me back to reality.

I am feeling somewhat better but the big problem with the stomach has greatly improved. I don't think it was meant for JIm and I to eat at the local place because of the drug atmosphere that is generated by the owner and employees. Things are getting much worse and it is time that we, as Christians, be mindful of who we are doing business with in all areas.

Anyway, we went to Ft. Smith today and it was so hot and humid that we came right back as soon as we finished our reasons for going. I am so looking forward to our wonderful Autumn and cooler weather. Our winters don't amount to much around here but they are predicting an unusual cold one this year. Oh, Al, Al, where are you child? You are gonna have to change some of your ideas and arguments.

Well, as you can see, I need to go!
Love you all,

Jen said...

Hi Grany,
Glad to hear you're on the upswing!
About the in eastern PA the leaves are already falling and some maple trees are yellow/orange. Very strange since we typically are behind the fall schedule due to the proximity to the shoreline. It's not unusual for us to be in short in Oct. and snow for Christmas is a rarity. So falling leaves even has Bob pondering.

A prayer request for Valerie...
Not sure if my involvement with her family is bringing blessings or attacks (maybe both) hour ago she called in tears and told me that her mother-in-law announced this afternoon that she's returning home. She had pledged to stay til the end of Oct. so this is no small upheaval, even though the personality clashes were obvious. When you have 4 babies under the age of 1 year, you take any and all help. Valerie is already exhausted and an emotional wreck so this is really the cherry on top. Part of me says that it will end up better with the negative influence out of the house, but the immediate need of course is going to be filling in the 24-hour helper that they were relying on. Plus, this leaves Steve in an awkward spot since it's his mother who is acting so undependably.
Mucho prayers needed!

Thanks in advance,

Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, I am praying for God's perfect will to take hold and bring a blessed solution to the needs of this family. As you said, the conflicts could be part of the reason Mother is leaving and it could very well be for the best of the whole group. Praying for Jen that you will be able to discern and move in the anointing that God is more than able to equip you with.

Love and blessings,

Marge said...

I hope things have resolved themselves with your friend, and her mother-in-law leaving early, etc. There is bound to be some conflict with three babies, along with additional family.
When I was a young mother, I couldn't imagine having to deal with twins, even. So, the grace of God is needed in abundance with this family. No doubt about it.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!
Stay happy and stay safe, in the Lord.

Marge said...

Testing. One, two, three :)

Anyone out there?

TexanForChrist said...

Hi, Marge still here though I don't often get a chance to hit the blog's on weekends. Today however one of two 7 ton air conditioners that supply our computer room failed so, I get to sit here and wait for the A/C (that's Air Conditioner not anti-christ) repairman.

I was really having a great day to, helped with the 3rd grade Sunday schoolers this morning then heard a great sermon during the second service, then since my wife decided to take a nap, I popped in my new dvd set from prophecy in the news about the Jewish feasts. Made it through the spring feasts and was in the middle of the feast of trumpets (in 29 days) when the phone rang saying that all the phones stopped working (over 300 of them). Well I thought it would just require a reset so I put on some cloths for church as I figured I would just go in, reset and still be able to make the 6pm service. Oh well..

I have a deciphering Daniel DVD at the office so I my get to watch it while I wait.

I pray that everyone has a fun and blessed weekend, and lets all pray that the Lord have mercy on our country and that the hurricane just gives us a little rain.

Maranatha!! soon..


Marge said...

Good to hear from you, brother!

I'm also reviewing the book of Daniel, thru the Marilyn Hickey series on the book of Daniel. It's GREAT! I'm re-loving hearing it!

Anyone else out there? LOL!

God bless, and enjoy Labor Day!

Jen said...

Hi all,
I'm here and reading all the blogs, etc. daily. Just no block of time to sit down and really write a thorough post. I hate trying to hurry and get my thoughts organized in 10 minutes, so I keep waiting for that big space of quiet time to hit....yeah, right!
Valerie's situation is quite a soap opera. 3 volunteers plus the MIL have left. I could spend hours detailing that, but will rather just ask for your continued prayers. I was able to talk with her in depth last week about some really deep issues....issues I see as the root of other problems and she was thankfully open to going to those 'dark places' and letting me in there. I think I've mentioned that she lost a baby half way through her first pregnancy, Hudson's identical twin. I believe that, along with the difficult relationship she has with her mother, is really the basis of much of her anxiety and fear. Also, just 5 years ago she went through a very ugly divorce after she learned that her husband was cheating on her with her best friend. So there's been so much loss, broken trust and strings-attached love in her life. She admitted that although she considers herself a Christian, she really isn't sure if she believes that God exists since Beckett's death and truth be told, she said that if God exists, she hates Him. That didn't shock me at all and I have some experience of being in that dark place myself (after my miscarriages I really turned away from God for a time. Too hard to face Him when I was in that much pain and knew that He could have prevented it.) Working with a Christian counselor was a lifesaver and I suggested that she might find some help on this journey by trying that same approach. She seemed open to it so I'm going to get the info ready to share this week. Just please pray that she get some rest, let go of lots of the fear and anxiety that is making things so difficult and also that Steve be strong enough to overlook some things that she is saying/doing while at the same time becoming more sensitive to her needs and hidden wounds. He's a great father but like most men, not quite sure what's going on in her head most days. No disrespect to our men here! It's just the way God made us and if there's not a kindred spirit between husband/wife, it can go downhill quickly! Like I said, so much to detail and explain so I'll keep it at that for now.

As for us, we're doing well but I'm a little blue as tomorrow is the first day of preschool and my official going-back-to-work (really, I'll just be doing the same stuff I do around here and getting paid, but I have a boss now!) I guess you could say that it's like a really long maternity leave coming to an end. I've LOVED the last 3 years of being at home with the kids, setting our own schedule and having them to myself. I know it's time for them to stretch their wings and honestly, I would go nuts if they didn't have a new outlet for their energy & curiosity. But I am a little sad to see the toddler stage wrapping up as much as I know it's time. I anticipate tomorrow will be a weepy day for me so I'd better not wear any mascara! Not that I have time to put on makeup these days! LOL!

Anyway, naptime is over and we're on a new strict schedule for school so I've got to run. If I don't get to posting this week, know that I'm reading and keeping all requests in prayer.


Marge said...

I stopped by, and there you were :)
So nice to read your post.
And I'm agreeing with you, in prayer, about all your needs being met. As I'm sure we all will be doing.

You know, I honestly can't relate to what you are saying about losing a baby. (hatred, bitterness towards God, etc.) I lost my first, and only daughter, in my 7th month, in 1965. She had the umbrical cord wrapped around her neck, and when she turned (as they should do, in the final stage of pregnancy) she died. Of course, I was saddened by her death. (they never let me see her, but my mother saw her, and she was okay, etc.) But our (then) assistant Minister from First Presbyterian (you gotta love the old fahioned Presbyterians! Yah!) Church came to visit me. He said, she would be waiting for me in heaven. And it was just another joy I would have awaiting me, when that day came for us to be re-united again. He also mentioned that she had gone without oxygen for awhile, and she may have had some serious health issues, had she lived, etc. You know, I wasn't in any frame of mind to have handled those kinda challenges at 18 years old! So, sometimes, it's good to look at the other side of the issue, IMHO. At that point, I released it all to God, and there came into my spirit a tremendous peace, that only God can provide. Looking at things thru the eyes of the Holy Spirit can make all the difference.
And your friend receiving counceling is a good thing, too.

Anyway, that's my thoughts, for what they are worth. Remember God is good, and good all the time! Only heaven will reveal the things God has spared us from, for our own good, etc. Of course, there is also a demonic fight going on, as we all know. Maybe God could have prevented something? Only heaven will reveal the entire plan of God for our lives. I tend to leave things in God's hands, and rest in Him.
"Will not the God of all the universe do right?" He does all things well. In His time.
And as E.V. Hill always used to say,
"this ain't it!" (refering to heaven and the ages to come) Amen!

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
First let me say that I'm sorry to hear you, too, have experienced the loss of a child. I'm like you in that I can't wait to see my first babies once we reach Heaven. I ask God to send them my hugs and kisses all the time!
I'm on the 'healed' side of things now and can look back on that time in life with a great measure of peace as well. But it was a hard journey to get to that place and if I hadn't had a strong foundation in the Lord I don't know how well I'd be dealing today. Of course having the triplets helped the healing along a great deal, but I can still get melancholy if I dwell on the past too much.
I think a big part of the pain was because for so many years, there was no guarantee that we'd ever be parents, at least biologically. It was a hope and a prayer for nearly 10 years of my life so when I finally got the blessed news and then within weeks had that miracle removed, the crash of emotions was quite severe. That baby was lost to a general miscarriage - no detectable reason for the loss, probably a "chromosomal abnormality", as the doctors said. We dealt with the loss privately and held onto the hope that a pregnancy had brought...if it happened once, at least I knew that part was possible.
A year later, almost to the day, I found out that I was expecting again, but under the most personally wrenching circumstances imagineable. We were celebrating our anniversary with a trip to New York City. Just the day before, I had started to bleed, so my doctor told me that our efforts once again weren't going to be successful, but I felt that something wasn't right so I insisted on bloodwork to double check. Sure enough, while we were eating lunch in Times Square, the doctor called me with the results and told us that I was indeed pregnant, but not at levels that were compatible with a healthy pregnancy (the hormones levels weren't rising as needed so I was technically pregnant but not enough to be hopeful about.) We spent the weekend sightseeing, but it was really all a blur. I was sick most of the time and just heartbroken. Here I was again, one year later, dealing with the thought of another chance at becoming a mom but this time knowing that I was going to endure another loss.
Once we got home, the doctors diagnosed an ectopic pregnancy in my right tube. They gave my body 3days to "resolve" the problem on its own before I would have to take a shot of meds to basically cause an abortion. I knew that an ectopic pregnancy couldn't last and my life would be in danger if I let things continue. So I prayed fervently for the Lord to take that baby away so I didn't have to make the decision to abort. He graciously did just that and over the next two weeks I went through the process of another loss. That loss really put me over the edge and we decided to tell our families about it because hiding our emotions was becoming more and more difficult. It's actually amazing that our marriage lasted...Bob is so wonderful and put up with so much "girl" stuff and I love him so much for that.
At that point, my brother and his wife announced they were expecting, 3 of my cousins were pregnant and many teachers at school were expecting, too. The cherry on top was the day, shortly after my miscarriage, when a male student announced in class that he had 'knocked up' his girlfriend and they were going to move in together. I felt like the wind had been literally sucked out of me. I went into a deep depression and although I never considered taking my own life, I really wouldn't have cared if I simply didn't wake up one day. As I've told people, physically, the losses were painful. Emotionally, they were wrenching, but the greatest pain was spiritual. I couldn't find a way to mesh what I knew about God's love with what I was dealing with and experiencing daily. Why let me get pregnant at all? Why hold that carrot out in front of us? Why let a second baby, by all estimations perfectly healthy, implant in a part of my body that couldn't sustain it? Dark, dark months. On top of that, I had a mother who couldn't/wouldn't sympathize and told me that perhaps this was God's way of telling me that I wasn't meant to be a mom (as if I would be a dangerous or unfit one?) while at the same time sending us brochures on adoption from China!!! She told me once that she couldn't support me because she had never lost a baby or had a problem getting pregnant. I found that ironic because she had no problem comforting people who were going through divorce or watching a parent die from a prolonged illness, neither situation of which she had dealt with personally. Anyway, that's another story!
So long story short, I still don't understand all the "whys" but I have found a way to coexist with those questions and not feel abandoned by God as a result. I can see how having gone through those very sad times has now allowed me to reach out and authentically comfort others who are in the early stages of them. I'm really not afraid to talk about and wrestle through the tangle of emotions or listen to topics that most people would hide away from family and friends. Had I not lost the first 2 babies, we might not have continued to try for a bigger family and then the triplets would not have been born and I wouldn't have met up with Valerie at all. So I fall back on Romans 8:28 and know that ALL things will be worked out for the good of those who love Him. Valerie can't see that right now but I know it's true and I told her I'll believe it for her while I help her walk this difficult part of her own faith journey.

OK - that turned into a novel! Sorry if that's too much info (guys:-) I'm with you, Marge, in saying that the Lord of the universe will ALWAYS do what's right and according to His perfect plan.

Gotta wrap up for the night...have a great week ahead everyone!

Marge said...

Thank you for your witness how God walked you thru your losses. And rest assured the Lord will use your testimoy to comfort others that have to walk thru that valley.

I know, in my own life, I've been "there" to share other women's pain in their loss. In fact, I had one woman say, you don't KNOW what it's like, because you've never lost a baby thru miscarraige. Well, no not really. Because I received a death certificate for my baby. She was 3 pounds and 13 oz. Anyhow, that opened the door for me to minister to the young woman. God can and does use every negitive circumstance that enters into our lifes, when we give it over to Him. That's key. And that's what your friend Valerie needs to do. And she will, with you continuing to be there for her, praying for her, and obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you and keep you! And thanks once again for your testimony.
Have a great day at school tomorrow, too!

Marge said...

A plug for a new CD.

Chris Tomlin's, Hello Love.

I hadn't thought of buying it, to tell you the truth. And when I was running erands, and listening to Spirit 105.3 (Seattle, WA.) I felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to buy it. So, before grocery shopping I entered the Music section, and there it was- On Sale. Very cool! AND an extremely GOOD CD!!!

It is a blessing, and something I needed to hear! Perhaps it's something you need to hear, too?

Jen said...

Love Chris Tomlin...
Will have to tell hubby to check it out on ITunes. Thanks for the heads up!

First day of preschool is over and we survived with only one potty accident (fortunately I was there to take care of it...did you know that by law now preschool caretakers can't help children wipe at the potty? They can only instruct them how to do it?
3 year-olds! Fear of abuse allegations. Ugh.)
Heading over to Valerie's tonight. My mom sent her a care package with some really cool stuff inside...lots of encouragement and some Jesus tucked in, too. I'm going to give her the contact info for our church's counseling center and also a multiple-family bereavement group I found. I think I might suggest that she visit her MD, too, and see if there's anything they can do on that end to help...anti-anxiety meds or anti-depression meds. At least make sure her drs. are aware of the depth of her struggles.

Blessed evening, all!

TexanForChrist said...

Thanks Marge

I like his music, I'll have to hit youtube and see if it's out there yet.

Finally got the air conditioning back on line.

Wilma, looks like gustav is up in your neck of the woods. Are you fishing in the back yard yet?

Keep running across the 'Fullness of the Gentiles' on the web/Perry stone even Lisa just posted about it on hydes place. Anybody else?

Can you hear the footsteps of the Messiah?

Maranatha soon (27 days????)


Jen said...

Mike....your post gave me chills...
so much yet to see accomplished and yet He can't get here soon enough.


Marge said...

Mike and Jen,
Soon and very soon......we are going to see the King!

Jen said...

Hello all,
Was reading Scripture today and am really pondering Romans 10:5-15, particularly vs. 8-10.
Also thinking about Jesus speaking cuts like a sword as well as the fact that as believers, we have Jesus living in us to do His work...
If you get a chance to read it over, would love to hear your thoughts.


Jen said...

Oops...should have finished my reading before posting.

Also, Romans 10:19...
"I will make you envious by those who are not a nation; I will make you angry by a nation that has no understanding." (That's Paul quoting Moses who was speaking to the Israelites in Deut.)
So God is going to make the Israelites jealous of a non-nation and make them angry by a nation without understanding...yes?
Any input on this? Romans 11 goes on to speak about the Remnant of Israel so I'm wondering if these verses in chapter 10 are to be considered as futuristic or already completed.
Not sure if that's clear...

Marge said...

Okay, you Bible teachers, who is going to answer Jen? (smile)

Another great CD is: Revelation, by Third Day

and a book, by Jim Cymbala, called, You Were Made For More.

Both CD and book are excellent!

Love to all,

Marge said...

Did anyone remember to leave the light on in the window?

campsmore said...

Marge, fan the flame! Jesus is coming!

jib said...

quick question for John,

do you remember our conversation sometime ago about in the last days a Spirit filled leader being in charge of the US? Lori thought perhaps you were talking about Branham but what she mentioned didn't sound much like what you had said. It struck me when I found out that Palin was denominationally Assembly of God I was struck by the fact that if she and McCain were elected that she could be the Spirit filled leader you referenced.

we had the conversation if you will recall in relation to Huckabee

boatman909 said...


You are correct - but there's more.....

I was talking to my pastors last weekend, and they recall a prophesy given maybe 10 years ago, by a well respected apostle/prophet (they could not remember exactly who), who gave a word that said just before Jesus comes back that there would be (1) a woman in the WH, and (2) that there would be a born-again spirit-filled believer in the WH.

Nobody at the time, to the best of their knowledge, ever thought that this might refer to the same person!

There are only two contenders (at least at the moment) for a woman to be in the WH at the present time, and one has fallen (at least seemingly for the moment) by the wayside. I would not classify the latter as a "born-again" believer, in spite of her protestations of faith in a God of some sort. The other contender, if you read her bio, was born a catholic, and then as she entered her teens, was baptised in an Assemblies of God (=Pentecostal) church. This would seem to imply that she was, at the least, "born-again", and made a public confession of her faith in Jesus, and probably received the Baptism of Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues!

The church she presently attends is a non-denominational church (Wasilla Bible Church, Wasilla), that, refers (somewhat indirectly, but precisely) to the separate experience of the Baptism of Holy Spirit, as experienced by the early church disciples, as being something for all believers to receive (as distinct from being born-again) with a specific reference to Acts 2:1-4 in their Statement of Doctrine - however, they do NOT reference 1 Cor 12-14, concerning the supernatural gifts of Holy Spirit.

None of the others have publicly indicated that they are either "born-again", let alone spirit filled, although John McCain's frank and open speech concerning the time he spent as a POW strongly indicated (in a very quiet way) that his faith in God (the Judeo-Christian God) helped him pull through. He obviously had a spiritual awakening during that time, but what he truly believes is not very clear.

However, if the GOP wins the presidential race, I think we can take this as a sure sign that we are very, very, very close to Jesus' return.


jib said...

thanks for the info John-do you mind if I post that at the cave?

or better yet you post it at the cave by special request.

Marge said...

Anybody home?

Nice to "see" you stop by!

boatman909 said...


I am not very comfortable with putting the entry onto the cave site.

Most Christians do not understand about the use of "prophesy" in the Church today.

What was given by the apostle was strictly a "Word of Wisdom" given through a manifestation of the gift of prophesy [1 Cor 12:7-11], which provides us insight into the mind of God concerning things relating to people, places and situations in the future. It is NOT a prophetic word to be judged as to whether it comes to pass or not, because almost ALL manifestations of "prophesy" today are conditional.

I do not want this information to be published in a forum where it could cause people to stumble over it or misunderstand it, or worse, start spreading it around that we are getting another Republican in the WH, because God has said so...

IF, and its a big IF (in the natural, but all things are possible to God, and those who believe) we have a Republican president in the WH next year, then I think we can accept that this is because God has decreed this as part of the unfolding of the events of the last of the Last Days.

GWB was definitely God's man for the last 8 years, whatever you may think of his politics and actions. This is equally so of Canada's PM, who is most definitely a born-again Christian, as are many of his Cabinet.

If we do get a woman as part of the WH team it will be another sign that we truly are at the very end, and that Jesus' return is very, very, very soon.

Our role is to pray that the people in power over the next 4 years (in both the USA and Canada - since it appears we too are about to have a federal election) will be men and women of God's choice (irrespective of their political affiliations, or even their beliefs) who have integrity and are willing to follow God's directions. At the very least we want/need people who will allow the gospel to be preached and who will uphold the laws of the land in a righteous manner. We can also pray that anyone who is neither a person of integrity, nor God-fearing, and who is only interested in personal power and position, would be removed from office, or prevented from getting into office during these elections.


Marge said...

I made some applesauce this afternoon, from my gravenstein apple tree. I wished you could all come by and have some.

Meanwhile have a wonderful week!

Jen said...

Morning, Marge!
Lumpy or smooth? I always loved my mom's homemade lumpy applesauce...chilled and sprinkled with cinnamon. Mmmmmmmm....can't wait for thanksgiving!


Marge said...

Why lumpy, of course :)
I peel the apples, and slice them, put them into the pot of boiling water, along with brown sugar and cinnamon, and boil it down. It's good! IMO gravenstein apples make the best applesauce known to man :) And I live in the "apple state."

Good to hear from you!

Let's hope we hear from some of the others this week, too :)

Love to all! And God bless!

TexanForChrist said...

Ok, Grany and Marge, you've now got my courisity up!! Palin's church video was great..


Jen said...

Me, too! Do tell ;)

boatman909 said...

To all...

You might be interested in this..

Niagara Falls OurTurn 2008


Great Grany 5 said...

John, you know I am praying, big time. Been doing a lot of praying for NF lately.

I need the prayers of all my family here. Jim is really having some bum days and I have come to the point that I cannot keep up. He is invested in the market very seriously and it isn't going well for him. I hate to post that but I just need your support greatly.

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, are you meaning about Apple sauce? LOL


Jen said...

Hi Grany,
I will add your concerns to my prayers. I have been on the receiving end of lots of "what if..." anxiety from my hubby, too, lately. He's starting to let loose little by little, but still is waiting for things to turn around. He says lots of things like, "We'll have to make do til next year" or "When things pick up after the election..." I'm sitting there thinking that it's possible we won't be here long enough to see an upswing or there might not be an upswing to wait for if things continue to sour. I keep remembering the warnings that Grumpy gave a few months ago about knowing behind-the-scene stuff that hadn't shaken out yet. Yesterday's Freddie/Frannie takeover was evidence of that as well.
Our pastor gave a message this week about believers needing to become like trapeze artists...the we work in tandem with God who is the grabber. It's the letting go of the bar and waiting to be grabbed that keeps most believers rooted to the platform and not out there swinging toward the grabber. I'm not doing it justice, but let me say that it was the PERFECT message for Bob as he recognizes that he doesn't want to let go of the bar. He's coming to realize that many of the things he says he believes about God have been safely kept away from actual practice and testing them out. I was there, too, not so long ago but am getting more and more comfortable daily with letting go of control and waiting with expectation for how the Lord is going to provide.
I mentioned a while ago that I believed that even if we got down to 1 box of macaroni in the house, that box would last us until we were able to get other supplies. Last week I made mac-n-cheese for dinner. 4 of the 5 eaters in our house love it so I really expected not to have leftovers. I kinda forgot about it but realized at the end of the week when I was using it as a leftover that I had served that same bowl 3 times that week. I really have no idea how a small box of pasta lasted that long. It should have easily been gone after the first night. So anyway, my point is that God is going to provide for us in ways that we won't even realize til after the fact. I'm trying to encourage that mindset around our house and slowly take back the ground that's been given away to worry and anxiety. But boy, it's a tough battle, especially when everything around us tells us to rely on our own wisdom and plans.


Great Grany 5 said...


So Mike and Jen the gist of our compared notes were basically that we were both impressed by the Holy Spirit that this election we are coming to a final stage in, is very important to the whole country and really, the world. Believers and non-believers alike. We both had a witness in our hearts of the following things:
We were both impressed by the Holy Spirit to pay close, personal and prayerful attention to the VP.

Marge was told to watch the VP. I was impressed the reason was because the VP would be moved into the Presidency SUDDENLY! That was way back in the beginning of the primaries. Then the next thing out of the box as I was watching Obama while he was speaking in the primaries that the witness of his fate being sealed with JFK was going all over me, BIG TIME~ I couldn't stop weeping and I even told Jim about it, to which he said "I don't doubt it, one little bit".  Marge received the same thing.

There was a third warning that I received but I am not going to share it with anyone at this time. But I said that about the third thing because we, as Americans and Christians,are fighting a fight of our lives and it is time to get very bold and focused on what God is doing. It isn't a matter of political parties but of good vs evil.
There are good people in both parties and that is not what I am saying. It is the spiritual battle field now and we better stop fooling around with all the other junk out there. With the wrong choices we will pay a tremendous price and one which will stand on the books as the darkest days of America.

But I would like to say something that might seem a little out of character for me. Before we start praying for the nation and the election process, we need to make sure that we are in right relationship with God. Now I am not aiming this at anyone but I do know that the fervent prayers of a righteous man availth much. That righteousness is achieved through and by Jesus Christ and the repentance is part of it. I have already done mine and will continue to let the Holy Spirit search my heart for any more hidden sins and conditions that would keep me from being close to Abba.

I do know that I have taken all of the election regalia very seriously and I have prayed, and prayed, and some more praying that God would reveal by his divine nature the true motivation and movers of this time in history. I asked Him specifically to put it out there in plain sight for all to see and understand HIS WILL for this momentous time. That was way before anyone had won anything and there were more candidates than there were states. Marge was also impressed way before anyone had chosen their running mates.

I will also add, that I was not aware of the Dutch Sheets prophecy in any way what so ever. In fact, I just heard about it after Jim G. posted it. In addition, I didn't put any importance to the recent discussion of Branham's words. In fact, at the time the original prophecy was shared with me, I did some pretty deep and far reaching research on it and as I was doing so, the Holy Spirit just moved me to drop it because it really didn't matter. When the HS tells me to do something, I do it immediately. What I was impressed with is simply "God's business".

So, I think we have some very strong guide lines being drawn out regarding the election process. I am not voting party lines and please don't think for a second that I am. I was raised by dyed in the wool Democrats, educated by strait laced Republicans in the State of Iowa in the 30's, 40's and 50's and lived in a state of confusion until I learned to vote for the man and pray for the party.

I really don't feel comfortable discussing on the blog any further details about what was revealed or should I say, advised of, so if you would like to converse with me about it, send me an Email.

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

By the way, after I sent my oldest friend this info on the elections, she wrote back and said "Ditto". She doesn't like to type.


Marge said...

God has always faithful,
He will be again.
His loving compassion,
It knows no end.

(lyrics from Sara Groves, God Has Always been Faithful/Conversations CD)

Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? Ps. 78:19b


A good report!

Agreeing with you, in prayer, for great grace to come into your home, and situation, in full abundance! With much "shalom!"

God bless! And keep smiling!

Marge said...

Good morning!

I don't have your e-mail address, anymore.
However, that was about it. And it sounds as though you received the same insight that I did. (Grany saw some other things in the spirit)

Good to hear from you!

Grace said...

Marge and all,

Yep, totally thrilled that Sarah Palin is in the race. I have felt a great need to pray for her.

My older daughter and her husband are living with us for the next 4 months to sock some money away and pay off all debts.

I love them here and it has been pure joy to have them here... with one exception. They are sold out on Obama. They think he is the only hope for the world not going toward WWIII. Election night should be very interesting here!

I also want you to know that I am not poo-pooing the books you have suggested.

I just have not had the extra funds as of late. My youngest just got back to school (clothes) and got her license (gas, insurance) and is looking for a part time job(yeah!)So I will persue it.

I would love to exchange emails if you are comfortable with that. I had left a comment for Grany on her blog but I do not know how often she checks it. Don't know if you got it Wilma!

Jen, know that I think of you often and pray for you and your situation with Valerie and all of the adjustments in your family right now.

Marge said...

I just sent you an e-mail. Let me know if you get it, okay? (smile) Hopefully, everything went thru alright :)

No worries. And I'm going to ask Wilma to send you my e-mail addrsss, okay? And okay, Wilma? (another smile) Hey, I need all the tech support I can get, with my limited knowledge of computers, and such. WAY over my head. Especially with a: "here, go for it, approach," LOL. One of these days, I need to take a basic course in the "how to's, etc." I wished my grandchildren lived closer :)

God Bless, and
enjoy a wonderful day in the Lord!

Jen said...

Hi all,
Just popping in to say hello.
Thanks for all the prayers sent in my direction lately. Very busy still around here. Spent the evening with Valerie last night and sorta had a lightbulb moment. NOTHING I've been offering in terms of advice, suggestions, modeling, gathering volunteers, etc. has been making any improvements and, in fact, has begun to put a wedge between us. Most volunteers have dwindled away already and Valerie is as stressed/sleep deprived/stubborn as ever. I totally don't share her views on what I would call extreme attachment parenting...never really could do it anyway with trips, but even if I had a singleton, I can't imagine carrying a baby around 24/7, etc. But last night I realized that the thing that would make her happiest isn't being shown how to get the babies on a schedule or all the laundry done or the kitchen cleaned. If she saw her babies being held for 4 hours straight, that would thrill her, so that's what I did. I've been praying for wisdom and God kept telling me to just love her and not worry about solving the many serious problems in the situation (not that I can solve them, but even offering advice or offering to teach her how to get the toddler to sleep through the night is seen as an affront...) It's so hard to just hold sleeping babies when everything else around her is falling apart and I can see problems developing down the road as a result of this parenting style, but I pushed that aside and did what she wants most and she was noticeably happier for those 4 hours. Other concerns are coming to light....1-year old Hudson isn't gaining weight and I'm pretty sure it's because he still gets so much bottle feeding and they aren't ramping up his table food intake. He's very active now and burning off lots of calories, but not getting a regular meal schedule with appropriate variety of foods. Of course Valerie's mind goes to the worst and thinks he has some metabolic disease but I told her that it's most likely because all the focus has been on the girls and his changing needs aren't being kept up with so to work on that first. He goes back for a check in a month to see if he's gaining and if not, they'll start doing tests. So anyway, please continue to pray for the whole family and my part in this season of their lives. Now that my own kids are in school and I'm teaching 2 days/week, it's tempting to think about phasing out, but I'm committed for the long haul because the last thing I want to do is be a "strings attached" witness of Christ's love.

We're all doing pretty well. One quick prayer request...we are taking a 3-day trip to the shore (Fri-Sun) but the weather is iffy. We're praying for clear skies on Sat. for the kids to enjoy the beach and boardwalk. Would be happy to have others join us in that request! I don't want to think about the chaos that would ensue if we got everyone and all the gear down to the beach only to have the heavens open up on us!

OK, gotta run and try to stick to our bedtime schedule.
Love to all,


Great Grany 5 said...

JEN, Praying for all of your needs and also for the strength your body needs to carry all of this extra weight. I am praying for Valerie also and for her husband to step up to the plate and take charge of the situation. There is something unseen driving her and he might have a clue what it is.

Mike and Grace, will get the emails taken care of quickly. We just got back home from Jim's doctor appointment regarding his eyes and I am stretched to the point of "early to bed and maybe I will arise".

We all need to be praying for our country and I cannot encourage that enough.

Jen, I often think of what all you are doing and I am so greatly impressed to pray for you. That nudging is coming from the Lord and I just wanted you to know He is working all of us to keep you surrounded in prayers.

Love you all,

Marge said...

I'll agree with you for good weather for your three day vacation/get away :)

I'm wondering if the Lord didn't lead you to Valerie, for more than helping her out with her babies? Perhaps also helping her out, in a more practical way, of thinking, and taking care of her list of priorities? Take it one day at a time, and you won't become discouraged, is my suggestion. From what experience I've had, with people who tend to live in the clouds? They need to come down to earth, one step at a time, so as not to knock the sails out from underneath them, so to speak :)

Time to get ready for work. God bless!

Marge said...

Great minds post at the same time, LOL!

I gotta go, for real :)

Jen said...

Hi Grany & Marge,
Thank you so much for the constant prayers. I do feel that this "project" I've been handed is much bigger than just helping a family get used to the chaos of multiples. That's actually easy compared with this. I've helped other new moms before and didn't need to do nearly the amount of work that this situation is taking. I think this family was at the brink of total collapse even before the triplets were born and probably would have been swallowed up as prey by that roaring beast who is the enemy of our souls. There is no question that our paths crossed so that I could bring light and salt and Truth into that home. I'm having to take a step back and really listen for Father's voice now because the ideas I had about what 'help' would look like have done nothing but hinder it seems. I was feeling really defeated for a few days because Valerie snapped at me last week when I suggested she wait a few seconds before rushing over to pick up a fussy baby (trying to get her to adopt a calmer demeanor because everything she does is in a state of anxiety.) I started to think that all the hours of organizing volunteers and gathering baby stuff had been for naught, plus the little bit of guilt I feel about leaving Bob to put the kids to bed twice a week didn't help!
But I know your prayers sent me a renewed wave of determination to serve the Lord in this situation and I was able to see the subtle deception that was creeping into my mind, telling me that it wasn't worth my time to keep knocking my head against a brick wall.
But my goodness, the Spirit overwhelmed me with a peek of God's love for Valerie and I knew that any inconveniences or annoyances I was experiencing were a fair price to pay for being the vessel that could perhaps be used to bring that love into her home.
We had a guest musician in church last week who played a song I had never heard before. It was about Moses coming with the Israelites to the sea with the Egyptians closing in on them and his bewilderment about how God was going to save them from that sure trap. He quoted Exodus 14:14 - "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." It was such an encouragement for what I was facing and really turned me around and refreshed my resolve to stay involved in a very tangled and difficult situation. I was being like the Israelites...rushing here and there, trying to use my own wisdom and skills to iron out all the wrinkles. But if I were to be successful, I might get credit in Valerie's eyes rather than the Lord. So I'm being still (literally...with 3 babies on my lap!) and loving her because I know how much Abba loves her even though she won't/can't believe it right now and waiting with such a thrill in my spirit to see how He will turn things around and bring buckets of glory and honor to Himself in the process and healing to an entire family who desperately needs it.
So, your prayers are definitely sustaining me and keeping me close to God rather than me straying into thoughts and deeds that are of my own, helpful as they may be in a different situation. And those prayers are keeping a hedge around me as the attacks sneak in and try to dissuade me from serving our Lord.
I do very much appreciate your prayers because I know that the attacks will come in different forms, some against me and others against those connected to me. But I'm happy to say that Bob is growing deeper in faith daily and is learning to see God's hand in even the little things that happen around us. We're also busy teaching the kids to pray for all things, first giving thanks and then making their requests known to God. It's funny to hear them ask me to pray now about every little thing that comes up...the sound went out on the TV during their favorite program this weekend and they looked at me and said, "Mommy! We have to pray about this!" We did and nothing happened so I changed the channel and it was forgotten. The next morning I turned the TV on after breakfast and the sound was working and Josh said, "God heard our prayers!" So sweet and innocent and refreshing!

OK - I'll stop blabbering now. Early alarm tomorrow (I'm with you Grany...early to bed, maybe I'll rise ;-) Have a restful and peaceful night, everyone!


Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, I rose! I started to say "I Arose" and then I realized that would be a big misapplication to what I really did.

I am still trying to get started on daily chores but I am having sitter problems. I rather like it on my sitter than I do on my stander. @;o}
Yes, I know the days are getting shorter and the Lord is drawing closer but I think I over did it yesterday. I just learned an important lesson again: Anger uses energy and causes indigestion.

We all need to be praying for our fellow blogger Mike and his crew today as that Ike is trying to tear up Texas. Come against that thing in Jesus name and see the glory of the Lord displayed for all to see.

Love all of you,

Jen said...

Morning, all...
We're leaving for our shore trip later this morning and will return late Sunday. Weather looks iffy, but we're going to give it a go anyway. Playing in the sand during the rain can be fun, right? ;-)
I won't have computer access while there, so I'll hope to pop back in Monday, if I can get my act together. That's usually the most stressful day of the whole vacation, so we'll see!
Have a wonderful weekend in the Lord!


TexanForChrist said...

Jen, have fun and enjoy the wonderous creations of our Lord..

Maranatha soon...


Jen said...

Thanks, Mike....
Doing the final packing and I had to take one last peek at the websites I frequent (Am I addicted or what?!)
I'm looking forward to our trip because I love watching the kids enjoy new stuff and explore. I wasn't raised near the shore, so it's not a family tradition for me, although it probably will be for us now since we're close enough to make it one.
I feel kinda bad about praying for "nice weather" for our trip when I see all the troubles that the Texas shoreline will be experiencing at the same time. I'm especially concerned for the ship that's adrift in the Gulf right now with 22 crewmen on board. Sending up strong petitions for deliverance for them. Keeping the story of Jesus calming the waves for his disciples in my mind and knowing that all things are possible in Him.

OK - signing off now. Love to all,

Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, I was right in the middle of sending you a message and it evaporated. Ghosty things going on.

I am praying for you all big time and I haven't forgotten about a reply to you on the subject Marge and I were talking about. Just overcome with too many Homey things right now. Please keep up the prayer shield and I have a daughter floating around you somewhere. She is getting food service kits to the evacs down there and going like a semi-truck in her Nissan Ultima. I have to have talk with her later on. She is blond, blue eyes and smile that doesn't stop (well most of the time). She works for a company called JBarB but has Sysco contacts, big time so they keep her moving.

Praying, praying, praying, praying.


Marge said...

Praying for your daughter's safety. (sorry, I misunderstood. I thought she'd already done her distributions, and gotten out of there!)
In agreement, for everyone's safety in that storm!

Have fun!
Any beach trip is fun, IMO. One of my favorite places in the whole wide world to visit.

These are times to give our "all" to God, and leave them there. God is able, when we give our anxieties to Him, as He can work on them 24/7. And when we confess that God is taking care of the issues in our lives, God's angels are released to work on our behalf. (instid of them standing there wondering when they'll be put on assignment to go to work for us)
When we confess God's word, and His provisions, all earth, heaven and hell know we're standing on God's promises. The battle belongs to the Lord. We do out part, and He does His part. Someone once said, it's like a checker game.
Remember faith is a fact, but it's also an act.

God bless, and walk in the peace of God today, and everyday.

TexanForChrist said...

Thanks Wilma,

not to worry, my prayer shield is up and running and not the gates of hell or photon torpedoes can take er down. If your daughter runs into problems or needs anything have her call me. I've sent you my cell phone via email.

Maranatha soon...


Great Grany 5 said...

Marge I like that "Remember faith is a fact, but it's also an act." I am going to copy it and put it as a banner on my wall in front of my desk. I know you don't care and then I am going to add a picture of a cute, cuddly little puppy!

Becky called me to let me know she is staying with some friends in San Antonio until the fit gets thrown by Ike. She said that they quit evacing Houston except for just certain zip codes that could be victims of the wave surge. She got all of her runs made and she rather enjoyed the experience by the tone of her voice. She didn't have to use the vans though as her car's trunk will accommodate a lot of the product and she loaded the back and passenger seat in front. She did say that the temps there were 101 when she was talking to me and it was horribly humid. She said she didn't have a clue what the pressure was and as far as she was concerned, someone can take care of that part. She did sound tired and I will be glad when she gets back to Arkansas.

One of the things I like the least about being a pilot is knowing too much about weather patterns and conditions, it is better to just go along with a hop and a skip, trusting all the way in God taking care of us.

I am planning on turning off the computer for the evening and just trying to relax and trust.

Mike I thank you for your most generous offer and I have given Becky the number.

Love all of you and praying that the next bump will just be that, a bump!


campsmore said...

you're in our prayer

Great Grany 5 said...

Good God's Morning to you all from Sunny Oklahoma!

No, the sunshine is not breaking through the clouds but the sun is shining above all the clouds all of the time. But I do have to exclaim God's wonderful provisions are forever and ever. We got up this morning and lo and behold a new weather system has come into play from the north. That system is moving the mess that has been tormenting the upper midwest down a little bit south and the effects and dire warnings of Ike are taking a hike in a different direction. The hurricane has been moved away from us and now I am praying that God blow this system completely away from all the land and give us rest from the threats of horrible weather. Not just for me and mine but for thee and thine.

Last night the pressure really got bad here and it makes my ears hurt. Goes back to when I was a little tiny baby and had my ears lanced so many times that it has caused scar tissue to form. That was long, long before tubes were ever inserted in children's ears.

I just prayed, went to bed and left it all up to Abba. We had a little bit of misty rain but that is all. No winds, no nothing except Praise, Praise, Praise, praise to the one who gave us his son; Praise, praise, praise, praise, praise to the son for all he has done. That song just keeps running through my mind and I had to turn it loose here.

You all, thanks for your precious prayers and Abba heard us all. Isn't he wonderful!


Marge said...

YES! God IS wonderful!

I had to laugh, because when I read the lyrics to the song that you've been singing? (I didn't recognize it, but I'm all over praise songs!) The one that came to me, was: (everyone knows this one from church, I'm sure :)

Glory be to the Father,
And to the Son and to the Holy Ghost,
As it was in the beginning,
Is now and ever shall be,
world without end,
Amen, amen!

I told you I went to Presbyterian church for many years! And as much as I enjoy modern Christian music? I still LOVE the older ones, too!

I'm agreeing with you, Grany, that this storm comes to nothing, in short order! Amen? Amen!

God bless, and keep smiling!

Marge said...

Sharing 101 :)

(from a Charles Capps booklet, a couple of paragraphs)

"The laws that govern the world of the spirit are extended into this earth. The natural laws also reveal spiritual laws. The law of gravity dictates that anything heavier than air will fall when you drop it. But when man really understood the law of gravity he used that knowledge to overcome that law. When you combine the law of lift with thrust, an airplane overcomes the law of gravity and flies like a bird. Yet, you could sit on the runway all day praying that the airplane would have lift on the wings, but nothing will happen until you apply the power of thrust to create the lift needed to overcome gravity.

Here is the parallel truth---you can't obtain faith by praying for it. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. You must hear what God says to have faith from the Bible---the Word of God. It is possible to believe with all your heart and not have an ounce of Bible faith. If your belief didn't come from the Word of God, it's not Bible faith. The God kind of faith comes from the Word of God, for God and His Word are one. Your confession of God's Word is to your faith like thrust is to an airplane."

A good word about confession!

Marge said...

I will also be in agreement with your prayers about this country.

The biggest "change" America needs right now, is coming back to God.

Great Grany 5 said...


Charles Capps illustration of the airplane on the ground waiting for lift off reminds me of myself when I had my first flying lesson. I knew we had to do something besides rev up our engine and I could feel the tail of the Cessna 150 wiggling as the pilot increased the engine speed. We could have sit there all day and used all of our gas without ever going anywhere.

Reminds me of a lot of Christians that try to live this life without the Holy Spirit giving us thrust. It lifts us to the level of being doers of the word and not hearers only. I knew the scriptures, chapter, verse and author before I was saved. I went to Sunday School and church everytime the doors were opened as a very small child. I heard very anointed speakers of those days expounding on the word of God, over and over. I have a photographic memory and have had from the beginning. I KNEW THE WORDS! Then I was saved when I was in my late 20's (about as late as you can get and still be in the 20's) and then the words became my daily meal and drink. I lived my beginning Christian life so hungry for all that God had for all the believers and I really thought that it was complete in me to some extent. But there were verses that caused me to say "HUH?"

Then along came 1990 and my brother was in critical condition in Renton, Washington where he had suffered a massive cerebellar hemorrhage and was not expected to live. We didn't know anything about it until 3 days after when the daughter of his girl friend called to inform us that he was not expected to live. We were told he had become hydrocephalus (fluid built up on the brain) and the doctors at the hospital in Renton had called in a noted neurosurgeon.

Within minutes after the first call, the neurosurgeon called to explain the events taking place and what he needed us to do. Us meaning my mother and I. The doctor was a very capable man who was recognized as one of the top in his field but he did not believe in a personal God or any thing of the Christian faith. He had to have our permission to proceed with any further plans and due to my mother's health situation, it was deemed that I would represent the family hierarchy. I gave him the needed permission verbally and then sent out a FAX for hard copy.

I was sitting on our sofa in the front room and I knew I needed to pray but for what, I couldn't begin to know. I simply said, "Father, your son and my savior told us that whatever we asked in His name, you would do. However, I don't know what to pray for and YOUR WORD tells us that the Holy Spirit is given to us to pray when we don't know how. I need that right now in order to pray and I am expecting."

Immediately, and I mean immediately, I heard a very commanding voice on the inside of me that absolutely shook my whole being by it's command. HE said "Read Lazarus NOW!!!!" and like a spring coming undone, I bounced off of the couch, went to the bookshelves in the front room and took the Scofield Study Bible from the shelf. Flipped open to the back in topic index, found Lazarus on the first page it opened to, saw John 11 and opened my bible to John 11 on the first try. Now understand this, my Scofield bible was not the bible I normally used. I had it only for reference work. Besides that I hadn't opened it to anything in a long, long time. In other words, I was not familiar with it in the least. So to have opened this bible two times to anything close to what I was looking for is a miracle in itself.

On the page where John 11 started the words of Jesus were in red and it seemed that verse 4 was blinking at me or at least was redder than the others. It said "This sickness is not unto death, but to the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified in it". That verse was branded into my mind, heart and Spirit. But I didn't know what it meant for Bobby except that it seemed that God was telling me Bobby wasn't going to die from this event. Then I went back to pray and I said "Please explain what this means to me" and once again, I heard "Stand on the Promise".

Well, I didn't know anything about standing on promises and the only thing I could think to do was to put the Bible on the floor and stand on it. I wasn't about to do that because I reverenced God's Bible too much and it just didn't make sense to me. I knew there was something more to it than that. During those days, I normally watched Believers Voice of Victory broadcast over our local TV station every morning except Saturday. I was still pondering what God's revelation had given to me already but I turned on the TV to hope for some way of keeping my mind on Him.

Kenneth Copeland was teaching that week and he always began his broadcast with a welcome and then prayer. He ended his prayer, said, "Yes Lord, I will do that" and then looked into the camera and
said "the Lord has instructed me that there is someone who doesn't understand how to stand on God's promises and you are facing a very important situation. So, here is how and what we mean by STANDING ON THE WORD OF GOD."

Do any of you doubt how straight the hairs were standing on my head? He proceeded to explain and when he finished I Stood on John 11:4 and that was February 20, 1970. I stood on that word, daily and double daily many, many years until my brother was diagnosed with cancer the day that my pastor, his wife and I drove to
Iowa to bury my mother. My brother and daughter stayed here because he wasn't feeling real good and my daughter was taking him to the doctor to see what was going on. Brother was a wheelchair
patient and his needs had been placed in the background to a certain extent while mother was making the best of her last days.

When I got back home the news was staggering to say the least. My brother had very advanced stage of carcinoma of the right lung, metastasized into the ribs, shoulder and neck, having invaded 3 ribs extensively and the muscles of the right shoulder and moving into the throat. Upon examination it was diagnosed as non-small cell carcinoma and was spreading very rapidly throughout his right side and threatening his heart.

When I tried to pray John 11:4 I heard the Holy Spirit say "Not this time". I wept like a baby for days but I couldn't tell anyone about it. Finally I called my pastor and he said, you have to obey the Lord's command and even though it was the hardest decision I have ever made, I knew that God was in the middle of this. His very being is for our good and he truly does love us. But none of that came into my heart and mind at the time. Much later I came to know that the hard decisions are what the training and obeying are all about and it shapes our willingness to accept God's will for our life.

My brother didn't want to spend the rest of his life in a wheel chair being cared for by others. He loved Alaska and wanted to return there to live. He lived in Wasilla, Alaska and to him it was everything. His health was a result of his life style, no doubt! However, he lived life to the fullest until the day in 1985 when he suffered a massive heart attack.

Now what does this all have to do with what Marge posted of Chas. Capps? Simply put, you can know the scriptures in your mind and heart but that is only 2/3 of the person. To know Him you have to have the kinship of the Holy Spirit in full measure residing inside of you daily, hourly, minute by minute. Always being refilled. We also have to know and recognize His voice when He speaks to us. Not some flaky pie in the sky theories but Glorifying, Magnifying, Edifying God's Holy Spirit. So rev up your engines, gain maximum power with your brakes engaged, and then when the Holy Spirit speaks, turn loose of those brakes, proceed down the run way, combining thrust with speed and fly like an eagle to the heights of God's promises. There is nothing impossible with God, Holy Spirit and your faith in Him.

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

Blood Bought

Agreeing with you in prayers for this nation and the churches. I am a firm believer that all of this started in the watered down version of the Gospel and has decayed to the point that we are witnessing right now.

Titles are like empty promises, only serve the prideful nature of man and do nothing to glorify God when they are based on a lie.

Good to see you again.


Marge said...

I thought you might enjoy that analogy of flight to Bible faith :)

Many thanks for your testimony!

And remember that Bible faith is an act.
Confessing the promises of God in your life, and then acting on what God reveals to you, thru prayer.

Have a wonderful Sunday! And enjoy the promises of God!

Great Grany 5 said...

Correction on my comment at 12:00 P.M. TODAY SEPTEMBER 14, 2008

I said "Do any of you doubt how straight the hairs were standing on my head? He proceeded to explain and when he finished I Stood on John 11:4 and that was February 20, 1970."

I meant February 20, 1990. My brother died on January 26, 1997, five weeks after my mother met Jesus in her new Heavenly home.


Marge said...

What a happy homegoing that must have been for both your mother and your brother!

And it won't be much longer until we'll all be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven, either!

"The one I love,
Is coming soon,
It may be morning, night, or noon,
My lamps are lit,
I'll watch and pray,
It maybe today, it maybe today."

Jen said...

Morning, all!
Quick note to let ya'll know we got home safely LATE last night from our shore trip. Lots to share about that but for now will just pop in and out. Didn't even take time to read up on the news/hurricane aftermath reports. We had little info while away so I really don't know how bad things are but I intend to read up and get to work in prayer for those affected. So glad to hear that our bunch here was kept in His shelter.
Grany, your testimony was awesome and I can relate in many ways.
Marge, I'm learning so much about the faith as an act idea lately, too. I'll share more later. I'd like to print these few posts out to keep in my Bible...along with the other stuff I want to share with others. That OK?

Gotta run and keep truckin forward before the kids wake up. They're going to be bears today! (Hope that's teddy bears, not grizzly bears ;-)


Marge said...

Good to hear that you're back home. And that you had a good time, too!

Of course, print away :) Neither Charls Capps, nor I would have it any other way.
You may even want to visit his website, as he's a wonderful Bible teacher. His daughter, Annette, is also an excellent Bible teacher. Plus, he has another daughter, Beverly, that writes material for children.

Enjoy a great day! And God bless!

P.s. the first line of the lyrics are:
"The Chrsit I love." (smile) But I'm sure you all knew that, right?

Marge said...

P.S.S. that's Christ.

Sorry about the spelling.

TexanForChrist said...

There is a new post as this one is getting a little long.
