Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A time for Learning

We hope that this blog will assist other in their search for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Many struggled for months with this subject and we were graced by some extremely knowledgeable and experienced Christians that patiently helped us through our many questions. We hope that you can learn much about the Holy Spirit through this blogs posts and comments.


Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, I like this! "A Time for Learning" is perfect and we are ready to rumble!

Love you brother,

campsmore said...

Wahooo! I'm #2

Great Grany 5 said...

Is this how I get a license to torment everyone? I am going to attempt to RSS feed a link to my home page and that way I can keep up to date on all that is going on. By the way, Google has updated Firefox to Verse 3.0 now and I love it.


TexanForChrist said...

Please remember to reply to the invite so you can post to the main page. Lori you should be able to post now.


TexanForChrist said...

Thanks Wilma, you should be able to post now.

boatman909 said...

Let's see if I can get this to work...

Hi guys, we're baaackkkk!!


TexanForChrist said...

John, You should now be able to post


Marge said...

Thank you, for agreeing to be our Host.

And may God bless everyone that visits this new Blog, to the glory of God the Father, the Son, and the precious Holy Spirit. (who is also our Holy Guest, amen?)

Thanks again, Mike!

Jen said...

Hi everyone,
Thanks so much, Mike, for picking up the ball that I had lobbed into the court. I can't tell you how refreshed and excited I felt when I got home today and saw the invite to join this gathering!

Looking forward to lots of good digging and discussing....


boatman909 said...

Mike (and, of course, everyone else...)

Does anyone have any specific topics they would like to discuss or want to delve into Scripture for answers or a deeper understanding?

Just to get the ball rolling - I guess we can create new topics for specific subjects...nu?


Marge said...

John, and everyone,
Whatever anyone comes up with sounds good to me. My plans are only to participate :)

One suggestion would be, ways to grow in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. Which in all reality, is a lifetime of learning/grace. Because we all need to continue to grow/learn until this life journey is over, amen?

Jen said...

Hi all,
I would agree with Marge and also add a topic about what "anointing" means. My understanding of that is limited to the idea of the kings being annointed, but Jesus is also called the annointed one and there is annointing connected with the Holy Spirit. So that would be interesting to me. I think Grany recommended another Hagin book on the subject, but I've mislaid the name.


TexanForChrist said...

I think we might want to start with some of Johns prior teachings just to have a consolidated starting point.


Great Grany 5 said...

I like the idea of a beginning point of Living in the Holy Spirit and John has had some excellent material on it in the past. I wish I could access Joel's blog for the comments but can't do.

I really feel that one of the reasons people skirt the baptism is all of the old wives tales they have heard. The Holiness of the Holy Spirit just has to be told! What do you think John and Marge?

John, take off and get us started.

Shalom all,

Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, while I am thinking of it, would you mind posting here the testimony you shared in the Email about the storm yesterday and what you did and the results. That was absolutely beautiful and needs to be told all over the world.

Would it be all right if I copied just that portion and pasted it here?


campsmore said...

There has been much quoting of Roman Catholic (and others) traditions and teachings, in particular regarding water baptism, but rarely are they backed up with positions from the whole of Scripture. Sometimes the Apocrypha is quoted to justify a particular stance, but rarely are arguments based on Scripture alone. It is as if people are being are shielded or blinded by their traditions, and do not read the Bible as it is written.

Nowhere in Scripture does it say you must be baptized in water to be saved. This is a another example where the transliterated Greek word baptismoás has been given a meaning in English above and beyond its original meaning, and a whole tradition has then been built on top of it.

In Ephesians 5:26 Paul says that
"He [Jesus] might sanctify and cleanse her [the Church] with the washing of water by the Word".

The Word of God does not wash people by water, and the context does not in any way describe immersion in water (it's actually talking about Marriage), so we have to take this reference to "washing by water" as symbolic, in that it is the Word of God, when applied to a hearer's heart, that will wash them clean from the effect of sin. In the Greek the word translated "washing" is katharismoás which has the meaning to purify - the text does not contain the word baptismoás from which we get the transliterated English word "baptism", the Greek root of which has the meaning "to overwhelm". The original Greek meaning of baptismoás does not necessarily imply the use of water - this is what our traditions have made it to mean.

One of the things the Lord Jesus was most definite about was that mens' traditions and tendency to add to Scripture's requirements make of no effect and render powerless the Word of God.

I am afraid that there will be many well meaning yet deluded ministers of the Gospel of all persuasions and denominations, who will find out that they actually hindered people from coming to know the saving power of God, because their traditions had made the Word of God ineffective in those people's lives. Sadly, I have seen this in action just recently with one of the more influential Pastor's in our city - his religion is so weak (and his God is so small) because he follows the traditions of his (mainstream) denomination, that he actually denies and misquotes scripture, without being aware of it, to justify his theology.

Finally (if you read this far), I too was baptized as an infant (did nothing), then I was confirmed with the laying on of hands by an Anglican Bishop in my early teens - supposedly to receive Holy Spirit (as per Acts - again nothing happened), but I become disillusioned, so much so that I reached the point where I had given up on Christianity, having struggled with dead religion and mens' traditions masquerading as true faith, because all that I saw were stale, dead traditions, there was no life, no joy and no purpose in people's lives and they certainly did not exhibit the abundant life of "living waters" that Jesus spoke off.

This went on until God graciously and supernaturally opened my eyes to the real Truth of his Word, and I become born-again of the Spirit of God, when I was 21. I was then "baptized" by full immersion (overwhelmed if you will) a few years later (it took me that long to get some of my traditions broken down), as a public statement of what God had caused to happen in my life - not to "save" me, or "cleanse" me but just as a witness.

It became obvious to me from the account in John Ch 4 that the "living water" Jesus speaks of is not the H2O kind, but something much better - spiritual life that transforms people from the inside out. It has NOTHING to do with the traditional religious expression of baptism (infant or believers).

Again, in John 7 Jesus cries out:
37 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
38 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Here, there is no room for confusion, since the Word explains that this "living water" is the life of Holy Spirit dwelling in a believer. It is not, as you stated "running water" for use in baptism. Again traditions of Men have made of no effect (robbed it of power and meaning) the Word of God.

I had no say in whether or not I was baptized as an infant. This was my parent's beliefs.

I did however want to be confirmed - I was desperately wanting something real in my life as far as God was concerned - I was brought up on the Bible, but my parents were not able to explain that I needed to be "born again" (or what that meant) in order to receive the life of God, and to have his Holy Spirit come to live in me. (My father was an ordained minister of the Church of England - an Anglican vicar...)

After God had done this work in me at the age of 21, I found out a short while later that I had also received the Baptism of Holy Spirit, and sure enough, once I had had this explained to me, I was able to speak in tongues, just like the early disciples did. (I had NEVER heard anything to do with Holy Spirit and His role in my life till then - again the traditions of men had made God's Word of no effect).

On an entirely separate note, some people say that we are "filled" with the Holy Spirit when we are born again. The problem is that this idea is not entirely scriptural (do I hear the shout of "heresy"). Yes, we receive Holy Spirit "within" us, when we are born-again. But having the Spirit come "up on" us, as happened to Jesus after His water baptism by John, is a separate, and different experience, with a different purpose.

Again you must read the Word of God with understanding. The first disciples were "born-again" when Jesus breathed on them and said "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 22:22).

If they had received the "power" of the Holy Spirit at that point, why did Jesus tell them to wait in Jerusalem until they had received "power from on high" (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8).

You might then argue that this is the only time this occurred, to which I reply "read the Book of Acts, and study the life of Paul".

In Acts 8:14-17 it says:
"14 Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,
15 who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
16 For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus [="born again" NOT water baptism!! - the Greek "baptismo" does NOT mean water baptism - that is what our traditions have made it come to mean. There are the "doctrine of baptisms" (pl) Hebrews 6:2 = different types of baptism, apart from water baptism].
17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit."

Luke's account then goes on to tell the story of Simon the sorcerer who tried to pay money for the supernatural event he had just witnessed - receiving of the power of the Holy Spirit, as manifested by the believers "speaking in tongues".

Again, in Acts 10, which tells of when Peter, at God's direction, traveled from Joppa to Caesarea, and came to the house of a Roman Centurion, where we see the same process taking place, to the surprise of all those who had come with Peter. In this case we see the Gospel preached, the people received the Word, believed, confessed their faith in Jesus out loud, were "born again", and then were baptized in holy Spirit, again with the evidence of speaking in tongues. After this, Peter then commanded them all to be water baptized (notice the specific reference to water).

34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.
35 "But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.
36 "The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ—He is Lord of all—
37 "that word you know, which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached:
38 "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
39 "And we are witnesses of all things which He did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed by hanging on a tree.
40 "Him God raised up on the third day, and showed Him openly,
41 "not to all the people, but to witnesses chosen before by God, even to us who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead.
42 "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead.
43 "To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins."
44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word.
45 And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also.[This means that all who received the gift of Holy Spirit (= the baptism of Holy Spirit) MUST have been born-again BEFORE this happened]
46 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered,
47 "Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?"
48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to stay a few days.

Thus, in this passage alone, we have the model for how we gentiles are to receive both salvation ("baptism" into the Body of Christ = being "born again") and the baptism of Holy Spirit, with the evidence of "speaking in tongues" today. Water baptism is merely symbolic of the believer having ALREADY been born again. You can also see from this passage that, once Peter and the others who had come with him to Caesarea had got over their surprise that the Gospel truly was for ALL, Jews and Gentiles alike, there was no surprise at them receiving the baptism of Holy Spirit and then speaking in tongues. Tongues was the sign (=evidence) that they had received the baptism of Holy Spirit. If this was the case then, it must still be the case today.

Similarly, on the road to Damascus (Acts 9, Paul receives Jesus as Lord, and confesses Him as His Lord. According to Romans 10:9-10 that is ALL we need to do to be "born again" of the Holy Spirit. But then we read that Jesus tells Paul to continue on into the city and wait. He does so and it says that Ananias came to Paul and
"Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."" (Acts 9:17)

Since Paul later says that he prayed "in tongues more than all of you" [Corinthian church], he must have received the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" with the evidence of speaking in tongues, just like the first 120 disciples did on the day of Pentecost. If God did this for them, He MUST do it for us, as He is no respecter of persons.

In Acts 19, we see Paul meeting with a group of 12 men at Ephesus, who knew nothing of the baptism of Holy Spirit - it seems that they had only heard about the coming of the Messiah from John the Baptist's teachings.

1 And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples
2 he said to them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" So they said to him, "We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit."
3 And he said to them, "Into what then were you baptized?" So they said, "Into John's baptism."
4 Then Paul said, "John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus."
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. [meaning, they were "born-again" into the Body of Christ - NOT immersed in water]
6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
7 Now the men were about twelve in all.

We see here Paul explaining them the full Gospel message, they receive it, are born-again, and when Paul then lays hands on them, they are baptized with Holy Spirit and the evidence of this was that they "spoke with tongues and prophesied". It couldn't be much clearer!

Thus, just from these examples (and there are more), we see that there is a distinction in Scripture between being "born-again" and receiving the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It is also clear that being water baptised will do nothing for your salvation - it is intended only as an outward confirmation or proclamation that you have already received Jesus as Lord, and have already been born-againby the Spirit of God.

I dare you to go against your "traditions" and "preconceptions", and "in faith" (i.e. believing the Word of God), ask God to give you the gift of The Holy Spirit. I can assure you it will transform your whole walk with God. If I am wrong (or a heretic, as some would call us who believe this way), then nothing will happen... What do you have to loose?

Were you aware that the Wesley brothers (John and Charles) who started the Methodist movement in England were both filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues? Were you aware that the majority of the great men and women of God who were mightily used over the past 400 (?) years were also similarly "afflicted", including Martin Luther, Count Zinzendorf, Charles Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee Semple McPherson, Charles Finney, to name a few? The movements that have seen operations of the 9 Holy Spirit gifts cover the Waldenses, Huguenots, Mennonites, Reformers, Covenanters, Quakers, Moravians, Methodists and Pentecostals, to give a rough overview.


campsmore said...

That was from an earlier post from John.

Thanks again John

Jen said...

Hi Grany,
Yes, please do post the storm protection passage. And I kid you not, we had another doozy blow through today and I looked up into the sky again and asked God for His protection on our neighborhood. We had more rain which we actually needed, but nothing damaging, not even a twig to pick up from the yard. I watched the red radar cells moving through on the local news but we never had anything of harm here.

I have to say, it feels so good to believe, rather than just hope!


boatman909 said...

For those of you who haven't found out yet, I posted a lot of the stuff I posted at the Cave in my own blog..



boatman909 said...

Lori, Thanks for copying the stuff about "baptisms"...

I have learned more about this recently - much of the use of the word "baptism" in the New Testament has NOTHING to do with water - often it refers to being "born again" - becoming "immersed" (baptised) in the Body of Christ.

Unless water is specifically referred to in the text, as an act of water baptism that occurs AFTER someone has been "born again" (and in Acts this usually also includes being "baptised" in Holy Spirit), then NEVER assume it means "water baptism". Remember, Scripture says that there is a "doctrine of baptisms" - note the plural, and furthermore that this is part of the basic, foundational doctrines that we should all easily understand. (Paul calls these the "elementary principles" of the Christian life [Hebrews 6:1-3], or the "milk of the Word", and says we need to be getting to the "meat", if we are to call ourselves mature believers).

I am sure that, over the years, the meaning of the original Greek word baptismo has been misunderstood, even modified, from its original meaning, especially since someone somewhere took the word and transliterated it into the English word baptize, which has now the meaning to be dipped, immersed in water. Many denominations (Protestant and RC) have taken the English meaning and applied it to the Greek, without ever really studying Scripture to see if this is a valid meaning for the original text.

Once again, the traditions and doctrines of men have nullified the Word of God.


Marge said...

Ah yes, I remember when I first heard about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. In fact, during that time in my life, my Mother had moved to Richmond Highlands, WA. so that my brother and I could attend a Christian school, called, King's Garden. (north of Seattle) We only lived in that area for about 4 years, and then moved back to Tacoma. However, this school included all denominations. And one of my friends was Pentecostal, and had invited me to go to Church with her. My Mother didn't know about the Church so she asked around, and well meaning Christians, said, NO, DO NOT get mixed up with that "business," (refering to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit) because it's of the devil. They have people empty their minds and demons can come in, and people become bound, etc., etc., etc." Anyhow, needless to say, I never went to my friend's church with her. And then years later, (I was in the 8th grade at the time) my Mother got pretty upset recalling what she'd been told. (after she had received the infilling of the Holy Spirit) So, yes, people have often heard some "un" truths about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and stayed away. So, it IS a......time for learning, amen? A time to find out what the Bible has to say, and not what some people thought the Bible said/traditions, like John said.

campsmore said...

Hey John,

Would you like me to go ahead and delete that message and you can make the revisions to be posted at a future date? I'd be happy to do that.

On the topic of storms; I've seen several tornados disappear before my eyes simply because I took authority that God gave me, and I believed it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

This may be a good time to tell you about my new job. I work for a food service company in a secure Florida Power and Light facility. It amazes me everyday how many employees are anticipating the next "big" hurricane. They use statements like; "Well, when the hurricanes hit this year," or "you just wait till we get a hurricane this year, this place will be popping."

I keep telling them we aren't going to have any more devestating hurricanes, at least not for the next 6 years. When they ask why, I tell them that after the hurricanes of 2005, I specifically asked God for no hurricanes for 10 years.

Yes, some think I'm batty, but I don't care. when I mentioned to one yesterday about God giving us authority, even over the weather, he looked at me like I was an alien from another planet.

The building I work in housing the call center for all FPL call center employees and linemen. When the power goes out due to non-payment or storm or acccident, they receive the calls. Apparently, they have a high turnover of employees. It always seems they're training new employees. They have onsite gym, relaxation room including beds, massage chairs, and on site counselors.

I know why I'm there. I've already told several employees that I will pray for them or give hugs. Several have taken me up on the offer.

I'm amazed that God has put me in this job. There are days that I've had a lot of pain physically, but I just keep telling myself that I'm getting paid to "work out" for 8 hours a day.

I don't know how long we have left. I want to be used to remind others that God loves them, he's present in their time of need and he's coming soon.

Thanks for your prayers, they are very much felt and appreciated.

Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marge said...

Bless your heart! You are working in a high stress enviroment, plus being a witness for God. Believe me, I know. I've worked in the Food Service Industry since the mid 80's, when I went back to work. (first as a Bakery assistant, then one season as a candy packager, then 15 years at School Food Service, both Breakfast and Lunch) In 2005 it became too much for me, or so I thought, physically/mentally, as it is a high stress job. (to those who haven't worked Food Service positions, there are many deadlines, and much high volumn production, etc.) Now I'm semi-retired and work as a Nutrition clerk, at a large grocery store chain.

Also working in a Call Center is an extremely high stress enviroment. I never realized it before, until one of my sons became a Financial Trainer. And yes, there is a high turnover, even working for a cell phone company. Even with the incentive package they offer, and perks.

A great idea to have a prayer list.

And I'm agreeing with you, in prayer, that your grandfather comes to a saving knowledge of Christ, if he hasn't already come to the Father in the name of Jesus.

God bless, and have a wonderful day, everyone!

Great Grany 5 said...

This is my second or third attempt to respond and check in. Hubby is having computer problems and he knows very little about those little boxes that sit there and tell you what to do and then refuse to budge. So, I am going to try getting this post up real quick and let you all know that I love the Holy Atmosphere here. Not that there isn't the presence of God other places but it just seems to say, "come on in and let's dine together and have a wonderful fellowship". Thank you Father.

Now, I am going to copy and post the weather portion of Jen's email from Monday or Tuesday.

JEN'S MESSAGE: "Wilma, I have to share with you about the weather around here the last few days (we're north of Philly.) We had 2 bad cells move in with weather alerts coming across the TV stations, etc. The sky was dark and turbulent and the tree line in our back yard was swaying really violently. I was sure some of the branches would be down by the time it was over. Hail was forecast, too. Well, both times, I went on our back deck and asked God to put our neighborhood under His hand and to keep our homes, property and everything surrounding us safe and sound. I prayed it in Jesus name and said I believed it because of the power of that name and in minutes....I mean almost instantly, the winds calmed down and the clouds rolled off and we had nothing more than a sprinkle. Hubby was grumbling because he had to go out and water his grass seed (he was hoping the rain would do it for him.) My in-laws live about a 1/2 hour away and they had terrible weather, all kinds of trees down and streets closed by debris. It was simply amazing to see the storm that was already coming upon us just crumble away. God hears us and answers us when we ask in His name!


We don't have to take the Devil's torments anymore but we never really ever had to put up with it. It is HIS NAME, JESUS that causes the enemy to scatter and knees to bow and tongues confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Lord of everything.

Now, I have to add my two cents to this. I made this comment in my email to you but I want to restate it right here. If we are going to be a testimony to the power and purpose of God's word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we will have to share our life experiences so that others will know it isn't freaky! Here is what I wrote:
I know it is the Holy Spirit leading us to dig deeper into the Word of God because what is coming is going to take the Authority of the Believer to survive. I know Marge knows what the Authority of the Believer is but it has to be all of us! There is strength in numbers and especially in assembled believers unified in God's word. If any of you were watching the weather that formed to the north of Oklahoma these past few days, you would have seen that the storms were heading due south and right onto the eastern Oklahoma/Western Arkansas borders. Sallisaw is almost due west of Ft. Smith and my hubby kept saying, "we are going to get hit for sure"! I kept saying, "No, we are covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ" and guess what! The storms broke off in clusters that never approached us with more than 3 or 4 little showers. You all know that we have been spared so many times in the past and now we have at least 21 people praying the name of Jesus Christ over our area and God is honoring those requests. It started out with just a couple of us asking for God's protection on our home when all of the ice storms were hitting us left and right in the late 90's. I heard Billye Brim and Gloria Copeland discussing pleading the Blood of Jesus Christ on one of their TV programs at www.kcm.org and I felt impressed to take that teaching, put it to the test and believe that God would come through for us. He did and is still doing so but he is enlarging the size of the group and these storms are not going to destroy anyone or anything that is covered by the promises of God's word."

I cannot stress enough that you have to have Faith in God and Faith in God's Word. God's purpose is to provide his protection and provisions for all believers but doctrine of men have watered down, or they have tried to water down, the power and authority of the Believers in Jesus Christ. If God said it, and I read it, that settles it! No matter what size of man comes to try to take away The Word, it won't work! The Holy Spirit will always testify of the Kingdom of God and all we have to do is be willing to hear him and then to obey God's Spirit.

Love you all, and I really didn't mean preach.


TexanForChrist said...

Preaching is fine by me Granny, I can't get enough of God's word.. I've added a Prayer Request page to the front.

Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, praying for your grandpa. I meant to tell you that way earlier and I just didn't get it done.


Marge said...

Preach on Grany! A VERY GOOD WORD!

Thanks Mike for setting up the prayer request section, too.

According to Galatians 3:13, we are redeemed from the curse of the law. So that means we have authority over poverty, sickness, and spiritual death, amen?
Right now I am listening again to one of the very last messages that Kenneth E. Hagin preached, before he went on to Glory. It's series 49H (I bought (3) cass., so it may be a different # for the CD's) if ayone would like to purchase it thru his ongoing ministry. And its entitled, Redeemed. It's THEE BEST message I've EVER heard preached by any Minister about the authority of the believer. And that includes Kenneth Hagin's earlier series on the subject :) However, it's still a wonderful teaching, and I would recommend getting both series. The Believers Authority, 4 CD's. It's in depth teaching that we all need to hear, and re-hear, because faith cometh by hearing, and re-hearing. Not just having heard once.

Have a wonderful day, and may God's richest blessings be with you all!

TexanForChrist said...

I know this is long and I don't often forward emails but I liked this story and thought you might as well...Mike

Breakfast at McDonald's

I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my
college degree.

The last class I had to take was Sociology.

The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with.

Her last project of the term was called, "Smile."

The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document
their reactions.

I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake,

Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald's one crisp March morning.

It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.

We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden
everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did.

I did not move an inch... an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.

As I turned around I smelled a horrible "dirty body" smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men.

As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was "smiling".

His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God's Light as he searched for acceptance..

He said, "Good day" as he counted the few coins he had been clutching.

The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation.

As I held my tears as I stood there with them.

The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.

He said, "Coffee is all Miss" because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm).

Then I really felt it - the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes.

That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me,
judging my every action.

I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.

I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman's cold hand.

He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Thank you."

I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, "I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope."

I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, "That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope."

We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give.

We are not church goers, but we are believers.

That day showed me the pure Light of God's sweet love.

I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.

I turned in "my project" and the instructor read it.

Then she looked up at me and said, "Can I share this?"

I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class.

She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and
being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed.

In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's, my son,
instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on The last night I spent as a college student.

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:



To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.
God Gives every bird it's food, but He does not throw it into its nest.

Great Grany 5 said...

Mike, that was sooooo good! Thank you for sharing the story with us.

I agree with the foundation of Mike's story also. If we gave back blessings instead of the usual judgment we would have a different world. I have noticed that when Jim (my hubby) gets upset in traffic and uses words other than God's, the atmosphere within our vehicle gets dark and gloomy. Then after that first explosion, it seems to be a constant combustion taking place and there is more and more opportunities to condemn and curse. I don't have any desire to be in that atmosphere in the first place and in the second place, Jim has set us up for judgment being turned back on us.

My desire to serve God is not a spigot that can be turned off and on at will. I desire His presence in my life at all times and that His being there will glorify His kingdom. I love people in general and in particular. I can't turn it off even in bad manners. I didn't use to be that way and I have no desire to return to the dark side of the street.

Patrick Henry said, Give me liberty or give me death. I say, Give me God or take me away.

Just some musing of mine. Computer problems are making me very weary and I am now in the process of putting Jim's computer on Wireless mode.

Please pray for my brain not to back fire.

Love you all,

Jen said...

Hi everyone,
I was thinking it might be interesting to hear how each of us came to the point where we received the infilling of the Spirit. I don't think anyone had the same pathway, if I remember from previous discussions. I was also thinking about those who have asked for and not yet received the infilling, or perhaps a better way to say it is that they haven't submitted (?) or yielded to it. My college friend that I mentioned a bit ago said that she does believe the sign gifts are still in operation and when I told her that I had received tongues, she wasn't at all surprised or upset. She said that she and her husband had attended a pentacostal church for over a year, had hands laid on them, had waited for months to receive tongues and nothing happened. (She is the one who sent me the Paul Washer video and said that she/husband are moving toward Reformed theology/election, etc.) I made myself available to her to discuss tongues further and recommended Hagin's book, so hopefully she'll read that and see where she's gotten off the path or hasn't gone far enough down the path to receive tongues. I'm excited to see how the Lord guides this conversation with her as I see that they're really on fire for the Lord.

Anyone want to share?


campsmore said...

I know several of you have heard my story, but for the sake of any newcomers, I'll repeat it.

I was almost 13 years old and wanted a closer relationship with the Lord. After school, it was my responsibility to take my horses down the hill and into open pasture to graze until sundown. I lived in Felton Pa, look it up, there still isn't much there.

Past history; I was kidnapped as a child (7 years old), I was present during a police raid on my home (6 yrs old) there was family involvement in the mafia, an aunt who was messed up with witchcraft, had an abusive step-father and my grandmother, who I absolutely adored, had just died.

I spent a great deal of time, waiting while the horses grazed. I remembered a song I heard in a local youth group, "Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, come and quench this thirsting of my soul, bread of heaven fill me till I want no more, fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole."

Well, I sang this over and over. I really felt thirsty for the Lord and wanted more.

One day, I opened my mouth I went to sing and the words that were coming out, were not my own. I don't really know how else to describe it.

The more I did this, the skies seemed to clear, as did my brain. The problems of life seemed to pale in comparison to the peace that God had put in my life.

My past may have molded me, but Christ is my God, my creator and he defines me.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit really did fill me and when Jesus described him as a comforter, that was the best description of all.

The humorous part of this story is that my Baptist grandmother had told me to stay away from people who spoke in tongues. She said it was of the devil. LOL

I didn't find out until I was visiting a pentecostal church, what it meant to speak in tongues.

In my naivete, I asked the Lord for a few more languages. He has a great sense of humor. I have 4 distinctly different sounding languages.

I could give testimony, after testimony of praying in tongues where God has moved supernaturally.

It truely is a gift and available to all that ask, and believe.


Great Grany 5 said...

Good God's Day everyone and shalom!

Computer problems with hubbies setup is really eating up my time, patience and energy.

I think Jen's idea of sharing our experiences of the baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit is a wonderful idea. Here is mine:

I was saved in 1964 in a little northern community of Missouri. Oh, my life changed 100% and when I couldn't find any human to share the love of God with, I would talk to our farm animals and there were times that proved to be easier than mankind. I spent almost 30 years having this great desire to be able to praise God with words I didn't even know. Human words were just not enough to tell him how really wonderful and precious He was and is to me. I needed Him to give me those praise anthems.

Inside me was a desire that I had never had before, never knew could exist until Jesus became my redeemer, my sacrifice, my Savior, and My Lord. So, I would read out loud all of David's Praise Psalms (leaving out the "Kill my enemies" psalms) and just basking in the communion I would have with Him. There was always in the background some strange words that I was really afraid of letting out. I had seen what some really weird people did in churches that we referred to as Holy Rollers and I didn't want any part of it. But this desire for God was totally different.

Now fast forward to 1990, October 31 in fact. It was a Wednesday night and I was on my way to bible study at my church which was Methodist. My only brother was in terrible physical shape in a Tacoma, Washington hospital having suffered total heart failure (brought back numerous times) and respiratory failure. He had been a patient in an adult care facility in Olalla, Washington, close to Gig Harbor. He was not given 1 chance of surviving the next 12 hours and I needed God to intervene. I knew much more about my brother's needs than I will report here but they were already very great.

I was driving down a familiar street in our town that had 2 sharp 90 degree curves. I was praying in my own language as I took the first curve and as I came out of that curve I was speaking in an unknown language. Not of myself! But God! The Holy Spirit was so filling my little yellow Mustang and me that I made the rest of the 6 blocks without one memory other than Praise of Abba Father filling me and my car. As I walked into the fellowship hall for services, my pastor was standing at the table to greet us. I opened my mouth and I have no idea what I said as my new heavenly language came tumbling out. My pastor was Holy Spirit filled and was given the ability to know exactly what I was saying and called the session to order immediately; we all interceded for my brother. My pastor had not talked to me before the services or to anyone else regarding my brother but he knew every detail of the situation.

My new language was the gift that God promised to send when Jesus ascended to the Father's right hand. My life started out as a Methodist Sunday School teacher, going to a Revival at the local Southern Baptist church because my little precious daughter wouldn't attend the Methodist SS because they didn't teach about Jesus and she wanted to know him. I was saved that night n April 8, 1964 and spent the years in between not fully fitted for my Christian walk. Life with Christ was wonderful before because of my new relationship with my Lord and Savior. The sad thing is, I was only part way there and yes, I knew it! There was the Fire missing and I wanted that Fire! We studied the scriptures weekly as a group at our Baptist Church but they left out a very important person of the trinity.

I like to think of this passage in Matthew 3:11-12

"I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire:
12 Whose fan [is] in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

Then Acts 2:1-4 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Picking up again in Acts 1: 14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is the third hour of the day. 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: 21 And it shall come to pass, [that] whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Acts 2:32-33 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33 herefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear."

I know there are many glorious verses that we can attest to regarding the Holy Spirit's anointing and infilling but just knowing that Jesus Christ instructed the very people who were the first believers to WAIT for the promise from the Father is enough to make me wait. But it was not God's intention for me to wait that LONG! It was like walking on a slope with the right leg on the downward slope and the left one up higher. Hard to keep my balance and sure enough a way of stumbling many times. Even taking serious hard falls that took years to get over.

I know that I know, that I know God is just now beginning that Latter day outpouring and I see the evidences of it in some of us gathered here. We are all endued with the Holy Spirit and with Fire! Keep Him close and keep Him personal!

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

I said that last paragraph wrong and said "I know that I know, that I know God is just now beginning that Latter day outpouring and I see the evidences of it in some of us gathered here. We are all endued with the Holy Spirit and with Fire! Keep Him close and keep Him personal!"

I should have said I see evidences of the Second rain outpouring because we are gathered here. Not some of us gathered here. We are all filled with the Holy Spirit and that is a continuing process; daily refilled and renewed by the Holy Spirit.

I was in a hurry to answer hubbies plea for help and whacked out that last remark.

Also, I am having trouble with my Microsoft keyboard and I am about to boot it out of here. I do type very fast (123 wpm) and sometimes even faster but it should be able to keep up with me. It is wireless and I love it because it is the only one that has light grey background and keys on a slight curve. Called a comfort keyboard and mouse. I am going to lay hands on it and deliver it from the problems it is having right now.


campsmore said...

Wilma, I have a "lazy" keyboard too. I don't type nearly as fast as you, but wish that the keyboard on this laptop, could handle something over 45 wpm!

I've got a Toshiba.... should be called, "to-sleep-a."

Marge said...

I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1975.

My Mother had lost her mind, (or so I thought) and gone off with some people from the Presbyterian Church to some meetings held in an old theater building in So. Tacoma, WA. After some time I accepted her invitation and went with her to the meetings. And after a couple of monthes, Pastor Ramdy Ticer laid hands on me, and I hit the floor, and was bathed in such great love, healing and deliverance, I've never been the same person since. It's real, it's real, oh I KNOW it's real! The Holy Spirit is the third person the the Godhead, and he's come in fullness, to live in your spirit! It's the difference between getting your feet wet in a river, to swimming in the river!
Did I speak with tongues? A few words. However the baptism of the Holy Spirit is more than tongues. It's a living realtionship with God! It's supernatural. And glorious!

Have a wonderful weekend. I gotta get ready to go to work. God bless!

campsmore said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

Evening everyone,
I'll add my testimony here as well, though you may have read it recently at my blog when I was trying to share the tongues-for-all perspective with the cavers.

I came to Joel's blog because of my interest in endtimes discussions. I was quite annoyed with those (mostly John :-) who kept bringing up the subject of tongues when all I really wanted was to fellowship on the subject of eschatology. I finally set out in prayer to prove once and for all that tongues was quackery (I had no teaching on this subject whatsoever; everything was based on the fact that I knew no one in my 30+ years of church attendance who spoke in tongues and my church tradition didn’t include it, so I figured it had either ceased, was demonic or, if it was genuine, was something used by hyper-spiritual people that I probably didn’t want to know anyway.)
You can't imagine my consternation when instead of finding Scriptural proof against tongues, I began to lean toward the possibility that the gift still was in force. Interestingly, it wasn't through any reading of Scripture on my own, but rather intense times of prayer and just asking to be led in truth. I remember that it was around Thanksgiving when I was really in the midst of this struggle. I would hole myself up in the office, sitting at the computer and just wait with my mouth open for ANYTHING to happen. And then it finally came, just a single sound, but one I knew wasn't of my own creation. A few days later I had the breakthrough and must have spent 1/2 hour speaking in tongues so fast that my lips couldn't keep up. I also detected distinct languages (I have a very good ear for language, having taught so many immigrant children.) One sounded Asian and one sounded French-ish. At Christmas we were watching the Nativity movie and John the Baptist's father was speaking in Hebrew and it sounded so familiar to my tongues language (although I know now that it's a separate language unto itself.) So I can relate to Lori's experience with that.
For the first few weeks, I wasn't settled with the ability to speak in tongues. I hid it diligently from my husband and even tried for a few days to pretend that it hadn't happened. I was still very unsure of the Scriptural basis for it and lots of traditions were clouding my mind. Then I read Kenneth Hagin's book "Beyond the Upper Room" and that cinched it for me. It was a huge burden to let go when I fully embraced the infilling and like I told my friend last week, it's as natural as breathing now and is something I wish I could spend more time in. I'm learning how to sing now in tongues and that's also very interesting....not at all the kind of songs I would sing in church, for example. I'm eager to keep learning what else is given with the infilling but there's no question now that my walk with the Lord has been permanently revolutionized. I can tell several examples of how I've seen boulder-sized problems moved, just within days of my prayers over them. So I'm really excited to be part of this gathering and so humbled that the Lord has given us this truly intimate and powerful way of communicating with Him and doing His work here on earth. I get it now...Jesus said we would be His hands and feet here and do things even greater than He did. That never made sense to me before and was a verse I skimmed over, almost doubting it could be true. With the infilling of the Spirit, we are indeed able to do the things He did and would have done had He remained on earth longer. And the battles are won already! We only need to walk like victorious soldiers in the Lord's army rather than those who go AWOL when things get challenging.

Praise God for His mighty ways and limitless love for us!


campsmore said...


That was beautiful! I'm going to recommend that book to a few friends that have been asking about tongues.


Jen said...

Hi Lori,
I also recommended the book to my friend who I mentioned and I'd bet she'll read it as she showed an interest in the subject and wanted to know why they hadn't received tongues after doing all the things they thought (and had been told by the pastor) were necessary.
I know Mike also read the book...was that helpful Mike in understanding the process?

Also, I went back to the old comments at my Walk This Way blog and remembered that Mary (Blood Bought) also has received the fullness of the Spirit. Should we invite her here? I haven't seen her post at the cave in a long time.


campsmore said...

Absolutely and tell me once again what FSGTB means....

he he he

Jen said...

Feels So Good To Believe!

Great Grany 5 said...

Good God's Day from Okieland!

I am going to take the chance that this computer is not compromised by hubbies bugs. I cannot stand it any longer; trying to get rid of his surfing problems is wearing me out physically and mentally. I have enlisted the aid of a very powerful monitor that cannot be altered and is used by businesses to stop employees from risque habits.

I don't know what you all feel/think but Jen's testimony is just the beginning of what God wants to accomplish in the Believers lives. My steadfast prayers are that God will pour out of His Spirit into all who have asked in the past for the baptism and whatever obstacles were present when they asked, that it would be overcome immediately. If there is doubt, there would be faith; where there is doctrinal wrong teaching, God's Spirit would show forth; where there is rebellion, that God would soundly convict that person unto righteousness.

I really believe that one of the major problems most people have is in turning over their authority and submitting to the full will of God. Some people think higher of their control and being in charge than they do to submission and consecration. Kinda like "rather be right than president" attitude.

A long time ago I discovered that it was a rare occasion when I was right about things. It took Jesus to show me that love doesn't keep control, it gives it away freely and without regrets. That was one hard lesson to learn. Took many hours on my knees and many, many tears along the path. It was worth it!

Now, Jen, I think it would be wonderful to invite Mary and also, LW! I believe with all of my heart both would be an asset to the family that is gathered here.

I got in touch with LW (Wayne) by leaving him a message on his blog and even though he didn't answer I know that he reads anything we post there. Back in May of 2007 LW was placed on my heart to pray for and although I would ask the Holy Spirit what it was I had to intercede for with Wayne, I never had an answer so I just continued to pray. This burden has continued until today but it isn't as commanding as it once was. I know that I would wake up in the morning bright and early and need to pray. So, not knowing what it was, I continued to pray in my heavenly prayer language. I get tired of repeating the same old phrases and words so I just let the Holy Spirit take control and even though I don't know what it is about, He does! Someday, maybe the Lord will allow me to know more about it but until then, I will do my praying in the Holy Spirit language and not get my flesh messed up in trying to figure it all out.

Anyway, I really enjoyed Lori's testimony and could just see her singing to the Lord and the horses grazing in the pasture and wondering what was that breeze that just pasted through and landed on Lori! Don't you know that God delights greatly in bestowing His Fullest to each one of us. I know that just reading Lori, Marge, Jen's and Mike's accounts of receiving His Fullest for our utmost is shout worthy and I am so glad that I can be free to give God the glory.

What a wonderful Friend we have in Jesus and to think that He took such providential care of each one of us even before we were ever born. I read John 17 over and over again, gleaning more of the blessings each time. God's word is just like that. I didn't have that same thing with man's books because there isn't life in them. Yes, there are wonderful teachers in the world who love God and His Word who have really been a blessing in helping us to understand what it is all about. However, reading The Word is life and freedom and brings release to the soul. I love the word studies of them all but that is just me.

I have so many books in my home that are now outdated by just the events that have taken place and fulfilled prophecy in a manner that was not given any chance by man. I have books that were written back in the 1800's and were prized by many believers but they were wrong, even at the time they were written and the world accepted them as truth. God's word doesn't lie but it is His to fulfill as He deems and not up to man to discount or judge.

I just love the revelation that the Holy Spirit brings and it is such a relief not to have to worry about who is going to be the Anti-christ, who or what is the Neph's and for that matter, will the USA/Canada still exist and will they come to the aid of Israel. Whew! What a relief!

Well, I gotta go and figure out hubbies problems again. I think the main reason he is having a slow computer is the simple fact that he is operating a Sony Vaio with a 512mb RAM and less than 1 gig of processor speed. It isn't a dragon but it isn't up to snuff either. WEll, after all he is 80 1/2 and needs to slow down some.

Love you all,

Great Grany 5 said...

I just re read my comment and I gave the impression that I had invited LW to the blog. Nope! I didn't do that but just told him I missed his input at the cave and seeing his name in print.

Just wanted to clear that up for all of you.


Jen said...

Hi all,
I just left a note at Mary's blog. She hasn't done much since Feb/March so hopefully she still checks it.


Marge said...

Okay, I give. What does FSGTB mean?
I dunno, and having a curious nature, I thought I'd ask you :)

I think it's a wonderful idea to invite Mary to the blog.

Yes, reading the Word is wonderful, but annointed preaching is also a great addition to growing in grace. Because we are all a part of the body of Christ. And different members have insight into the Bible, Bible concepts, and such. I especially like Ministers who give you the ABCs of Bible topics, such as Faith (Kenneth E. Hagin) and radical Grace. (Joseph Prince)

Oh, and Joyce Meyers, on everyday living, and Marilyn Hickey, on Word studies. I'm sure we all have our favorites, that God leads us too.

Not to forget the Ministry of music, from Gospel to Praise and Worship music, amen? It's all a blessing from God, and ministers to the body of Christ.

I hope everyone is having a joyful Sunday! God bless!

Jen said...

Hi Marge,
I felt I needed a new sign-off for this blog and being here is just such a blessing because I feel I can let my hair down when it comes to various topics that I spend a lot of time keeping to myself. Being amongst this group feels great because we all believe in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and we all understand (and are learning daily more) what that can mean in a believer's journey. So my new sign-off shouts with joy that feeling I have when I'm here....Feels So Good To Believe! I've believed in Jesus as my Savior for a long time, but this latest understanding and belief just feels SOOOO good and I know it shines out. Others just don't know why the heck I'm so sunny these days :-)


Great Grany 5 said...

Jen, it does FEEL SO GREAT TO BELIEVE and I would just love to climb on the tallest building and with a very powerful broadcasting system tell everyone, "you ain't seen nothing yet and if you think God's promises are null and void, you have a surprise coming, SUDDENLY!"

In fact, Suddenly, has become my byword and I love the shocked look on people's faces when I shout it! I guess I am just a radical blood bought believer who loves getting people stirred up.

By the way, I finished formatting hubbies computer (got a real cute little tech to do it for me) and now I have him connected to the household wireless network. I just shocked the living daylights out of him in doing so. It is amazing what you can learn to do by just praying and believing that God will make it all become crystal clear and doable for an old timer like me.

Can I tell you, the speed is absolutely amazing and we were already on ATT DSL but his was the only one still connected by wire (2Wire to be exact) and it was always messing up. His computer is now as fast as any of the others and we locked down his surfing ability greatly. If he wouldn't willingly terminate the profane then I had to pass judgment and do it for our household's sake. Remember Abigail, Nabal and David? First Samuel 25. I have no desire to turn God's blessing away from my household and I do not intend to let those things which are displeasing and revulsion to God be displayed here either.

And yes, I did pray about it!

Anyway, I am tired and so instead of answering my emails for the last 3 or 4 days, I am going to say, I love you all and pray for everyone's continued prosperity. More than just in your pocket but that your relationship with Abba Father will grow greater and richer in every way.


Jen said...

Evening, Grany :-)
You amaze me! I don't know your age, but when I picture you at the computer and doing all the other stuff you speak of, I picture someone younger than my own grandparents and certainly not someone who's old enough to be a Great!
Speaking of busy, I'm going to have a super-hectic week as I get ready to take La and visit my parents for some girl-time. My mom has a special attachment to La but she never gets to spend one-on-one time with the kids so I decided to take this trip for that purpose. The boys are staying with the other grandparents for 4 days and Daddy will have some time to himself, but getting everyone prepared to go in all those different directions is quite a job and my days will be chock full.
I'd appreciate any prayers for safe travels and just a really relaxing/fruitful time with my family and some old hometown friends I'm planning to visit.

Gotta run...too much already to get done! And where's John?


Marge said...

I believe you pleased the Holy Spirit, by pulling the plug on the profane, in your household. Because the Holy Spirit, can also be called, our Holy Guest.

And yes, where IS John?

Thanks for the info. You'd have thought I'd have picked up on it, but it passed me by entirely, LOL!
Thank God for the body of Christ, amen? Amen!

May God's richest blessings be upon you, Jen, in your upcoming busy, and full week.
And may God bless each and every one of us, as we continue to carry the message of God's great and radical love, to the ones God places in our lifes.
God is good, and good all the time!

boatman909 said...

Grany - thanks for your little note of appreciation at my blog --- I'm still here!!

Just been VERY busy the last few days - spending time with my two (married) sons, to catch up with what they are doing.


Jen said...

Morning all,
Well, the Lord busted up another storm for us here last night. I didn't know rain was forecast until it started pelting down around 10PM. I looked at the weather online and saw that a big red cell was just to the west of us and a weather alert was posted for our area. I prayed for yet another covering under the Lord's hand and He provided.
I'm going to post a few prayer needs at the other site and I'll get my list together for those in our family in need of the Shepherd's rescue. I think that's a terrific name for the list, by the way Mike!


Great Grany 5 said...

Good God's Day from Okieland,
Have an urgent need for all of you and I will add it to the prayer page also. Perry Stone's website, www.voe.org, has been hit with a surge of attacks from malicious people who have brought down his web site for at least 4 days. Perry had a huge conference in St. Louis from the 16th through the 20th and the attack happened during that time period. Google won't let me on his site, Trend Micro has denied access and now Microsoft has blocked it. This is serious because what the enemy can get by with at Perry's he can be free to do the same thing elsewhere.

So, let's all come into agreement that this attack is already beaten, removed and any further attacks will be prevented. Bind on earth and bound in heaven; free on earth free in heaven.

JEN, you are doing great and God is responding just like he always will. But doesn't it feel absolutely wonderful when you that you know who it is who is providing the answers.

I am going to be out of pocket most of the day and tomorrow hubby goes to Ft. Smith to the eye doctor to see about getting his right eye surgically corrected due to Cataracts. Did you know that growing old is a real challenge?

Love you all,

Jen said...

Hi Grany,
Praying now for Perry's site and all others who put the Truth out there for the seeking and lost.

I've had suspicions about my own computer troubles as it limits the sites I can visit (heavy-traffic sites seem to lock up the system so I have been avoiding them.)

Just to update here, hubby and I patched things up this afternoon and he assured me that he's not looking for a reason to back out of what he knows is right, he just needs time and encouragement to wade deeper into the waters of faith and trust. Hopefully he'll see me having a blast, splashing around and having fun out there in the depths of His promises!


campsmore said...

Jen, I left a message or two for you on the Holy Spirit prayer blog

TexanForChrist said...

Hope everyone is doing well, very busy at work as I had a programmer quit. Way to hot here in Texas. Well back to work..


Marge said...

Thanks again, for setting up our new blog!

Okay, I went ahead and started things off with the new sections of our new blog. So now, everyone else needs to contribute, right? Right.

God bless everyone, and have a wonderful day/evening in the Lord Jesus!

TexanForChrist said...

I added a few of the stories I could find to the insperations page.

Maranatha Mike

Jen said...

Hi guys,
I'm working on packing the car for my trip home tomorrow. Once I get back and things are back on schedule, I'll add my list to the Shepherd site. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!


Great Grany 5 said...

Hey Jen, did you overpack that car to go home? LOL I don't know where you all are but it is beginning to feel very deserted here.

Went by the prayer requests and I am praying for all the needs. It is so hot here and all of the fans in the house are whirling away right along with the air conditioner. Hot, humid and ripe for a storm but it will have to go somewhere else.


campsmore said...


I left a post up on Mike's newest.."Can we show Abba a Tsunami or a Splash?"

Considering the pain I experienced this morning, I feel wonderful

Thanks for your prayers

love y'all