The Wave
Can we show Abba a Tsunami or a Splash?
What a Great Idea.
From El Shaddai Ministries
Greetings to everyone from around the world! You know how at sporting events they have “the wave” where one group starts it and then it cycles all the way around back to the beginning? Do you remember when at the year 2,000 they showed on television all the New Year celebrations going on around the world as the New Millennium began? Here is what I want to propose. Let’s have an around the world shofar assembly in every time zone on the Feast of Trumpets at sunset (the evening of September 29th) announcing to Messiah we are awake and anxiously anticipating His return. What a dress rehearsal! Won’t that stir His heart!!
We listed the 24 different time zones on a chart that you'll find at Join us by submitting the email form to get your information placed on the grid in your time zone segment. We will add your city to the list of cities and groups that are participating. Hopefully we can get people from every tongue, tribe and nation participating as we join together proclaiming Yeshua as our coming King of Kings!
16 years ago
I signed up. Now if I can find a shofar....
Have a blessed weekend. Have to get ready for the last day of VBS..
Maranatha soon!
Thanks for the neat idea!
However, since the church that started this is approximately 10 miles away from me, I'll let them sign in for me, at Puyallup, WA.
(if I'm reading it correstly, that is :)
Come on down to S. Fl where the air conditioning is set to 75 degrees. If that's too warm, we'll find a cool pool or take you by the beach so you can brush up on your diving.
Hi everyone! I thought that all of you were raptured and left me behind and then I realized that I get to go too no matter how mean and ornery I am.
Mike, I brought a shofar (real thing) back from Israel on my last trip and we used it every year at the Fall Jewish Feasts. There was only one youngman who could make the horn sound right and he is the pastor's son, figures! Anyway, there were a lot of winded people who tried but couldn't get a peep out of the horn. It wasn't the short horn either. Anyway, this young man asked if he could try and he was probably 10 or 11 years old at the time. He put the horn to his lips and out came the most wonderful sound, loud, clear and strong. Now when I tell you his name I think you will see that God does have a sense of humor. His name, Gabriel! This young man has a tremendous anointing on his life and if you all have a spare moment in your prayer closet please lift his name to God.
LORI, I would love to come to Florida and just squeeze the p_ _ out of you in a big hug. I miss your communications so very much.
MIKE, I liked that idea of the shofar so much that I am sending the web link to all of my Christian friends around the country. I would love to have a world wide horn shout to the Lord.
I will talk to all of you later. I am reading E.W. Bullinger's book
"Commentary on Revelation" and it is so good. I would love to have John's take on Bullinger's studies. But the main thing that Bullinger is asserting about the book of Revelation is that the book was written to the Jews and uses Jewish/Hebraic idioms, speech and structure. The whole Apocalypse is not about the Church but to the Jews and Gentiles who are left after the rapture of the church. Bullinger goes into great detail on the whole thing and it does follow what I have believed all along. Nothing in Daniel is about the Church and certainly not the remaining week that the Jews will have to go through because of their disobedience to God's laws and refusing to observe the Sabbath Years and Jubilees. There is one week remaining that THEY AND THEY ALONE have to answer for. The time clock was stopped when Jesus was cut off and crucified. This is the Church Age we are living in now but it is soon to be completed and then the final week will begin.
I know there are all kinds of theories out there but just keep your eyes on Israel but especially the Jewish people themselves. God will deal very harshly with Israel's enemies, we all know, but he is going to deal harshly with them too.
Anyway, I don't want to get carried away telling you about the book just yet. I am only in the Introduction and already fired up and ready to go. But I will tell you, the book was written in 1900 and Bullinger is a recognized leader in scripture interpretation. I love reading the old language (anything older than me is exciting) and I am so glad I found it.
My very good friend bought me a wonderful gadget to enable me to read the print. It is a full page magnifying sheet and it is just great. My eyes do get tired but I read awhile and then rest them. Works so far.
I am going to rest for a while and then clean up the kitchen for the evening.
Love you all,
Hi everyone,
Safe and soundly ready to collapse in bed! I had a great time with my family and La got spoiled round the clock (cookies for breakfast!) so she's pretty happy, too. Glad to be home and will try to get back in the groove in the next few days.
Had a good start to my call for helpers for the triplet family I'm helping. So far (the note was in the church bulletin today) I've had 3 ladies call to offer their time. Would like to get about 5 steady people to help during the first few months after the babies come home. This is a real opportunity to share God's love with this family as well! Mommy is still holding on - 31 weeks today - and we're praying for a good solid 34 weeks before the babies come. So glad the Lord put me where I am so I can be of help.
Gotta legs are jelly!
Thanks for your prayers for my trip....
Hi guys,
Quick prayer request....
I've been visited over the last 6 months by a very persistent Jehovah's Witness and her trainee. I had been praying for the Holy Spirit to take over my responses as I really didn't want to ignore them but I also knew I couldn't argue down her points on my own.
They hadn't been around in a month or so, but today she came back and since the kids were napping, I spent time talking with her and I really felt the Holy Spirit guiding my words.
I learned that she grew up Jewish and lived in Israel for 7 years. I also saw that JWs have a really strong replacement theology view as she said that because the Jews turned against Jesus, God has broken His convenant with them and instituted the New Convenant.
I said that I parted ways with her understanding there and tried to explain my own understanding of Scriptures on the matter and that while God and his 'wife' are currently separated and not really talking, He hasn't divorced her and has a plan to fix the relationship in the near future!
She gave me some literature which I will either throw out or read over to strengthen my understanding of her beliefs for the next visit. I found a terrific message board at CARM (an apologetics site) where a very active JW discussion is held and just lurking there has helped me to understand their views and how to point out their discrepancies.
So my prayer request involves being better prepared for their next visit (I'm not at all anxious about the thought, I just want to make sure I'm up to speed on my understandings) and that whatever words I speak are Holy-Spirit inspired and have an impact that drives home the Truth in spite of their current beliefs. I keep picturing the young "trainee" girl as the person to focus on.
Gotta's the witching hour!
grany wilma,
You said (see I am still here - just)...
I am reading E.W. Bullinger's book "Commentary on Revelation" and it is so good. I would love to have John's take on Bullinger's studies.
Have just ordered the book from Amazon - will take a while....
I have had some more thoughts on the whole subject under discussion - I definitely think that Bullinger has some good points, but I am not sure that you can make the statement that the book of Revelation was written solely to the Jews - since the the book is properly entitled the "Revelation of Jesus Christ" as the Saviour of the whole World.
I DO think that Revelation covers the whole of the Church Age (from the resurrection to the Lord's Second Coming in Glory) (Ch 1 - 6), but then goes on to to describe, in great detail, about the events of the last 7 years (Daniels 70th week aka the Tribulation period), which does apply predominately to the Jews - in particular the 144,000. I do know that the Jews have still to fulfill their call to bring the good news of the Kingdom of God to the whole world, and this has to wait until the time of the Gentiles (and the Church Age) has been completed.
I have also been thinking about the Raptures (plural! - yes,there is DEFINITELY more than 1!!) - there's a connection between the parable of the 10 virgins, and the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation, so much so that I am increasing coming to the conclusion that there are going to be a lot of "born-again" Christians who get "left behind" in the first rapture - this is a really complex, possibly dangerous issue to bring up, but I am going to go on studying till it comes clear.
The key seems to be that we are to "live by faith", and "the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart" - in other words, God will respect what you really believe, even if it is wrong - and if you don't believe the Word teaches on a pre-trib rapture, and nothing will sway you - then God has to let you continue in your ignorance....until the situation proves you wrong - not a pleasant thought....
I am stepping out on a limb here, but this would make sense of much of the warnings in the 7 Letters to the Churches in the beginning of Revelation.
Will be continued...
Hey Mike,
I just got a post from Mary (BloodBought) and she would love to join us here. I told her to stop by at your blog and leave a message and then you'd send her an invite here.
Just an FYI,
I have heard a teaching along those lines. That only the Christians that are looking for the rapture will go in the first one.
Because I also believe that there will be more than one rapture.
Maybe we should look up the scriptures that refer to the believers who are looking for the return of Jesus, and see if they apply? Just a thought.
Anyone else have any ideas along this line?
Jen and Mike,
Perhaps it's time to open the blog up for others to join?
Just another thought :)
Yeah, JOhn is HERE! Man, I have missed you and you gave me great delight in responding. I knew you would. First off, let me say that I have studied the 7 churches/10 virgins related in scripture. A very good Jewish friend of mine agrees with your remarks and I have heard preachers in the past (around 1940's and 50's) preach that if you are not looking for the groom, you won't make the connection. More or less the example of the oil for the lamps running out. Now, one minister that expounded on the subject was A. J. Donaldson but I have no idea how to make his material or teaching available now. I know I was a kid going to a Four Square Gospel church when I heard him and I wasn't saved at the time but he had my full attention just the same. He said that the lamps were the light for the gospel to be learned, the oil was the anointing and the virgins were something but I don't remember that part. Aimee Semple McPHerson material might have something on it. I will check and see.
As for the Bullinger remark about the Revelation being to the Jews. The first 4 chapters regard the church but even then, the terminology and idioms are more jewish than Gentile. I am still in the introduction due to the fact that I ate tooooooo many Bing Cherries and really out of the loop for a while. I hate Imodium but it works; only wish I had taken it earlier. Jim and I finished off 4 pounds of them in less than 3 days. Oh, but they are soooo good!
Anyway, I am glad that you are getting the book and last night I watched Prophecy in the News and J.R. Church and Gary Stearman both highly recommend Bullinger's works. I always keep a big open mind and try not to get carried away believing something new. However, what I have read so far is very interesting and no fire alarms sounding as to his comments.
It will be fun discussing this and all of you know, that I won't be able to share unless I copy what the book says. I BAD!
But isn't it wonderful to find all of these theories that have been around for such a long time and know that people were talking and discussing some of the same issues that we are discussing today? I really a lot of encouragement from these old timers and I know that they were living a far more difficult life in some respects than we have to today. They also didn't have all of the reference materials that we are so blessed to have at our disposal.
Good things come about by discussion and much learning when the Holy Spirit gets in the very center of it.
Love and blessings,
the combination of ingredients in Archway Coconut maccaroons produces the same acid found in immodium. it not only gets rid of diarreah, it removes the cramps also.... and faster too.
oh yeah, did i mention they taste yummy, too?
Dr. Lori, now you tell me! I hate that taste of Imodium and I can not replace it with something sweet and fattening.
Thank you Dr Lori.
CORRECTION! I can NOW replace it with something sweet and fattening.
My ordeal has made me week (weak) LOL
Hi guys,
Interesting topic...multiple raptures. I can't say I've had any teaching on it, so it's all new to me. What/when is the second-third-fourth??? rapture and who is involved?
One would a non-watching Christian who is left behind be affected by that? I mean in terms of what they understand to be Truth about salvation and the second coming? If they were left, but were sure of their faith in Christ (before they were left), would they be more likely to follow all the rest into half-truths or outright lies that will be prevalent at that point? And does that jive with Scripture in terms of how God will take care of His sheep? Just some thoughts that came off the top of my head as I quickly thought on these things...
Also, I hate to even bring it up here, but what are your thoughts on the topic of children in the rapture? If you've been at the cave lately, you've seen the topic discussed there and that veers into election, etc. The subject of children being left behind, based on their parents' state of salvation, had never occurred to me. I always assumed they would go up with the rest of the believers, but that topic isn't directly addressed in Scripture, at least not that I've found.
I'm leaning on His grace and mercy and the characteristics He shows us in relation to His love of children to guide my understanding at this point on the subject. But if there's a hard truth to be learned, I want to be in Truth more than I want to be emotionally comfortable.
Lori - your post about macaroons threw me for a loop at first! LOL! I thought I had missed something and we were supposed to submit our favorite cookie recipes or something :-) Too funny!
It's so strange how I found out. I was reading an article for Peoples' pharmacy in our paper. Some guy wrote in that suffered from Chrohn's disease. He told them that he was craving coconut maccaroons, so he went to the store and bought Archway.
He ate two and noticed that he didn't have diarreah that day. so the next day, he woke up and ate two more... no diarreah. Everyday this man was eating 2 Archway coconut maccaroons and had no more diarreah.
He wrote and asked them why. They didn't know but put the question out there to the readers to ask if they had any info. Well, my children were small at the time and hated taking pills. So I decided to buy the cookies and keep them in my freezer. Well, low and behold, one of the kids got the dreaded runs. I gave them a cookie... the pain subsided almost immediately and there was absolutely no more diarreah.
We've been using them for years.
Follow up article revealed everyone had great success with the cookies.
The people's pharmacy sent the cookies to a lab and they're the ones who found out about the acid.
But it's only produced with the Archway brand. Strange but true.
To state the obvious.....if you're allergic to coconut, I wouldn't recommend them.
I have to get up at 5am, so I'm going nighty nite now.
say "goodnite nurse."
I think I just unleashed a tsunami....
Jen, off the top of my head there's:
(1) the Rapture Paul describes in - where people are "changed in the twinkling of an eye" - 1 Corinthians 15:50-52. This is the event that is also predicted in Joel 2:30-31, and Revelation 6:12, when the coming of the saints in glory ("stars of heaven") and those still alive who are caught up into the clouds ("the sky receded as a scroll" = being rolled up and taken away - the Church is God's epistle to the world) in their glorified bodies, generates a light so bright that it makes the sun appear to go dark and the moon go blood red.
(2) The Rapture that occurs at some point in the Tribulation period - the inference in Revelation 7:9-17 is that there are great many people who are gathered out of the Great Tribulation period, before the Wrath of God is poured out -the timing is not clear
(3) The Rapture of the 2 Witnesses, which happens right at the end of the Great Tribulation period (NOT halfway through the 7 years as some would argue)
(4) The Rapture of anyone who still alive after the Battle of Armageddon, who has become a believer in the last few days before Jesus' return - this may include the remnant of the Jews who have been hidden away in the desert (Petra?) - if not, then this would be a 5th Rapture.....
Also, as far as children are concerned, the biblical rule is any child that has yet to reach an age where they are accountable for their actions (and this can be as young as 3 - 4 years to (I think) 7-8 years, but God is the one who judges - He will be just and merciful, of that you can be sure. In Jewish culture, a male child was regarded as accountable as a man at the age of 12 - celebrated by his bar-mitzvah.
As an example, both my sons were "born again" just before their 5th birthdays, in answer to my wife's prayers that this be so.
Hi John,
Thanks for the is the 2nd rapture mentioned the one in which all those already saved but not prepared would be taken? They would endure the first 1/2 of the Trib and just miss the outpouring of Wrath?
I'm thinking of the person closest to husband. He's definitely saved but has no interest in prophesy, etc. and would rather wait for the current pendulum to swing back and things to get back to normal rather than connect the dots and see things for what they are and what they portend. Classic head in the sand approach. Although I have seen openings of opportunity to discuss these things that weren't there before.
As for my own children, I surround them daily with all things of the, prayers, Bible stories, etc. and we apply those stories to their lives today, even at 3 years old. I tell them at night when they say they're afraid of the dark that they can talk with God and tell Him they're afraid and He'll send them sweet dreams. They run around the house telling each other (when they're being bad) that the other is being friends with the 'bad snake' (story of Adam/Eve.) And my prayer for them nightly is that the Holy Spirit fills them with a hunger for the Lord and a heart that desires to know Him as their closest friend and then as their Savior. I send up strong prayers for Josh because he still loves to be the contrarian and take the bad guy side, usually just to rile someone up. But I'm asking in faith that their hearts be secured in the Lord soon.
Well, I'd better close up shop. I've got cookies yet to bake tonight and there ain't no elves around here last time I checked!
Well, one more comment before I part...
Speaking of receiving answers to specific prayers....
Valerie, the triplet mom that I'm helping out, has almost no family in the area except her mom and they're not exactly on great terms, so she's not counting on much help from her. I'm gathering volunteers from church to help with the babies during feeding times and I was hoping to ideally get about 5 helpers so at least one feeding a day was covered and she could get some rest (she also has a 10-month old son so rest really isn't in the picture for a few years!)
In our situation, I had my mom live with us for the first month and then my mother-in-law came up every day from morning til my husband got home to be my helper. We also had about 4 ladies from church come in addition to my mother-in-law so I wasn't alone with the kids until they were about 6 months old.
Anyway, I said 'Lord, I'd really love to get Valerie some help like that....with her all the hours that her husband is at work and then some so they can get the rest they need and have a chance to enjoy these precious babies. A lady who could come daily for several hours would be so perfect.' Well, in 48 hours, I've had 6 ladies call to volunteer and THREE of them want to help 4-5 days a week and for extended hours! I haven't even contacted Valerie's neighbors who want to help out yet and there were people signing up in Sunday School classes that I haven't gotten in touch with yet. I almost feel like I'll have to turn people away! It's been such a blessing to give back to this family already and the babies aren't even born yet. And so much of God's love will be poured into that home where there is so much pain from past heartaches. I'm just so thankful for the Lord's amazing handiwork and for His absolute faithfulness and attention to our prayers.
Well, enough gushing. Maybe this belongs in the praise site, but I wanted to share with everyone because I'm just glowing with glee about it all.
Jen, I loved that account of the offered help for the soon to be new triplets mom. A word of advice: manage to let everyone who offered to help have a chance to do it, no matter what it is. That way they all feel part of the family and no one feels like they were rejected or unwanted. We had a momma here who had twins, 11 months later another set of twins and they already had 2 older children. It became a wonderful sharing and caring group who have remained very close and very true to brothers and sister in Christ. No one gets together anymore and it is so needed in this day and age.
Ask God to help you set up a schedule and He does a wonderful job of it. Everyone gets blessed!
JOHN, you cause tsunami? Naw! Not you surely! I will read more tomorrow. My eyes are really tired tonight so I am closing shop and pulling down the shades.
Good night all! Leave the porch light on; Jesus might come by to get us tonight.
Sorry all, work is consuming me right now, had one programer leave and the other is very sick. Could us some pray to help me get thru this.. I'll try to catch up with the posts soon.. BTW this is an open blog you can invite whomever you wish. Only reason for the invite was to allow you to create posts.
Maranatha soon!!
Thanks for the information about this being an open Blog.
God bless you, my brother in Christ! And may God give you additional strength and vitality to get thru the extra work and stress at your place of employment.
Thanks for the cookie "solution :)" I've never heard anything quite like it, other than ginger snaps (any kind of ginger) is good for stomach distress/motion sickness. Thanks, and I'll also pass it along, too.
God bless you! What a blessing you are, to your mother-to-be friend! (and to all of us!)
You have to watch out for those bing cherries :) They are like plums. We have a plum tree in our back yard and it's loaded this year! (along with our apple tree) Just how many can a person eat, and "be safe?" LOL!
Good to hear from you, and read your posts again!
I'm looking forward to seeing your post, too :)
God bless!
Stay cool, and "keep your stick on the ice." (does anyone watch the Red Green program? LOL)
I left a poem on the prayer request page, that reminds us to pray for the salvation of the Jewish people.
MIKE,I am praying for your work plight to have smooth tail winds and easy landing/takeoff. I wish I could help you in some way and if you think of anything I can do, let me know brother.
Marge, my stick is stuck in the grass cause the ice melted and we now have chiggers, toads, frogs, and crawfish living in our yard. My hockey puck is gathering moss! What do you suggest I do?
Now for the serious side of my life. Jim's eye exam today revealed a very serious degree of ocular pressure of unknown origins and his cataract surgery has to be postponed until the pressure is brought back into normal range. 10-20 is normal and he is almost double that. Some other situations are involved and I have a feeling Jim is going to learn what leaning on God is all about.
Please keep him in your prayers and believe with me that the pressure has to flee because He is covered with my covenant.
I will catch up with all you later but right now this City garb has to come off and on with the comfort side of life.
Love you all,
Hi Mike,
I spoke with Jen and she told me to get in touch with you for an invite to the discussion on the Holy Spirit and related topics.
I still look in at the cave occasionally, but I've not been 'led' to dialog further there. I've missed so many of you and will be glad to read your posts if I'm invited and will dialog as I have time. This has been a very busy summer, and there is so much reading to do. I definitely want to do my own Bible study and quiet time and there is always much more I want to read.
Pray all is going well with all of you.
Blessings! (Mary)
Hi Mary!
Glad you found us :-)
Welcome, welcome! It's so good to hear from you, again!
Praise the Lord!
This IS the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it :) Amen? Amen!
You are invited Mary and besides, this is an open blog for all who desire to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
I read some very interesting articles this morning and I am still waiting on the Holy Spirit to guide me in commenting about them. I promise to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove (that is the hard one for me) and to be a positive note in a negative song.
The articles that I read have to do with a man who is considered a Prophet of God and his proclamation in April of this year about Barack Obama. I am having to really examine my heart and my soul for this one.
I would love to have the fellowship here examine the message and yet not to lead anyone astray or influence anyone's personal decision regarding the elections. In other words, testing the spirit by the Holy Spirit if this man's message is truly of God.
Covet your prayers regarding it.
I have a praise report. I've been working for two months. My boss decided to take today off to have an extended weekend.
There is no other employee besides my boss and I to do the register..and several times a day I send him for change for the drawer.
I was a bit uncertain about how I could pull off this day. I put it in the Lord's hands. I read Ps 34 yesterday and several times it reads about our afflictions; "the Lord delivers him out of them all."
Well, for starters, I didn't have any issues with security this morning... 1st Praise!
Secondly, when I tried to open the safe, it wouldn't's very complicated. I tried several times before calling my boss who reiterated the directions. Still, it didn't open.
I finally said, "Oh Lord, what am I going to do?" gave the number thingy a crazy wild spin and tried again... this time it opened!
All the praises belong to God!
None of the other employees could believe it....
Anyway, the rest of the day went well with no emergencies and everything seemed under control.
I'm so thankful!
I'm sure that when you want to share with us, the Holy Spirit will lead you accordingly. We're pulling for you :) After all, we're in this thing together, amen? (I suppose no one watches Red Green, here?)
And having an open blog is such a blessing, amen?
A great praise report! (some of those safes, just about require blasting caps, LOL!) A good word!
And for everyone:
Keep your stick on the ice! (smile, okay I've got that out of my system, maybe, LOL!)
Hi everyone,
Quick note about Valerie...I left an updated prayer report at the other site. Please check it out and join me in lifting her up tonight.
Uncle Bob's book is now available to pre-order
I just ordered two copies.. I'm so excited to read the final copy... I read the unedited version
Can you tell me a little about the book's content? I went to the website, but it just said, something about unlocking God's secrets. It sounds interesting.
I'm praying that all will be well.
Marge, the book designed for the skeptic and for the person who needs more ammo witnessing to the skeptic.
Uncle Bob is one of the genius types. This is not a man you want to challenge to a crossword puzzle, scrabble, jeopardy or even a game of pool. He can humble just about anyone. he he he
Uncle Bob was a die-hard athiest. He was so far away from God.
He only started going to church so he wouldn't lose his second wife. She left him anyway and left him asking a lot of questions.
He would call me all hours of the day (and night) asking me about my relationship with God. All the whys...phew, that man wore me out. And I wasn't the only one.
So began his journey. He got Bibles, books... history and resource, and began piecing together documentation trying to find God in history and science.
The book is filled with his findings including finding descriptions of well-known historical figures in the Bible and scientific evidence that would shame any lawyer bent on proving there is no God.
His original title was, "The debaters can take it to the showers." I really hated the title. I didn't feel like it would attract people to read it and it's based on a figure of speech that all may not understand.
He has already began compiling notes for a second book. Unlocking God's mysteries.
I bought two copies because; A. I got free shipping and B. I would have one to keep and one to share.
You know, it's really exciting to see how far he's come on his spiritual journey with the Lord. His passion has challenged me to search the scriptures for more.
The cool thing about Uncle Bob is that he is 100% sold out. This is overflowing in his entire life. I praise God for the changes in his life, he truely is a new person.
Morning, all,
Leaving some praises at the other site.
Lori, that sounds like a great book - reminds me of the Lee Strobel series?
Gotta run, check in later,
Thanks so much for the information about the book. It sounds really interesting.
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July.
God bless, and have a great weekend!
You know how when you make a cherry pie, you have to make extra crust for the lattice work? Well, I forgot, so I only had enough crust for top/bottom. I took the top crust and used a mini heart cookie cutter to cut shapes in a symetrical design, put the extra heart shapes on top and brushed the whole thing down with milk and sugar.
The pie looks so amazing, I don't think I'll ever do it the other way again.
Wilma, the ribs are in the frig...marinating for tomorrow.
Did anyone see Perry Stone's message this week? Very interesting.
Have a blessed Sunday,
I have missed being here so very much. We have been having some opportunities to rely on God a lot lately and just didn't have the desire to say much. I don't like this kind of existence but I am beginning to wonder just what it is that is causing problems and prayers not to be answered.
This morning I made the remark in answer to my husband's question of what is Gog and another word that sounds alot like it belongs together? He had been to the local airport and the manager is a minister of the Gospel and had been talking about Ezekiel 38 and 39 getting ready to happen. This man's name is Tom and he has been involved in a prison ministry for a long time now and is really on fire for the Kingdom of God.
Tom told my hubby that bible prophecy is getting ready to be fulfilled big time and that the middle east and especially Israel are going to become more and more critical in our everyday lives. Tom told him that the next big move will be for Israel to take out Syria and much of what we have previously discussed on Joel's blog. That all of it is building up to the Isaiah 17 passage and then the Ezekiel Option will come into play when Russia and Iran, along with their cohorts attack Israel from the North country. Pretty much the picture that we have all discussed before.
Hubby remembered that I have remarked about the Isaiah 17 passage and that Israel will pop a nuke down the throat of Syria and that would be the end of Damascus and Assad! Then he hears Tom saying the very same things and comes home asking if I knew Tom (I don't) and had I been talking with anyone here in Sallisaw about the opinion I have regarding Israel.
I thought it rather strange that Tom would be saying basically what we have discussed on Joel's way back in February but I also thought it would be an excellent time to share with hubby what the scriptures say. The shock of my life came out of my hubby's mouth and I need all of your prayers so very much.
Jim said that he did not believe the bible to be any special book and that it was written by Jews and weren't to be trusted. He has no confidence in what that book says and puts no value on anything it teaches. That for us to believe that there is going to be a man 3 or 4 thousand years ago forecasting (now he really went too far with that word) what was going to happen today or tomorrow is just plain stupid and only gullible men and women, but especially women, would believe it. That Israel has always been a pain in the (!) and all of this stuff is just plain silly.
He was not joking, taunting me maybe, but was stating what he really feels regarding the Bible and God. He said he desires to be a good person without any help from or about God, whoever that might be.
I realize this is going out over the internet but if everyone who is reading this comment will just take a few seconds to ask God to bring conviction and correction to a man by the name of Jim that would be great.
Now, please don't take this remark in the wrong way but Jim is a very well educated person with so many degrees you could paper our house with them. We have a big house to boot. His education is what he holds dearest and without a doubt he is very intelligent but to the point of worshiping the process of learning over and above everything and everyone else. His god is knowledge and education.
I feel sick just hearing his beliefs and I am now to the point that the Holy Spirit has been grieved by Jim's statement of non-faith. I would like to take an education switch and give him a hot seat but the minute that thought came into my mind the Holy Spirit just took the burden away to correct him. Also, I know I am not to share the scriptures with him unless the Holy Spirit leads me. No more discussions with him about what the bible says, what the prophecy questions mean or for that matter, my opinion on what is going on.
I have the distinct impression that Jim's awakening is going to be done by the Holy Spirit only! I need your prayers just to be still and let God take over. I know He is much better equipped than I but the heart's cry is to lead Jim to the Lord, SUDDENLY!
Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me not to be singing and praising the Lord all day? Do you have any idea what an extra amount of will power it is going to take for me to not give praise to God for things that take place everyday in our life? Praying is a common 24/7/365 occurrence for me. I guess I will just learn to do it quietly and circumspectly.
I will just have to run outside and shout more often but this is not my way of doing things.
Anyway, I was surprised to learn that another believer in my town is of the same persuasion that I am about Is. 17 and then Ez. 38 and 39.
Time to get out my armor and call up the troops.
Your pie sounds beautiful and I will be right down for the ribs. Oh, I could use a vacation about now.
All of that sounds good considering what I had for lunch. Didn't feel much like eating then but your menu sounds very tempting.
Love you all,
Oh Wilma,
I wish I could just come on over and give you a big hug. I'm so sorry for Jim's words. I will commit to praying for him everyday.
It's weird because my husbands aunt said almost the same thing to his granddad yesterday. She told him she didn't believe a single word of the bible and then proceded to bash his pastor.
Grandpa asked her if she believed that man is to be born once and die once, she replied, "yes." That's when Grandpa told her, "well, that's in the Bible too."
Anyway, he is so hurt by her words and at 93 he's never had anyone speak to him about the word of God with so much disdain.
A friend of my mother-in-law was at her house last week and mentioned how proud she was of herself, that she has become so liberal. Mom didn't say a whole lot, but me and my big mouth would've probably reached over touched her arm and said, "honey, that's nothing to be proud of."
God is clearly trying to reach these people. It's not too late, the Holy Spirit is still at work.
And that's where prayer comes in. Obviously, God sent Tom to minister to Jim. God isn't done, and maybe he will use Tom again. After all, he did get Jim asking questions.
Perry Stone's message was about, "Who is Gog."
Now is the time for you to rejoice more than ever for hubby's spoken words that will resonate in his consciousness until he is willing to submit to Holy Spirit's teaching. You just go on in the strength of our Lord and let Him shine through you - in your attitude towards your husband and in your praise and worship of our Savior. Operate with a gentle and quiet countenance but also with a powerful and victorious faith. you know, I'm sure, deny satan's possible taunt by refusing to take personally anything your husband said. We will pray for him to come to the Light.
The Lord loves you dearly, and so do I!
Blessings! (Mary)
Hi Wilma,
I'm with Lori and Mary in prayer and agreement for your requests. Let's all wait like children on Christmas Eve wait for the gifts they know are coming the next morning...giddy with anticipation and filled with wonder at what could possibly be wrapped up in those presents that are under the tree. We look for gifts that come with another tree, of course. But the joy in the morning is the same!
I'm agreeing in prayer, with you, Lori, Mary and Jen, that Jim comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in the very near future. Another "suddenly."
Also, Paul said and did a few things that weren't exactely pleasing to the Holy Spirit, before his experience with Jesus.
God is a God of the "now," and He is still in the miracle working business, amen?
Much love Wilma, and to all!
I'm part of the fellowhip of the unashamed, the die has been cast, I have stepped over the line, the decision has been made- I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ- I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure- I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I won't give up, shut up, let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up for the cause of Jesus Christ.
I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till everyone knows, work till he stops me and when He comes for His own, He will have no trouble recognizing me because my banner will have been clear.
Don't worry, Jesus had to slap me upside the head more than once. When two or more are gathered together in His name... I pray the God will reach down slap some sense into Jim just as He did to me, opening his eyes.
There are two very powerful movies I might suggest, if Jim likes to watch movies? Flywheel and Facing the Giants have moved more that a few to open there eyes to the fact that God is more than just a character in a book. If you don't have them let me know and I'll send them your way.
Maranatha soon!!
Thank you all for your prayers and encourgement. We are were a 3 man shop of programmers and the loss of one was significant. I've since hired my son to fill in for him but he's a long way from an experienced programmer.
My other programmer as worked with me for 15 years and we are like bread and butter. In 2000 he had a lung transplant due to chemical damage to his lungs from miliatry service. While the mortality rate is 5 years he made it to 8 before the one lung he recieved started to fail.
He is currently number 2 on the list for 1 new lung (the one that wasn't replaced last time). John is now in considerable pain and only to to do limited work from home, which is why I've been absent. The work load has been massive but I could sence your prayers lifting me up! Please keep us both in your prayers.
Mary, welcome!!!
Love you all
Hello my friends!
Thank you Marge for letting me know of the gathering here. I do not check my blog very often or I would have seen it sooner!
Wilma, I read your comment lastnight but was too whooped to comment. However, do know that I have been praying for Jim and you since then. My heart goes out to you.
Jen, you have such a beautiful heart for the Lord. I am encouraged when I read your posts!
Awesome post!
Welcome, welocome! It's soooo good to see you here!
And I agree, Lori's post was awesome!
I'm happy things are slowing down at work. It's GOOD to see you back posting!
God's blessings upon today!
Hi Grace,
Welcome! Good to 'see' you!
Quick update on Valerie (sorry if I seem obsessed with this :-)
She is having the babies today (Mon) at 1PM by csection. They are 32 weeks along and healthy so far, so there has been great blessing in that alone. Please pray for a safe/smooth surgery and delivery, wisdom and skill for the doctors/nurses and lots and lots of protection/strength for Valerie and all the babies as they begin the next leg of their journey. Also, strength/endurance for Steve as he juggles a 10-month-old, work and an hour commute to the hospital daily.
Also, the Lord has flooded me with a dozen volunteers who want to help out with everything the family needs. I can hardly keep track of everyone now, but this is exactly what I had asked the Lord to provide....enough people so that Valerie will never be alone with the babies for the first several months, plus all these folks will be bringing Jesus along with them! What a work He is doing! I'm just bubbling.
Gotta run and make lots of phone calls. Somewhere in between I need to take care of my own rugrats! LOL!
PS. Mike, I'm praying for your work needs, too. Will be praying for John to get exactly what he need, too!
Good God's day everyone! I know that it is just barely morning here in Okieland but the sun has been very busy this morning along with the SON!
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your encouraging words and prayers for my Jim who is just slightly less of a gem today. I really went to bed with a heavy heart last night and then this morning it seemed that all of my heaviness has departed and I say, "Satan, get thee behind me and stay out of my life". Whatever I might think of Jim's remarks God already knew they were coming and sent in a flood of barriers against the attack. Remember in scripture where it says "when the enemy comes in, like a flood God will lift up a banner against him!" well, I know that for centuries it has been said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, God will lift up a banner against him. But Satan doesn't have the power of a flood, only God does and God uses flood in judgment. So, when the enemy comes in God overtakes and destroys the works of evil with the power and force of a flood like strength.
Now, Mike! 0101010101010101010101010
My precious son-in-law is a programmer who was a consultant for Wal-Mart through IBM, but his work was with mainframes or I would send him down with my daughter the next time she is heading to San Antonio. He refused the contract that IBM offered because he was sick and tired of the little spoke trying to act like the wheel. He was getting so tired and now that he has taken off for a couple of months, he's getting his gleam back. Don't you lose your Gleam son!
Oh, something else that happened after his sabbatical started; he got saved and baptized in a pond in Northern Missouri. The water was still very cold but he just shines all over everything. I am praying for John also. You too, of course!
Grace it is great seeing you here and I thank you for your prayers.
Perry Stone has a new update for July posted and it is under Stone Report. Very good! Loved his latest 2 Manna-fest articles. By the way, his site has been having some difficulties and last night his site was closed down by Google. Don't know what is happening but we all need to pray for him and his ministry.
Take care and we are not giving one inch of anything to the enemy. We are the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST! AMEN!
Valerie update...
babies are here and doing great!
Willow 3 lbs 8oz
Eliza 3-6
Mazie 3-2
Good weights for 32 weekers....
Please pray for Valerie....husband just called and says she's in a lot of pain and the docs haven't given her morphine yet. Asking for relief/calm for her and wisdom/skill for the doctors treating her and the babies.
Praise God for this happy day!
Posted a praise report on the Praise Blog
Abba Father is VERY good!!
Just wanted to say your Jim has been in my prayers for the last year ... the fact that he even brought it up seems to show he is under conviction. There are so many of us in agreement here that he will not be able to resist the power of those prayers and it is only a matter of time before he surrenders! I have also prayed for your grandson too, I don't recall his name right now, but I remember when you were so thrilled about your granddaughter being baptized.
I too have family members I keep praying for, and I believe they will see the truth in just the right time.
Jen, that is fabulous! Love those names too.
John, great testimony!
Marge, remember awhile ago my friend that was looking for a church up your way?
She is now going to Northwest Church (Foursquare) and loves it! I listen to Steve Schell's sermons and they are fantastic!
It is all in God's timing!
Oh, God is so GOOOOODDDDDDD! All of the time, eh Marge?
Let me tell you, your prayers are united and powerful. Last night I had to doctor Jim's left eye that has suddenly developed pressure and as usual, he was critical of how I did it. It is just his nature to try to get it perfect all of the time and I was tired, hurting and wanted to just go to sleep. He didn't feel I got it in the center of his eye and that not enough of the fluid stayed in the eye. I responded with a casual but cutting remark about his blinking his eye before the drop hit the eye ball was the cause of the misfire. He got up and staggered off to bed and I made my bed on the sofa where it was cooler and thought I was going to go right to sleep.
Now God knew what was going on with Jim and I didn't know all of it until this morning but as I snuggled down in the pillow to pursue sleep, I felt a great sadness just wash over me and it was all centered on Jim. I felt so bad about my remarks and my attitude regarding his perfectionist ways. I started in praying and asking God to forgive me and to show me by his Holy Spirit how to cope with the unbelief of Jim. My prayer was rather long but I just wanted to let Jim know that I do dearly love him, he is the love of my life and I have let all of that get barnacles and scales to the point that I have to really dig sometimes to remember why i said "I Do". I asked Abba to open the doors, windows and shades so we could live in peace and blessings instead of the climate that now exists.
This morning Jim shared with me out of the clear blue sky how he has been feeling lately about God, life and his part in it. He told me that he had lost all faith in the actuality of a supreme being called God, that he was so discouraged and without any hope left about life or anything else. When he hears someone say that God told him or her to do or say something, it just makes him very angry and out of control. He said he doesn't believe anyone actually hears God's voice and that if all that they said was true why weren't their lives different all the time. He said that he feels they have a mental problem when they think they are hearing or talking to God.
Now, normally this conversation would have set sparks that the Indians of America would have given me a prize for and enough so the sparks would inflame the whole country. But IT DIDN'T! In fact, I had such peace and a whole great big mountain range of love in my inner most being for Jim that I was able to share with him the fact that we all go through those times of unbelief and doubt and yes, even anger. It has to do with working out our salvation but I didn't tell him he was working out his salvation! I told him, he was in the process of God working out his Fathership with Jim's becoming a brother in Christ. Now, Jim responds better to the title of Christ than he does of Jesus. I don't know why but I am praying about it and with the lightening fast response from God to me regarding my prayers last night, I should have the answer shortly. SUDDENLY!
In addition to all of that that, Jim related that he had lost all hope and when he went to bed last night he prayed asking that God give him a reason to hope in the morning. Our conversation started out with Jim and I in a usual manner, Good morning! How are you doing today? sort of thing.
God is doing a work in both of us and I need it just the same as Jim does. I was ready to pray that God change Jim and instead, Abba changed me! Hallelujah!
Love you all and LINDALOU! Great seeing you posting! Jeremy is my grandson's name and the only one left to be saved! I thank you for your prayers and won't it be wonderful getting to join together at the Cafe Hallelujah hugging and seeing all of the ones we have prayed for! Yes!
You know, you really have me curious about this Church. I have never heard of it. Is it in Tacoma?
I just may have to check it out :)
GOOD news about the babies being born! How is Mom doing today? (I know you're super busy, so whenever you get the chanse :)
Praise God! Usually the only person God changes is the guy looking in the mirror, though, LOL! In fact, Marilyn Hickey said that, WAY back when I listened to her on the radio, when her ministry was called, Life For Laymen. Now she's on T.V., again, and her program is with her grown daughter, Sarah. Anyhow, I happened to catch some of her program yesterday, and she said, (I felt this was for Jim at the time she spoke it) that no matter how brilliant a person was, they couldn't be happy or complete, without their spirit being _re-born. That they only had their soul and body alive, and that longing to be complete was always going to be there, until they made Christ (Jesus) the Lord and Savior of their life! (Jim problably prefers: Christ, as it is a title, and not a name?) Anyhow, we aren't going to allow the enemy to have Jim, or any of our family, amen? We are claiming all our family for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. (everyone that reads and believes!)
Everyone, have a wonderful and God centered day! And remember that you and God are the majority :)
Dear Wilma,
I've been praying for the Holy Spirit to chase Jim down. I don't know why I felt led to pray this way, but I'm going to continue.
I'm glad Jim is opening up. It's just a matter of time now.
Hi Marge,
I talked with Steve this AM and Valerie didn't sleep at all last night due to the pain, even on morphine, but finally early this morning she was able to get some rest. They did find a thinning spot on her uterus that was headed toward a tear, so they're very glad they did the csection when they did. I don't know if I shared it earlier, but her 10-month old son Hudson was an identical twin. She lost his twin at 5 months and had to deal with a stillborn baby, a preemie baby with lots of health issues and a very strained relationship with her mom all at the same time. Then, 5 months after that she found out she was having triplets. So in addition to physical healing, she is in great need of emotional and spiritual healing and comfort as well. I don't think it's coincidence at all that she and I crossed paths when we did. God is going to do great things in her family life in the days ahead. I don't know where she or her husband stand in terms of salvation, but I know they'll be washed over by His love as we start helping out. Just this morning I got 2 more volunteers signed up...that's more than a dozen now! So please keep them all in prayer and I'll keep updating as needed.
Also, I'm having some health-related issues of my own that I'm lifting up to the Lord. Please say a word for me if you think of it. I'll share more later.
OH! Wilma, almost forgot....I had an eye dr. appt. this morning for my yearly checkup. Last year the doctor detected a spot on both retinas that looked like they could develop into tears later on. Nothing major, but something to watch. Today, he took the pictures again and compared with last year's. He said that the concerning spots actually looked better, like they had thickened up. I immediately thought of you and said a prayer for your eyes, too :-)
Thanks for the news on Momma, and the three new babies :)
Praise the Lord, the pain subsided for Valerie!
And yes, we'll agree in prayer, that Valerie, and her entire family come to a saving knowledge of Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And that they all receive healing in their souls (emotions) and bodies as well.
And Father, we lift up our sister, Jen, right now, as we approach your throne of great grace. Touch her body, soul and spirit, right this very min., in the name of Jesus Christ. (Your anointed one) Amen!
I don't know why, but the song, Breath on me Breath of God, keeps coming into my spirit, when I pray for you, Jen. May it be so :)
This IS the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Jen, I am joining in with all the others in agreement that Valerie and her entire family will enter the kingdom of God's provisions and blessings quickly now. That healing is hers and restoration right along with it. Strength to sustain, overcome and overlook all the obstacles of past, present and future. I feel a need to pray for her momma that whatever the fear is that is causing this relationship rupture will and is being removed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jen we all need to know just how much God loves everyone of us and sometimes, as Momma's grow older, we feel of no real value and use. That hole in our relationship allows Satan to sow all kinds of trash with fear being the strongest.
I am and will be praying for all of them.
You have the authority of the believer to overcome all the sickness and conditions that come against you. I am adding my prayers and agreement with yours and all of the others that you are well, covered by the power of the Holy Spirit's presence and kept safe from all the arrows by day and the pestilences of the nighttime.
Thank you for the prayers for my eyes. We got back from Ft. Smith (quickie trip) and it is the first ride home that hasn't been painful for my eyes. We come back facing into the sun and it hurts, big time!
I haven't been doing much on the computer for the past few weeks because my eyes get so very tired. I don't like having a negative confession so I wanted to just keep mum. Well today I have a praise report because I could see all of the shadows, depth perception was good and didn't have to shed tears on the way home. Praise the Lord!
I have tell all of you, there is a great big change in Jim this evening too! Only prayers and God get the glory but I want to thank all of you too. God needs us to use our lips, tongues, hands, feet and heart to proclaim, claim and explain the wonderful gift he has given to us.
Marge, you do too know why that song keeps running through your mind! It's the Holy Ghost fire built up in your soul! I loved your sharing what Marilyn Hickey taught. She is a very lovely person and I take seriously what she teaches.
Lori, I have been praying that the Hounds of Heaven chase Jim until he gives up and lets go of his pride and accepts that he has to know God with his Heart, Mind and Soul. But mainly, the the Hound of Heaven hound him!
Now you know that I must have a big streak of Pentecostal leaning in me to sick the HOH on him.
Life sure gets interesting when the enemy comes against the body of Christ.
Thank you for your wonderful prayers. I could still use that hug though!
Love and best blessings to all of you,
P.S. JOHN, I am heading toward your blog to read your report.
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much for your prayers. Each time I feel worry start to creep in, I just remind myself of what I understand now that I didn't just months ago and I'm filled with peace and confidence in the Lord.
News on Valerie....just talked with her and she's doing great. Off morphine already and walking around. Babies are doing change from Mazie to Piper (because she was the one with the loudest cry!) I'm hoping to visit them on Thurs. at the hospital. Brings back lots of memories for me.
Marge, very interesting song that comes to mind. I'm wondering what anyone thinks the words mean...breathe on me, Breathe of God...? What does the Bible say about the breathe of God?
Gotta get tubbies wrapped up. Talk soon,
Make that 'breath' of God :-)
The "breath" of God is what He used to create the universe (and also gave life to Mankind (Genesis 2:7), and caused the first disciples to be born again (John 20:22)) - it says in Psalm 33:6 that He "breathed" the stars (hosts) and the heavens into being - you could say that God spoke in a breathing out way, and "bam" we had a universe, expanding outward at the speed of light..which it still is by the way... you could call it the original "big bang"!! This happened a LONG, LONG time before the account in Genesis 1:2 onwards)
On a more sober note, the Word also says that God will destroy His enemies by His breath out of His mouth, which is like a sword (Isaiah 11:4, Revelation 19:21).
All of which seems to say that when God speaks, it manifests in a form of light energy (which includes everything in the electro-magnetic spectrum, from gravity, microwaves, infra-red, visible light, ultra-violet, x-rays, and so on...) which is so powerful that it causes things that "be not" to be... (Romans 4:17) just as it says in Genesis 1:3 that God spoke, "Light, Be! and there was light."
Evening all (or early morning, I guess!),
I keep forgetting to ask a really off-the-wall question...
Does Scripture speak anywhere about the presence of the Lord being fragrant? I mean a real, smell-able fragrance. I can explain why I'm asking later, if anyone has any comments on the topic.
Gotta get to bed now before the kids wake up :-)
Oh, John, thanks for your last comments. They were more helpful than you realize!
Sleep tight!
In 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 Paul talks of the fragrance of Christ:
14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?
17 For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.
The word translated fragrance in v14 is the Greek osme, os-may, which means fragrance (literally or figuratively):--odour, savour
However, in verse 15, the word translated fragrance comes from the Greek euodia yoo-o-dee'-ah, which means good-scentedness, i.e. fragrance:--sweet savour (smell, -smelling).
In Ephesians 5:2 Paul says that Jesus' sacrifice for us was as a sweet smelling aroma (euodia)to God:
2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
The use of the word euodia (especially in 2 Corinthians 2:15) strongly implies that there is a discernible fragrance that we can detect that emanates from Jesus.
I know that there is a discernible fragrance that one can sometimes detect when Holy Spirit is manifesting, especially when the Glory Cloud - the Shekinah - manifests in a meeting of believers - you can definitely feel it, it has a heaviness, and you can sometimes see it as a mist or cloudiness in the air.
According to Nelson’s new illustrated Bible dictionary:
SHEKINAH [shuh KIGH nuh] (dwelling) — a visible manifestation of the presence of God (also spelled Shechinah and Shekhinah). Although the word is not found in the Bible, it occurs frequently in later Jewish writings. It refers to the instances when God showed Himself visibly, as, for example, on Mount Sinai (Ex. 24:9–18) and in the Holy of Holies of the tabernacle and in Solomon’s Temple. The Shekinah was a luminous cloud that rested above the altar in the place of worship and lit up the room.
Morning, John,
Thank you for the research on those verses. I had found them, but hadn't done any checking into the Greek/Hebrew, etc. Very interesting to me that an actual aroma can be's why.
Several months ago I was taking my early morning walk, just before sunrise, and was talking with God in the Spirit. It was a real connected time, not just me rattling off aimlessly. It was early March, very cold (I had fleece layers on and a winter hat/gloves) and no trees or shrubs were even budding yet. I remember because I looked everywhere for a shrub that was not only budding, but in bloom after this experience!
As I rounded the sidewalk of the last street, I hit a wall of fragrance, similar to lilac, but not quite that and very intense, not just something drifting through. I stopped and looked around for something that could have been causing the aroma, but could find nothing. It lasted another 100 feet or so and then was gone. I walked that same path for weeks after and never smelled it again, even when the trees/shrubs were in bloom.
I felt that it may have been the presence of the Lord greeting me, but had never heard of anything other than the pillar of smoke or column of fire appearing before!
I can tell you it was a surprising and lovely experience.
Thanks for the teaching. Very good!
Thanks for the story about the sweet fragrance. I do believe it was the Lord.
My only experience about the breath of God, was a word that the Lord gave my Mom when she prayed for me. (I was suffering from many allergies at the time) And the Lord told my Mother, that "He was going to breathe on me, and that I'd be healed." That was back in the late '70's. And thank God I was healed. Although I didn't feel anything supernatural. That was okay, because the "proof of the pudding is in the eating." (smile)
Enjoy a lovely summer day, and remember to praise the Lord in everything.
Is the church in Burien? Because there is a Northwest College there.
The church is Northwest Church in Federal Way. My friend lives in Tacoma and said it is not far from her. It is a Foursquare church.
Here are links to everything below.
I love the sermons!
Here is the link to the main church website:
Here is a link to the podcasts (which I think you can access with dial up):
Here is a link to Steve Schell’s radio program:
I hope that helps!
Mike, I have also signed up! His message about the blood red moon was very interesting!
As a matter of fact Marge, that church had Mark Biltz as a guest speaker shortly after he did his teaching on all of that.
Awesome, awesome testimony!! I cried with glee! I know too that I have been pursued by God. Oh, if I could just get it into my spirit that He loves me and does not condemn me! Your testimony helped chip away at that fear. thank you!
Jen, your prayer life really inspires me. I have read several ways that you keep track of prayers (even when paper and pen is not practical)and what a wonderful way for God to let you know He hears you!
Grace that I go back to look I must have seen your testimony in the was beautiful and encouraging!
Morning, Grace,
I have to say that my inspiration for prayer time has been my mom. We have lots of "issues" between us where friction exists, but her approach to prayer has been very important in the development of my own prayer life. She is the prayer journal keeper (still doesn't use a computer...handwrites EVERYTHING or maybe uses an old typewriter.)
She also has a sign next to her prayer chair that says, "Busy day...lots to accomplish...eliminate prayer...Satan" It's a reminder that the urge to skip our time with the Lord is only from one place and he desperately wants us to forfeit the power that comes from that communication with our Lord. I do try to multi-task it sometimes, but it never really sticks. I do find that if I spend time with Him first, He stretches out the day so that I fit everything in anyway.
Glad my thoughts were helpful! I love new ideas for organizing stuff myself, so I figure it's good to pass along my own ideas.
Had a special night last night...went to visit Valerie and the babies. All are doing well. Valerie is coming home today and so I can start my volunteers helping her soon, probably by next week. She'll travel to the hospital daily, so there will be a need for people to watch Hudson while she's away. Names update...Willow Grace, Eliza Rose and Pyper Mae (her name was Mazie, but got changed because she's a real yeller!) All look great and it was awesome to be able to touch them and soothe them. Took me back to when we were there 3 years nurse even recognized me. Please continue prayers for Valerie and her mom. There is just so much tension there and things going on in her mom's mind that shouldn't be coming out at this time...lots of really angry/vindictive behavior and words. Like Valerie said, strangers have been 100x more loving and helpful than her own mom.
OK, gotta run. We're going to the shore this weekend plus our computer is going in for a tune-up so I won't be online from sometime Fri to Mon.
PS. Mike, how's John? Been thinking of him....
Thanks for the information about the church. It does sound pretty interesting, but off my "beaten path :)"
Have you ever heard the ministry of Joseph Prince? He's on Daystar T.V. His ministry is about a radical grace, with no condenmation.
(it is Full Gospel) I believe you would benefit by listening to his message, or buying his book, Destined To Reign. (I'm only half way thru the book, as I'm also reading a couple of other books right now) It's a message that all believers need to hear, as it's what the Bible teaches. VERY GOOD!
In fact, it's God's word, soooo, of course, it IS very good.
Have a wonderful day, everyone! And God's very best to all, too!
Thanks for keeping John in your prayers it's obviously having an effect. He's programming from home today. He had to kick up his oxygen from 3 to 4 liters but it's helping.
He's number two on the wait list for a left lung which as not replaced last time. Replacing this lung will also fix the problem with the right lung as the left lung has expanded (but can't contract) so its pushing the heart and other organs to the right and putting pressure on the right lung, making it difficult to get a deep breath.
But I know that soon God himself will breathe the breath of live back into him.
John, great testimony and teaching.
Granny, still praying for Jim and You.
Remember that anyone can start a new post if the page load starts slowing down.
Is John your son? I'm sorry, but I pulled the plug on the cave along about Easter time, so I'm in the dark on this one. However, I'll gladly agree in prayer, for John's healing.
I'm on Dial Up, but a blog can go about 150-200 before I have any problems. Does that sound about right with you, Lori?
I'll leave any new blogs up to you guys. Because for me to pull that one off, could be the next of never, LOL!
Have a great day, and God bless!
Marge, you're so sweet to think of me... Two young adults in this house are now paying for DSL, so we're high speed now.
I cannot believe the difference, I get things done in half the time now.
Dear Family and Friends,
Please do me and others a very big favor. I will explain momentarily.
I am extremely excited to announce that my brand new book, Unlocking God's Secrets, is now available. This book is unlike any you have ever read, and is destined to become wildly controversial in many different circles. You can read all about it by clicking either of the below web site addresses. As an aside, if we have only spoken by phone and never met in person, you will see a picture of me in front of the Transylvania Library.
Once at the site, please read each tab, especially the "Things You Will Learn" tab. You will get a brief idea of the magnitude of diverse information in the book. After you look at the site, please continue reading this e-mail. Click either one below:
Bob Morley Book
Unlocking God's Secrets
By the way, if you order two books you get free shipping.
Unlocking God's Secrets
No John is just a friend, we've been programming together for about 15 years now.
Are any of you having trouble posting a comment. While I was trying to type my comment all of a sudden it was only allowing me to type one word on each line. Now it is working fine. I deleted the other remarks but I saved it to Notepad first.
One day I'll have to enter the 20th century. My youngest son, David (age 31) says, "Mother, you need to enter the 20th century. never mind that it's the 21st century :)" Whatever. I have two speeds, and one is slow, and as the old saying goes, "you don't want to see the other one :)" LOL!
Thanks for the information. And I'll add, your friend John, to my prayer list.
Do you mean the CIA? (Spooks) LOL!
Hey, I have to get ready to go to work this evening. Have a great evening, and God bless!
Well, I guess I wasn't supposed to post that comment. I copied it here and it started doing the same thing. LIttle Green Aliens again!
Lori, I am interested in your uncle Bob's book and as soon as my scanner gets finished checking out my computer, I will wander over there. Thanks for the links. I am so glad you are feeling so much better. Jesus cure you know!
What I wanted to tell you all was I felt lead by the Holy Spirit to go visiting some old friends on the blogs and boy was it educational. One of my "Old Blogs" just discusses Eschatology and they were going at it hot and heavy to day. Seems someone has made the remark that Gog and Magog will not take place until after the 1000 year reign of Jesus and at the time of the Last Battle of Armageddon. WoW! Blood was already being let and no one was cleaning up so i ducked out and came running back to the Cave and started catching up on the comments. Of course, I was only 3 postings behind and those people were really having an ongoing discussion. OSAS and a whole lot more. Then I got started on hubbies Honey Do List and I am ready to blog again.
GRACE, I am so glad you received encouragement from my remarks. Sometimes going back to the past and reviewing all the of the things surrounding some of the rough times helps us appreciate and restore our relationship with God. I hope it does that for you too. It did for me.
JEN, doesn't Jesus smell wonderful! I could tell you all an event that happened to a bunch of us in the little church we were attending but I need to pray about it first. But that Sweet Fragrance is like no other.
JOHN, I loved your comments and one more time my friend, you have blessed us. Wish I knew how to bless you back and I mean big time.
Well, you all take care and Lil Margie, I agree with David; at least get into the 20th century. LOL @;o) Chuckling as I go! You are a hoot!
Love you all,
Praying for your added family Jen and for John also to get his new lung without further delay.
There are some significant news items coming out of Israel regarding a stone tablet that predates the birth of Jesus, that seem to imply that there was established rabbinic teaching concerning a suffering messiah, who would die and rise again after three days, and which was a subject of great interest around the time Jesus was born in human form...
Dead Sea tablet suggests Jewish resurrection imagery pre-dates Jesus
Note that this item is published by HaAretz...
John, I read the article which only seems to prove the fact that Jesus was expected by the orthodox Jewish community, if you can call it that.
But I'm not sure of the significance of it being posted on Haaretz. Is there something we need to know about that news media?
The guys at the cave had posted this article (maybe from another news outlet...can't remember.) The man quoted in it said that rather than support the Christian view of Christ, the stone tablet crushes the Christian belief in Jesus as Messiah because it shows that the idea of a suffering messiah who rises 3 days after death was present in Jewish culture before Jesus, was used by others who claimed to be Messiah and was just copped by the followers of Jesus as an attempt to establish him as the true Messiah. Now this article and the one Joel posted at his blog seem to take the pro-Christian stance on the signifigance of it.
I mentioned at the cave that one of my regular prayers is that more and more archeological evidence be brought to light to prove the Truth to those who rely on physical proof and historical data to continue their disbelief. We have a cousin in the family who is married to a staunch atheist/anthropologist. He and my mom have Jesus fish decal battles at the family reunion every year....she started with the Jesus fish decal on her car. The next year he had the Darwin Jesus fish on his car. Then mom got the Jesus fish "Truth" eating the Darwin fish decal. Last year he had some bumper sticker about religion being the deluded person's drug of choice so this year she got one big Jesus fish and several small ones and she's going to make it look like our family (the small fish) are all swimming after the big one.
Funny thing is, no one exchanges a word but the messages are very clear!
So Paul now has his whole family and in-laws towing the line with him. My aunt now talks about monkeys and humans being close cousins, etc. but the heartbreaking part is to hear Paul's young children talk about evolution and academic subjects that show he is clearly indoctrinating them at home.
When I had my "rapture" dream I think I remember seeing little Emma in the house with her family that was left behind and that has disturbed me ever since. She's probably 5 years old now and I keep trying to remember if she was with the adults in that terribly sad dream.
Anyway, this is a bit of a meander this morning. I'm so happy to see the Lord working each time a new bit of artifact is brought forth. I'm sure this will get a lot of people who think they have it figured out talking and contemplating. We should pray for those hearts and minds that will be touched by this, that God will use that opening to reach them with His love and Truth.
The Bible teaches that children are saved, under the age of accountability. There has been some confusion about having your name writen in the (supposed) Lamb's Book of Life. Which is never mentioned in the Bible, per se. It is the Book of Life, and those who refuse to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, (at the time of death) have their names blotted out of the Book of Life. Kenneth E. Hagin has an excellent teaching about it, and he makes it all very clear in, Developing the Human Spirit."
It's a cass. series #20H, if you want to order it from his ministry. I would highly recommend listening to it. It is very good!
(it may also be in CD now, as well)
Also, artifacts are just that. Who knows what people planted in the ground thousands of years ago. It's certainly nothing to base any beliefs on, IMO. However, coming into living comtact with a living God is what we all need to be praying about, for the unsaved. That settles the OSAS question once and for all, also IMO. Because when a person comes to know and walk with God, of course, their salvation is forever. At least that is my two cents on the topic.
Have a wonderful day. And may God's favor be upon us all in every way today, too.
You sound as though you are feeling better :) YAH! And, Praise God!
Hi everyone,
I'm signing off for the weekend. Bob and I are going to the Jersey shore - sans kids!!! - til Sunday. And we're having our computer checked out over the weekend, too, so I probably won't be posting again til late Monday or Tues.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jen, Have a wonderful time...gets lots of r & r.
There is a new post, just because :)
May everyone have a Spirit filled weekend. Remember Jesus is in the seat right next to you, don't ignore Him..
May our Lord and Savior fill us to overflowing this weekend..
In the precious name of Jesus.. Amen
Maranatha.. soon
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