Since we need a new post, I thought I’d see what is the general consensus on the blood red moons and solar eclipses that occur in the 2014/15 Jewish year? I know the the Sun, Moon and Stars are there for SIGNS and seasons, and I would be really, really, really happy to have the rapture on 30 Sep of 2008 (50 days from Aug 11 (today)). These are the Referenced sites...
Interview with Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries on Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2014/15 Video(Part 1) and Video(Part 2)
and a follow up from Steve Hadley of Harvest Family Fellowship in Reno who has counted the 1260/1290 days from scripture and claims it falls within the parameters of the Bible with a start date of 30 Sept 2008.
Video of A Purim Connection...?
Here are the notes I took (had to keep rewinding for interruptions so take them with a grain of salt)?
I can only make this work by using 29 Sept 2008 as a start date for the Rapture (I’m hoping for this date).
Given 29 Sept 2008 as the date of the rapture (Yom Teruah(Rosh HaShannah) is the only festival that no man knows when exactly it will occur. This is due to the fact that it begins on the new moon. The new moon was sanctified when two witnesses see the new moon and attest to it before the Sanhedrin in the Temple. This sanctification could happen during either of two days, depending on when the witnesses come. Since no one knew when the witnesses would come, no one knew when the Feast of Trumpets would start. On the 30th of each month, the members of the High Court assembled in a courtyard in Jerusalem, where they waited to receive the testimony of two reliable witnesses. They then sanctified the new moon. The new moon is very difficult to see on the first day because it can be seen only about sunset, close to the sun, when the sun is traveling north. So, looking for a very slim faint crescent moon, which is very close to the sun, is a very difficult thing to do. If the moon’s crescent was not seen on the 30th day, the new moon was automatically celebrated on the 31st day. )
Wow this is going to be a long post…
Anyway adding 2550 days (1260 + 1290) to 29 Sep 2008 gives Yom Kippur on 23 Sep 2015. With Sukkot following 10 days later on 28 Sep 2015 with a Total Lunar Eclipse.
Adding 1260 days to 29 Sep 2008 gives 12 Mar 2012 with Purim occurring on 8 Mar 2012 and the given theory is that the 2 witnesses are killed on Purmin (I didn’t know that Purmin was celebrated with gift giving, celebration, etc hence dancing and gift giving when they are killed)
Then we assume that after 3 days they are raised from the dead on 11 Mar 2012 thus showing the Jews that their on the wrong side. With the following day 12 Mar 2012 ending the 1260 day period and starting the 1290 day period which would end on Yom Kippur 2015.
Also worth noting is that from 8 Mar 2012 to 7 Apr 2012 (Passover) is 30 days
The eclipse are defined as : Total Lunar on 15 Apr 2014 Pesuch – Total Lunar 8 Oct 2014 – the day before (sunset) of Succott on 9 Oct 2014 – Total Solar 20 Mar 2015 – listed as declared day of new Religious Year (though I can’t find on any Jewish calendar) – Partial Lunar 13 Sep 2015 the day before (sunset) of Rosh HaShannah 14 Sep 2015 (same senerio that gave us the starting Rosh HaShannah of 29 Sep 2008) – and Finally a Total Lunar Eclipse on Sukkot 28 Sep 2015.
16 years ago